02x09 - Yellow Temperance

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x09 - Yellow Temperance

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure...








So then where is Kakyoin?

He's with Jotaro.

Could I get some ice cream, please?


Heya, miss. Ice cream is good,
but this baby here...

chilled coconut juice,
nothing in the world like it.

How bout it?

I guess we can try it.

Three then.

Thankya much. That'll be twelve dollars.

Hey, make it six dollars! Six dollars!

This should cover it.



I'll take that!

So you...

Thought you could just grab my wallet,

you disgusting piece of shit!


I'll have you spewing blood!


Why, you...

vile little cockroach d*ck,

how dare you touch my wallet...

with the same grimy fingers
that wipe that filthy ass!

I can't let you get away
with that, now can I?

Come on! Come on! Come on!

Hey! What are you doing, Kakyoin?

You'll k*ll the bastard.

Oh my God, a back-breaker?

Such a brutal move!

And he's using such filthy language...

It's not like him at all.

Come on! Come on! Come on!


I told you to cut it out!
What are you, deaf?

Dammit, Kakyoin.

You're not right.

What the hell's gotten into you?

That hurt...

No need to push...

That man tried to steal my wallet.
He committed a crime.

And criminals should be punished.

Tell me, am I wrong, Jotaro?

This guy...

What are you glaring at?

The look in your eyes
is awfully hostile, Jotaro.

You couldn't possibly be thinking
about ending our friendship

over a little tussle with a thief,
now would you?

Look, a beetle.

-That's awesome!
-A beetle? Where?

-There're four of them up there.
-I see them!

-There're four of them up there.
-So cool!

You're making way too much
out of this, Jojo.

I'm just having a bad day.

I'm so exhausted from the trip,
it's put me in such a bad mood.

Just a bad mood, huh?

Seemed to me you felt pretty good.

The old man and Avdol

think it's a good idea
for us to head to India by train.

We leave tomorrow.

We'll take the cable car

to Singapore Station to reserve tickets.

Mr. Kakyoin...

Jojo's already gone.

Right. I'll catch up in just a second.

I guess you like coconut juice
a whole lot, huh, Mr. Kakyoin?


Was that a beet...

No. I must be imagining things.

It must have been a piece of
coconut or something.

Oh yes. I do love coconuts.

What's up, half pint?

Uh, nothing.

Hey, Jotaro.

Are you going to eat that cherry?

If not, then hand it over already.

I'm starving.

Uh-oh! Better watch out, Jotaro!


Good one, huh?

I'm only playing with you,
good ol' Jotaro.

Kakyoin... It's like
he's a totally different person!

That look again!

What's with all this hardcore glaring,

Jotaro, old pal?

Get in, Kakyoin.

The cable car just got here.

Now I told you to get in.

See, I've got your ticket right here.

I'm gonna knock
your crooked, possessed ass

right into that cable car!


You're a bit off.

"Possessed" isn't quite the word.

This isn't Kakyoin!

You still haven't realized
my body's been growing

this whole time, have you?

All right, who are you?

Is he a Stand?

But I was able to touch him just now...

Unless he's a Stand
I can strike with my own fists?


I can merge with
any organic matter I consume.

I'm a Stand anyone can see and touch.

I'm Yellow Temperance,
of the Temperance card.

Gaze upon my handsome face with envy!

Come on, Jotaro, old pal!

Take a look at your hand.

See that little bit of me?
It latched on when you hit me.

But I'm warning you:

Touch it, and it'll go after
your left hand, too.

You should save your left hand
for picking your nose!

This Stand is a slow eater...

And the more it eats, the bigger it gets.

You'll never get it off!

Damn you...


What do you mean, "oraa"?

When I digest you,

I'll shove your own crap
down your measly throat!

This stuff burns.

You bastard...

Hey, is this Jojo's grandpa?
He's in big trouble!

Anne? What's wrong?

It's Mr. Kakyoin...


So he has betrayed us?

Mr. Kakyoin's face split open!

But Mr. Kakyoin wasn't Mr. Kakyoin!


Jojo got att*cked by
some weird slime on the cable car,

and it's eating his finger!

Calm down! Where are you right now?

The boarding area for
the cable cars at the trade center!

He's being att*cked!

Mr. Kakyoin is attacking Jojo!

Hurry and come back to the hotel...

Did someone say my name just now?

Where have you been?

Jojo left me behind,
so I was sunbathing by the pool.

With your uniform on?

Yes, why not?

It's all right.
We have the real one here with us!

Anne, that means your Kakyoin is...

a fake!

I've been telling you that!


Jojo just jumped out of the cable car!


Good grief.

A Stand that fuses with flesh?

It's devouring my finger...

But first things first,
I've gotta get this thing off me.

Worst case,
I might have to chop off my finger.

Think you got away?

Sorry to burst your bubble, pal.

Now dig that earwax out of
your ears and listen up, hotshot!

My Stand, Yellow Temperance,
has no weaknesses.

You didn't escape.

I just have no need to chase you!

You're as good as dead!

This'll hurt like a sonf a bitch,
but it's time to torch it off.


It only made it grow!

That was a bad idea...


Pardon the intrusion.

My, my. That's certainly
a bizarre entrance.

Don't mind me.

Hey, there kid.

I'm gonna need to borrow
your popsicle for a sec.

Excuse me, young man!

What do you think you're doing
with that child?

This your kid?

No, he's not, but...

Then shut up and enjoy the ride.

Sorry, kid.

When we get to the bottom,
I'll buy you a new one, okay?


If I can't burn it off...

That bastard!

Now it's forming needles and
digging deeper into my hand!

Come now! Nothing will work,
not even fire and ice!

I told you, before, didn't I?
You won't find a single weakness.

You're mine, you little shit!


Papa! The puppy! It got our puppy!

Bastard! You were waiting for me
in this cable car, weren't you?

M-My precious Pocky!

Watch out! Don't pull him!

Let go!

I've come to put an end to you...

Jotaro, old pal!


Pretty fast! But...

I keep telling you,
I don't have any weaknesses!

Are you even listening?

You dumbass redneck!

My Stand is armor
that can also absorb power.

A defensive wall that can also attack!

No matter how fast or
how strong you may be,

against Yellow Temperance,
you are helpless!

You can't defeat me!

You can't survive unless, of course,

you take a cleaver to your right hand!

Do you understand?

You have no way of winning!

You're not getting out of this!

Not until you're digested!
I'll eat you up!

Good grief.

You're right, you really
have no weaknesses.

Maybe you are the world's strongest,

and that's terrifying.

But I'll tell ya, we Kujo's...

No, I mean, we Joestar's...

we use strategy to fight our way
past any obstacle.

I still have one strategy left.


And that's to...

And that's to...

...run away!

What the hell?

You're in the middle of being
eaten alive, you dumbass!

My Stand's got a hold of you
that you can't escape,

and you say you'll run away?

When I said run away...

I meant into the water!

I can't breathe...

You let your Stand's guard down
to take a breath, didn't you?

Your Stand may be invincible,

but if I butcher you,
your Stand dies, too.

Do you understand?

Listen, I've had it up to here with
that cocky-ass mouth of yours.

You should know,

I'm the kind of guy who
takes these things to heart.


Please, stop...

I can't fight anymore, I'm through!

My nose is completely shattered.

They're going to have to
wire my jaw shut, too.

Dio paid me to do this.

I didn't plan on risking my life
to go after you guys.

There! See?

I want something from you.

The other Stand users,
I want all the info you got.

That's the one thing I can't talk about.

I do have some pride, you know.

I can't rat them out...

Well, okay then. That's honorable.

Oh, I remember now!

Death, The Empress, The Hanged Man,
and The Emperor are after you!

So, what can they do?

I don't know.

No, honest! I really don't know!

Stand users never reveal
their abilities to each other.

If they did, they'd be exposing
their weaknesses outright.

But I do know that some witch
taught Dio about Stands...

Her son is one of the four
coming after you.

His name is Centerfold.

He's unmistakable because
he has two right hands.

And his card is The Hanged Man.

He's the one who k*lled
Polnareff's sister, right?

I've heard the occasional rumor
about his powers...

A mirror. Apparently, he uses a mirror.

I haven't actually seen it,

but Polnareff has no chance of winning.

He's dead meat.

I just noticed something, Jotaro...

Looks like I've still got
some luck on my side.

See that drain over there?

The one with all the blue crawdads?

Take a real good look.

A manhole...

That teeny little drain

is hooked into
this manhole right beside me!

I'm gonna pull you in and trap you!

Now you can't attack me!

I guess what I told you about
the man with two right hands

will go to waste.

Jotaro Kujo!

Aren't I lucky to have
this drain pipe to slurp you into...

Man, am I lucky!

Time to power up with some crustaceans!

I'll mash you up

and turn you into jelly!

And when I do, Dio's gonna give me
a hundred million dollars.

A few minutes of brawling with you,
and I will be set for life!

Aren't I lucky,
you ball-less little buttmunch!

Good grief.

When you're focused on everything else,

it's difficult to observe yourself.

You just don't get it.
Your luck finally ran out.

Before, you got away
with only a broken nose.

Now you'll be lucky if you have
any bones left to break!

He punched me with water...
from inside the drain?

I was only kidding around, Mr. Jotaro!

I swear, I was just messing with ya!

Just a little prank.

Come on, don't tell me
you took that to heart?

You're not thinking of punching me
any more, are you?

I'm seriously injured here...

My nose is broken and my jaw's
gonna have to be wired shut...

I've got nothing left to say to you.

You're way too pathetic

I'm done wasting my breath.


Good grief.

So we're finally on our way to India.

And the man with two right hands
is called Centerfold...

By the way, where did Anne run off to?

She was hanging around Singapore Station

right before our train departed, but...

I'm sure it was time for her
to meet her father.

That story about her dad
sounded real fishy to me.

I bet she's a runaway!

But it is a bit lonely without
that little rugrat, right, Jojo?

It's eerie...

To think, a Stand could
disguise himself as me.

Seems he had already turned into
you by the time I left the hotel.

Jojo, are you going to eat that cherry?

Not to be greedy,
but they are my favorite.

Could I have one?

Yeah, sure.

Thank you.

Hey, look, Jojo. Flamingos in flight.

Oh, good grief.


My wallet's already been stolen!

No, thank you!


If you don't give me a tip,
you won't go to heaven, Mister.

Hey! Don't put your nose on it!

Avdol! Is this India?

Yes! Isn't it a great country?
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