07x12 - Evolution: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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07x12 - Evolution: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Stargate SG-1":

He was unlike any warrior we have met.

We could be dealing with
a new kind of technology.

- Who was the first Goa'uld to find it?
- His name was Telchak.


If it was hidden near a water source,
it could be the basis of the mythology.

It might be possible to engineer a w*apon
to use against these warriors.


What is your planet of origin?

He just gave us his home world.

The State Department received a ransom
demand for Dr Jackson and Dr Lee.

We've been given 72 hours to pay,
or they will be k*lled.

- Do they know who's behind it?
- They haven't identified themselves.

Intel indicates we're dealing with
Honduran antigovernment revolutionaries.

They're following the book on this one.

Officially, they have
no intention of paying any ransom.

- Unofficially?
- Ties with their government are at stake.

No one is willing to risk
breaking policy over this.

So we send a team in to extract 'em.
We've done it before.

The rebels think our tenuous relationship
with the Nicaraguan government

will prevent us from taking action,
but they're wrong.

The president has agreed to help.

As we speak, he's requesting that
the CIA gather whatever intel they can.

But whether he's willing
to risk an international incident...

Thank you, sir.

I'll let you know
the second I hear anything.

¡Apúrate, gringo!



You have not had
water or food for two days.


Muy delicioso.

Pick of the season.

This is very good.

Today we're going to start slow.

I'm going to ask you again.

What is this?

And this is the part where you do not talk?



For you... and your friend,

if you tell me what this is.

I don't know how long
someone can go without food,

but I believe the human body
needs water every three or four days.

It's an ancient artefact.

- An artefact?
- Yeah.

I'm an archaeologist.
That's what I do - I look for... artefacts.

Well... I found one.

Seriously, I'm an archaeologist. You can
look me up on the Internet if you want.

Do you have a computer?

It all makes perfect sense.

You're nothing more
than an archaeologist,

and you find and study artefacts.

- It makes perfect sense.
- Hm.

I'm going to ask you one last time.

What is this?

And again you're not so talkative.

What gives you the right to come into
our country and steal valuable artefacts?

You call yourself a scientist?
You're nothing but a thief.

And you think you're better than me.

- But I have reasons for what I do.
- I don't doubt that.


And here's something else
you should not doubt, compadre.

You will tell me what I want to know.

The CIA operative in Honduras,
an Agent Burke,

says he knows where Dr Jackson
and Dr Lee were taken.

- Burke?
- Do you know him?

- Yes, I do.
- Anything I should know about?

He's the only agent on this.

- We're stuck with him regardless, right?
- Right.

- Nothing you should know about.
- I see.

He's requested
you participate in the extraction.

The president has green-lit the op.

There's a C-130 waiting at Peterson.
It leaves for Honduras in two hours.

Yes, sir.

- Sir?
- I'm going after Daniel.


- This other mission...
- Shouldn't be a problem, sir.

- When do you leave?
- Now.

Good luck.

You too.

A este lado.

I don't know anything!
I don't know anything!

We've confirmed that Anubis
has a base on Tartarus.

A powerful sensor array prevents anyone
from approaching the planet unnoticed.

The Stargate on Tartarus is inside the
structure with a force field protecting it.

We need to know why Anubis
created this new soldier,

confirm what we believe his intentions are
and, if possible, stop him. Any ideas?

Even if we could defeat the force field, we
have to assume the Stargate is guarded.

We must gain access to the planet
by shutting down the sensor array.

- I agree. The question is, how?
- I will walk through the Stargate.

- Selmak?
- Yes.

Come again?

I wear the armour of Anubis's assassin.

According to your account on Ramius's
planet, it passed through the force field.

But at what physical cost?
We have no way of knowing.

The force field at that Stargate is
more powerful than the one we used.

I'm sorry, kid.
I'm with Selmak on this one.

He'll keep me alive.

Does anyone else have a better idea?

Once I've deactivated the sensor array,
a scout ship can then approach the planet.

Radioactive isotopes taken beforehand
will permit us to move around freely

without being detected
by sensors inside the base.

- What's your exit plan?
- The scout ship.

I will conceal it in one of the planet's
many low-lying chasms,

powering down to further avoid detection.

Major, you have a go.

¿Estás bien?

Sí, bueno, gracias.

You don't look very happy to see me.

I'd have given anything to see your face
when you heard my name.

Hey, it's OK, man...

It's not OK.

I've got 48 hours to find my friend
before he's k*lled.

- Just tell me what you know.
- OK, all business. I can dig that station.

This is the last place Daniel was seen

before he hired a Rogelio Duran
to take him into the jungle.

A short time after that, he was snatched
by anti-Honduran extremists.

And you know this... how?

It's how this splinter group does business.

Last year they kidnapped an important
engineer working on the Cajon River Dam.

Big American contract,
insurance pays off,

and they finance their little w*r
against the government with the ransom.

- This engineer. Did he live?
- Yeah, he did. Sometimes they don't.

- What about weapons?
- OK, this is colourful.

Honduras and Nicaragua
are having a territorial dispute.

I know what you're thinkin'.
When are they not?

So anyone
in the "I hate Honduras" fan club

can shelter behind
the Nicaraguan borders and buy g*ns.

What kinda g*ns?
AKs, AKs for days.

Nicaragua gets their stuff
from Russia now,

but in the '80s they inherited
all of it from Cuba.

They let us fight Cuba from their shores,
we got our asses kicked,

and Cuba gives them the g*ns.

We could get shot at by an AK-47
that was fired at the Bay of Pigs attack.

- You've been down here too long, Burke.
- You think so?

- You know why I got this crappy posting?
- Are you gonna blame me now?

You coulda stood up for me.
Hillary left me.

What happens when one team member is
k*lled and the other won't vouch for you?

I didn't see what happened to Woods.
I told 'em what I knew. I wasn't gonna lie.

I'm not talkin' about lying. I'm talkin' about
my head. We were buddies. You knew me.

- I told 'em what I knew.
- You didn't tell 'em enough.

And now you're here, stuck in
my part of the world. You need me.

- And I'm calling it on this one.
- I don't think so.

I know how to get over the borders,
I know where these rebels operate.

- Oh, yeah, I'm in charge.
- No.

- You're just the guide.
- Just the guide?

- That's what you think of me now?
- That's right.

You're not so gone you don't understand
the need for a clear chain of command.

You wanna know how "gone" I am?

¿ Quieres algo más, señor?.

Sí. Necesito un guía.

I am a guide.

This? It's just my day job.

I never thought I would die like this.

Oh, you're not dead yet.

I'm sorry, Daniel.
I couldn't take it.

- I told them.
- What?

What did you tell them?


- How's that, sir?
- Pretty good.

- Reminds me of my old football days.
- Did they have helmets in those days?


- Jacob, you OK in there?
- It's surprisingly light.

- I guess it's time.
- Good luck.

Thank you, George.

You. Come with me.


You seem damaged.

- Come on, Dad.
- The array is yet to be shut down.

We are helpless to act. Even if we were
to attempt secure communication...

We'd have to leave our hidden position,
making us visible to their sensors.

- Thoth.
- Lord Anubis, I was not expecting you.

Tell me how this one has fared.

This one has just returned, my lord.

I need time to finish my preliminary
analysis before I make a proper report.

It can wait.

There is a remote probe malfunctioning.
It requires your attention.

Yes, my lord.

So many things could go wrong.
He's so stubborn.

Perhaps it is time to consider...

The sensor ray is powered down.

No doubt your father's stubbornness.

- Dad, we're on the way.
- Good.

When you touch down, proceed
to the exhaust port assemblage.

- I think I've found a way to get you in.
- Copy.

Now, hold up.

- This is it.
- As I told you, there's nothing here.

There is this well
in the middle of nowhere,

standard US military boot-tread
all around.

Make a wish.

What took you so long? How hard
could it be to track their GPS locators?

I'm just kiddin'. I only been here
a couple of minutes myself.

- Change your mind?
- In a manner of speaking.

- Vete. Regrésate a la cantina.
- ¿Cuatro mil? Muchas gracias, señor.


This is the end of the road, man.

You didn't think these guys were
gonna make it easy on you, did ya?

- I'll take you where you need to go.
- For old times' sake?

You know, I took an emotional inventory
and I realised that I have some issues.

Thought maybe we can put
our petty differences aside on this one.

You're gonna need me
when this thing goes down, buddy.

Come on, give me a chance.
I won't let you down.

Sí, vete. Gracias. Vamos.

Vaya con Dios.

Now we're talkin', sports fans!

OK, my name is Burke
and I'll be your guide.

Today we'll be looking at indigenous
vegetation of Central America.

Watch your step, ladies.
It's not Minnesota.


If you value the life of your friend,
you will tell me what I want to know.

Your friend told me this device may be
the origin of the "Fountain of Youth" myth.

- Maybe.
- How does it work?

I don't know. You grabbed us
five minutes after we found it.

Who is this "Telchak"?

He's a mythological figure,

a Mayan god that may or may not
have lived here thousands of years ago.

So this device is
many thousands of years old?


And this Mayan god
brought this device to this temple?

For what purpose?

- To hide it? To use it? I don't know.
- Use it? On whom?

- People! Mayan people!
- What would it do to them?

The research I used to find it just
gave a cryptic warning the device was...

dangerous, even harmful.
That's all I know!

I do not think it is so harmful.

I have never in my life felt
as strong as I do right now.

- You turned it on?
- Yes.

Turn it off. You don't know
what you're dealing with.

The effects of the device may be unstable.

It's very dangerous. It's beyond
our comprehension. Turn it off!

- You're lying.
- What if he isn't?

The device is cursed.
Rafael, we should turn it off.

Turn it off?

- Do you not feel different as well?
- I do, and it scares me.

Por favor, Rafael.

If you will not turn it off... I will.

What happened?

I fooled the exhaust port
into purging the system.

- I mean with the sensor array.
- I got held up.

You weren't worried about me, were you?

Help me get this off.

Rebels move around a lot.
The grunts are self-taught bush fighters.

It's harvest season.
Most of them tend to their farms now.

Those who don't are ex-military, holding
up about 20 clicks northwest of Ocotal.

Well... this wasn't
supposed to be on the tour.

At least we know we're on the right track.

I've been shot.

Agh! No, no, no.

You have been shot.


Air Rescue should be here
in about an hour.

I've been lying here for days.

- What's another hour?
- Who did this?

Unos malditos bandidos
que mueren del dolor del culo.

All right, all right.

- We're looking for two scientists.
- Dr Jackson?

They have him.
They went north, across the border. Go.

- We're not just gonna leave you.
- Sure you can, señor.

Help will be here soon.

Don't worry.
This is not the first time I've been shot.

Save your friends.

- Please. They owe me lots of money.
- Ah.

I love American gum.

Good guys.


Lord Anubis,
one of the Kull Warriors is missing.

What is the reason for this behaviour?

There was... damage,

but I believe our method of
governing the symbiote mind is flawed.


Determine the origin of the flaw
and report back to me.

Yes, my lord.

He moved, I k*lled him.
It was as simple as that.

- I thought he was a hostile.
- It's all history, Burke. Now's not the time.

I know we were out of position.

I wanted to cut the angle down
as you approached the objective.

I guess Woods was doin' the same.

So you both took it upon yourselves
to improvise at the same time?

That's right.

- That's the third one I've seen.
- How many do you think Anubis has?

There's no way of telling yet.
I'm just guessing, but at least a handful.

The lab I was in
was made to service several.

- Symbiote holding tanks.
- All empty.

This one is not.

- Shouldn't we at least wait till night-time?
- I don't think we have that long.

- We won't get far before they k*ll us.
- If we stay, they'll definitely k*ll us.

I saw the short-term effects of that device.

I know what a sarcophagus does to
a person's sanity. This is more powerful.

I don't want to stick around to find out
what long-term exposure does.

Judging by the holding tanks in this room,

Anubis must plan to have the queen
spawn thousands of Goa'uld. But why?

A symbiote is spawned with the genetic
memory of the maternal bloodline.

They're egomaniacal and power-hungry.

Not a great combination for a foot soldier.

That's right. But look at this.

This queen, whoever she is,
must be in league with Anubis.

She's preparing for a spawn cycle,
yet her brain-wave pattern is minimal.

She has no intention of
passing on her genetic memory.

- The symbiotes will be blank slates.
- Much like Egeria on Pangar.

And Anubis will be free to
imprint them however he sees fit.

No free will - they're drones.
They make the perfect soldier.

Deadly, fearless, unquestioning loyalty.

This is too similar to what happened
on Pangar to be a coincidence.

- How did Anubis find out about Egeria?
- Jonas Quinn.

Anubis must have found out
when he scanned Jonas Quinn's mind.

If Anubis had any designs
on creating a drone soldier,

that information would've been
the final piece of the puzzle.

This queen must not
be permitted to spawn again.

- Teal'c's right.
- OK.

We take what time we have remaining and
try to find out what else Anubis is up to.

Then we detonate the C4
and get outta here.

Could be just a coupla clicks now.

How can you trust me?

I don't.

Think I asked you to come here
so I could sh**t you too?

Why would I think that?

- Forget I said anything.
- You've had opportunities before now.

What's worse is that
you think I'm incompetent.

For crying out loud, Burke.

You're willing to go into a hot situation
with me watching your back?

I have no choice, and I was thinking
of sending you in first, me watching you.

You wanna know the truth?

Come on, you really don't wanna know?

Man, it wasn't my fault.

I mean, I didn't choose, I just reacted.
It stinks, the whole damn thing stinks.

You wanna know what really happened?
Fine, I'll tell ya.

Woods was ghosting us.
He sold out, he was no good.

He was sending out a rogue transmission,
giving our position away.

Woods realised I was onto him, he turned
his w*apon on me, and I just reacted.

- Why didn't you come forward with this?
- You remember how close we were.

The wives and the beers and the
barbecues. I couldn't do that to Cindy.

It comes out Woods was a traitor,
she doesn't see a pension.

A month away from his retirement?

He wasn't retiring. He was setting himself
up as a mercenary for that w*rlord.

He made his choice, he's gone.
That's all that matters.

That's not good.


No! No!

You let them escape.

Vamos a matarlos.

There must be a console somewhere that
will let us access a log of recent activity.

Even if it doesn't contain Anubis's plans,

we might be able to gather intel
on the movement of his fleet.

Nothing but labs, corridors
and storage in this direction.

I think Anubis's quarters are this way.

Bill, you gotta keep movin'.


¡Mátenlos! ¡Síganme!

- I can't. I can't breathe.
- Yes, you can. Come on!

Stay down. I'll draw them off.

You are all my children,
Kull Warriors.

You are the instruments of my conquest.

Hail Anubis! Hail Anubis!

Hail Anubis!


I'm going to skin you alive.

How many more are there?

- Daniel!
- That's it. You got 'em all.

What are you doing here?

There must be thousands of them.


- C4.
- Bra'tac, we need that ride, now!

I will be there momentarily.

- Will you be able to walk on this?
- Yeah.

- Telchak's device reanimates dead tissue.
- Yeah, whatever.

Hey, get down!

What's with the guy from Evil Dead?

- Um...
- Classified?


You guys are into some crazy crap, man!

Got it!


- What was that?
- It can't be good. Just punch it.

- Someone has opened the rear hatch.
- We're mid-flight.

Teal'c, are you hurt?

- Indeed.
- Where?

My pride.

An old man did what I could not.



No, don't move. Just lie still.

- What hurts?
- Everything.

That's a good sign.

Perimeter's clear. Just heard
from Air Rescue - they got the guide.

- Rogelio?
- He's gonna be OK. They'll be here soon.


- Nice backup.
- Sure thing, buddy. Anytime, anywhere.

You know... I think I should recommend
that you be posted to a nicer place.

A temperate zone?
Not too hot, not too cold?

Fine-lookin' women that put out
like broken candy machines?

Whatever. I'll see what I can do.

Thanks, buddy.

Is that the thing that
made the guy do that thing?

- Yeah, it's OK. It's off now.
- Good. That's good.

Yeah. At least, we think it's off.
It's not glowing any more, so...

The glowing thing gives it away, so if it's
not glowing any more, it shouldn't be on.

- Do you wanna hold it?
- No, no.

That's crazy!

So... Miss me?

Of course, sir.

It couldn't have been that bad.
You're all still alive.

- As are you and Daniel Jackson.
- Daniel?

- I'm fine. We got the device from Telchak.
- Good.

Hopefully we can
engineer a w*apon from it.

You must, or we will be left helpless
to combat these new warriors.

We have some bad news, sir. Anubis has
an entire army of these super-soldiers.

There are thousands of them.

The best we could do was delay
his ability to manufacture more.

We'll debrief fully in one hour.
Welcome home.


- So, nice command.
- We did manage to make it out alive, sir.

There's that.

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