07x01 - The m*rder of Roger Ackroyd

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Agatha Christie's Poirot". Aired: 8 January 1989 - 13 November 2013.*
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The famous Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot, puts his skills to work as he travels the world solving difficult crimes.
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07x01 - The m*rder of Roger Ackroyd

Post by bunniefuu »

The m*rder Of Roger Ackroyd Based on the work of Adapted for A man can make an effort for to have a little leisure in his reform and then to discover that, at last, it yearns for the old occupied days, and for the old occupations that he had thought to be so glad because of leaving.

I had already begun to miss of the daily work of my job when, tout to the coup, I was launched again for more fascinating work of the world, the study of the human nature! I stayed in the possession of a diary, where a m*rder*r it had registered for the posterity the thoughts that had when a cowardly crime was accompanied.

Rarely I had found so many it embitters, such envy and scorn Such arrogance out of place.

" Our village, King's Abbot is, I imagine, " very similar with another any English village.

" A chill medieval church " it tops the only street, of huts done from stone.

" To the bottom of the street the bridge crosses the river, " where snot-nosed progeny of the poor persons " the most advanced perfects skill that sometime will have.

" Though for the chance observer King's Abbot is a friendly place, " not even it is everything what looks.

" The surface is scraped and one finds more jealousies and rivalries of what in the Ancient Rome.

" - Excuse to be bothersome, Mr.


- Oh, Parker! - I knocked at the door of the Mr.

Poirot " - My livrinho, " it is on the m*rder of Roger Ackroyd.

: " the previous events, the subsequent small investigation and the final revelation

- for you alone, expensive reader

- of the culprit.

" Is anybody?

Now I give up of you.

You will not torment me again! I am going to k*ll you! Sacré! My expensive Doctor, I ask him for forgiveness, but these pumpkins they took me to the threshold of the barbarity! Please, forgive me! I am disgraced, knocked down.

- What the problem is, Poirot?

- Oh, Doctor knows, it is my wish to cultivate a pumpkin of gigantic proportions.

And he saw how I take care of her! Every day I give him water, every day I take away the weeds, with my best scissors, and when her florzinhas appear, I remove them all less one, to preserve his strength.

And does she appreciate these gifts?

No! It grows even to the conventional size and then it is resting.

- It is not necessary to agitate, Poirot.

- No.

No, it is right.

He can see them to me for you same, James, when we reform, we get entangled in new objectives.

Oh, pardon, Monsieur Parker.

- What I can do for you?

- I came leading to the factory, man.

They had just given them to me 10 hours.

My meeting was only to the 11.

Yes, but you.

Ackroyd asked for to be more early, if not to matter.

It has a very occupied day, today.

" Our industrial only one he is the nouveau riche Sr.

Roger Ackroyd.

" The factory of where the evil comes wins wealth of Ackroyd encapsula the life what we survive here.

Yeast and confusion.

" - Does penny have one, Poirot?

- Oui.

Thank you.

Show to a Monsieur Poirot what his acid does, Ted.

" It is here that he stuffs the pockets, combining unlikely chemists, " to do unnecessary products, while it destroys the air what we breathe.

One likes considering a scientist.

" I am afraid that the noise has been when it exaggerated for you, Poirot.

In no way.

I envy it, mon ami.

Who would imagine that the experiences in the rears of his shop would they give in this?

His country house you punish it two or three kilometers, and however we have here the challenges and triumphs of the great industry.

I him will be eternally grateful for that first loan, Poirot.

And it cannot deny what had triumphs.

And now it has his reward: the peace and the silence of the field, his garden

- Does not it feel sorry of having come here?

- No, not, no.

Of all.

During 30 years I was exposed to the black side of the life.

- Is it stressful, does he know?

- I imagine what is.

And now, such as he says, I have my reward.

- Excuse, Mr.

Ackroyd - What is, Raymond?

- You.

Paton is here.

- You.


- His stepson.

- I know who it is, thank you.

Tell it to enter.

Because it will be that I do not support this so-and-so?

Eh bien, now I will turn the King's Abbot.

Very much thank you, my friend, for me to show his factory magnifies.

I do not realize why only it came now.

Live already here that there is almost one year! But, globally, this was a good week for me.

Read the newspaper in Saturday in the morning, Poirot, in " Marriages ".

He is talking about his stepson and of the Mademoiselle Flora?

Want to accept my congratulations! Ralph, my dear boy!

- Do you remember Monsieur Poirot?

- Yes, clear.

Since it goes, Mr.


Well, thank you.

- Lament, but I am of departure.

- The house takes the Parker.

- Raymond, treats that, please.

- Merci.

- Au revoir.

- Goodbye.

What you are here doing?

" With his profits badly acquired, " Ackroyd had built a house really ostensible, " spending a fortune in architects and topographers, undoubtedly.

" He lives there with the widow of his brother, to Mrs.

Vera Ackroyd, and his daughter Flora.

- Anxious vultures for his death.

" - I can lay, Mrs.


- Yes.

- Oh, tea! Amaze! Hello, Ursula.

- Can I lay for you, Beauty queen Blooms?

- Yes, thank you.

- Is not it exciting?

- Tea?

No, it behaves like a dotard.

The near announcement.

And it was already not without time.

Lament, I I I go for a cloth.

I do not know where Roger go for these kids!

- Did you speak with Ralph?

- No, mother.

He is in London.

It could phone for opportunity of his engagement! I I came last night.

I am installed in the White Hart.

- Look, father - What exists of evil in Fernly Park?

Well There is nothing of evil in Fernly Park.

- He knew that it was going to announce the engagement.

- The Flora approves totally.

Well, yes.

Perhaps approve.

- You have been coming to postpone that there are three months.

- I am trying to arrange job.

He always said to your died mother what would treat you as you were my son himself, Ralph.

- I know, but - I do not even halve them to myself but! We

- I said in order that they did not bother!

- She is you.

Ferrars to the telephone.

- Am I?

- Roger, is Dotty.

I have to see you.

I have to tell to you a thing.

Ralph! I am going to try to go there today to the late afternoon.

Ready, ready: I go of certainty there today to the late afternoon.

I go! " The nervosíssima and unpredictable Dorothy Ferrars is an enigma for the aldeãos.

" She lives alone with considerable comfort, " thanks to the fortune of the died husband, a fool who died in circumstances you suspect in last year.

" Doctor Sheppard From here to ten minutes.

- Who was?

- The Inspector Davis.

Now he says to me, Mary, because you her came to wake up so early?

To the sixth ones in the morning she was going to ride.

It was liking going out before the six.

It is well, Mary.

Thank you.

It is going to take a tea.


- Does it think that it was a su1c1de?

- Wonder after the inquiry.

- The husband died that there is almost one year.

- Almost exactamente.

Did it find any ticket?

Still not.

- Sheppard, I want to speak with you!

- He knew already of the Mrs.



I was with her still yesterday afternoon.

The Fernly Park comes today, to 7:30.

I was thinking about Dotty Ferrars.

It must have taken the Veronal on purpose.


- Remorses?

- You did not call in last year when he told you that she had when the awful husband was poisoned.

This proves it.

- Hello! Between, please.

- Thank you.

We have a visit, James.

- Pardon, Doctor! It was having lunch.

- No, no.

We finished already.

Hercule it brought a trabalhito to you.

- Oui.

Me her pendule of voyage.

- "Pendule"?

- Oh, a clock!

- What he says to me, James?

- Will I have given him great rope?

- No.

It seems to me that it links only it needs a good cleaning.

- I will do what will be able with him.

- It is good a pastime has.


It has his garden, Poirot.


- Good morning.

- A few times only more

- We will be patient.

- Oh, for the God's love! My darling, is more than right that the elderly man will leave me without cash

- Clear what it will not leave! He is full of me, recently.

One more little thing and promptly.

And it us is needed.

I will be very rich when he will go away; I do not want that it changes the will.

Then because you are here and not in Fernly Park?

- Look, it leaves this with me.

- Do not worry.

- It is completely very easy for you!

- It will be good from here to two days.

- Thank you, Doctor.

- James, I Excuse!

- Goodbye.

- It was not of your social service

- No, dear sister.


- I saw a strange thing right now.

- To serious?

First of all, Ralph Paton it is accommodated in the White Hart.

- Accommodated there?

- Accommodated there.

And he was speaking with a woman.

I did not manage to see who was I presume what was the Flora, but that does not do sense.

But it still does less hurt that it was not! There is cruelty in this village, Poirot.

Pure cruelty! Tell to me what it happened, mon ami.

It did not know Ashley Ferrars, is not it?

- No.

It died before I came here.

- Yes, well I was similar.

After his death, there were a series of noises.

That sometimes happens in small lands.

Be that as it may, the forensic scientist said gastritis exacerbated by the alcohol followed from peritonitis.

And one was thereabouts.

Up to yesterday.

- Yesterday I discovered what was poisoned.

- Poisoned?

Well, already now I tell to him everything, Poirot.

I have been Well When He fell in love for Dorothy Ferrars there are years.

She tied me yesterday, very perturbed I wanted to see each other.

It went away completely down.

It told everything to me.

Her hatred for the animal of the husband his growing love for me And the awful step that gave Poison! m*rder! m*rder to coolness!

- I am seeing

- The most terrible thing it is which debit to have seen the shock in my face.

I did not manage to pretend.

I took it to the su1c1de! But her death it was considered accidental.

- It is not necessary to blame, mon ami.

- I know, it links them to me one said another thing.

It seems that there was someone what he always knew about the crime, and what was blackmailing it in great sums.

- And does he know who was?

- She did not say to me his name.

As a matter of fact, he did not even say what was a man, but Well, this is not going to be so! Does it intend to pursue this blackmailer?

If Dotty had left a ticket, it could have written a name Roger he will be careful.

Thank you, Ursula.

- Sheppard, good night.

- Good night.

Good night, Poirot.

- Good night, James.

- I am going to accompany you.

Poirot at the door.

- Between for room, please.

- Thank you.

Thank you, Monsieur Parker.

Hello, Dr.


He did not know that it was coming this night.

- Does he know that it has to congratulate me?

- To serious?

Look! I am going to marry with Ralph.

- Apposition what they will be very happy.

- We are already fiances there are three months, but it is going to be announced officially tomorrow.


Sheppard! Good night, Mrs.


- It is true, the poor Mrs.


- She died last night, yes.

It links ?

- Was it a su1c1de?

- We still do not know.

Poor lady So The life continues, I find.

It would like what he was telling to me of this ancient monuments, Doctor Sheppard.

- Apposition what he knows what they are.

- There since own I am an antiquity Sheppard, is there! It is to have dinner, is not it?

Do we speak then?

- Fernly Park - Is Monsieur Ackroyd available?

- No, it is having dinner, Mr.


- Having dinner?

Can it ask for him me to phone?

I am at my home.

I say to him tie him.

And, Monsieur Parker, is certified what gives him the message now.

Certainly, man.

and I said: there because you break eggs it does not mean that you do an omelette.

My died husband it was hating omelettes.


Poirot phoned, man.

He told him that the man was having dinner.

Thank you, I tie Parker.


My died husband was hating everything what it had to do with hens.

- The last mail.

And notice! - Thank you, Barney.

The mail of the afternoon, man.

It puts other letters on the table, Parker.

Thank you.

" My darling, my great darling Roger " " There is a thing in which a m*rder*r it can always trust.

: " the report of a witness is always different from the report of all others, even that they all were presents in the same opportunity.

" - Do I wait what has liked the dinner?

- In fact, I liked.

Thank you, Parker.

- I am going to say goodbye only to the ladies.

- Yes, man.

- Good night, my ladies.

- Will it go, doctor?

Unfortunately, I have.

Good night.

- And, again, congratulations, Flora.

- Thank you, Dr.


Good night.

I lament to say that mine expenses have been so many people recently what me is impossible to agree to his request.

Since it will be able to appreciate Parker, you.

Ackroyd it does not want to be bothered today.

Very well, Beauty queen Blooms.

It does not seem to have been one night there very interesting.

Did you not even know anything of Ralph?

He knew that he was officially fiance of Flora, finally.

Then what was that one that I heard it this afternoon, in the White Hart?

- Who knows, my darling?

Oh, no! It will be why for what the persons do they always choose the night to fall ill?

Doctor Sheppard What?



I go of immediate one.

What was?

- What was, James?

- It was the Parker.

Of Fernly.

They found m*rder*d Roger Ackroyd.

- Yes, man?

- Where he is?

- Excuse, man?

- Did they call the police officer?

- The police officer, man?

- What goes on with you, Parker?

If his boss was m*rder*d

- m*rder*d, man?

- It me did not phone that there are five minutes saying that you.

Ackroyd was it considered m*rder*d?

- No, man.

He would not even think

- Does it mean what was completely a departure?

Thank goodness! Though it was liking strangling the joker! I can check, one will want, man.

Seeing if it is completely well?

- No, no It is not worthwhile.

- Let me go to see only, man.

- Where they all are?

- The ladies went away to lay, man.

Dressing what you.

Raymond it is still on foot - It seems to be locked.

- Perhaps it has been going to go to bed.

I never saw it locking the door before.

The key is in the lock.


- Ackroyd!

- It can have fallen asleep.

- Lament, Parker.

- Doctor Sheppard! Skirt of the front! No! How much fewer persons to touch this better room.

Phone the squad, Parker.

Yes, immediately.

- You.

Ackroyd was m*rder*d!

- What he said?


Ackroyd, man! Be k*lled! In the office! Oh, good Lord! What is here doing?

Excuse, Mr.


It is better to enter.

Thank you.

It was same phoning the police officer.

- What happened, Monsieur Parker?

- You.

Ackroyd was k*lled, man.


- Who would do a thing of this?

- Poirot, thank goodness! Nobody entered here.

What it finds, Poirot?

I disillusioned my friend.

" Our local police officer is a fountain constant of innocent amusement.

" There is one year, they did not even manage to see what the death of Ashley Ferrars was a crime.

Now probably they will say that the Ackroyd committed su1c1de.

" Ackroyd was so strange the day completely.

The death of the Mrs.

Ferrars it reached it very much.

Good night, gentlemen.

- Did anybody move here?

- I checked that the life was extinguished, it swims more.

- Who found the body?

- The butler, Parker, and own I.

I had dinner here, but it was already at home when I received a phone call of the Parker saying that you.

Ackroyd it had been m*rder*d.

Then the Parker had it already found the body?

No, man.

I did not do phone call any, man.

- A moment only! Dr.


- I did not phone! I swear! Was it looking to voice of the Parker to the telephone?

I did not notice.

Did I presume which era he, it realizes?

Very strange.

- Be that as it may, it came here

- I broke the door down what was locked on the inside.

Did anybody see the window?

Well, it was this way that the m*rder*r entered.

And it went out.

- A footprint.

- Of a boot with sole of rubber.

When it went to last time what they become you.

Ackroyd with life?

I went to the nine.

He was alive then.

It was alive to the nine and it halves.

I heard it speaking in the office.

- With who was he speaking?

- I do not know.

In the height, I presumed what was with Dr.

Sheppard, but in fact he had already gone out.

- Did he hear anything of the conversation?

- A fragment only.


Ackroyd said I eat any thing: " my expenses they have been so many people recently what me is impossible to agree to his request ".

- I did not hear any more anything.

- But a request of money

- It can be important.

- I ask license, Inspector Davis, but the Beauty queen Blooms he saw it after the nine and it halves.

- I saw it going out from the office to 22:10.

- Someone tells it to call, please.

Yes, man.

I do not know it, man.

How does one call?

This is Hercule Poirot, Inspector.

The famous detective! Oh yes?

What is here doing?

Monsieur Ackroyd was my friend.

I was with him tonight.

When you saw.

Ackroyd do I live for the last time?

We say goodbye to 7:36.

Then I was for house.

What is here doing now?

Monsieur Ackroyd it was very perturbed.

I was preoccupied by him and I returned.

- Thank you.

- I will say this.


Ralph Paton it came from London here.

It went to the factory you see.


They talked.

- On what?

- I do not know well.

Something seeing with the will of the Mr.

Ackroyd, dressing I.

This is awful! It cannot be true.

Beauty queen Ackroyd, I me them have lament of asking him some questions.

The Parker says that he saw it going out of the office of his uncle to 22:10.

Is it true?

- Does it think that I am a m*rder*r?

- Mademoiselle, please.

One feels.


We am alone trying to know where everyone was of the house, to discover what they saw or heard.

It is well.

Yes, I I entered to say good night to an Uncle Roger.

- To the ten and ten?

- I do not know! Yes, more or less.

Was he alone?



It noticed if the window was it opened or closed?

I do not know.

I did not look.

Anyway, the curtains were run! Oh, God! Can I take it the house, Poirot?

No, merci.

I prefer to walk.

" From now on, the lie began it seriously.

" Badly we could move, with the persons to protest innocence " or pointing to the finger to others.

" The smoke was so much that he badly was seeing himself for another side of the street.

Cross what! " Hello, Flora.

I came you saw.


- Is he?

- Well It is terribly bothered.

My brother is with him.

The two came.

Who would do a thing of this to a man of that, James?

- It is difficult to say

- It was a rhetorical question.

It is the Flora.

- Mr.

Poirot, excuses to appear so.

- Mademoiselle But the leaning police officer that Ralph k*lled my uncle! He was not he, Mr.

Poirot! To serious what not! I cannot help it, Mademoiselle.

- But the man is a detective! - His uncle was a friend of the Poirot.

Anyway, Mademoiselle, I am reformed.

I do not work already.

I pay to him! - Arrangement sorts things out of paying to him.

- It is not a question of money.

- We go there, cachopa.

- What I will do?

- What I will do?

- Where Ralph is now?

I do not know exactamente.

The Uncle Roger said to me yesterday that he was in the White Hart, but it is not there now.

They said to me what went away to way of the night.

But it left his all the things.

- I am seeing.

- No, do not be! Ralph can have done stupidities in the past, nobody would m*rder them to me.

Mademoiselle, I cannot help it as it wants but I am going to speak for you with the Inspector Davis.

It can be what it helps.

Just between us, Inspector-chief, I bet on Ralph Paton, the stepson.

That foreign man he wants to see it, Inspector.

I do not want to be bothered! I will only take up him five minutes, Inspector.

I know that voice! Inspector-chief Japp! Well I was similar that the name King's any thing me was familiar!

- Oh, my expensive friend!

- Poirot! I thinking what was reformed and I come to give with you put in the whole type of murders! No, not, Inspector-chief.

I am not, as he says, "put" in nothing.

No, the Monsieur Ackroyd he was a friendly old man of mine, more not at all.

Yes, but he is going to help to talk to us with all these country bumpkins, does not it go?


Non, Inspector-chief.

- I was stopped much time

- Walk there, how in the old times.

Very well.

But in the periphery only.

Inspector Davis, the Mademoiselle Ackroyd does there say to me what suspect of Ralph Paton?

Or he was he or the butler.

What we have against Paton?

First: it left White Hart last night and it was not done not seen again.

I second: it is said that it has serious financial difficulties and probably it would benefit of the will.

And third: it is said that it had a discussion with the victim.

- It seems very juicy.

- Perhaps juicy too much, mon ami.

We will see.

I have here a couple of shoes what we brought of White Hart.

I am going to compare them with the footprints in the wall of the window.

Someone saw suspect strangers this way?

Strangers to visit you.

Ackroyd in the last week or so?

Yes, there was one.

That young person, who said to be a seller, in Wednesday.

- It was with you.

Ackroyd an hour.

- No, no.

He was an innocent seller.

It went to the factory to try to sell ditafones and you.

Ackroyd it asked for him to come here to demonstrate.

- One calls Mr.


- Yes, it is well.

- We are going to return at night of yesterday

- But a thing happened yesterday

- Yes?

- I was in the patio of the living room, smoking, about the 21:30 and vi or he seemed to see me, a woman to disappear in the woods near to the summer house.

- A glimpse of white, does it realize?

- Does not it do whose idea was?

I am not sure

- It is possible to have been only a ray of moonlight.

- Yes, it is well.

Thank you.

Now When the Doctor Sheppard and the Parker they broke the door down, they were confronted with the vision of the Mr.

Ackroyd, k*lled in the chair.

- Right.

Can I interrupt, Inspector-chief?

- Clear.

- Thank you.

This room is exactamente as it was in the height?

The curtains were run, man, and the electric light was tied.


More something?

- Yes.

The chair was more here.

- Bon.

Show off.

Voile you qui est curieux.

What looks to him, Inspector-chief?

Nobody would sit down with the chair in this position, I imagine.

It is a strange siege, I admit, but I do not find what is very important.

No, it is not important at all.

It is therefore that it is so interesting.

These shoes correspond exactamente to the marks of the wall.

Clear what correspond, Inspector.

Clear what correspond.

" Of moment, Ralph Paton is the principal suspect.

" If muddy shoes they were condemning someone, " they were putting it dancing in the gallows in the next morning.

" Only there is a problem.

: The coward is hidden.

" I helped you.

Ackroyd building this house, did he know?

Drawing it and completely.

The modern houses generally they have no installations for the people like the houses to serious.

- You.

Ackroyd wanted everything right one.

- Was he a good boss, no?

It was managing to be brusque, but it was always just.

- There will not be another equal.

- No, in fact.

Call, Mr.

Parker, which thinks of the secretary, Monsieur Raymond?

It is not much arrogant, to be a franc, but she is a good person.

It is alone what he said last night to an Inspector Davis what Monsieur Ackroyd heard speaking in the office to 21:30.

I am not tilted believing.

That I do not know already, man.

I do not find what you.

Raymond is of the type of lying.

But there is a thing It means, I did not speak in this before, but it has been bothering me It used to be in the shop window of the living room.

I am sure what was there yesterday even before the dinner.

Excuse, Inspector-chief.

Monsieur Parker wants to show us a thing.

- Monsieur Parker - It is this.

- They came in the post of the afternoon of yesterday.

- And then?

- Well, they were five when it brought them.

- And now they are four.

I noticed specially because these are all business letters, and there was the personal, handwritten one.

In a dark-blue envelope, very outstanding.

Perhaps you.

Ackroyd has it put it to the pocket?

They discovered some letter so in the body, Inspector?


Then these are the windows of the living room?

Yes, Inspector-chief.

Inside which the box was what was containing the w*apon of the crime, convenientemente at the disposal.

And this way, more none

- more no window gives for the terrace, up to reaching the office of the Monsieur Roger Ackroyd.

Inspector-chief! I had just received a phone call of the thirst.

They located the call what Dr.

Sheppard received.

It was done yesterday to 22:15, of one cabin of the Station of King's Abbot.

And to 22:23 the nocturnal mail goes out for Liverpool.

But because there would be the m*rder*r of phoning, even?

- Any credit does not seem a reason! - There was a reason, he can be sure.

And when we will know it, we will know everything.

They said to me that the time have been dry there is a fortnight.

Then as they appear the muddy footprints in the wall?

This is easy, an Inspector-chief.

- See there: the faucet was dripping.

- Oh, right.

Oh, here the footprint again is!

- Does he see also that of lady?

- There are many women at the home.

Come, Inspector-chief.

Let's investigate joined the summer house.

My Emily wanted a thing of this, but it did not seem appropriate to Isleworth.

What found, Poirot?

It is a piece of cloth of a scarf or something of the type.

- Perhaps But Inspector-chief remembers this: the good washer-woman it does not use lye in scarfs.

Is the organization in disorder today?

Because of the absence of the Mr.


It was difficult.


Is not his direction needed?

His direction more fast it was drawing the things of what Excuse.

He must not have said this.

But in fact it is me who was negotiating of the business in day by day.

But never nobody thanked for me.

Different creditors: You.

Hammond is the personal lawyer of the Mr.

Ackroyd and of the enterprise.

I am the Inspector-chief Japp, of the Scotland Yard.

And this is Hercule Poirot.

- Detective Privado.

- We need knowledge what is in the will of the Mr.


But I go there to house later, for the reading.

So many thing to do! So many thing to do!

- Whenever

- Yes.

What is in the will?

The will consists in a series of legates and donations.

Such as?

Well, 500 pounds for his secretary, you.



Vera Ackroyd it receives the profits for ten thousand pounds in actions while it will be lively, while the daughter, Flora Ackroyd, it inherits twenty thousand pounds immediately.

And most of the inheritance?

The remainder, including Fernly Park and the actions of the Ackroyd Chemicals, for his adoptive child, you.

Ralph Paton.

Call, the estate of Monsieur Was Roger Ackroyd very big?

Oh, yes, really! You.

Paton will be a very rich young person.


Call, Inspector-chief, the stationmaster of King's Abbot, did he give a hand?

- Not great, I am afraid.

Nobody remembers of nobody uses the telephone, but about this hour they have it train of London in a platform and it of Liverpool in other one, therefore They become someone rising for these trains?

The porter remembers a young person entering in the train for Liverpool Billet he.

But Voilà.

- It seems very sad.

- Oui.

We are going to liven up it, Inspector-chief.

Bonjour, Mademoiselle Ackroyd.

- They frightened me.

- It wanted to ask about him a thing.

It was for the sides of the summer house in the night of the crime?

- Of the summer house?


- It is alone because someone, a lady, it was seen in his proximities.

- Well, I was not.

- Must have been for the nine and it halves.

Thank you, Mademoiselle.

- It helped us very much.

- Also I will return for house.

It was still beginning Very probably.

Did she already go out from sight, Inspector-chief?


What it is doing, Poirot?


We will maintain the eyes it always alerts, mon ami.

A reflex of the light of the sun and voilà! It is an alliance of marriage.

Yes, in fact.

Of woman, for the size.

Very probably.

Does it find what this stains?

What strange siege in order that an alliance is! Wait there, it has an inscription.

" Of R.

, 13 of March ".

Do we know who is this one R.



- Mr.

Raymond - Now not, Inspector-chief.

What goes on, Parker?

I do not know exactamente, something is lacking.

I never found that the people of Fernly Park it was of confidence

- What happened, Lady?

- Money disappeared.

- It was stolen.

- We do not know that.

Forty pounds, Monsieur Poirot, of the room of the poor person Roger.


Hammond came from London to read the will.

It asked if there was money at the home, because he will be included in the estate.

When Raymond looked for it to the room of a Mr.

Ackroyd, it had disappeared.

I never found this people of confidence Then, Mrs.

Ackroyd Right.

Who is the current suspect?

The kitchen maid, Ursula.

She was dismissed yesterday.

Undoubtedly it resolved to go away with an undeserved bonus.

- Is she Ursula Bourne?

- Yes, man.

- Does it seem that it goes away?

- Yes.

And why?

I mixed up a few papers in the secretary of the Mr.


It grew very angry and said what was better I to go away.

Let him say to me, my girl, what a considerable amount, 40 pounds, it disappeared of this drawer.

One thinks that I robbed them and therefore you.

Ackroyd dismissed me, it is wrong.

- Well, it looks - Please, Inspector Mademoiselle Ursula, was yesterday afternoon which Roger Ackroyd dismissed it, was not it?

- How much time delayed the conversation?

- The conversation?

The conversation with Monsieur Ackroyd in the office.

Ten minutes?


- Half an hour?

- Thereabouts.

- Half an hour?

- It was not any more, of certainty.

- Merci, Mademoiselle.

- Not even a perforated cash! I worked six years for that bastard and not even a perforated cash!

- Are they all so, it is not?

But who do you think that the last thing to laugh are?

Who knows all the segredinhos of the family?

Do the last requests, please! Walk there! You have great space! Walk there! Walk there, bastard! You have great space! " First Roger Ackroyd, brutalmente stabbed in his office, " now this servant, Parker, deliberadamente run " Has the m*rder*r no clemency?

" It does not do idea of the difficulty what is to find good servants?

Our useless detectives they keep on walking in circles "

- Why to k*ll the butler?

- Perhaps something was going to reveal us.

But call, Inspector-chief, what it found of the history of the kitchen maid?

- What history?

- Her history of the despedimento.

One stays half an hour in order that someone is dismissed?

Was that in the afternoon, was not it?

It cannot have nothing to do with the crime.

I am not sure.

Perhaps, at his time, the piece of cambric that I found say to us.

It is doing what it always does, Poirot.

- What, Inspector-chief?

- To get confused.

Soon when I think that I have the well controlled case And call, Inspector-chief, what thinks of the case?

Well, we will be logical, does it realize, Poirot?


Bien sur! Very well.

And what we have?

The last person to see Roger Ackroyd living creature was Dr.

Sheppard, what went out at nine hours.

- Non.

It forgets Flora Ackroyd, what entered to say to him good night ten minutes after the Dec.

One is not bothersome, Inspector-chief.

I do not believe in her.

Please, continue.

But because there would be she of ?

Be that as it may, Raymond heard it Ackroyd to speak with someone to 21:30.

Ralph Paton disappeared of the rooms it erases in the night of the crime, and never again nobody saw it.

The person with whom Ackroyd was speaking it was asking money.

Ralph Paton was always in financial trouble, and he is the principal beneficiary of the will of the victim.

Ralph Paton it had a discussion with the victim.

- His footprints are in the wall.

- And who intends to be the m*rder*r?

Very funny, Poirot! Look, if the Paton was innocent, was it showing up, was not it?

More oui.

This is a theory, yes.

Certainly what has some type of celulazinhas grey.

- But great clue thing because of explaining.

- What, for example?

- The chair that was moved.

- Again the chair, no! They took away it of the siege and they returned it put it there.

Perhaps the m*rder*r was afraid what the Monsieur Parker it was noticing his meaning.

- I am trying to negotiate with facts.

- But the chair is a fact, mon ami.

Such as the phone call, the alliance thrown away, and the m*rder of Monsieur Parker.

Hercule! Lady Sheppard.

It is not terrible what happened to a poor person Parker?

- Does not he introduce me to his friend?

- Yes, clear, Lady.

The sister of the Mr.

Sheppard, the Inspector-chief Japp, of the Scotland Yard.

- Well I was similar.

Exciting what! - How it is?

Leaning I what Roger Ackroyd he never knew that the Parker was drinking.

A little thing for you, detectives.

To think.

With license.

- Lady.

- Goodbye.

Creed! Decididamente, it is a height of the Poirot to act! Merci.

Mademoiselle Ursula, be here, please.

- Doctor, asseyez-vous là.

- Thank you.

To begin, I do to him an appeal special to you, Mademoiselle.

- To me?

- Oui.

One knows where if it finds the Monsieur Ralph Paton, I him beg it to persuade it showing up.

Monsieur Poirot, I swear solemnly what I do not do it devises where Ralph is.

I did not see it, did not speak with him in the day of the crime not then.

Bien! And promptly.

Now, for others: they are all friends and close friends of Monsieur Ralph Paton.

The missing person is known where be hidden, speak! I you beg them to speak.

Messieurs and Mesdames, I intend to reach the truth.

I intend knowledge and I will know, in spite of all of you! Thank you.

- Sir ?

- Poirot, Lady Folliott.

Hercule Poirot.

- Thousand pardons because of appearing so - It has no problem.

I saw the references what it gave to an ancient kitchen maid of yours, a Mademoiselle Ursula Bourne.

- Yes?

And it passed little more than one year since she left you, right?


It passed yes.

It has great reason.

He was liking knowing it is possible to say to me something more on her For example, does she come of where?

- Her family - I do not do idea.

I am seeing.

Then, the one who was her boss before she comes here?

In fact, I do not remember.

- Are these questions necessary?

- Non, of all, Lady.


I did not think what had problems in answering.

Taxi! For the News Chronicle, in Fleet Street, s'il vous plaît.

It is well, promptly, it can already guard the clock.

He knows that the delays bother me.

- Mr.


- Good morning, Inspector-chief.

This is even good! So many choice! I am stunned.

What it discovered in the apartment of Monsieur Paton?

Absolutely not at all: a bed, a table, a chair.

Nobody there goes that there is one week.

Did it bring me the list of the homes?


Be nothing to eat here, Poirot! It is completely macaroni, ravioli

- Have they no meat?

- Esparguete to the bolonhesa has meat.

I do not like of esparguete.

Now, Mr.

Hammond, we are going to need his help.

Pará besides lawyer of the Mr.

Roger Ackroyd, they told us that it also was lawyer of the Mrs.

Dorothy Ferrars?


Her all the business they were passing by our hands.

Monsieur Hammond knows, Monsieur Ackroyd was thinking that she was being blackmailed and it is possible that the blackmail and the death of Roger Ackroyd they are tied.

Blackmail, is it?

- Does it surprise it?

- No.

No, it explains a series of things.

In the last year, you.

Ferrars it sold some security guards, but the money was deposited in her count and done not not re-invested.

I always imagined that the money work hard in order that some woman pays what had someone right on the died Mr.


And what it went to amount of these sales?

Well, in the total, he would say that the sums they were of, at least, 20 thousand pounds.

Twenty thousand pounds! I could reform tomorrow and went to live for the South of France.


It would not like the food, Inspector-chief.

Well, nobody of our cheerful g*ng of suspects it shows signs of having won this quantity of money.

Look, Poirot! He is his old man apartment.

Who lives there now?


It is still mine.

- No! - Oui.

I did not know of that! Well, we are going to give a peep.


Be that as it may, I have not the keys.

Clear that it has! He was seeing why it had come for these sides.

We go.

- Sweet home home, is not it, Poirot?

- Oui.

- But it is full of ghosts.

- And you erase someone quite lively! He knows, Inspector-chief, this one visits the London it disturbs me.

And this still more.

It was not cut to live in the field, Poirot.

No, not, Inspector-chief.

He must not say these things.

The life of the field does to me well.

I have the fresh air I have my garden - The peace.

- It must never have reformed.

I said this to him in the height, if well one remembers.

It is not possible to postpone the inevitable thing forever, Inspector-chief.

And this case it is full of postponements.

- Is it?

- Oui, bien sur! Monsieur Ackroyd and Lady Ferrars postponed the announcement of the engagement.

The Monsieur Ralph Paton and to Mademoiselle Flora the same thing.

Well, I do not see where that in the group.


It grinds aussi.

We have them to me to allow us to think.

" Of R.

, 13 of March ".

The Monsieur Ackroyd and the Lady Will Ferrars have married in secret?

- Because they would do that?

- Or Ralph Paton and Flora Ackroyd?

That is more probable, but why to maintain secret?

Whom more do we know with the initial R.


- And you.


- Monsieur Raymond?


I do not find what Monsieur Raymond be a type to marry, Inspector-chief.


Does he see?

We always return to Ralph Paton.

Clear what the alliance it cannot have nothing to do with the case.

I do not understand them to myself because he does not show up! It still did not take place to him, Inspector-chief, what the Monsieur Ralph Paton can it be k*lled?

- k*lled?


Well, I wait that not, for good of Flora Ackroyd, at least.

What it meant the next day, when he said that it was not believing what had she been going to see the uncle to the ten and ten?

Allons-y, Inspector-chief.

We will catch the train.

Also I need of escaping of these ghosts.

" In this height, the varnish began cracking.

It costs to me to admit, " but there are certain negrumes in heart what not even I knew.

Who would say that the Beauty queen Flora Ackroyd was it able of such a marotice?

" The Monsieur Poirot did to me a certain suggestion, Beauty queen Ackroyd.

It suggested what did not enter in the office in Friday at night, and what you did not see.

Ackroyd to say to him in the good-night.

- The Parker saw me there.

- No, Mademoiselle.

Monsieur Parker he said that he saw it going out.

It does not do idea from as mine has been it plants vines since we came here.

To want things and would do maneuvers, of lying and deceiving to have them To accumulate counts and to promise to pay I hate myself when I think about that completely.

It was what it brought near us, Ralph and I.

I was understanding it because, in the bottom, I am the same as him.

We are not strong what arrives to support us alone.

Promptly, I was not leaving from the office.

It was in the room of my uncle.

There knew what he always had money in the drawer.

It was going down the staircases of the room of my uncle when I heard the Parker crossing the courtyard.

Therefore I pretended what was going out from the office.

Parker, you.

Ackroyd it does not want to be bothered.

Very well, Beauty queen Blooms.

- Mademoiselle - Did I steal it, it is well?

40 pounds! I am a common and ordinary thief! Now they know already! " One regulates number in King's Abbot.

: never to believe in what they say to us.

" What the detectives might do otherwise recommencing?

There they returned the house of Dorothy Ferrars, " to rummage again in his sad existence.

It was she, in fact, the cause of all this confusion! " The Lady Ferrars was his patient there are many years, James.

Did it seem to him, recently, perturbed?

She was a sensitive person, he knows.

Few persons were understanding it.

But was James understanding?

- It did to me some confidences.

- With license.

- And was she writing many letters?

- No, I think that not.

Her family is in the New Zelândia.

Bonjour, Lady.

- Did he see this?

- Good morning, Inspector-chief.


Oh, good morning.

Ear: " The police officer has been anxious because of speaking with you.

Ralph Paton, adoptive child of the Mr.

Roger Ackroyd, " what died in circumstances you suspect in last Friday.

" You.

Paton he was now a prisoner in Liverpool, where it was ready boarding for America.

" - Bon.

- Bon?

What it means?

This they are nonsenses! I spoke with Liverpool and they do not know of anything! That's right mon ami.

I was that I persuaded the publisher of this decent newspaper to insert this item.

Well, we will see if it is right, Poirot, and if his article someone poured of the hiding place.

- Can hiding places be poured?

- You realized.

They will be able to be poured, then this will have poured them.

Do I lament, they were to the wait there has much?

We are all to the spiders With the Parker without being here and indisposed Ursula.

- Is she upset?

I say upset but She only does not go out from the room.

We hear it crying there inside.


- Go away! - A chat, Beauty queen Bourne?

Go away! I do not want to see you! Mrs.


Am I, Hercule Poirot.

It is already not worthwhile to pretend, is not it?

- The newspaper says that Ralph was imprisoned.

- What it is necessary it is true.

- He was not Ralph!

- In fact, I am tilted agreeing with you.

But the case is ugly.

The truth only you can save.

Paton now.

So, first say to us because she pretended to be a kitchen maid.

It would work.

My father died that there are two years and only it left debts.

Debts and five daughters.

My oldest sister was already married, with the Captain Folliott.


I knew his sister yesterday.

I was not going to be a kitchen maid to pretend.

It was to serious or it swims, and my sister gave me a reference.

- And did it arrange job here?


In fact, even it was liking the work.

And then I knew Ralph.

When we know each other, we feel you hurt to the same thing.

- We wanted to marry.

- Oui.

In the day 13 of March.

My alliance! I thought that never again it would rehabilitate it!

I eat Where ?

- Please, continue, Lady.

Well, we married and then I returned and Ralph stayed in London to the search of job, but then there decided what only it managed to be freed of the debts asking for help a Mr.


- Without revealing the marriage?

- Yes.


Ackroyd was furious, one said them what it would help if he was marrying with Flora Ackroyd.

And he agreed.


It demanded them to me what was not announced during some time.

He did not want that I knew.

- Apposition what not.

- But then, in the fifth step, you.

Ackroyd was impatient and he said that the engagement would be announced in this weekend.

Therefore, Ralph had to tell me the confusion in which it had got involved.

It is more than right what the elderly man it will leave me without cash I said that I was going to count to a Mr.

Ackroyd whom we were married.

Ralph me asked that not, but what existed I of doing?

It was so furious with him that, to the going for house, I threw my alliance away.

I repented almost immediately, but I thought that you.

Ackroyd might be understanding, me them he was awful.

He said that I had tried to get a beating Ralph because of the money.

- Already married?

! - Be that as it may, it had combined to be with Ralph at the summer home to tell him how it had run.

I found it to the nine and it halves and it was a horror.

- You spoilt everything!

- It had a right! I am your woman!

- Also it tore his apron.

- He did not know where I did this Be that as it may, never again I saw I did not even speak with Ralph.

And then he knew that you.

Ackroyd it had been m*rder*d.


Say to us, Lady Paton, to which hours was it separated of his husband at the summer home?

He thinks that I am not always thinking in that?

Stow with Ralph ten minutes.

They were ten one less room when I reached house.

Oh, here you are.

Poirot! I have been walking to his search.

It has a phone call.

- For me?

- Yes.


Oh, Mr.


Well it seemed that it would find it here.

" And now it will be the biggest test.

: we were all called for a meeting, " I me bet that the police officer he still does not know of anything.

" All we will maintain the calm, secrets do not pull out us any more.

They are always to me a more weak link, is not it?

" No, not, not, Caroline.

- I am not going to give in to your curiosity.

- Walk there, James! Do not be bad! No, Caroline.

The Poirot wants only the persons whom he said.

Then I take you of car.

Hercule one does not matter.

I will not enter.

Well, I do not know why we have of being to his orders.

Inspector-chief, is very nice.

Please, put here.

No, not, no.



Enter, enter, please.

All of you.

Just as well what came.

Please, entrez, entrez.

Make themselves at home.

Monsieur Raymond, please, stays.

- I also?

- Oui.

What the great idea is?

Some scientific machine?

We put electrodes in the knees to register the tremor of the fault?

No, not, Monsieur Raymond.

I am antiquated.

Only I work with my celulazinhas grey.

Please, one feels.

- Excuse

- My good Dr.



One feels.

- They know the Inspector-chief Japp.

- Good night.


So, let's begin.

But first, I have a declaration to do.

This young person, Mademoiselle Ursula Bourne, it is, in fact, the Lady Ralph Paton.

Yes, he married with Ralph Paton in last March.


- Married?

! Since he might be ?

- Be concealed, mother.

You guarded well your secret.

I am very glad for you.

It is very nice.

Ralph behaved so badly specially with you! It was hemmed in and it chose the only exit.

Probably it would do the same thing at his place.

All the persons here they had the motive and the opportunity of you k*ll.

Roger Ackroyd and, because he knew too much, you.


The Lady Ralph Paton might have when to explain her situation, was waited if Flora's uncle was not putting pressure her to marry with Ralph Paton.

Monsieur Raymond was resenting because Monsieur Roger Ackroyd it was not giving him authority in the factory and, it is clear, the Lady Ackroyd and the Mademoiselle Flora they were waiting to make a profit with the will of Monsieur Ackroyd.

I do not like this.

- It was preferring much more to go for house!

- It cannot, Lady, before hearing what Poirot has to say.

Please, one feels.

Merci, Lady.

The problem was always of time.

We know what Monsieur Ackroyd it was alive to 21:30, because it went to this hour what you.

Raymond heard it speaking.

But with whom was he speaking?

Certainly not with Monsieur Paton, so we know that he was to that one hour at the summer home with the wife.

Then, with whom?

From the beginning of this case, a thing has been bothering me: the nature of the words said by Roger Ackroyd and heard by the Mr.


" my expenses they have been so many people recently what me is impossible to agree to his request " Eh bien, do not they find anything strange in them?

- It seems that it was dictating a letter.

- Exactement! A ditafone! It is that that thinks?

Nothing changes them to me.


Ackroyd was alive to 21:30, since he was speaking for the ditafone.

We always turn them to me the Monsieur Ralph Paton.

I eat already he said, we know that it was in summer house with the Lady Paton, but then, suddenly, it disappears.

For where?

Did it escape of the country, perhaps?

Or it will be that one returned the third victim of our m*rder*r?

- No! Or perhaps someone is helping it be hiding of the police officer?

But who?

And where?

In a hotel?


He is too much public.

A guest house?

Non, non, non certainement, it is the same thing.

I know already! A private clinic of rest.

The Inspector-chief Japp investigated and it discovered that there is in this area two clinics of rest in of which it was admitted, in Saturday early in the morning, a such one of Mr.


- But Ralph would never have escaped! We can ask to own " Mr.

Smith ".

Ralph! But I wonder I wonder who will be what gave the permission to the home to admit Ralph Paton?

Promptly, Poirot.

Mea blames.

As soon as he knew that Ralph it was of turn the King's Abbot and what was accommodated in the White Hart, he knew that there was some problem.

I I saw it in this afternoon.

He told me again of the marriage of him and of the confusion in which it was.

Did not seem to have very much what I it could do for him in the height, but in this night, when the crime was discovered, I knew that they were going to suspect him, or it is not erased, of the woman whom he was loving.

The idea of he give declarations what might incriminate the woman My expensive James, he did not say to him already 36 times what is impossible to hide something of Hercule Poirot?

I know exactamente who m*rder*d Monsieur Roger Ackroyd and the pauvre Monsieur Parker and since they did it.

And this one said everything.

- What is that?

It is a message of a boat to steam on the way of the United States.

And tomorrow, the good Inspector-chief Japp it is going to do his detention.

I never saw anything so preposterous in the whole my life! Cursed little man! Sincerely! Look here, Poirot, one knows really who committed the m*rder Both murders, Inspector-chief.

I know, yes.

- Well, who is?

- Can he say to us?

The Poirot it is not going to make easy you the things.

Inspector-chief, with her sweats long and detective's different run it has his theories, which I know.

And you, my expensive James, more bien, it was wrapped in the case from the beginning, n'est-ce shovels?

It knows intimately all the wrapped persons, like only the good doctor of the field it can know.

But before I reveal my secret, your theories have to expose me.

And let's begin for you, James.

For me?


I cannot undress in front of the professionals.

I was so full of waiting in the car.

- Are you going to stay very much, James?

- No.

Perhaps must retire now.

No, my expensive James Lady, his brother was going now to say to us his theories on the m*rder*r.

Please, between and one feels.


Yes, clear.


Then, James, says to us: what is type of man or woman looked by us?


Well, I find very difficult what could be a woman.

And this man, does it think that he was also the blackmailer?

I think that he had to have some financial agreement with you.

Ferrars, yes.

In some way, certainly, it noticed the true one cause of death of Ashley Ferrars.

Even he could be a detective But perhaps, while doctor, James was in the ideal position, n'est-ce shovels?

Ideal! But the important moment of this case it is not the m*rder of Ashley Ferrars, but the su1c1de of his widow.

His motives remain obscure but, for anyone reason, she decided to put an end to the life.

Now, this our m*rder*r must have put in a great dilemma.

He knew of his novel of bad taste with Roger Ackroyd.

The difficulty was to know if it links, before dying, he had said to him the identity of the man with which it had the financial agreement.

- Does it mean, of the blackmailer?

- He was not a common blackmailer.

Probably he saw Roger Ackroyd for this height, and something in his attitude it woke him suspicions.

And at this moment it decided what it could not risk.

It was certainly able of building an any mechanism to call and to disconnect a ditafone to the hour that he wanted.

I do not find the choice of the w*apon what it has been as random as it looks.

I believe that he had already a w*apon with him, when it took place to him that the dagger, what was to the sight on the stage of the crime, it would extend still more the suspects' fan.

It was already ready committing the crime when it had the confirmation of his biggest fear.

- The mail of the night, man.


Ferrars had, in fact, when confidences were done to Ackroyd, but not in person.

It had written to him a letter.

And Ackroyd opened this letter in his presence and it began to read.

" My darling, my great darling Roger: " he did not say to you the name today in the afternoon, I intend them to myself to write it to you now.

" I lament, I will read them to myself alone this.

- At least, one says his name.

- No, I will read alone this.

Very well.

And in this letter, the Lady Ferrars did he say the name of the blackmailer, no?

- I read the book that was in the car - It was not a blackmail! - Do not say any more anything, James! - Then, James The man had sucked the Lady Ferrars even to the marrow! Dorothy Ferrars it was an adulterous goat and m*rder! It was dominating on all of us The money that had, having never worked! Not even her drunk of the husband! They were a few idle and useless parasites! - Stop, James! - No! They did not know what it was to ration out and to save year after year, without never having what arrives for a few holidays! Always at the disposal, day and night, of all the idiots with a crisis of gall bladder of the surroundings! They have no right of judging me! Blackmail! Do they call him a blackmail?

It did not punish the law, is not it?

So, I punished! Well Promptly.

I did his work for you.

I lament, Expensively To k*ll the Ackroyd was easy.

The blade was sharpened and I knew exactamente where to be right.

And as for the rest, I had to follow only my plan.

The first thing to do it was to make sure that all if they would remember what me had gone away.

I am going to say only in the good-night to the ladies.

I went away of car, I parked them to myself a little more to the front.

Then, I would do appearance that it Ralph Paton had entered for the window.

It was a pathetic and wasting type.

I knew that the Ackroyd had when a ditafone bought and what was using it.

Now, I was going to use it, to speak the Ackroyd about the grave.

And then the question of the chair, what so much intrigued you.

I left the muddy shoe of the Paton outside when I entered for the window.

Now, in my escape, it could use it to do a footprint in the wall.

And then, clear, the ditafone did his work.

I am deeply impressed for his persistence and determination, however, my expenses they have been so many people recently What convinces us what you.

Ackroyd was alive to the 21.

:30, height in which it was already at home, waiting for a phone call, of a patient whom it had convinced entering in what it called a departure.

Yes, it was very well there, Poirot.

I was very much surprised us when it showed the telegram of the transatlantic liner.


Thank you.

It was needing the excuse of the phone call, to make sure that I was the first one in scene when the crime was discovered.

- The police officer, man?

- What goes on with you, Parker?

- If his boss was m*rder*d - m*rder*d, man?

No! How much fewer persons to touch this better room.

I made calculations carefully the position of the chair in order that the ditafone is hidden of whom it was at the door.

Phone the squad, Parker.

When I ordered the Parker to phone the police officer, I had more what time to withdraw my gadget and put the chair again in the siege of the custom.

Finally, the Paton would say to that the uncle had been m*rder*d, to convince it what was in danger and to take it with me even to the clinic.

- Because it k*lled the Parker?

- The Parker was too observant.

It was remembered what it had brought five letters and not four, and that one was handwritten in a dark-blue paper.

He knew what had not touched the chair.

How much time would it take up to realizing that I had been?

No, it could not risk.

James, your diary I am going to detain James Sheppard for the m*rder of Roger Ackroyd.

Clear what goes, Inspector-chief.

James! No! - It is a stupidity! - Do not be moved, any of the two! Is it well, Inspector-chief?

Give birth! Come, Poirot.

Japp! Already healthy three.

Backwards, Poirot! - James, no! - Then do not oblige me! There is much time for heroism when it will be left without ammunitions.

Already healthy five.

One is absent.

No! James! Because of the sister of the Doctor Sheppard, the history of these so horrendous crimes it has to, for already, remain that I whisper.

A last favor, will be wanted, to one man whom I considered to be my friend.

I thought that it could escape of the wickedness of the city moving for the field.

The green fields, the corner of the birds, the smiling and friendly faces The green fields they are the secret graves of the victims of the most awful crimes.

The birds sing only for a few moments, before an idiot to k*ll them.

And the smiling and friendly faces What they hide?
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