01x05 - The Dark Knights

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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01x05 - The Dark Knights

Post by bunniefuu »

The township of Wind Knight's Road is isolated by callous cliffs overlooking the ocean.

Wind Knight's Road was constructed in the Middle Ages to hone the knacks of knights.

In the 19th Century, the existing fortress

- esque architecture was used as a prison, where prisoners were sentenced to mine for coal.

The villagers, consisting of farmers and fishermen, brought the total population count, including resident inmates, to 517.

But now, the village of Wind Knight's Road shall perish! Sora kobore ochita futatsu no hoshi ga Once, two sh**ting stars descended from Heaven Hikari to yami no minamo suikomareteyuku and flew straight into an ocean of emotion.

From their impact, a ripple of strife exploded! hikiauyouni takanaru hamon hokori no michi wo yukumono ni taiyou no michibiki wo One lead the path of pride under guidance from the Sun, yabou no hate wo mezasu mono ni while the other strove for unbound ambition ikenie wo no matter the cost.

furueru hodo kokoro moetsukiru hodo atsuku The star of the Sun, unwavering, burning with vigor, radiates a courageous flame sono te kara hanate kodou karada minagiru yuuki de engulfing its entire being! mayoi naki kakugo ni gassai wo Both stars ready to collide sono chi no sadame jojo For it's in the blood of all JoJos! The Knights of Night Episode The villagers are going about their own business.

Thus far, everything seems commonplace.

Nevertheless, Dio has to be here! What's the matter? W

-Well Signore Speedwagon was begging me to confirm his Ripple aptitude, and so I attempted to strike his diaphragm but I unintentionally struck his stomach instead.

Mi dispiace.

Sorry, Signore Speedwagon.

You're an arse Barone Zeppeli, he's just a child.

The boy's a bag

-snatcher, si? Clever boy's a real sling n' snatch.

Why're you two cheering fer the chap?! The little cur has all of our quid! He's running off! Aye, the boy's a real runner.

Well then, I suppose I'll have him work for the money, and act as our guide.


-He can walk on water?! Jojo, if your foot's still in the water, then you haven't stored enough Ripple energy for practical use! That was music to my ears, Jojo.

You did channel Ripple energy through the cliff.

Should I channel another one from here, or elsewhere? I would move two meters to the left.

And I stake two pounds on that.

Jumping Jehoshaphat! Catch of the day.


-What the Wait.

Who are you men? His responses are rather peculiar.

Did the Ripple hurt his head? No, it isn't just the boy's responses that are peculiar Look where we stand.

Is this a graveyard?! It seems that we became the catch of the day, the moment we set foot here.

The boy was bewitched to lure us here.


Joestar, look above! The sun has set this day and your lives shall end this night! Dio! Th

-The dead rise! I

-I was prepared to see that dastardly devil again! But the sight of that shitter makes me sick! His very stench makes me sweat! How he stands stout and sturdy is nothing short of supernatural! He repaid the affection of Lord Joestar with a knife to his back! I shall I shall see to his death! So he is Dio.

He understands the limitations of immortality under sunlight.

For this, he bewitched the boy and had him stall us until sundown.

The cunning of this culo makes me cringe.

We must see that his death remains permanent! These are zombified knights! Lad, what is your name? P

-Poco! Listen, Poco.

Be a good lad and grab onto my back! Follow me, Jojo! Aye! Zoom Punch! Awesome! Dio Brando Though I know nothing about you, I know your bizarre powers came from the stone mask, and I say to it At last, we meet again! Hey stronza! Are you going to fight me from that boulder?! Come down and dance with me! I've no need to dance with an insect! I am God over all other life forms.

My race shall devour and displace all of mankind! As a God, why would I descend to the footing of men?! He radiates a most sinister aura from his being! He demented demeanor is fashioned as that of a tyrant's! After my abdominal injury is healed, all trace of Jojo's humiliation shall be erased! Ascend to me, sorcerer! I shall use your meager life to mend the last of my scars! You vicious vampire! How many innocents did you k*ll to heal those wounds?! Can you recall every loaf of bread you've had in your life? Dio!!! Barone?! I will k*ll him.

I shall channel a Ripple through him! Pulsate unto my palm, Ripple of sunlight! Sunlight Yellow Overdrive! He's done it! The Ripple's been channeled through Dio's arm! My, how brittle you are! H

-He's freezing my hand?! Impossible! Barone Zeppeli, si? I understand your "energy" originates from the bloodstream.

Then theoretically, your energy flow ceases if pathways are frozen! Did you know that I may manipulate my own body temperature? I merely vaporized the moisture of the energy you channeled.

When moisture is vaporized, heat dissipates.

Ultimately, physical contact leads to freezing! And now, my idiotic Italian, I shall smash through your brittle arm until I shatter your skull! Dio, I shall annihilate your ambition! I can feel the evil energy surging through your bloodstream! I do enjoy being evil, thank you very much.

But if I may, I am in awe that you managed to catch my clutch! You have my compliments.

Jojo! But Jojo, I wouldn't hold my hand as dearly as you do now.

Die, Dio! Wryyyyyy! Once your hand is frozen, blood won't flow through it! Ergo, your "Ripple energy" cannot be channeled through your hand! H

-He's too powerful! He possesses five times the blood of Jojo and me combined! Jojo's hand shall be frozen as mine, unless he unhands Dio! He mustn't be harmed so early into the battle! Barone! H

-How can this be?! My hand's as cold as ice! It looks like frostbite, even! Though the texture feels akin to touching a frozen metal, my skin peels with ease! Barone Zeppeli's arm has gone cold! It'll rot without running blood! Dio won't die unless we can channel a Ripple under sunlight! How can we k*ll him?! I tire of all this "ripple" nonsense.

If you won't end this battle Th

-The bedrock breaks! then I shall have these two ensure a victory worthy of fanfare! Tarkus! Bruford the Black! I've no need to fight these insects.

Come forth, and have their fanfare of screams ring true alike trumpets! Wh

-Who are these blokes?! Poco, hide! In the 16th Century, they were ex*cuted by Elizabeth I of England.

O loyal knights to Mary I of Scotland, Tarkus and Bruford, dispose of them.

I leave ye both to stamp out the lives of these insects.

Do as ye desire.

The big bugger blasted the bedrock to bits with his finger! Those two zombies are eyeing Jojo! Jojo cannot hope to defeat both of them! If only I could force blood to circulate through my arm! What happens if you do that?! I may use Ripple energy to start healing my arm! But I require the frost to be thawed! Barone Zeppeli, you need only your arm to be thawed, aye?! Wh

-What are doing?! Will my heart thaw the frost?! Signore Speedwagon! Up in a place called the "Arctic," I heard that people there would cover themselves in a seal's carcass to fight frostbite! Zoom Punch! Thine blood be mine! H

-He's sucking my blood with his hair?! Speedwagon, why would you do this for me?! Because Barone Zeppeli, a third wheel can always prove useful to a cart! If your hair can suck blood, then I could very well channel Ripple energy into your skull! Sunlight Yellow Overdrive! I

-I can't channel a Ripple! Has my Ripple energy diminished because his hair's still sucking my blood?! Si, I believed you would only impede our mission.

I believed you would've rolled out of harm's way! Forgive my doubts, Speedwagon! You can thank me after we've k*lled that shitter! D

-Do what you can to accelerate thawing! I must aid Jojo in this battle! Th

-The sheer sight of that sword has me sh1tting, it does! The blasted blade is bigger than Mr.

Joestar himself! Those black blood

-sucking braids and their ghastly gazes leave me lost! Something's driving these two! I've seen me fair share of such men, but never a pair with such purpose! Any educated Englishman would know the terrific tale of Tarkus and Bruford! Even those of legend and lore may become my servants! Around 1565, two queens laid their respective claims to the Throne of England.

One was the then

-current monarch of England, Queen Elizabeth I, and the other was the beautiful 23


-old Queen Mary I of Scotland.

Tarkus and Bruford the Black were a pair of Mary's most devout knights.

Though both men had lost their families to w*r, Mary took them into her warm and merciful embrace.

Although both warriors were famed for ferocity, even they yearned for comfort.

They fought not for her love, but for a greater cause.

Mary could be the monarch England needed.

Both men swore devout and undying loyalty to Mary, even if it meant their lives.

But in 1567, Mary's husband, Lord Darnley, had passed under unusual circumstances.

Elizabeth used the incident to her advantage and accused Mary of murdering Lord Darnley.

The entirety of the British Isles called for Mary's head.

Mary was subsequently tried, and imprisoned for her perceived crimes.

Tarkus and Bruford fought tooth and nail to free Mary from confinement.

Elizabeth, agitated by their antics, offered them an ultimatum to a prolonged w*r.

Prostrate thineselves unto the custody of Tudors, and I shall spare the life of Mary.

We mayn't refuse the offer of Elizabeth.

Die I shall without qualm.

They surrendered to the Tudors, and were summarily ex*cuted.

Have I do displeasing news for thou.

Not spared was the life of Mary! The lie of Elizabeth be your death! Behold thine eyes unto yonder.

'Twas the head of Mary! Curse you, Elizabeth! Thou art of lies and distrust! Begrudge ye Tudors to damnation! Until the last life of the Tudors begone, we curse thine Tudors to follow! And thus, the end of Tarkus and Bruford.

In his rage, Tarkus's muscles contracted greatly, causing the executioner to exhaust many axes before a successful beheading.

Bruford, on the other hand, caught the offending executioner's legs by surprise, and was ex*cuted as he dined on the offender's flesh.

I do delight deeply for their deranged dander! Remember this night, for the graves of tragic knights were desecrated for the sake of resurrection by the hand of Dio! I've reinvigorated them as vengeful vampires! Wryyyyy! We are devout to Lord Dio! We shall rain doom upon this earth, and slaughter all the innocents of humanity! Th

-They've got a gruesome grudge! And that grudge does naught but grow! Dio degenerated the heroes into demons! Can we even hope to defeat such rage?! My left hand burns with a fiery flame! Scarlet Overdrive! I

-Incredibile! H

-How could I have perished the thought?! Mr.

Joestar is not alone in his journey for justice! He carries his father's memory, as well as the hope for a family! He's our savior! The boy bears bits of brilliance He shall serve to limber my limbs of three centuries! The cur is mine to devour! I shall chew on his fine face! Another zombie?! Hold your teeth, squire! H

-He's fleet

-footed! Milord, the bollocks on this boy be bountiful.

May I have the honor of breaking the boy's bounty? Break him.

Tarkus, stay your hand! Bruford the Black be bold, bloodthirsty, and brutal! He's a cruel culo, at that! His being oozes an aura of pride and prowess for w*r! A bizarre bind this is Before me is Bruford the Black of the history books, and he's come for my head.

I must ready Ripple respiration, and ease my muscles! Wh

-What's this?! He has his hands behind his back! Which arm shall he strike with?! Shall he use his legs?! Bruford used his hair! D

-Drat! Impeccable instincts.

But he declined my Dance of Death! How daring! Mr.

Joestar! He can't defeat Bruford if he can't breathe! No respiration, no Ripple! We need to fish him out! I

-It's Tarkus! Curses! We must assist Mr.

Joestar! Jonathan shall die, for Bruford is a master aquanaut.

I presence needn't grace them any longer! I shall transform the inhabitants of Wind Knight's Road into zombies within the span of this night! I expect the zombies of Wind Knight's Road to spread throughout the British Isles! I

-I need air in order to channel a Ripple! One bubble of air shall suffice! Now, swim to the surface! Inhale the air you require, for I am weighed down by this armor! The sword shall stay sheathed, and I shall duel thee to the death! Now, act before you drown to death! Can I make it to the surface before he does?! I'm uncertain! As he choked on incoming water, the profound potential within Jojo's being conceived a most bold thought! Ordinary folk would only considered escaping by swimming towards the surface, but not Jojo did the contrary! Incredibly, against all odds, Jojo swam deeper into the depths! Wh

-Why would he dive deeper?! Danny got ahold of your toy p*stol and won't release it? He won't let go because you're pulling it away.

Here's a thought.

Stop trying to pull it, and just give in.

Wind Knight's Road inmates mined for coal! Therefore, this area was subjected to subsidence! There it is! Subsidence shifts the surface, and traps pockets of air underneath debris I have it! I needed only a single breath! My bloodstream's flowing again! H

-He's had a breath No longer shall I be restricted to breaching for a breath! I may channel any Ripple through water with ease Feel my Aqua Ripple Turquoise Blue Overdrive! I'll be the roundabout The words will make you out 'n' out We spend the day your way Call it morning driving thru the sound and In and out the valley Eh! In and around the lake Mountains come out of the sky and they stand there One mile over we'll be there and we'll see You Ten true summers we'll be there and Laughing too Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be There with you Next Time Yer a bitter bugger, Bruford! I pride mineself as an Elite Executioner! This mayn't maim mineself! And you shall be doomed to destruction! Overdrive of Salvation! Episode The Courage of Tomorrow
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