02x07 - Strength

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x07 - Strength

Post by bunniefuu »

Enyaba, I have something
I'd like to ask you.

What does it mean to live?

It is to obtain all that what one desires.

If you were to distill life
into its essence,

that is what it would be.

A desire for riches, a desire for fame,

for food, love, and lovers...

But one must always fight
to obtain what one wants,

isn't that correct, Enyaba?


And if the battle is lost,

and one fails to obtain
what one desires most,

the result is frustration, pain,
and a sense of failure.

One carries the wound into the future,

into the next fearful battle.

I believe conquering that fear
once and for all

is what it means to live.

The one who stands at the pinnacle
is the one who has no fear.

Do you understand, Enyaba?

I was the one who told you about

the existence of your Stand
and how to use it.

Also you have an immortal body.

Is there anything you could possibly fear?


What burdens you, my lord?

The Joestar bloodline.

The Joestars? They worry you?
Those worms are mere trash.

They are no match for your Stand!


But I must believe it's destiny
when the lives of those worms

are so thoroughly entangled with my own.

Let me be clear...

It is not the Joestars whom I fear.

But the fact that I can never
underestimate their bloodline.

I have decided that I must remove
the Joestars from the cogs of fate.

You desire to go forth
and eliminate them yourself

simply because you feel
they must not be underestimated?



You must never engage
in such trivial matters!

I have sent seven Stand users to command:

The Empress, The Hanged Man,
Strength, The Wheel of Fortune,

Temperance, The Emperor, and The Devil.

All of them ready to strike!

Thanks to them, you need not
take any action yourself, Lord Dio.


It's a freighter!

It just appeared out of nowhere!

Jotaro, something's bothering you,
isn't it?

You worried another Stand user's
on this thing, too?

Not quite.

Strange they lowered the stairs

but there's not a single soul
to be seen anywhere.

The ship came all this way to rescue us!

Some sort of crew has to be onboard!

Well, I don't care
if they're all Stand users.

I'm getting on this boat.

Take my hand, kid. I'll help you up.

Good grief.

What's with this ship?

There's no captain in the control room!

No engineer in the radio room.

There's no one anywhere!

And yet, look at this!

All the gauges and machinery
are working just like normal.

Maybe they're all just in the bathroom

with a bad case of the runs!

Hey! Isn't anyone around?

Guys, come quick!

An ape!

An ape's sitting in that cage.

It's an orangutan.

Who the hell cares about a friggin ape?

Let's split up and find
whoever's been feeding this thing.


It doesn't appear to be broken, but...

Avdol! That sailor! Watch out!

Good grief.

That isn't any way to
greet a lady, now is it?

No one was touching the controls...

Nobody touched the lever.

That crane moved all by itself! I saw it!

That crane impaled him on its own!

Careful! Something's here.

Hey! Don't touch the machinery!

If it moves or runs on electricity,
don't lay a finger on it!

If you want to live, then you'll do
exactly as I tell you.

Get into the cabin below
until I tell you otherwise!

Did anyone see a Stand just now?


My apologies...

I was closest to the crane,
yet I sensed nothing.

All right. I'll send Hierophant
to investigate!

I have no idea what's going on,

but scary things keep happening
whenever you guys are around.

Could you guys be jinxed?

I've heard about people who cause
disasters that endanger everyone.

If that's what you are,

I'd better stay away.

I can tell you one thing for certain:

We are on your side.

Make sure you stay with the others.
Got it?


You want me to let you out?

I can't.

I don't know where the key is.
Plus you're too big to let out.

You're giving me an apple?


This apple's been cut with a knife,
and it hasn't gone brown yet...

It must've just been cut.

Hey, so there is someone
somewhere on this boat, right?

Do you know where
the person who feeds you is?

You sure are a smart monkey.

A monkey like you
is actually into looking at

pinups of girls?

Hey, kid, be careful!

I've heard an orangutan

has five times the strength
of the average human.

He could easily rip off your arm.

Now, come with us
to the room down the hall.

You can't be alone.


It's inconceivable.

I had Hierophant Green
scour every corner...

yet no sign of human life.

We searched every pipe
and crevice, but nothing!


It's no use. I can't get a connection.

Well, try again, dammit!

Gross, I'm all sticky
from the salt water...





You forgot your lock!

Seems this ape...
isn't your run-of-the-mill monkey.

Could he be...

Could he have ripped out the fan?

So this ape's a Stand user.

But where's the Stand?

Why can't I see it?


The steel propeller bent on its own?


-Hey, what's going on here?

Son of a bitch!

There's no Stand in sight and
somehow the window broke?

Star Platinum!

What's with this thing?

The ape just sank into the wall
and disappeared!

Hey. You saw that, right?

Stay close to me.

It's not safe in here.

The ape vanished into the wall...

But that orangutan
has to be the Stand user...

When I touched it,

I could feel Stand energy
emanating from him.

But why can't I see the Stand?

Wait... What if I'm seeing it already...


What is this?


This is...

This freighter...

Could this ship itself be...

So the Stand is the freighter!


All of it! Everything!

This ship itself is just
one gigantic Stand!

The ship?

But non-Stand users like the girl
and sailors can see it! How?

The Stand must use so much energy
that it's visible to the naked eye!

But it would take
an enormous amount of power

to control a Stand like this.


You have to use Hierophant Green
to let Jotaro know!

I can't!

It's got hold of my Stand, too.

So this is what it means to face death.

We're completely done for.

It's crushing us...

At this rate, our bodies
are going to be pulverized.

We'll all be...

We were careless...

The word the orangutan
was pointing to was "strength."

It means force, energy, power, or aid.

And...it is the eighth card
of the Tarot deck!

It suggests challenge,
a strong will, and hidden powers!

Damn ape, thinks he's already won.

"This entire ship is my Stand."

"You've lost!"

"And there's nothing you can do!"

Jotaro needed no explanation.

He knew exactly what the ape was saying!

That button's not your Stand.

Does that upset you?

I guess it wounded your pride,

since you thought you'd already won.

Nah, it's not hurt at all...

Cause ape's like you've got no pride!

That's exactly what makes you
an ape and not a man.

What's going to hurt now...

is your head!

Good grief.

I've heard frightened animals
expose their bellies

as a display of submission.

Are you asking me to forgive you?

I'm afraid your actions have
overstepped the laws of the jungle.

So I don't think so.

It's all deformed...
The whole ship is twisting up!

Hey, save it, will ya?

This ship's going down.

It's time to go.
Get back to the life boats!

I can't believe it.

The ship's totally changing.

It's turning into a shabby little boat...

What terrifying power...

That ape was traveling
the ocean on its own Stand.

Never before have I witnessed such energy.

We were completely helpless.

If Jotaro hadn't figured it out,
we would've been done for.

I hate to think this power and
ferocity could be a sign

of things to come.

Hey, you want some gum?

So we're lost at sea again.

Good grief. This cig is soaked.

We'll have plenty of time
for them to dry, Jojo.

Just have to pray we get rescued
and taken to Singapore.

It's been four days since we left Japan...

There are days left until
time runs out for the Joestars.


It appears Strength has been defeated.

But have no fear.

The remaining six Stand users
are all very powerful.

And one of them is my own!

My son's right hand
will crush our enemies!

You are a strange old woman.

What is it that you desire most?

Oh, but I've told you many times...

My only wish is to stay by your side.

Your guardian spirit
has unbelievable power.

Your ability to escape trouble,
and your strange life,

are the result of that.

I would like to see your life unfold!

It's the only thing I want...

Once upon a time, there was
a prince from the land of Sumatra

who traveled the seas, seeking new lands.

Eventually, he happened upon an island

inhabited by white-manned lions
called Singas,

an island he named Singa Pura.

Today, its straits bustle
with ships and tankers

from around the world!

This nation that shares both
Western and Eastern heritage

thanks to free trade is Singapore!

Good grief. We finally made it.

We'll stay at a hotel tonight
and figure out our route to Egypt.

All right, let's stay at that one.

I guess you guys won't even
give us a chance to rest.

She'll be in danger if she stays with us.

And Polnareff fell into that trap?



Joestar, you bastard.
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