02x01 - The Man Possessed by an Evil Spirit

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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02x01 - The Man Possessed by an Evil Spirit

Post by bunniefuu »


We did it!

Finally, it's ours.
Century-old sunken treasure!

All right! Easy now!

Get ahold of yourself!

-Sring it this way...
-I know! I know!

-Upsy daisy.
-Upsy daisy.

Isn't it kinda long and flat
for a treasure chest?

Hey! Not so high!

Okay, I'm putting it down.

One, two, and three!

All right... Now pry it open already!

Wait. This is bizarre.

It's locked from the inside.

Who the hell cares? Just bust it open!

Hang on! What are these letters?

D-I-O... Dio.

Someone's name?

Does it matter?

The sun'll be down soon.

We won't be able to see a thing out here!

Guess you're right.

Fine, go get the blowtorch.

It's time to meet our fortune!

On a day like any other,

a motorboat was found adrift
and abandoned.

The craft was largely undamaged
and showed no signs of struggle.

In the galley, three cups of coffee
sat half-full.


on deck, an iron chest,
its lock melted away,

lay open and empty.

But the chest's unusual,
shelter-like chambers

baffled discoverers,

who believed it to have
once contained a vast treasure.

But interest waned and,

before long, the chest was forgotten.

Jotaro Kujo, years old,
centimeters tall.

His father, a Japanese national
and jazz musician,

on tour abroad.

His mother,
an American of British descent.

There's no mistake, Jotaro is my son.

His friends at school call him "Jojo."

Seems they combined "Jo"
from Jotaro and "jo" from Kujo.

What a stupid name!


How many people has my Jotaro k*lled?

No! Don't say it!

-I don't want to know!
-Uh, who said he k*lled anybody?

He was in a fight.

Yep, four punks with nunchucks
and knives,

one of whom was a former boxer.

Your son left them with
fifteen broken bones.

He really busted their nuts...

I mean, pardon me...
he put them in the hospital.

Ma'am, it's your responsibility
that he learns his lesson!

Yes sir!

But the problem is what happened after.

Here, make some copies and pass it around.

Right away, sir.

He's a strange one, isn't he?

Please, come this way.

Thank you.

Here, it's time to take him home.

Oh, he's already free to go?

Well, we can't keep him forever.

By the way, ma'am,
your Japanese is very good.

How long have you lived here?

Twenty years.

No wonder.

Good work, gentlemen.

We've had our hands full lately.

There's even a waiting list for cells.

Your son is just up ahead.


Jotaro, throw the ball to Mommy!

That's it!

You'll do great at tomorrow's track meet.



Let's celebrate.
What do you want to eat today?

Anything, as long as you're cooking, Mom.




Shut up!

You're freakin annoying, bitch!


He's actually a very sweet boy.

He could never do something so terrible.

Hey, Kujo! Rise and shine!

You're free to go. Now get out!

Hey, I said you're free to go!
What the hell's wrong with you?

Mom, go home.

I'm gonna be here a while.

I'm being haunted by an evil spirit.

Who knows what he'll make me do next.

It took all I had

to keep this thing in check
during that fight.

That's why you can't
let me out of this cell.

For crying out loud...
See what I'm talking about, ma'am?

We tell him he can leave, but he refuses.

Forgive my asking,
but is your son all right up there?

This isn't a hotel!

Please! Move us to another cell!

He's telling the truth!

-He's got something evil in him!
-It's horrible!

I won't commit another crime ever again!

All right, that's enough!

What the hell's that?

But you're behind bars!
How'd you get that in here?

I told you.

It's the evil spirit.

The evil spirit brings things to me.

He's still in! He's in! He's in!

He's listening to a boombox

and reading Shonen Jump!

How? This is bad!

-What are we gonna do?
-Hold it!

If you still think you can release me,

let me show you how bad things could get,

so you'll have no doubt that
letting me free is a very bad idea.

My g*n!

-We've got trouble!

You didn't see it, did you?
My evil spirit...

In that case...


There's someone behind me.

Not that long ago, it stuck itself to me.

His grandpa, Joseph,
has mysterious powers too...

What's happening to my son?



Over here, Dad! Over here!

Holly! Hey, outta my way!



I'm so glad you're here!

My one and only daughter in trouble?

Give me twenty-four hours
and I'll cross the globe!

Where's Mom?

She made a fuss, not surprisingly...

So I told her I had a little
Joestar Realty to attend to.



All right, Holly! You can let go now!


It's been forever since you've held me!

Come on...

You're a forty-five-year-old woman!

Oh, now you've done it!
I'm going to tickle you!

-Tickle, tickle, tickle...
-Hey! Stop that!

Take that and that!

What the hell are you looking at?

-Don't look!

I'll take your bag.

By the way, Holly, about Jotaro...

You said it was an evil spirit?

Oh... My poor Jotaro!

I saw it! The policemen couldn't,
but I could.

Another arm...

And it grabbed the g*n!

So no one else could see it but you?


Jotaro says this spirit
came upon him not long ago.

Has anything strange happened to you?

No, not in the slightest.

Jotaro says he won't leave the cell
until he knows what's going on.

Oh Dad, what are we gonna do?

There, there, sweetheart.

Everything will be just fine.
Joseph Joestar is here.


First, I need to see him...

my grandson, Jotaro!

Too creepy!

He keeps getting more stuff...

And he's violent.

Something heinous is haunting him...

If word of this ever gets out,
I'll get canned!

Don't worry.

I'll be taking my grandson home.


Hey, what are you doing?

I told you, this is as far as you can go!

-Talk to him from here!
-I'll take care of it.

-It's dangerous!
-Step aside!

-I can't be held responsible if you...
-Leave him to me.

-Come now, you're in the way.

Jotaro! It's grandpa!

He can help!

Just come out with Grandpa.

Come out. We're going home.

Get lost.

I didn't ask for you.

You'll "help"? What can you do for me?

Sorry you came all the way from New York,

but you can't help me, Grandpa.

My prosthetic hand's left pinky!

When did he do that?

Did you catch that? Didn't notice?

That's the evil spirit.

Stay back.

Or you'll lose what little life
you have left.

Incredible! I don't believe it...

He was able to pull something
like that on me right off the bat...

Of course... I know all about
Jotaro's evil spirit.

But I think experience
rather than explanation

will truly drive the point home
for young Jotaro.

No, he has to learn now

so he'll be ready for whatever
danger he encounters later.

Avdol, your turn.

Say hello to my friend.
We met in Egypt three years ago.

His name is Avdol.

Please assist my grandson
out of this cell.

Back off.

Sure, you look tough, but do you
really think I'm the kind of guy

who would take kindly
to a threat like that?

Nope, all that does is

make me even more determined
to stay exactly where I belong.

I regret that things
may get a bit unpleasant,

enough to where he will want to
leave out of his own volition.

That's fine.

Dad, what are you doing?

Hey, we can't have you...


-Yes, sir!
-Yes, sir!


That's right.

Avdol also has
what you call an "evil spirit."

An evil spirit that Avdol
can control freely!

And its name is...

Magician's Red!

It's hot! Fire! My arm! My arm's burning!

What is this evil spirit?

Kujo's stuck to the wall and can't move.

But how...

But isn't it getting sort of...

How is it that hot?

That's insane! It's way too hot!

So, it's finally shown itself!

And he's so clearly visible. What power.

Why you...

To think he'd be able to manifest
its form so clearly!

So you too have an evil spirit.

And Grandpa, you know what it is...

I do.

Mr. Joestar, you asked me
to bring out your grandson.

It was my intention to hold back,
but with his startling power,

one wrong move and he may end my life.

Shall I stop?

If you prefer that I continue,

I may have to resort to
considerable force.

And I may end up sending
your grandson to the hospital.

Fine by me. Give it a whirl.

Yes, sir!

Red Bind!

This is...

It's so hot!

What the hell is happening?

Dad! What are you doing to Jotaro?

Holly, be a good girl and stay quiet.


I can't breathe...

The spirit's going back inside him.

As the heat consumes your breath,
it weakens.

Allow me to tell you what it is!

It is an evil spirit, and yet is not.

Jotaro! What you call an evil spirit

is a powerful apparition,
created from your own life energy.

What stands next to you, is...

A Stand!

A Stand?

As the famous Aesop fable goes,

the traveler who pulls his cloak
tightly in the chill of the wind,

releases it under the heat of the sun.

Care to come out, Jojo?


I'll stay put until I know
I'm not a danger to others.

It's nice to meet
a fellow evil-spirit wielder,

but, you know, if you keep this up,

you die.

He destroyed the toilet!

That's destruction of property!

I warned you.


Don't say I didn't warn you!


Don't turn your back on me?

Look at me!

Mr. Joestar.

As you can see, he has left his cell.


you got me, eh?

Not exactly.

I had planned to send you to the hospital.

You were more powerful
than I had expected.

What if I hadn't stopped
my evil spirit from throwing

this iron bar straight through you?

My Stand is Magician's Red.

It can melt such steel in mid air.

Avdol is just like you.

Proof enough that you
need not study your evil spirit

here in prison any longer.


Oh, thank goodness.

Jotaro finally came out of his cell.

God you're annoying, you bitch.



How dare you address
your own mother that way?

And Holly, stop grinning at the boy!


Grandpa! Tell me one thing...

Just one thing...

How do you know all this?

Why do you know about
my evil spirit, I mean, Stand?

I don't get it.

Of course.

That's why I made the trip
from New York, after all.

I need to start from the beginning.

This has to do with the Joestar family.

First, take a look at these pictures.

What is this?

That's a hundred-year-old coffin
pulled up from the Atlantic Ocean,

off the African coast four years ago.


I did my research, and found
it was on the passenger ship

where my grandfather, Jonathan Joestar,

your great-great grandfather, was k*lled.

Apparently it was empty
when they discovered it.

But I know what lay inside!

Avdol and I are trying to
locate him as we speak.

Him? Hold on...

You make it sound like it's a person.

Why would you call something

that's been at the bottom of
the sea for a hundred years "him"?

He's evil incarnate!

And his name is Dio!

Awakened after a century of sleep.

And it's our destiny to fight this man!

Hey, Jotaro?

That face you're making
makes me think I'm boring you!

This face means that stupid story
makes me speechless, Gramps.


You're Avdol, right?

I don't know who you think you are,

but I can tell you are a pompous prick.

And Old Man, you expect me
to listen to that crazy story

and just accept it?

Is it any less believable

than the evil spirits you and I have?

Fair enough.

You'll have to believe us soon enough.

Once you understand how I know Dio,

and why I must pursue him...

Allow me to demonstrate.

It turns out that I too

gained my own "evil spirit"
or Stand about a year ago.


What, Old Man?

Let me show you!

This is...

my Stand!

Did you see it?

The thorns from my hand? That is my Stand!

It can reveal far-away visions
and print them on film!

I've gotta bust a , yen camera

every time I use it!

Sir, is something wrong?

We're fine. Go away.


The image that's about to
appear on this photo,


will define your very destiny!


Jotaro, Holly, have you two
ever taken a close look

at the back of your necks?

What are you talking about?

You've probably never noticed.

On the back of my neck
is a mark like a star.

What the hell does all this mean?

According to my mother,
my father had it too.

He died when I was young.

Seems all those with
Joestar blood have this mark.

So, Old Man,
what's gonna show up on that photo.

The star that escaped your notice
is our destiny!

-Don't mess with me!

Show me the damn photo!


My spirit photography bares
his image every time!

Take a look at the back of his neck!

Below this bastard scum's neck,

is the body of my grandfather,
Jonathan Joestar!

One hundred years ago, a mysterious
incident unfolded on the Atlantic.

From what Granny Erina told me
about my grandfather's death,

Dio must have survived by taking his body!

But one thing's for certain:

He's hiding somewhere, plotting something!

It's been four years since he was revived.

My spirit photography, your evil spirit,

have all appeared within this past year...

It has to be Dio!

"Normal" people would deem
our abilities as supernatural.

I've had this Stand since birth.

But yours and your grandfather's abilities

share an invisible link with Dio,
Jonathan's body.

Undoubtedly, Dio has awakened
your dormant abilities.

Avdol, where is he?
Can you tell from the photo?

I cannot.
The background is barely visible.

As I thought.

I will examine this.


Oh, Holly.

Forgive Daddy for all the scary talk.

Now, let's go home.


We'll be staying in Japan for a while.

Thank you for putting us up.

Of course, Dad.

Let's go, Jotaro.


Just now, it felt as though
someone was watching me.

It has to be Jonathan's descendants...

This body is sending some kind of
signal to his offspring.

Very well. It must be fate...

A fate that must be annihilated,
a destiny that must be erased.

My intervention begins now.


Here, a goodbye kiss.

-You bitch...
-I'm Noriaki Kakyoin.

I just transferred here yesterday.

Does this look like a pen to you?

The loser is the evil one.

The one who'll be the judge is...
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