02x11 - The Emperor and the Hanged Man, Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x11 - The Emperor and the Hanged Man, Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

For such a tough guy,
he sure was easy to finish off.

Then again, the end is usually
a pretty sudden curtain call.

Most folks don't get a chance
to say "goodbye," you know.

Think of that
as a little parting wisdom...


You can't let him get to you!

Do you still not get it?

Mr. Avdol told you!

He begged you not to fight alone!

But you ignored him...

He feared you'd gladly end your own life,

if it meant getting revenge!

Mr. Avdol followed you here
out of worry, and now he's gone!

So what am I supposed to do?

We need to fall back for now.

He mercilessly stabbed Avdol in the back.

He k*lled my defenseless sister.

You expect me to forget
all this happened and run?

We can't fight them when we don't
know what their Stands can do!

Don't fight a battle that will
only end in your death!

That's what Mr. Avdol
was trying to tell you!

Hey! Come on, li'l Pol Pol.

Why, you...

Polnareff! Slowly retreat toward me.

We'll take that truck!

Calm down you say?

All ri...

Hey, Polnareff.


Avdol died for you.

I think that means you owe him.

Your friend bit the dust, because of you.

You bastard.

Where's the user?

Polnareff, calm down!

No need to be sad. You should be happy...

You're about to see
your dear friend again.

You'll soon be dead,

enjoying the afterlife
with those two fools.

Your sister
was so very sweet, Polnareff...

Once you're reunited with
your sister, be sure to ask her:

exactly how I m*rder*d her!

Polnareff, don't fall for his tricks!

He wants you to attack!


Your Chariot cannot cut my Hanged Man.

I'm in the mirror,
where your Stand can't go.

That's why!

So close, and yet so far away!

Hol Horse. Fire away.
Let's put an end to this idiot.

Aye aye, sir.


Emerald Splash!

What the...

Wait? He shot...


Kakyoin, was it? Not bad.

That's out of my Stand's range.

Even if I got him,

the b*llet wouldn't do much damage.

Mr. Centerfold went after them, eh?

He must really have it in for Polnareff.

Sorry, Kakyoin.


I thought, so long as I could
avenge my sister,

I wouldn't care if I live or died.

But I understand now...

I know Avdol was fighting for me.

His sacrifice won't be for naught.

I'll fight to keep on living.

You sure you really mean that?


You can think of that as
a makeup handshake, Polnareff.

Right. Thank you, Kakyoin.

When those bastards come after us again,

we'll defeat them together.

Avdol, you...

You know, I was so sure
I stabbed him with my sword.

But it didn't connect.

It was like he wasn't there.

Breaking the mirror didn't stop him.

The Hanged Man,
just att*cked from the shards.

He att*cks your reflection
from within the mirror.

My Stand can't go inside mirrors...

How can we attack him if he's
in some kind of mirror world?

Damn it!

Polnareff, you keep talking about

"inside the mirror"
and "the mirror world,"

but there's no such thing
as a world in a mirror.

Remember, this is reality, not fantasy.

What are you talking about?
You saw it, too, didn't you?

You can see him only in a mirror,

and when you turn around, he's gone!


But a mirror reflects light. Nothing more.

I know how a mirror works!

Listen! I mean in this case.
Like what's going on right now.

If Stands can exist,
then so can a mirror world!


Come on, man!

The secret of the Hanged Man

has something to do with
the way mirrors work.

Stands can defeat other Stands,

so there still has to be something
we don't know about his—

The chrome of the steering wheel!


He's caught up to us!

Look out!

You all right, Kakyoin?

I slammed my chest, but I'll be fine.



Get away from anything reflective!

Damn it... I got it. I just saw him do it.

From mirror to mirror!

From reflection to reflection!

He's jumping from one object to another!

He traveled all this way

by reflecting over and over!


So he's actually light!

A light-based Stand?

Kakyoin! I just saw him
in the car's bumper!

He'll reflect off it
and into something else.

Stay clear of reflective stuff!

And take off anything that's shiny!

Your buttons!

Hey, Mister, are you guys okay?

Want me to bring some medicine?

Hey! Kid! It's dangerous, Get out of here!

you guy's really messed up your car...

Hey, you're bleeding, mister.


Are you sure you're okay?

That assh*le!

He reflected into the kid's eye!

Listen, kid. Don't look at us.


I told you, don't look at us!

Stop looking at me! Shit!

Huh? But you're hurt.

I'm fine! See? Perfectly fine!

So go look over there!

You're bleeding...

Look over there, you brat!

Damn you, Centerfold!

What to do?

You wouldn't poke out
this cute little boy's eye

with that sword of yours,
would you, Polnareff?


I finally got you.

You won't escape this time.

Unless, of course,
you gouge the kid's eye out.

You dirty little...

You'll pay for this!

Hey, Kakyoin.

That's not what you say
at a time like this.


In times such as these,

exacting revenge requires
an altogether different battle cry.

My name is Jean Pierre Polnareff.

For the honor of my sister's soul,

so that my friend Avdol may rest in peace,

into the pits of despair,

I shall strike you down, Centerfold!

Sorry bout this, kid!
I'll buy you any candy you want!

You got sand in my eye!

Polnareff, he's in your eye...

I don't understand how,

but he moves at almost the speed of light.

A normally indiscernible speed, yes,

but I knew that if the kid
closed his eyes,

his next move would be to my eye.

I see...

The Hanged Man can exist
only in the world of reflections.

When one world is about to be destroyed,

he must migrate
to another reflective object.


Knowing his path
makes slicing through him...

a piece of cake!

That's where he is... The user!

You bastard. Finally...


At last we meet...


My name is Jean Pierre Polnareff,

and I've seen through
your Stand's clever little trick.

It's a Stand of light that moves
at extraordinary speed.

Too fast to target with my eyes.

But if I know where you're going,

and I slash its trajectory in that moment,

I can cut you!

If Kakyoin and Avdol hadn't shown up,

I probably wouldn't have figured that out,

and you would have k*lled me.

Polnareff! He's not the man
with two right hands!

That's not Centerfold!





Over here.

Insignificant fools!

I'm Centerfold.


That's just some beggar from the village.

All I did was carve him up a bit,
just like you did to me.

And you fell for it!

Getting close to him without
knowing what I look like

was a grave mistake!

You bastard!

Take this! Emerald...

Whoa. Wait now.

Take a good look around you.

Hey, gather 'round!

These two gentleman are handing out money!


They'll give us money for nothing!

Thank you!

You have such big hearts!

Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you!

Please give us money!

Have you figured out what's going on yet?

You say you've figured out my Stand?


You think I don't know my own weakness?

With myriad reflective surfaces,
you'll never know my next move.

I have no weakness!

Don't look! Don't stare at us!

Just look away!

There's no escape.

Just going to blow everyone up?

You wasted your youth chasing me...

And now, to come so far only to fail!

How pathetic and sad.

I, Centerfold,

will live on surrounded by
beauties like your sister

Oh the pleasures that await!

Oh yeah, that sweet sister of yours
was really good at sobbing...


Why, you...

Polnareff, you can do better than that.

When taking revenge,
words like "Why, you..." won't do.

Here's what you say:

My name is Noriaki Kakyoin.

To avenge my dear friend, Avdol,

and so that the soul of
my friend Polnareff's sister

may rest in peace,

I will have you pay with your life.

I'll give this gold coin
to whoever picks it up.

Behold, a coin so perfect,
it shines like a mirror!

Now I get it, Kakyoin.

Seems everyone's eyes
are now focused on a single point.


We know the trajectory
the Hanged Man will have to take!

Merci, Kakyoin!


Hold it!

It won't open!

Sounds like you're the one who's
really good at sobbing, Centerfold!

And you're about to plummet into hell,

crying the whole way down.

But there's one thing I can't rely
on the guardians of hell to do.

And that's...

To turn your body into a pincushion!

I've been waiting years for this moment!

I'll leave the rest to the devil.

So this is the true Hanged Man...

He was rotten to the core.

I got my revenge.


Hold it!

Finally caught up with you.

Why are you walking so slow?

If you're gonna run,
run like your lives depend on it.

Right, Mr. Centerfold?

Better say your prayers.

This is where your lives come to an end!

Come at us with everything you've got!

Show us your guts, boys!

Right, Mr. Centerfold?

Hey, are you listening, Mr. Centerfold?

I don't think
he's listening anymore, cowboy.

He's a little busy right now...

Carrying out his sentence in hell!

Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

Don't try to pull that nonsense!
Bluffing won't work on me!

There's no way you could have beat him!

Even I wouldn't try my luck
against that mother!

your sense of humor really stinks.

'Two, three hundred meters that way,

is that bastard's corpse...

'case you wanna look.

Don't mind if I do!

Hey! You're running away?

I don't stand a chance!

I'm outnumbered!

Time to hightail it out of here
and wait for a better chance!

Or better yet, wait 'til I find
myself another partner in crime.

It's all about being Number Two!

That's the motto I like to live by!

Got a problem with that?


Mr. Joestar! Jotaro!

We know about Avdol.

We didn't have time for much,
but we gave him a proper burial.

The one who stabbed Mr. Avdol in the back

was that coward with two right hands.

But the cause of death
was Hol Horse's b*llet.

What should we do with him?

I'll give him his sentence.



Please run, Sir Hol Horse!

-Sir Hol Horse!
-What's with this woman?

I don't know what's going on,

but I do know I'll always protect you!

You are my everything, darling!

Please run! Hurry!

Let go of me, stupid bitch!

Come on, what are you doing?

Jotaro! Kakyoin!
Don't let Hol Horse get away!

It's too late.

Huh? Oh...

Well said, my little sweetheart!

I'll gladly accept your feelings
and keep on living!

I'm only running away
because I love you, baby!

Forever and ever!

Why, you...

Get back here!


Oh, don't you dare "Agh" at me!

Polnareff, the girl is just
another one of his victims.

And he no longer had
any intention of fighting with us.

We have no time to deal with him.

Avdol is gone now.

But we have to forge ahead.

It's already been fifteen days
since we left Japan.

Damn it...

Fine then.

All right! We continue onward to Egypt.

Listen up! To defeat Dio,
we have to fight as one.

We can't go off on our own!

Or we'll play right into
the enemy's hands.

Got it?

Let's get a move on!

Good grief.

The city of Varanasi is coming into view.


I am the culprit!

I am Joseph Joestar! An American!


I love you.

Hey... Doesn't that sort of
look like a person's face?
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