06x07 - Shadow Play

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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06x07 - Shadow Play

Post by bunniefuu »

We're receiving a transmission, sir.
Audio only.

Let's hear it.

- I'll see if I can clean it up.
- Repeat: this is Commander Hale,

chairman of the Kelownan Defence
Council, calling Stargate Command.

Please respond.

At approximately 0700 this morning, we
received a transmission from P2S- 4C3.

The man identified himself
as Commander Hale,

chairman of the
Kelownan Defence Council.

When I left, he was undersecretary
for military appropriations.

The Kelownan government wants to
re- establish trade relations with Earth.

I hope you diplomatically
told him where to shove it.

- It's not that simple, Colonel.
- They tried to frame Daniel.

I don't think it's fair to judge them all
by the actions of a few scientists.

The Kelownans are
technologically inferior to Earth.

- They have little to offer.
- Except naquadria.

Which doesn't work.

The hyperspace drive
on the X- 302 didn't work.

That doesn't mean we should give up.
Naquadria is still our best bet

for creating shields and weapons
capable of repelling the Goa'uld.

We need this.

The Kelownan delegation will arrive soon.


Is there a problem, Jonas Quinn?

I've just been so caught up
in being a member of SG-1,

I kind of forgot how this thing started.

We have taken similar paths.

I too was forced to betray all of that
in which I had placed my faith.

I don't know if I can do it, Teal'c.

I mean, they think that I'm a... a traitor.

When I returned to Chulak after
leaving the service of Apophis,

I too was considered a traitor, shol'va to
my friends and family that I'd left behind.

In their eyes, I was dead.

It must have been hard for you to go back.

What I did, I did for my people.
In time they came to understand this.


I don't think my people are ever gonna
have a chance to know the truth.

Then you must draw strength
in knowing that your cause is just

and one day your people will benefit
from the sacrifices that you have made.

Welcome to Earth. I'm General Hammond.

I'm Commander Hale. This is
Ambassador Dreylock and Dr Kieran.

This is Colonel O'Neill, Major Carter,
Teal'c, and you know Jonas Quinn.

- It's good to see you, Professor.
- General, we have a lot to discuss.

Right this way.

- Friend of yours?
- He was one of my teachers at university

and then he recruited me
into the naquadria project.

We've been working together
side by side the last six years.

Please, sit down.

I must admit we were surprised
to hear from you,

given the circumstances
of our last encounter.

I'm sure we all regret what happened.

But I don't think anything was done
to damage relations irreparably.

You accused a member of my team of
sabotage to cover up your incompetence.

And you received stolen goods
and are harbouring a traitor.

Perhaps it'd be better if we
focused on the matter at hand.

Which is what, exactly?

For several years
an uneasy peace has resulted

from the rivalry between
the three major powers on our planet -

Kelowna, Tirania,
and the Andari Federation.

All of that is about to change.

According to our intelligence service,

the Tiranians and the Andaris
are about to sign a nonaggression pact.

This would leave us
in a very vulnerable position.

I'm just curious -
what made you think we would care?

We still have something that
you want, Colonel. Naquadria.

In fact, thanks to recent discoveries
we have a considerable surplus.

We know that you're decades
ahead of us technologically.

In the field of jet propulsion alone,

you could give us
a significant strategic advantage.

You want military technology?

Without it, Kelowna faces annihilation.

- You are assuming they intend to attack.
- The treaty is an obvious prelude to w*r.

If we wait for them to make the first move,
we won't stand a chance.

See, we've been down this road before.

On a previous mission we encountered
a race known as the Eurondans.

They were losing a w*r. They offered
technology in exchange for help.

We then discovered that they were
guilty of attempted genocide.

I hardly think this situation compares.
All we want is to protect our people.

I understand, but given
our past experience

we're reluctant to interfere
in the affairs of another planet.

According to Mr Quinn's original report,

you regularly interfere in the affairs
of a race known as the Goa'uld.

Well, that's a little different.

The Goa'uld enslave millions
of people across the galaxy.

If you were to provide us with the means
for a quick and decisive victory,

you could potentially save
hundreds of thousands of lives.

If not, we would have no choice
but to fall back on our last resort.

Dr Kieran and his team have
successfully tested a naquadria b*mb.

Its destructive power
was beyond all expectations.

If you do not help us, we will
have no choice but to use it.

Do you believe the Kelownans
are truly facing annihilation?

Just before I left, we did a projection
based on this scenario.

We calculated that enemy forces
would achieve air superiority

within the first five weeks of w*r.

So if they use the b*mb,
they have to do it fast.

They're probably considering
a pre- emptive first strike.


I helped research this report. If they
stick with conventional weapons,

we are looking at a complete collapse
of their entire military within six months.

Can't they negotiate? I mean,
what are they fighting for, anyway?

There's a thousand grievances
that go back generations.

The last major conflict was 20 years ago.
Nothing was resolved.

But in the past the Tiranians and Andaris
hated each other more than Kelownans.

- Apparently they got over it.
- It's a marriage of convenience.

They'll turn on each other,
but by then it'll be too late for Kelowna.

Jonas, you're a member of SG-1 now.
Your priorities have changed.

- You wanted to see me, sir?
- The joint chiefs are meeting in an hour.

They're going to want me
to give them a recommendation.

We can't do it, sir.

We shouldn't help them
defend themselves?

I have nothing against them
defending themselves, but...

how do we know they'll stop there?

- You sound like Dr Jackson.
- We spent some time together.

I wonder if this doesn't have more to do
with your distaste for the Kelownans.

Possibly, sir.

Unscheduled offworld activation.

- Sergeant?
- We're receiving a signal.

- It's the Kelownans.
- Open the iris.

Dr Kieran.

I apologise for Ambassador
Dreylock and Commander Hale.

They were called
to an emergency cabinet meeting.

The nonaggression pact
was signed an hour ago.

My superiors will meet soon
to discuss your situation.

In the meantime, I'd like
to speak to Jonas Quinn.


Professor. I didn't know
that you were back.

So this is where you're working now.

Yeah, when...

when I'm not offworld. Please.

Offworld. You must have
seen some incredible things.

- You have no idea.
- Well, you were always a dreamer, Jonas.

But, of course, some of us
had to stay behind to deal with reality.

I had to leave. These people
have a much better chance

of doing something useful with
the naquadria than we ever had.

What good is that to Kelowna?

If they can master shield technology,
they'll share that with us.

They won't even share
their most basic military hardware.

That's because you come to them
as a representative of only one nation.

What the people on our planet need to do
is to get over their differences and unite.

Do you really believe that?

Of course.

Then come with me now,
and we could make it happen.

What are you talking about?

I couldn't say anything before because
the other two are not in the organisation.

The Resistance. I'm a member
of an underground network, Jonas.

We've infiltrated every level
of government - even the military.

We intend to stop our leaders
before they take us to destruction.

You're talking about a coup.

When the time is right.
But we need your help.

This is insane. You're telling me that
you're part of a secret organisation

that is going to seize power
from the government.

- Right.
- You're gonna get yourself k*lled.

On the contrary. This is
our best chance for survival.

There's widespread discontent with
the government's hardline w*r policy.

That's true in Tirania and with
the Andari Federation as well.

The people of all three countries
are sick of this never- ending conflict,

but their leaders have
stopped listening to them.

Do you really think you can succeed?

I was at the first test
of the naquadria b*mb.

I saw the destruction. I've been having
nightmares about it ever since.

We have to succeed.

When will they move
against the government?

I don't know, but to prevent w*r
they have to do something fast.

That will not prevent
their enemies from attacking.

According to Dr Kieran, there is support
for a settlement in all three countries.

They believe if the Resistance
seizes Kelowna

it will compel the other governments to
come back to the table or risk uprisings.

At the least, they'll be too busy dealing
with internal discontent to attack.

If they pull it off, we might have
a more viable trading partner.

We'd need a lot more intel
before we proceed with anything.

The Pentagon has authorised
SG-1 to return to the planet

and offer Kelowna non- military
technology in exchange for naquadria.

- They'll never go for it.
- Maybe not, but we have to try.

In the meantime, contact the Resistance

and determine their strength, their
numbers, and their chance for success.

- Are you ready to go home?
- I'm not expecting a parade.

Not everyone in Kelowna
thinks you're a traitor.

After you left,
all of us on the naquadria project

began to question what we were doing.
You opened our eyes.

Anyway, it's just temporary.

If I stay a minute after the negotiations
are finished I'll be arrested for treason.

That will all change after
the Resistance takes power.

All right, let's move out.

Hello again. I apologise for the
delay, but these are difficult times for us.

May I present First Minister Valis?

Colonel O'Neill, Teal'c, Major Carter...

And Jonas Quinn.

It's good to see you again, Jonas.

Thank you, sir.

Shall we?

- Have you spoken to your superiors?
- Why, yes, we have.

They send their best.

We've been authorised
to continue the trade negotiations.


Before we continue, there's
something I'd like to clarify.

Ambassador Dreylock
referred to recent discoveries

leading to a surplus of naquadria.

Yes. Our archaeologists have discovered
mine shafts beneath the original site.

We've managed to extract and
process a considerable amount.

How much?

I thought you'd be interested in the figure,
so we converted it to your weight system.

I believe it's something
in the area of 300 pounds.

That's an awful lot of dangerous material.

I could look at your storage facilities.
I might be able to offer advice.

That won't be necessary.

It's purely a matter of safety.

As Major Carter said, the naquadria
is extremely dangerous

and we'd hate for some sort
of accident to happen.


Clearly, you have more
naquadria than you require.

What precisely are you
asking for in return?

We need to start by addressing
a serious imbalance in air power.

Our enemies have superior numbers

in both strategic bombers
and long- range fighter escorts.

Our only hope is to get our jet- interceptor
programme off the ground.

We've had technical difficulties
with the programme,

but we have managed
to successfully test a few designs.

We believe that with the help of Major
Carter and a team of your engineers,

we can have a combat- ready
squadron in less than a month.

Well, that's not exactly
what we had in mind.

We understand from Jonas
that Kelownan medical science

currently has little or no defence
against bacterial infections.

We're offering a series of dr*gs
known as antibiotics.

We estimate they could save
15, 000 lives in the first year alone.

That's a generous offer, Major, and under
different circumstances we might accept.

But at the moment
we have more pressing needs.

So how are the negotiations coming?

Well, after four hours, the only thing we
could agree on was to adjourn for the day.

We're clear, sir. No bugs.

I do not believe they will settle
for less than military technology.

They know how much
you want the naquadria.

They think that eventually
you'll give them what they want.

In the meantime, we need you
to take us to this... Resistance.

It's not that simple. I don't get in touch
with them, they get in touch with me.

What do you do for them?

I keep them apprised of all the top- level
research at the Academy of Science.

Where do you meet them?

They have a base in an old warehouse
by the freight yards. It's heavily guarded.

- Take us there.
- I can't.

I'm not even supposed to go there myself
unless I have a scheduled drop.


All right, I'll talk to them.

- We weren't expecting you this evening.
- I'm sorry. I needed to talk to you.

This isn't a very good time
to be taking risks.

Some members of the government
are beginning to question your loyalty.

- They've been watching you.
- I wasn't followed.

Is this about the delegation from Earth?

Yes. They want to meet with you.

How do you know they won't betray us
in exchange for naquadria?

I don't think they would
do something like that.

You trust them?

I trust Jonas.

First Minister?

Come in.

I wanted a chance to talk to you,
Jonas, away from the negotiations.


It's difficult for me, Jonas,
seeing you sitting across the table,

acting as the representative
of another planet.

It's not easy for me either.

But I made my choices
and I'm gonna stick by them.

I'm sure you thought
you were doing the right thing.

Oh, I know I did the right thing.

Stargate Command
is going to use the naquadria

to come up with technologies
that may one day save this world

from an enemy
you can't possibly imagine.

You were one of the most promising
young men any of us had ever seen.

Our people had such high hopes for you.

You're not the only one
who was disappointed.

I know that you think this is the same
old bad blood resurfacing again,

just another round of petty v*olence.
But it's not.

This time...

this time, Jonas, we face total defeat.

Then get back to the negotiating table.
Give up some land. Do whatever it takes.

You know how much the Tiranians
and the Andaris hate each other.

Do you really think that they
overcame 200 years of prejudice

just to get us to give up a little land?

They mean to destroy us, Jonas.

This is the first step
in a fight for world domination,

and the naquadria is the only
advantage that we have.

And that is where you come in, my friend.

- I come in?
- You're a man of unique talents, Jonas,

and, despite what you did,

I know that it's not too late
for you to serve your country.

I'm offering you
a second chance to do that.

If you're asking for information on Earth
technology, that's not gonna happen.

- I will not betray friends.
- On the contrary.

I'm asking you to help a friend.

Dr Kieran hasn't been
the same since you left.

Unfortunately, the strain of completing the
naquadria project has... has taken its toll.

Lately, his behaviour has
become increasingly... erratic.

How do you mean?

We're concerned that in his current state,
he may be prone to errors of judgement.

We want someone to watch over him.

You mean spy on him?

He trusts you, Jonas,

and he's still very important to us.

If you do this, you will
be granted a full pardon.

You'll be reinstated into
your position at the academy.

Your life will resume as though
none of this had ever happened.

It's time, Jonas, for you to come home.

Oh, I'm tired.

You've been under a lot of strain.

I can't concentrate any more.

I've got these headaches
and my mind wanders.

It'll all be over soon.

Do you think I should take Colonel O'Neill
and the others to meet the Resistance?

They can help.

- I don't know if I trust them.
- You trust me, don't you?

Of course.

Don't worry, then.

Everything's gonna be fine.

You have surface- to- air missiles

that are capable of destroying enemy
bombers before they reach our cities.

Yes, we do, but we can't give'em to you.

It's purely a defensive technology.

Yes, and then one day you take down
enemy aircraft defending their cities,

and quite suddenly, yes, quite suddenly,

they become not just
defensive but offensive.

Any superior defensive technology can
be turned into an offensive advantage.

But we are not the aggressors.

You said you wanted
a quick and decisive victory.

We can only assume that means
you will press any advantage we give you.

Yes - as a means of saving lives.

First Minister?

Excuse us a moment.

This is proving quite fruitless.
Have you spoken with your professor?

No, I haven't seen him today.

It seems that the Tiranians are massing
their troops on our northern border.

Have they broken off
diplomatic relations?

- Not yet.
- Well, then there's still a chance.

- Maybe we could talk to them.
- You?

Stargate Command
has teams of skilled diplomats.

It might help to have
an objective third party.

- No, I'm afraid that's impossible.
- Why?

That would require us to reveal
the existence of the Stargate.

Maybe that's not such a bad idea.

Once they realise the advancements
they can acquire through negotiations

they might not be so eager to attack.

You are asking us to reveal
something to our enemies

that we have yet to admit
to our own people.

Looks like it's time you did.
Think about it.

If everybody knew that this was just one
in thousands of inhabited planets,

they'd focus on similarities
instead of differences.

That's a noble sentiment, Jonas.

Of course, if it were that simple
I'm sure the existence of the Stargate

would be public knowledge
on Earth as well.

Isn't that right, Colonel?


- Who is it?
- Professor, it's me.


Yeah, Professor. Open up.

- Is something wrong?
- Uh... It's Tomis, Tomis Leed.

He's another one of the scientists
on the naquadria project.

What's wrong with him?

He was transferred overnight.
They won't say where he went.

- Was he a member of the Resistance?
- I recruited him myself.

- Now I'll get arrested.
- We don't know that.

This is not the first time.
A month ago, it was Dr Silas.

They said he was transferred and he
hasn't been seen or heard from since.

We were the three original members
of the project. Now I'm the only one left.

All right. We're outta here.

- You're leaving?
- The negotiations are going nowhere,

you're not helping us and, quite frankly,
your organisation is about to be exposed.

Wait. We're going to make our move
in two days, but we need your help.

What are you proposing?

We're in a position to take every major
government building except this one.

- This is their most guarded facility.
- Because of the Stargate.

Right. But you can come
and go as you please.

You could get a hundred armed men
in here before anyone knew.

You could take the building
from the inside.

- Not a chance.
- Think about it.

If you want the coup to succeed, it has
to be quick and as bloodless as possible.

If we try to take the building ourselves
we'll get caught in a firefight.

- It could dissolve into a civil w*r.
- Not my problem.

There's something else.
Over the past three months,

I've been smuggling small amounts
of naquadria into the Resistance.

We've built up a considerable stockpile.

If you help us, it's yours.

At least talk to them.

I'll set up a meeting.

- Jonas, what are you doing here?
- You're being followed.

This way.

- How far to Resistance headquarters?
- Just down that way.

Show me.

You there! Don't move!

- Jonas!
- Professor!

What's his condition?

Well, sir, he has a severe
fracture to his left tibia,

but it's the blunt trauma
to the head that worries me.

We'll keep him under observation for now.

- Any idea how it happened?
- According to the Kelownans,

he was found lying in a deserted street.
No one knows how he got there.

Jonas convinced them he'd have
a better chance of recovery with us.

- Keep me posted.
- Yes, sir.

- What exactly are the Kelownans saying?
- Not much.

They claim to have no knowledge
of how he was injured.

He feared he was under threat
from the government.

But if they suspected he was a rebel spy
they'd never have let us bring him here.

His own people may have felt
he'd been compromised.

The question is, what do we do now?
Do we go back to the table?

- Sir...
- General...

With respect, if we end negotiations now,
we'll be backing them into a corner.

The way they see it, they'll have no choice
but to strike first with a naquadria b*mb.

Jonas, we'll have to do it sooner or later.
We can't give them what they want.

What about the Resistance?
If we help them seize power,

we'll still get the naquadria,
plus we'll save lives.

Even if we wanted to, realistically
there's no way we could find them.

Actually, sir, that's not exactly true.


If Dr Kieran really did smuggle naquadria
to Resistance headquarters, I can track it.

This is where they found Dr Kieran.

I'm picking something up.

This way.


- Jonas, where am I?
- You're safe.

We need to get to the Resistance.
They need help.

It's all right, it's all right.

Everything's going as planned.
We'll be making contact soon.

We have to stop the first minister
from using the b*mb.

We will. We will.

I never meant for it
to turn out this way, Jonas.

We were scientists. We thought
we were pursuing knowledge.

- We had no idea what we were creating.
- It's not your fault.

- You have something, Doctor?
- Yes. These are Dr Kieran's PET scans.

It shows no sign of brain damage from
the injury, but there is something else.

The images are consistent with someone
suffering from schizophrenia.

He's one of their leading scientists,
head of their most top- secret programme.

I know. I can't explain it.

The onset of this disease
is extremely rare over the age of 35.

So he's functioned for at least 20 years
without anyone noticing his condition.

- It's almost inconceivable.
- What kind of symptoms are we talking?

Paranoia, delusions, possibly
even full- blown hallucinations.

I'm glad you weren't there
the day we tested the b*mb, Jonas.

Must've been hard for you.

I'll never forget it.

The ground shook. The air caught fire.

The destruction was unimaginable.

The Tiranian central forces
are located here.

We'll move the Third Division
and the reserves to this point.

- How long can we resist?
- First Minister?

We need to talk.

This way, sir.

In here.

Carter, are you sure?

Yes, sir. This is the place.

Over here, sir.

Naquadria. A lot of it.

We must defend ourselves.

You're gonna use the naquadria b*mb.

If Earth will not help us,
we have no choice.

I wish you could see what I've seen.

I have actually been on board
a Goa'uld mothership.

I've seen their destructive power.

They can park in orbit and systematically
annihilate every major city

on our entire planet, regardless
of who's Kelownan or Tiranian.

To them, we're all just potential slaves.

Jonas, the Goa'uld haven't
been here for a thousand years.

What makes you think
they'd come back now?

The naquadria is
a derivative of naqahdah,

which is the very basis
of their technology.

It's literally in their blood.
They can smell it.

If you continue using it, I guarantee you,
eventually they will take notice.


We're leaving.

Just... wait.

What happened?

Carter and Teal'c are
back at the SGC already.

- What about the Resistance?
- There is no Resistance.

It was all in his head, a fantasy.

That's impossible.

This is from Fraiser.

Dr Kieran is schizophrenic.

It might be a side effect of
the research they've been doing.

The naquadria.

It's time to go home.


What happened to Dr Silas and Dr Leed?

They weren't transferred, were they?

They were taken to a government
mental facility, Jonas.

- You knew.
- No. We suspected.

We had thought that Dr Silas
was a unique case.

But when Dr Leed began to exhibit
similar behaviour, we became concerned.

- That's why you wanted me to watch him.
- We had to keep it quiet

so as not to alarm the other scientists.

Their research is too important.

As near as I can tell,
it's a unique form of brain damage

resulting from long- term exposure
to naquadria radiation.

I went over the specs from the b*mb
project. They never had proper shielding.

- Is Jonas at risk?
- No. I already tested him. He's negative.

My guess is he didn't
have enough exposure.

The Pentagon is eager
to resume research

on the naquadria
you found at the warehouse.

It shouldn't be a problem.
We are double- checking,

but I think that our existing
safeguards are sufficient.

I sent a message to the Kelownans
offering help to upgrade their facilities.

I haven't gotten any response.

We've heard nothing from them
since Colonel O'Neill and Jonas returned.

They may well be at w*r by now.

What about Dr Kieran?

With medication we can keep
his condition from deteriorating.

Unfortunately, there's no way to reverse
the damage that's already been done.

- Jonas.
- Professor.

I hear I'm being moved today.


We're gonna take you to a facility that's
better equipped to deal with your needs.

I understand everything's
in place for the coup.


They're keeping me informed.

After they take power, the Resistance
is going to dismantle the b*mb

and shut down the naquadria
project for ever.

That's good, Professor.

And they couldn't have
done it without you.

- Do you really think so?
- I know so.

You saved the world.
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