01x23 - We'll Always Have Paris

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: The Next Generation". Aired: September 28, 1987 – May 23, 1994.*
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Series is set 78 years after the original series -- in the 24th century.
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01x23 - We'll Always Have Paris

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain's log, stardate 41697.9.

We're en route
to Sarona VIII for shore leave.

The entire crew
is looking forward to it.

On a personal note, I have allowed
myself the luxury of a head start.

I took advantage.

No, no, Lieutenant,
the advantage was yours.

Come again.

En garde.

Interesting move.
But what technique was that?

The technique of a desperate man.

Interesting move.
But what technique was that?

The technique of a desperate man.

Captain, what was that?

- Picard to bridge.
- Captain?

Number One, did something unusual
just occur on the bridge?

Yes, we experienced some kind of loop
where everything repeats itself.

Here, too. I'm on my way.

- Report, Mr. Data.
- Sensors show nothing, sir.

But it appears a moment in time
repeated itself exactly for everyone.

- Just like d?j? vu.
- Reports coming in from all decks.

Computers were also affected.

The phenomenon was not an illusion,
but occurred in real time.

Number One, find out if anything
similar happened in this sector.

I am receiving
an emergency transmission

from the Pegos Minor system.

Put it on.


I repeat. This is Dr Paul Manheim.
We are in need of help. Urgent.

All ships, please respond. I repeat.

Coordinates are 66728.9

by 7075...

It is an automated signal.
I cannot establish contact.

- This is Dr Paul Manheim...
- Shut it off.

Lay in a course on those coordinates.

You act as if there's a connection

between the time distortion
and the signal.

There is.

Paul Manheim.

15 years ago,
he went off to work on experiments

relating to non-linear time.

It appears he has achieved
some success.

- Speed warp eight.
- Aye, sir.


Space, the final frontier.

These are the voyages
of the Starship Enterprise.

Its continuing mission,
to explore strange new worlds...

...to seek out new life
and new civilizations...

...to boldly go
where no one has gone before.

Estimated arrival, Pegos Minor,
four hours, 35 minutes, 17 seconds.

- I've never heard of Paul Manheim.
- Mr. Data?

A highly respected scientist,
considered a visionary,

he had time-related theories.

One regarding time and gravity
was intriguing.

But none of his theories
received wide acceptance.

15 years ago, he assembled a team of
scientists to expand that research.

They disappeared.
Haven't been heard from since.

- Did you know him?
- I knew of him.

He was teaching at the university
when I was in Paris, but I...

...didn't have the pleasure.
I must change.

Number One, inform me half an hour
before we reach those coordinates.

Try to determine
if the time distortion

was specifically located
on the Enterprise.

- Captain? Excuse me.
- Yes, what is it, Counselor?

I think you would prefer
to discuss this in private.

That's not necessary. Go on.

When Prof Manheim was mentioned,
you reacted with intense emotion.

Yes. Please get to the point.

I don't want to interfere
with your personal life,

but unresolved strong emotion
can affect judgment.

Well, thank you for your concern.

As ship's Counselor,
I offer my assistance.

What do you suggest?

Confronting deep personal issues
is not easy for you.

You tend to suppress them.

There are a few hours
until we arrive.

Perhaps you should use this time
to analyze your feelings

and put them into perspective.

Thank you. If I should
need you further, I'll let you know.

Bridge. Belay that.

estimated arrival at Pegos Minor.

Two hours, nine minutes.

Holodeck three.

- Computer, this is Capt Picard.
- Holodeck three is clear.

Location, Paris, Caf? des Artistes,

as it appeared... 22 years ago.

April 9th, 15:00 hours, three o'clock.

Warm spring day.

Program complete.

Monsieur, welcome
to the Caf? des Artistes.

- Is this your first time in Paris?
- No.

This way.

That table.

Mais, bien sur, monsieur.
We are here to please you.

I've been away far too long.

Some wine, some cheese?

I'm not very hungry.
I... really came for the view.

Perhaps what you hunger for
is not on the menu.

Perhaps not.

It was many years ago.
I... had a rendezvous.

I was to meet someone.

Someone... here, at that very table.

Your young lady, she did not come?

Actually, I don't know.
I always imagined that she did.

You, however, did not.

Well... trust Edouard.

I will bring something
very special, just for you.

Let's go. We've waited long enough.

Fine. You go.
I'll stay a little longer.

He's not coming, Gabrielle.

No, after last night,
I know he will.

Then he would be here.

You are making a fool of yourself,
and I will not watch.

- Do we know each other?
- No.

Do I remind you of someone?


Yes. You do, somewhat.

He's not coming.

What did I do to drive him away?

Maybe you did nothing.
Maybe he had no choice.

Maybe he was afraid.

Of what? Of me?

Of being... connected. Rooted.

Perhaps if he's as young as you are,
he doesn't know what he wants to do.


Enough of this self-indulgence. Exit!

We received communication
from the Lalo,

and from
a farming colony on Coltar IV.

Both described the time distortion.

The captain of the Lalo
called it a hiccup.

- Hiccup?
- That may be an incorrect analogy.

How so?

A hiccup is an inhalation
with closure of the glottis,

accompanied by a peculiar sound.

If we use the analogy
of a body function, what occurred...

Enough, Data. Have you learned
any more about the Manheim project?

Only what you already know. Manheim
was concentrating on time-gravity.

Captain, we've reached
the coordinates specified.

- There's nothing here.
- I'm receiving new coordinates.

It's a relay signal.
Same source as before.

What are they?

664.8 by 1,323.7 by 4,949.9.

Very remote area, sir, in the
Vandor system, a binary-star system.

Main star's a B-Class giant,
the companion star's a pulsar.

Set course for the new coordinates.

Why is he making it
this difficult to find him?

Hopefully, he'll tell us, Number One.

We have reached the coordinates.

Sensors indicate it is Vandor IV,

a planetoid in elliptical orbit
around a binary system.

- Standard orbit, Mr. La Forge.
- Aye, sir.

Give me a visual.

Viewscreen on. There's a small
force field on the planet.

Latitude, 20 degrees,
nine minutes north.

Longitude, 40 degrees, two minutes
east of the present terminator.

- Penetrable?
- No, sir.

- Open hailing frequencies.
- Frequencies open, sir.

This is Captain... This is
the Captain of the USS Enterprise

responding to your call for help.

Thank you for hearing us.
Where are you?

We're in orbit around Vandor now.

You can help me.
I don't know what to do.

It's only the two of us left.
He's having convulsions. Please.

Can you lock on to her coordinates?

No, the force field is preventing
any contact other than audio.

- There is a force field.
- I know.

Good. But it is preventing us
from helping you.

You must find some way
to shut it down.

I'll try.

Force field is off.

Good. Lock on to their coordinates.
Beam them to sickbay.

Dr Crusher, prepare for
a medical emergency. Two to beam up.

- We'll be ready.
- That's where I'll be.

I'll help.


I've got his legs.

- How long has he been like this?
- Several hours at least.

He was in his lab, so I'm not sure.

I need to do some tests.

I thought the voice sounded familiar.


I should have known.

Who else would have charged
to my rescue?

This is my First Officer,
Cmdr William Riker.

Lt Cmdr Data.

This is Jenice... Manheim.

- A pleasure, Mrs. Manheim.
- Thank you.

I have a number of questions for you.

I hope I can be of some help.

Why don't we sit down here?

What happened
to the rest of the crew?

They were working
at the second lab.

Something happened there a few
weeks ago. They were all k*lled.

It was a terrible accident.
I don't know what happened.

So many brilliant,
wonderful minds... just gone.

Do you know the nature
of Dr Manheim's work?

Paul's interested in time.

He's never believed that it was
immutable, any more than space is.

He came to believe that we reside
in one of infinite dimensions,

and what holds us here
is the constancy of time.

Change that, and it would open
the window to those other dimensions.

Which begins to explain
what happened.

Have you experienced something
up here?

Yes, what is emanating here

is having repercussions light years
away, maybe even further.

That would explain his anxiety.

I had no idea
it had gone so far beyond Vandor.

Why this place? Why Vandor?

Paul and the team searched
for two years to find it.

Vandor's exactly what they needed.
A planetoid around a binary star.

Because of the pulsar's gravity.

Did your husband ever attempt
to define these dimensions

- to show you what he expected?
- No.

But he did say that he was
very close to proving his theories.

And then the accident.

Did he anticipate that
these experiments might be dangerous?

I didn't think so.

But now, in retrospect,
he probably did.

That would explain the unusual
precautions he began taking,

even before the accident.

The force field,
the elaborate security system.

When he started a new experiment,

he insisted I stay
in what he called a protected room.

That's why you weren't affected.

He would never
knowingly do anything to hurt anyone.

Yes, I believe that.

But as he saw his goal getting
closer, seeming possible,

he became more obsessive.

Maybe that clouded his judgment.

This is not how I imagined
seeing you again.

Nor I you.

You've done well. A great starship
on the far reaches of the galaxy.

It's everything you'd hoped.

Not exactly.
Nothing works... just as you hope.

If you can't tell us any more,
I need to send a team to the lab.

You can't. It's protected.

One of the scientists
made sure no one could get in.

- Excuse me.
- Is he worse?

He's resting,
but you should undergo some tests.

My nurse will start them.

Thank you for your kindness.

She's an old friend.

I gathered that. It's her husband
I'm more concerned with.

- What's the prognosis?
- I believe he's dying.

His neurochemistry's been affected,
but I don't know how or why.

- How long does he have?
- Maybe a couple of days.

I can only maintain him until
I find out what's causing the damage.

- Can we talk to him?
- Not now. Not yet.

the effects of the time distortions

are now being felt
in the Ilecom system.


Manheim has turned vague theories
into a practical application.

But without his help, I doubt we
can pose any intelligent questions,

let alone come up with any solutions.

the effects of the time distortions

are now being felt
in the Ilecom system.

It's us before we stepped
into the turbolift.

It's happening again.

I feel no disorientation.

Nor do I.

What was that?

I believe the Manheim Effect
is becoming more pronounced.

This is where we started...
if we are us.

We are us, but they are also us.

Indeed, we are both us, at different
points along the same time continuum.


- What have you learned?
- We've scanned the planet, sir.

The second lab
is completely destroyed.

Unable to determine what caused it.
Little to clarify the situation.

Sensors show an immense volume
of energy within the planet

near Manheim's remaining laboratory.

- How's the energy used?
- No idea.

- Its source?
- I cannot be sure.

But I believe Manheim
can harness energy from the pulsar.

We've learned
everything we can from here,

and we are no closer
to understanding it.

Manheim is unable to help us,
but hopefully he kept notes.

- I need to study the records.
- We'll have to go down there.

What about the defense system?

When the shield was lowered,
it may have been turned off.

If not, we'll deal with it.

- Prepare your team.
- Aye, sir.

- Coordinates set?
- Yes, sir.


There's a lack of integrity.

I'm losing them.

Bring them back. Now!

What's going on?

There seems to be some kind
of strange bouncing effect.

I can't get them to materialize.
My readings aren't complete.

Keep trying.

Why are we back here?

You're lucky
you made it back at all.

Where am I?

Thank God.
You're on the USS Enterprise.

- They answered your distress signal.
- I sent one?

Paul, you're going to be fine.

No. I am not fine.
I'm not even close to fine.

Bridge, Prof Manheim is conscious.

It was worth it, what happened.

What will happen, all of it.
It was all worth it.

Again. It's changing again.

- What is? What do you see?
- I'm having difficulty.

With what? Are you in pain?

I have been on the other side.
I have touched another dimension.

Part of me is still there.

Help him.

Try to stay calm. It won't help you,
struggling against it.

My mind is floating
between two places.

It is difficult to know
which is which.

There is no way to explain it.

I'm Capt Picard.

The same one?

She has told me about you.
Not all. But enough.

We need your help.
The situation is not good.

- It will get worse.
- How do we stop it?

I'm having difficulty
holding the moment.

Doctor, this is Lt Cmdr Data. Will
you explain the situation to him?

I am fully versed on your theories
on time and gravity.

How is that possible?

I am not fully versed
on all my theories.

I am an android.

Android? On a Starfleet vessel?

- I am the only one.
- Your knowledge is useless.

Our work has made
most of those theories obsolete.

Then you have harnessed
a dynamic energy source.

Then you do understand. Yes.

We located an energy source
in the centre of this planetoid.

We learned to enhance it,
to focus it.

Everything worked too well.

The energy from the pulsar,
the energy from the planetoid...

We opened a crack...
a window into another dimension.

The time distortion we felt.

Felt? Then... it is not confined
to the planetoid?

The range is at least
several thousand light years.

It must be stopped.

You must help me to execute a
controlled shutdown of my experiment.

Get my notes. They're in the lab.

How do we bypass
the security system?

I'll give you the coordinates
to beam safely down to Vandor,

and the codes you need to bypass
security systems to get into my lab.

If what the Professor has given me is
accurate, we can repair the damage.

But it must be timed to coincide
with another time distortion.

- Can we predict it?
- I believe so.

We have to. This other dimension will
rip into the fabric of the galaxy.

Reality will not be the same.

Lt Worf, I want those codes
that Manheim gave Mr. Data

rechecked and checked again.

No one beams down unless
we're sure they can get through.

Aye, sir.

I'm sorry for intruding.
I was told I'd find you here.

You're not intruding.
We're just finished. Come in.

I knew you wouldn't come to me.

No. Not under these circumstances.

- We have unfinished business.
- Yes, we do.

Why didn't you come to meet me
that last day in Paris?

- I was afraid.
- I didn't want this.

- What?
- The truth.

- You want me to lie?
- Of course.

A nice, soft, painless lie.

I got the days confused. I thought
it was Tuesday, not Wednesday.

I went to the Caf? Moulin instead.

That's better. It was raining.
You couldn't find a cab.

I waited all day.

And it was raining.
It rained the rest of the week.

I went to Starfleet headquarters,
but you'd already shipped out.

So... come on.

Let's hear the truth.

It was fear.

Fear of seeing you,
losing my resolve.

Fear of staying... losing myself.

Fear that neither of these choices
was right and that...

And that either would have...

For a long time,

not a day went by that I didn't
look up into the sky... and wonder.

Each time that I returned to Earth,
my thoughts were filled with you.

I've thought a lot about this
over the years.

Perhaps you're leaving out
your greatest fear.

- The real reason you left.
- Which was?

That... life with me would have
somehow made you ordinary.

You're wonderful.
And am I that transparent?

Only to me.

I wish I could talk to you.

I bet you were really something.

I wanted to see how he was doing.

The same.

Nothing I do
seems to make any difference.

That's not why you're here.

I thought I was the empath.

- Are you alright?
- Why wouldn't I be?

I have one of the medical wonders
of the galaxy dying in my sickbay.

That's not what I meant.

I don't want to talk about
what I think you mean.

I can't compete with a ghost
from his past. No one could.

She's not a ghost.
She's here right now.

She may be in the here and now,
but it's the ghost he sees.

Excuse me, I have
to get back to my patient.

How soon, Mr. Data?

If Dr Manheim's information
is correct, by my calculations,

the next time distortion should
occur between 28 to 47 minutes.

Bridge, this is sickbay.

Dr Manheim is awake, and asking
to speak to you, Captain. Alone.

On my way, Doctor.

You asked for me.

I am not sure I remembered all
the codes for the security system.

You should warn anyone
going down there.

Thank you.
I'll tell them to be cautious.

What I really wanted
to talk to you about is Jenice.

I did not come to discuss your wife.

It is only this...

If anything should go wrong,
please... take care of her for me.

Of course.

She never would admit this,

but she has had a terrible time
these last years.

Had we not been so isolated,
she might have left me.

I never would have known,
at least not right away.

Perhaps I'm not a man
who should have a woman like her.

She deserves better.

You underestimate her.

I know, because I once did.

In both cases, the time distortions
occurred along the same continuum

as a preview or reprise
of a specific point in time.

Where we are, were,
and where we will be.

Data, I want this
to be an away team of one. You.

There's no reason
to risk anyone else.

It is reasonable, sir. After all,
I am a machine and dispensable.

is the appropriate word.

But you seem more able to control
the effects of the time distortion.

I see. That is quite true, sir.

I see time as a constant, whereas
humans perceive time as flexible,

hence the expression
"Time flies when you're having fun,"

which until now
has always confused me.

Well, I want you to put a stitch
in time and save much more than nine.


If other members of the away team
became disoriented,

it could create additional problems,
and perhaps increase the danger.

I will go immediately, sir.

Good luck, Data.

Alright, we have the coordinates
exactly as the Professor specified.

I am proceeding to the lab, sir.

- Maintain an open frequency.
- Aye, sir.

Mr. Data, what's going on?

Dr Manheim forgot to mention
one of his security precautions, sir.

I am proceeding into the laboratory.

This channel will remain open.
Please continue to report.

This appears to be the instrument
Dr Manheim described.

It should confirm when
the next time effect will occur.

Do you have enough information
to decipher the security code?

I will know in a moment, sir.

According to calculations,

the next time effect will occur
in one minute, 30 seconds.

What's the next step?

I need to add antimatter to
rebalance and align the system.

Will that plug the hole?

Theoretically, yes.
In reality, I do not know.

When the effect hits,
the force fields will align,

opening a clean, straight
path to the other dimension.

Whatever the time distortion,

I must add the antimatter
at the appropriate moment.

Geordi, if the Professor was right,
I need a 27-second countdown.

You got it.

Captain, I now have the antimatter,

and am moving towards the opening
at the end of the lab.

The next time distortion
should occur within seconds.

Geordi, begin countdown on my mark.


27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20...

there appear to be three of us.

Should I drop the antimatter
or wait for one of you?

Only one of us
is at the correct time continuum.

Which one?

Me! It's me.

Five, four, three, two, one. Now.

Data? Report. Are you alright?

- Yes, sir.
- Is it closed?

It is well patched, sir.

"Closed" means permanent,
which I cannot guarantee.

Patched is good enough. Well done.
Beam back immediately.

With pleasure, sir.

This is amazing. All your readings
are completely normal.

- Where is my wife?
- She's right here.

The effect has been reversed.
I can feel it. We're safe.

- How is he?
- He needs rest.

There may be residual effects.
Other than that, he'll be alright.

I feel like
I'm coming out of a long tunnel.

It's there. Not at all like
I thought it would be. Different.

- Describe it.
- I can't. Not yet.

The only words that fit are too pale
because the images are so vibrant.

It's not like anything
anyone has experienced before.

There was... No.
No, there is this kind of life.

Not like us. Not like this.

What's the condition of my lab?

Intact for the most part.

Don't tell me we're going back?

Jenice, we are so close.

We have learned so much to walk away.

Besides, we owe it to the others,
our friends.

There have been so many sacrifices
by so many good people.

- We'll be going back.
- Yes, I can see that.

The Federation will want
to help in any way it can.

Thank you.

This time it will be different,
I promise.

It always is, my love.

You said my life would never
be dull... and it never has been.

Thank you.

Computer, this is Troi.
Request access.

Terminate the current program?

- No, continue the program.
- Enter when ready.

The Captain
is waiting for you inside.

How's this possible? It's Paris.


Madame, this way.
The Captain is waiting for you.

- This is so real.
- Bien sur. Pourquoi pas?

Don't tell me how you did it.
I don't care.

It's perfect.

It's as if we were really there.

I wanted to say goodbye
properly this time.

I shall always picture you here.

I expect you to always come
charging to my rescue.

I'll do my best.

Goodbye, Jean-Luc.

Be well.

And you.

Thank you for Paris.

Well, so much
for my dramatically romantic exit.

- Is anything wrong?
- No, sir.

Set course for Sarona VIII.

As I remember, we were on our way
for much-needed shore leave.

- Course plotted and laid in, sir.
- Warp five.


I've been there once.
There's this club.

I don't remember the name.
They serve blue concoctions.

It's across the square
from the dance palace.

It's called the Blue Parrot Caf?,
and you're buying.
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