06x06 - Abyss

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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06x06 - Abyss

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Stargate SG-1":

He's burning up.

The virus acts like cerebrospinal
meningitis, by attacking the brain.

The symbiote Kanan
is someone I know well.

I have no doubt that he would blend with
O'Neill, cure him and leave him again,

if another suitable host can be found.

Sir, the symbiote's host died
while they were on a mission.

The Tok'ra have reason to believe the
symbiote has vital information to reveal

and this would give him that chance.

Sir, please.

It's too far.

I can't.

Hide here until
the Chaapa- ai is activated. Go.


Shek'mal, Tok'ra.


Jaffa, shal kek.

The host lives, my lord.

- It's the Tok'ra.
- It's about damn time.

Stand down.

- General Hammond.
- Councillor Thoran.

I'm afraid my patience on this matter
has just about run out.

You've been promising the safe return
of Colonel O'Neill for days.

Where is he?

I'm afraid I am the bearer of bad news.

And he just walked out of your base?
Nobody noticed until it was too late?

With the attack on Revanna, our numbers
have been severely diminished.

We had no reason to expect this.
I see no reason to assign blame.

Colonel O'Neill put his life in your hands.

- The symbiote was his only hope for life.
- He could have refused.

In which case you'd never have
retrieved the knowledge in Kanan's mind.

- A more than fair exchange.
- O'Neill would not agree to a blending

unless there was
more at stake than his life.

Perhaps the repugnance of blending with
another mind caused him to be irrational.

I can't speculate on
Colonel O'Neill's state of mind,

but while a mature symbiote can take
control of the host when it wants to,

it doesn't work both ways.

I can vouch for that, sir. There is no way
he could have walked out on his own.

Then he was forced to do so
against his will by the symbiote.

You accuse an honoured Tok'ra
of behaving as a Goa'uld.


Kanan has fought the Goa'uld
longer than you have lived,

yet you spit the word "symbiote"
as though you spoke of vermin.

Whatever you may think of our form,
Kanan was as a brother to me.

The Tok'ra Council accepts
that Kanan may be lost to us.

That's the big difference
between us, Councillor.

We don't leave our people behind.

- Who are you?
- You go first.

- You claim you do not know me.
- Well, take no offence there, Skippy.

I'm sure you're a real
hot, important Goa'uld.

I've just always been kind of
out of the loop with the snake thing.

I am Baal.

That's it?

Just "Ball"?

As in "boccie"?

Do you not know the pain
you will suffer for this impudence?

I don't know the meaning of the word.

Seriously. "Impudence".
What does that mean?

I shall begin again.

- Who are you?
- Colonel Jack O'Neill, US Air Force.

- Two Ls.
- That may be who you once were, Tok'ra.

I may be a lot of things, but I'm no Tok'ra.

It is true we were only able
to capture the host.

Your symbiote fled the body
out of cowardice.

But it is also true the Tok'ra
share body and mind equally.

- You will know all that it knew.
- I think I know less than you think I know.

Why have you come to this outpost?

Now, you see, that's
a perfect example right there.

I haven't a clue.

- You have been here before.
- First time.

You know your way to and from
my secret outpost. You've been here.

- What?
- Did you really hope to escape my guard?

- What?
- Why did you abduct my sl*ve?

All right, look...

This is the last thing I remember,
I swear to God.

I was sick. I agreed to let the Tok'ra put
a snake in my head or I would have died.

Right now I'm kinda wishing I had.

A wish easily granted.

- What was your mission?
- No mission.

- Why have you returned?
- I've never been here.

- What did you want with the female?
- What female?

Death will only offer a temporary escape.

I can revive you again and again.
A thousand times if need be.

Only once you have told me everything
I ask will you be allowed to die

one... last... time.

Where was his last mission?

As an operative aboard a mothership
in Zipacna's fleet.

He managed to escape during a battle
with Lord Yu's forces, but just barely.

- Did he have a motive to return?
- Such as?

Unfinished business? A task left undone?

His report stated
the mission objectives were complete.

We will attempt contact
with our operatives on these worlds

- here, here and here.
- His previous missions.

If Kanan returned for whatever reason,
our operatives may have learned of it.

- When will we hear news?
- It may take many months.

- You spoke of Kanan's mission reports.
- What of it?

We'd like to see them. If Kanan had
unfinished business, there may be clues.

- Their contents are not relevant.
- Colonel O'Neill's life is at stake.

What you ask is not possible.


Is it you?

Hi, Jack.


I leave, and look at the mess
you get yourself into.

It's good to see you.


You, too.

It's a shame you're a delusion.

No, I'm here. I'm really here.

Sure you are.

Here in the sense that my consciousness
is here, if not here in the physical sense.

The point is you're not imagining this.

- I just tossed my shoe through you.
- I ascended to another plane of existence.

- Oh.
- Oma Desala, the whole glowing thing.

I couldn't have done it
without you. Remember?


I'm... I'm energy now.

- How's that workin' out for you?
- Good, actually. Very...

- Good.
- Very good.

- You, however...
- Yeah, well.

You know what it's like
coming back from the dead.

Takes a while to get the colour
back in the cheeks.



- Not a delusion?
- No.

OK. Show me your stuff.
Bust me outta here.

- I can't.
- Why not?

- I'm not allowed to interfere.
- You're interfering now.

- I'm not.
- You are.

No, I'm not. I am consoling a friend.

What good's the power
to make the wind blow

if you can't spring a friend from jail?

- I would if I could.
- You can't do that stuff?

I can, I just... I can't.

Well, thanks for stoppin' by.

Baal is torturing you
and I wasn't just gonna sit by.

Look, all he wants to know
is the reason you came to this planet.

- You really don't know?
- Do you?

All I know is that you, or, more accurately,
the symbiote the Tok'ra placed in you -

congratulations, by the way - walked off
in the middle of the night and came here.

I can't believe I actually let them put a
snake in my head. My head. I agreed to it.

It never shared with you
why it'd walk into a Goa'uld outpost?

- There was no sharing. I was sick.
- I know.

They did the implantation - a word I intend
never to use again - and I woke up here.

That's my week so far.

So you really don't know.

Something to do with
one of Baal's slaves.

I've got a visual,
but I've never met her before.

Nobody knows you're here.

Even if they did, they couldn't pull off
a rescue because this place is a fortress.

Baal will keep torturing you to death
and reviving you

until he finds out what he wants, which
is impossible because you know nothing,

or until you're not
worth reviving any more.

But you'll cease to be the Jack O'Neill
we know long before that.

Well, apparently
I've got a big day tomorrow.

- No, I won't let him destroy you.
- You just said you couldn't help.

I can't stop Baal torturing you any more
than Oma could heal my radiation, but...

I can help you ascend.

Your underlings
will not allow me to leave.

- My officers are following my orders.
- This Jaffa threatened my life.

I merely informed you that any attempt to
activate the Stargate will result in injury.

- Then I am a prisoner?
- I'd prefer you consider yourself a guest.

You can leave once you give us
the mission reports we've requested,

under Article 9 of our treaty.

Such a request to the Council
must be made in person.

Why's that? This control facility can
relay a request on multiple frequencies,

including those used by the Tok'ra.

If you choose not to
avail yourself of that capability,

we'd be pleased to give you comfortable
quarters until you change your mind.

You thr*aten the peaceful continuation
of relations between our peoples.

If our relations continue in the direction
they're going, I don't give a damn.

Very well. I will make your request
that the reports be sent here immediately.

Thank you.

So you wanna be my Oma?

You could put it that way. I mean,
I wouldn't, but maybe that's just me.

- And then what?
- Then... Then I don't know.

- You don't know?
- No, no.

Ascension doesn't make you
all- knowing. I really don't know.

If I'm catching a plane of existence,
you gotta give me something.

It's your journey. No one but you chooses
what you become or the path you take.

All I can promise you is
it will be an amazing journey.

- Once you release your burden.
- Daniel, if you start talking like Oma...

- I'm not talking like Oma.
- Sounds like Oma to me.

Oma'd say "If you know the candlelight
is fire, the meal was cooked a while ago",

or something like that.


To open your mind.

Though a candle burns in my house,
there's nobody home.

OK. Let's take this one step at a time.

This has to be something you want.
I can't do this for you.

- One step at a time.
- One step at a time.

- There's gotta be another way out.
- Jack...

- What if you did a little scouting for me?
- No.

- Not knocking down walls, just a recon.
- Baal will t*rture you again.

- Help me get my hands on a zat g*n.
- Next time'll be worse.

- That's when we move.
- You can't fight your way out.

- Then help me!
- Not that way.

They're coming.

- They can see you. We can use that.
- I'll be back.

- A distraction. That's all I need.
- I promise.


- His motive had to be personal.
- For what reason?

The Tok'ra claim all of Kanan's
spy missions were a success,

so he'd have no reason to go back.

If we take them at their word,
we can rule out any logical reason.

Kanan had to be motivated
by something profound enough

to not only risk his life,
but also the life of his host.

The acid will take time
to burn through all the way.

Though it cauterises the flesh as it burns,

a very small amount often finds its way
into the blood and begins to spread.

- Why have you returned here, Tok'ra?
- I'm human.

- Betrayed by your symbiote.
- It used me.

- To do what?
- I don't know, and I don't care!

- What did the symbiote call itself?
- I don't remember.

Tok'ra retain the identities
of both host and symbiote.

You are O'Neill.
What was the name of your symbiote?

I... I just told you.

What Tok'ra secrets
could a single name reveal?

I don't know.

Why protect the one who betrayed you?
Abandoned you to this?

If I knew the name,
I'd give you the damn name.

I don't care about protecting the Tok'ra.

- Tok'ra have been a nuisance for years.
- Don't.

Even when we thought they'd been
wiped out, they'd become more insidious.

Like acid,
burrowing holes into our empires.


That's the name.


I... I just told you.

Yes. You did.

This neutralises the acid
and numbs the pain.

So, you see, the truth is rewarded.

I don't know anything else.

There may be much more of this Kanan
still in your memory than even you know.

It'll come to you... in time.


Is it you?


You shouldn't have come back.

I don't... remember.

If I leave with you, he will know.


Jack, who are you talking to?

The woman.

There's nobody there.

Look who's talking.

Does it still hurt?


I told you I'd come back.

If the Daniel Jackson I knew
was really here...

- I am.
- Then do something.

You listen to me.

I don't wanna go through that again.

If you were really my friend
and had the power to stop it, you'd stop it.

The hardest part
of being who or what I am

is having the power to change the things
I wanna change, and knowing that I can't.

Even when I'm certain,
even when it's absolutely clear to me,

even when it affects
the people I care about.

For all I can do, I'm no more qualified
to play God than the Goa'uld are.

- Baal will keep this up.
- Yes, he will.

- So we've a limited amount of time.
- Gotta be someplace?


There must be a reason Kanan returned.
Was it for the woman you were talking to?

She must have something
to do with all of this.

You know, screw it. It doesn't matter.

Carter and Teal'c will think of something.

- Even if they could find where you are...
- And Jonas, he's at least as smart as you.

- There isn't always a way out.
- If that was true, I'd be dead by now.

How many more times can you go into
that sarcophagus before it changes you?

How many times has it been already?

It can make you strong enough
to go through that again,

but all the time
it's destroying who you are.

Once that happens you won't be able to
ascend, no matter how much you want to.


- I appreciate what you're trying to do.
- I believe you can do it.

- This is me we're talkin' about!
- Yes, it is.

Now, please, just try to open your mind.

Oh, stop it, will you?

Did the Asgard name a ship after you
because they thought it was a cool name?

Don't play dumb. You're smarter than that.

They saw our potential in you
cos of who you are and what you've done.

Humanity's potential.
That's the same thing Oma saw in me.

I am not you!

When has that ever stopped you
from doing anything?

OK. Put yourself in my shoes
and me in yours.

- You'd be here for me.
- Damn straight.

I'd have got you out, blown up this rathole
and made sure the son of a bitch suffered.

- They'd have stopped you.
- They'd have a fight on their hands.

- Baal would be dead...
- You're a better man than that.

That's where you're wrong!

Right now I can't imagine... doing
or being anything other than what I am.

I see things, I understand things
in a way I never could have before.

But I chose this.

Even when Jacob was
trying to heal me, I chose this.

But you, where you're at now,
you don't have any other choices.

This is not your life we're
talking about, Jack. This is your soul.

This is it. What I'm offering you
is your only way out.

You're wrong about that, too.

I have another choice.

What are you talking about?


Any minute they're gonna come
and Baal is gonna k*ll me again.

- You can make it the last time.
- Don't ask me to do that.

- You can put an end to it.
- I won't do it.

I'd do it for you, and you know it.

I don't wanna see this cell again, Daniel.

I don't know about you, but I'm beginning
to get the feeling there is nothing here.

Wait. Guys.

- Look at this.
- What is it?

Kanan worked undercover as a Goa'uld
in Baal's service. How long ago was it?

Several months. Baal has kept the outpost
hidden from the other System Lords.

The outpost was a secret test facility
for weapons technology.

Over a period of several months
he mapped out the entire facility...

That's what Kanan reported to the Tok'ra
Council. But something just struck me.

He used Baal's lo'taur, his personal sl*ve,
to access much of that information.

The lo'taur gave him access
to Baal's chamber.

- You think Kanan withheld information?
- No.

But think about it. A lo'taur
is a Goa'uld's most trusted servant.

Why would he so blithely
betray his master?

Her master.

The sl*ve was a woman.

Access to Baal's own chamber.

Are you suggesting that Kanan
engaged in an affair with this sl*ve

in order to gain access
to her master's quarters?

Something had to be going on between
them, or why would she take the risk?

A Tok'ra would go to great lengths
to accomplish a mission.

So maybe he was just using her.

But who knows?
The Tok'ra are a passionate race.

The Tok'ra accept sacrifice
as a function of w*r.

I do not believe this sl*ve
was sufficient motive for Kanan.

Sufficient motive for Kanan.

The decision to act came after blending
with the mind of Colonel O'Neill.

At which point he would have been
confronted with every thought and belief

that makes the colonel who he is, and
be forced to judge himself by that code.

What Hammond referred to as "the
difference between us and the Tok'ra".

We don't leave our people behind.

Is it you?

You shouldn't be here.

You look so different.

How can you be Kanan?

I'm not.

If I leave with you, he will know.

He used both of us.

He did use both of us.

How long were you host to this Kanan
before he made you come here?

Days or merely hours?

I don't remember.

What did this Kanan share
about his previous mission here?


- What did he want with my sl*ve?
- I don't know.

- Why did he return?
- I don't know.

I believe you.

You're a victim of this Tok'ra just as I am.

This Kanan took over your body, just as
I or any other Goa'uld would have done.

He used you to come here.

But to what purpose?

I believe the answers
are there in your mind.

Even if you are host for a matter of hours,
something of him will be left behind.

An unfortunate inheritance for you,

because I will find them...

if I have to dig them out.

You're telling me Kanan was compelled
to rescue a sl*ve he met months ago?

As a result of blending
with Colonel O'Neill, yes.

Based on the arrogant notion
O'Neill would never have left her behind.

Sir, I know from experience
how deeply the emotions can be shared

- between a Tok'ra symbiote and its host.
- So do I, Major Carter.

Still, your theory seems
to be based on just intuition.

I won't argue with that,
but it's not without reasoning.

- I know that's where Colonel O'Neill is.
- As do I.

- We're all in agreement.
- It makes no difference.

If indeed O'Neill is in Baal's hands,
he is far beyond our reach.

- We have plans to the outpost.
- Then you know it is a fortress.

- An army could not hope to penetrate it.
- Kanan obviously thought it was possible.

- Sir, if we went in with maybe two teams.
- I'm sorry, but I agree with the councillor.

I've gone over the intel on this outpost.

A successful attack of any magnitude
is beyond our capabilities.

Come in.

- General Hammond.
- Teal'c. What is it?

I have been meditating on
the possibility of rescuing O'Neill.

I've been going over the plans
of the outpost again myself.

I don't see how we have a chance against
this fortress, no matter how big the force.

Agreed. I believe it would take the power
of a Goa'uld mothership to do so.

Unfortunately we don't have one of those.

Perhaps not, but there are
many System Lords that do.

What was its name?

- Kanan.
- There. You remember his name.

What was his mission?

- No mission.
- Was it to steal the sl*ve from me?

I don't know.

Did Kanan believe
a sl*ve could know my secrets?

There's something else
you're hiding from me. I sense it.

I feel it.

- When are you gonna end this?
- When you tell me what I wish to know!


The mind is beginning to fail.
It's time for the sarcophagus.

But as you regain the strength
to return here, consider this.

It will be far worse next time.


Thoran's threatening
to end diplomatic relations.

- What did he say?
- Among other things I won't mention,

that this is the reason they've been
reluctant to share intelligence.

- So be it.
- That's more or less what I said.

The Tok'ra need us right now
more than we need them.

- Do we expect a response from Lord Yu?
- No, sir.

We know he received the plans to Baal's
outpost but we don't know if he'll act on it.

I believe he will. Baal has kept the outpost
a secret from the other System Lords.

How will destroying the power
generators first help the colonel?

It will give O'Neill a fighting chance,
nothing more.

- Daniel?
- I'm here.

You were gone.

I know. I'm sorry.
There was something I had to do, but...

I'm back now. I promise
I'll stay with you till this is over.

- It'll never be over.
- Yes, it will.

- Daniel, you have to end this.
- Jack, just hang in there a while longer.


I can't go back in there.

If I go back, I swear to God...

I'll give Baal what he wants. I'll tell him.


That he loved her.


He came back for her.
He wanted to save her.

- Baal doesn't know this.
- If he finds out,

he'll do to her what he's doing to me.

Daniel, if you don't end this...

I'll tell him.

You won't have to. It's almost over, Jack.

- How?
- You were right.

There was always a way out.

Well, at least there was always a chance.

Your journey isn't over, Jack. Not yet.

- What'd you do?
- Nothing. It was Sam and Teal'c.

And Jonas, too.


They thought of something.


This is it.

All you ever wanted was
a fighting chance, Jack. Now you have it.

If anyone can make it out of here,
you can.

Lord Yu att*cks.


- Come with me.
- He'll stop us.


Dr Fraiser says he'll suffer withdrawal
symptoms from so long in a sarcophagus,

but she expects a full recovery.

- What about the woman he returned for?
- She decided to stay with the Tok'ra.

Teal'c She will fight in Kanan's name.


I'm tryin' to sleep here.

Sorry, sir. Glad to see you're OK.


A good idea you had there.

Actually, sir, we all contributed to it.

D'you need anything or...?

- Water.
- Sure.

I always seem to be
saying goodbye to you.

Yeah, I noticed that.

- Why don't you stick around for a while?
- I can't really.

- You just did.
- Special occasion.

- Christmas?
- No.

- Groundhog Day?
- No.

- I've got my journey, you've got yours?
- Something like that, yeah.

Look, I know you don't think so...

Right now, I mean,
I know you have your doubts, but...

You've been through something
that no one should have to go through.

I guess what I'm trying to say is,
you're gonna be all right.

- How do you know?
- You're just gonna have to trust me.

I can do that.

- Are you gonna be OK?
- Yeah, I'm gonna be fine.

Here you go, sir.


Good night.

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