01x12 - Silent Enemy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Enterprise". Aired: September 26, 2001 – May 13, 2005.*
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Set in the 22nd century, a hundred years before the events of The Original Series, it follows the adventures of the Enterprise, Earth's first starship capable of traveling at warp five, as it explores the galaxy and encounters various alien species.
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01x12 - Silent Enemy

Post by bunniefuu »

Echo II is away, sir.

A clean launch.

It's made contact with Echo I.

How long before
we get subspace on line?

I'd like to send a
few test transmissions

to calibrate amplifiers.

An hour.

My guess is we have
a lot of people on board

waiting to call home.

A vessel is
dropping out of warp, Captain.

12 kilometers dead ahead.

Put it up.

Look familiar?

I don't recognize
the configuration.

Good. Hail them.

This is the Starship Enterprise.

What can we do for you?

My name is Jonathan Archer.

We're on a mission
of exploration

from the planet Earth.


The channel's open, sir.

Do you need assistance?

If you don't want to talk,
that's fine,

but... you dropped in on us.

Was it something I said?

Did you get anything on sensors?


No... what?

No bio-signs.

No propulsion,
no w*apon signatures.

No readings at all.

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Getting from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got faith ♪

♪ Of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going where my heart
will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got strength
of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got, I've got, I've got ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart. ♪

Are there any inhabited systems


Why fly right up to us

just to give us
the silent treatment?

Maybe they got our signal,

but it didn't make
any sense to them.

Our translator
is far from perfect.

I wouldn't take offense.

Not every species has motives

that can be understood
in human terms.

Maybe they checked us out

and decided we weren't
very interesting.

Us? Not interesting?

Let's calibrate
the subspace amplifier.

At least, the people back home
want to talk to us.


I tracked them down.

It took me all week.

Where are they?

Kota Baharu.

It's in Malaysia.

What time is it there?

A little after 9:00
at night.

That shouldn't be too late.

Let's break in
that new amplifier.

I'll be in my ready room.

Is he all right?

He's fine.

Is he in some kind of trouble?

No, sir.

Malcolm's doing a great job.

I'm sure you know it's his
birthday in a couple of days.

Yes... yes, it is.

September 2nd.

We haven't seen our son
on his birthday

for quite a few years.

He called from San Francisco

to let us know he'd been
assigned to Enterprise,

but we haven't heard
from him since.

What are Malcolm's duties

on your ship, Captain?

He's my Armory Officer.

Well, his grandfather
would be pleased.

He was an ordnance officer

in the Royal Navy.

It must be in Malcolm's blood.

The Reeds have been
navy men for generations.

Until Malcolm decided
to join Starfleet.

I suppose the ocean
wasn't big enough for him.

He's a long way from home
in any case, Mr. Reed.

I'd like to do something
for his birthday.

Make him a special dinner.

I was hoping you could tell me
what he likes to eat.

Captain, Malcolm's
never been comfortable

making requests.

I'm not sure I understand.

He always ate whatever
was put in front of him.

Are you saying he doesn't have
a favorite food?

Not that he's ever told me.


if you happen to think
of anything,

you can always contact me
through Starfleet.

Give Malcolm our best.

I will.

Safe journey, Captain.

How'd it go?

Could have gone better.

Apparently, he hasn't called
home since we left Earth.

I want you to find out
what he likes to eat.

Me, sir?

But don't let Malcolm know.

Maybe this is more
in Chef's area.

No, we're talking about
a delicate assignment, Hoshi.

It needs your finesse.

Sir, I'm running a diagnostic

on our subspace
transceiver array.

Get some help if you need it,

but make this a top priority.

That's an order.

Yes, sir.

Where were you at dinner?

I ate in my quarters.

Now that we've got
the amplifier working,

I wanted to answer
a few letters.

You missed T'Pol's latest bout

with chopsticks.

Dinner and a show.

I thought you were
going to upgrade this.

That is the upgrade.

Well, if you want,
I can change the color.

What's the word from home?

Oh, the usual...
Engineering updates.

Oh, and Duvall got promoted.

They're giving him
the Shenandoah.

Duvall got his own command?

Thank God we're 100
light-years away.

And I got a letter from Natalie.

The Natalie?

From Pensacola?


Natalie from Pensacola.

Looks like we've got a charge
imbalance in this manifold.

I'll get right on it.


You know, they say long-distance
relationships never work.

Well, this is about as
long-distance as you can get.

You okay?

Oh, yeah, I just...

I just wish
I'd have had the chance

to say good-bye face-to-face.

Let me ask you something.

Do you spend much time
with Malcolm?

I was in the Armory
yesterday for a few hours,

swapping out some power relays.

You talk about
anything interesting?

Power relays.

I talked to his parents
this morning.



Stay here.

If I asked your parents
what you like to eat,

would they be able to tell me?

Are you kidding?

My mom would give you her recipe

for pan-fried catfish,
and wouldn't let you go

till you promised
not to screw it up.

Malcolm's parents didn't know

what his favorite food was.

They didn't even know
he was an armory officer.

That's strange.

It made me think.

We don't know that much
about Malcolm, do we?

Bridge to the Captain.

Go ahead.

The alien vessel has returned.

Guess we weren't so
uninteresting after all.

They dropped out of warp

500 kilometers, dead ahead.

I had to reverse engines

to keep from banging into them.

Let's try this again.

Welcome back.

I was hoping we'd have
an opportunity to meet again.

The primary mission of my ship

is to make peaceful contact
with other species.

If there's anything we can do

to assure you
of our intentions...


it's been nice "talking" to you.

Let's do this again sometime.

I'm picking up something.

Can you translate it?

I don't think it's a language.

We're being scanned.

Hull plating?

It's off-line!

Hard about!

They've gone to warp, sir.

Everybody okay?

Damage reports
are coming in, sir.

No one's been hurt.

What the hell was that about?


When they fired their w*apon,

they dropped their shielding
for about two seconds.

I was able to take some scans.

What did you get?


At least 15, maybe more.

Their DNA doesn't match anything

in our database.

It's a good thing they're gone.

I doubt very much our torpedoes

could've penetrated
their shielding.

Stay on long-range scanners.

If they come anywhere near us,
I want to know.


That support frame's bent.

We'll need to reinforce it.

How bad is it?

If that last shot had been
about a half-meter higher,

we'd be looking at stars.

Hold it a minute.

There were 13 people

working in this section,
Captain, including yours truly.

If that bulkhead had blown...

Did your people run into
as many hostile aliens

when they first went
into deep space?

It was a different time.

How so?

There were fewer
warp-capable species.

This ship just isn't equipped

to handle some of the threats
we're coming up against.

It's time we do
something about that.

What are you suggesting?

Enterprise was fitted
with phase cannon ports.

But since we left Spacedock

a few weeks ahead of schedule,

the cannons
were never installed.

I think it's time they were.

We should head back to Earth.

Just give us two weeks, Captain.

I know we can do it.

Most of the stuff we need
is already on the ship.

The armory team
at Jupiter Station

is trained for this kind
of work.

If we're going to do this,

let's do it right.

My engineers are just
as good as they are.

I know that, Trip.

But we have other systems
that could use overhauls.

Look at the bright side.

You've got a chance
to say good-bye to Natalie.


With your permission,

we could at least
begin the work.

Get a few things started
for Jupiter Station.

It'll cut down the time

we'll have to spend
in Spacedock.

Do what you can.

Archer to Mayweather.

Go ahead, Captain.

We're heading home.

This, ladies and gentlemen,

is a phase-modulated
energy w*apon.

It's rated for a
maximum power output

of 500 gigajoules.

Enterprise was designed
to carry three of them.

We have one, and it's
only a prototype.

Our job is to get it
up and running

and build two more from scratch.

The Captain is taking us back

because he thinks this work

ought to be done
by the boys in Spacedock.

Far be it from me to question

the Captain's judgment,

but Commander Tucker and I

believe we can
do this ourselves.

That means double shifts.

By the time we reach

Jupiter Station,
I don't want their engineers

to have a thing to do
but give us a wash and a wax.

Any questions?

Are we expecting
another attack, sir?

We all signed up for this trip

because we wanted
to do something

no one had ever done before,

not because
we thought it'd be easy

or safe,

but we're not here
to take foolish risks.

The Captain and the
rest of the crew

are depending on us

to keep Enterprise
ready for anything.

And once we get
these phase cannons

on line... we'll have

a lot more firepower
to do just that.

So what are you
standing around for?

He once told me
that he loved to eat octopus

especially the little
suction cups,

but I think he was
pulling my leg.

You can never tell whether
my brother's joking or not.

Can I talk to him?

We really would like
to keep this a surprise.

Oh, right. The dinner.

I remember one time...

This was at least
ten years ago...

He went for a whole week
without eating.

Got by on nothing Really?

But water
and a little apple juice.


Some sort of survival training.

Or was it a contest?

When he started eating again,

do you remember
the first thing he wanted?

He was so weak he could barely

get out of bed.

For two days, all he had
was protein concentrate.

When you two were growing up,

he never said, "Hey,
let's go out for pizza"

or, "Boy, I'd love
some Indian food"?

Not that I remember.

Malcolm isn't the easiest person
to get to know.

I'm figuring that out.

When we were training
in San Francisco,

there was a little restaurant
on the Embarcadero

he liked to go to.

They had a specialty,
some kind of fish, I think.

What kind?


Uh, swordfish?


Mahimahi? Scallops?

I had sea bass.


And Malcolm?

I don't remember.

Try. Please.


Is that a fish?

No, she was the waitress.

That's why Malcolm
wanted to go there.

He had a thing for her.

I think he hates fish.


So how's your
secret mission coming?

I've talked to his sister,

his best friend,

his Uncle Archie,
his two spinster aunts.

The most anyone seems to know
about his eating habits

is that he...
occasionally eats.


if you want to know something
about Mr. Reed,

perhaps you should ask him.

Anyone sitting here?

Uh, no.


This is the first chance
I've had to eat all day.

Tell me about it.

I haven't set foot outside
the Armory since 0700.

How's your ravioli?

Uh, it's fine.

Nothing like a nice
plate of pasta.


You know, I used
to love to cook,

but I never get a
chance to any more

the way that Chef
protects the galley.

One of these nights,

I should fix something myself.

I'm sorry.

You'd love my enchiladas.


If you don't like them,
I can fix something else.

What's your favorite food?

Uh... I appreciate
the offer, but it...

it really isn't necessary.

Aren't you getting
a little tired

of having to eat whatever
Chef happens to serve?

No, he's a fine cook.

Don't get me wrong,

he's terrific.

It's just that dinner
in the Mess Hall can...

lack a certain personal touch.

I've got a hot plate
in my quarters.


very flattering and...

I'm just not sure it would be...

What do you mean?

Well, um...

we work together, and, uh,

it just might be a little...

Serving on the same ship.

What does that have
to do with...?


No, I didn't, I didn't mean to,

um... imply anything

other than just making
dinner, Lieutenant.

It's my mistake, Ensign.

No, it's my fault.

I shouldn't have...

Yeah, I'll-I'll just...

No, please, finish your dinner.

No, no, no, no.

You've got a lot
of work to do, so...

Captain, I'm detecting a ship,

dead astern, 8,000 meters.

Let me guess.

Our shadow?

Closing to 7,000.


Polarize the hull plating.

Reed to Bridge.

Armory, report.

Get to your stations. Move.

Warp drive is off-line.

Main power is down.


Tactical systems are down.

Why don't you save time
and tell me what isn't down?

The outer doors
in Launch Bay 2 are opening.

Seal them.

I can't.

Get away from those men!


Archer to Sick Bay.

Phlox here, Captain.

Report to E-Deck, Section 7.
This is an emergency.

On my way.

Security to Captain Archer.

Go ahead.

The aliens are gone, sir.

They've launched their shuttle.

Bridge, report!

The alien vessel
has gone to warp,

but that last shot
damaged our port nacelle.

We're venting drive plasma.


I've stabilized them,
but they were subjected

to some rather invasive scans.

Will they be all right?

There could be

some residual
neurological damage.

I'm doing everything I can.

Have you ever heard
of anything like this?


Are there any Vulcan
records of a species

that uses similar tactics?

And I don't care how
classified they might be.

None that I know of, Captain.

Find out what you can.

Tucker to Archer.

Go ahead.

We've got the plasma leak
under control,

but our port nacelle
took a lot of damage.

How long before
we can go to warp?

A couple of days.

What about impulse power?

That's the good news.

It should be back on line
in a few minutes.

I'll take all the good news
I can get.

Keep me posted, Doctor.

There are no Vulcan ships
within scanning range.

Sir, we could try to contact

the Vulcan High Command.

They're only two days away
at warp 6.

I'm sure they'd give us a hand.

I'm sure they would.

I can't raise Vulcan.

It's funny, I ran

a diagnostic after the attack.

But now Echo II won't respond.

That's because it isn't there.


There's nothing but debris
at the coordinates

where we deployed the amplifier.

What about Echo I?

Destroyed as well.

The stabilizer on Cannon Port 2

checks out okay, sir.

Port 2 or Port 1?

Port 1, sir. Sorry.

Get it right!

And start
on those beam emitters.

Yes, sir.

Targeting scanners will
be on line in an hour.

We should be aligning
them by now,

not installing them.

You were a little hard on Eddie.

Everyone's busting their tails
to get this job done.


You okay?


I told them to depolarize
these relays!

What were you trying to do?

Bypass the EPS grid.


Well, we could draw
power for the cannons

directly from
the impulse engines.

Are you trying to make
this blow up in your face?

The relays were rated
to handle that much power.

What if there's a surge?

Oh, I've thought of that.

These inverters
were designed to cut in

at the first sign
of an overload.

We got to do this by the book,
or we'll end up

blowing a bigger hole in
ourselves than the bad guys.

I've run a dozen simulations.

It's an acceptable risk.

When it comes
to modifying ship systems,

why don't you
let the Chief Engineer

decide what's an
acceptable risk?

Sir, if we do this by the book,

those aliens are likely
to be back before we're done.

I want to get this job done

as quickly as you
do, Lieutenant,

but not if it means
taking shortcuts

that could get
our people k*lled.

Yes, sir.

Don't you ever rest?

You know, I can't sleep

without the warp
engines on line.

If I don't feel
those vibrations,

something just
doesn't seem right.

Well, I hope
you get them fixed soon

because you look like hell.

Well, with all due
respect, Captain,

you shouldn't be talking.

How's it coming?

They'll be on line

by the end of the day
tomorrow, guaranteed.

Could you check the
dilithium alignment for me?


.06 microns.

At least we'll be flying
home under our own power.

Let me know
if it drops below .03.

I tried to get a message

to the Vulcan High Command,

but it didn't go through.

If it had, we'd be expecting

a Surak-class ship tomorrow

offering to help us.

Well, the Vulcans
would have loved that...

Towing the pride of Starfleet
back to base.

Maybe we should
thank our visitors

for blowing up the
subspace amplifiers.

It's holding at .05.

Keep an eye on it.

Are you looking forward
to seeing Earth?


I just didn't think
I'd be seeing it so soon.

This time, we won't be leaving
before we're ready.

Are your ears
a little pointier than usual?

I nev...

I never said we didn't
belong out here.

I just wish we'd have...

launched with all
our systems on line.

Especially weapons.

If we hadn't launched
when we did,

they'd have sent Klaang
back to Kronos in a box.

I keep reminding myself of that.

But I rushed us out of Spacedock

because I had
something to prove.

And I risked the lives of...

81 humans, a Vulcan,
and a Denobulan to do it.

Don't forget Porthos.


In the old days,
astronauts rode rockets

with millions of liters
of hydrogen

burning under their seats.

You think they said, "Gee, I'd
love to go to the moon today,

but it seems a little risky"?

I think if you asked
anyone on board

whether they thought
this mission was worth the risk,

you'd get the same answer
from every one of them.

Let me know when we're
ready to go to warp.

Aye, sir.

Have you still got
those g*ns of yours

hooked up
to the impulse engines?

I'm just disconnecting them now.

Hang on a minute.

You're sure this will work?

Yes, Commander, I am.

Then based on the recommendation

of the Armory Officer,
the Chief Engineer

finds the level of risk

In that case,
if the Chief Engineer

wouldn't mind
getting his hands dirty,

I could use some help.

Captain's Starlog,
September 1, 2151.

It's been two days now

with no sign
of the alien vessel.

My crew has managed
to do in 48 hours

what would've taken
the armory team

at Jupiter Station
at least a week.

To say that I'm proud of them
would be an understatement.

We're preparing our first test.

Everybody has their fingers
crossed, including me.

You're sure
there's nothing down there?

Yes, Captain.

Not even a microbe?

I don't want
to blow up something

that could evolve
into a sentient species

in a couple of billion years.

There's nothing there.

Archer to Lieutenant Reed.

Have you got a lock?

Yes, Captain.

Let's start small.

Shave a couple meters
off the top of that peak.

Acquiring the target.

Full power to the primary coils.

Phase cannons one and two
standing by.

Mr. Reed,
the honor is all yours.

I just asked
for a little off the top.

Check the cannons!

Yes, sir.

Be careful down there.

The blast yield was ten times

what we expected.

What happened?

Something overloaded
the phase modulators.

The plasma recoil blew out
relays across decks C and D.

I'm getting an anomalous
reading from Launch Bay 2.

Trip, T'Pol.


What's that?

You think that's what's causing
the power surge?

It's very likely.

It's putting out a tremendous
amount of energy.

Over 600 megajoules.

They're toying with us.

They want us to know

they can destroy us
whenever they want.

Even with our own weapons.

Whatever it is, it's tapped
into most of our systems,

including internal sensors

and communications
on every deck.

Activate Visual Sensor J-15.

I assume you planted that device

because you wanted
to learn more about us.

I'll be happy to give you
a quick lesson.

We're not here to make enemies.

But just because
we're not looking for a fight,

doesn't mean
we'll run away from one.

You may think
you've left us defenseless.

But let me tell you something
about humans.

We don't give up easily.

We'll protect Enterprise...

any way we can.


I'll be with you
in a moment, Ensign.

I see you released
your patients.

Mm, they're going to be fine.

I sent them back to
their quarters to rest.

That's good to hear.

What can I do for you?

You spend a lot of time
in the Mess Hall.

Have you ever had a meal
with Lieutenant Reed?

Many times.

Any idea what his
favorite food might be?

Ah, the birthday dinner, hmm...

Uh, well, the man loves
a good breakfast.

Like what?

Eggs, I've seen him eat

a lot of eggs.

How does he like them?

Oh, scrambled,
poached, over easy.

Maybe Chef could make him
a big omelet.

Oh, and he enjoys
pancakes, on occasion.

He has the odd habit

of spreading peanut
butter on them.

Uh, sausage, that's
another favorite.

Oh, bacon, too,
come to think of it.

Is there any one
food in particular?


Not that I recall.

Breaking a Vulcan
encryption code

would be easier than this.

If anything comes to mind,
I'll let you know.

I don't suppose

scanning his taste buds
would help?

Medically speaking, there's
no accounting for taste.

Thanks anyway.




I think I can help you, Ensign.

Mm, but it would mean

going into Mr. Reed's
medical records.

That information
is confidential.

I'm under direct orders
from the Captain.

Couldn't you make an exception?

Under the circumstances,
I suppose it wouldn't hurt.


Ah, I've made it a point

to study each crewman's
medical history.

And I remember noticing
that Lieutenant Reed

suffers from a
number of allergies.

Let's see, dust mites, oak,
pollen, tropical grasses...

ah-ha-ha, here it is!

He's averse to various plant
enzymes, including bromelin.

What does all of this have to do
with what he likes to eat?

Over the last several years,

he's been taking
regular injections

so that his body can
tolerate bromelin.

A plant enzyme?


Found in?

Among other things...



This doesn't mean
it's his favorite food.

It's close enough.

Thank you, Doctor.

It's them.

Where are they?

Closing from astern.

20,000 meters.


Should I try evasive maneuvers?

No. Come about
and hold our position.

Bridge to the Armory.

Guess who's back?

We see them.

Both forward cannons
are charged and ready.

Get a lock and stand by.

They've stopped.

11,000 meters.

We're being hailed.

Put it through.


Prepare to surrender
your vessel.

You are defenseless.

Prepare to...

Shut it off.

You are defen...

10,000 meters.


Mr. Reed...

both cannons, fire.

I'm reading a fluctuation
in their shielding,

but it's marginal.

5,000 meters.

Is that the best we can do,

Even if these cannons had been
installed at Jupiter Station,

they wouldn't be any more
effective than they are now.

What about yesterday?

I saw you blow something up
the size of Mount McKinley.

Yes, sir, but that was due
to an overload.

Can you overload them again?

Sir, after the damage

from the first time,

the plasma recoil will probably
knock out two decks.

Can you overload them again?!

I believe so.

I'd rather knock out two decks

than surrender this ship.

But, sir...
Hold on a minute.

I think there's a way
to handle the recoil.


All that excess energy's
got to go somewhere.

Why not put it to use?

3,000 meters.

If we repolarize
the gravity plating

to absorb the recoil,
then we can shunt the energy

to structural integrity.

Sounds good to me.

The grav-plating wasn't designed
to withstand

that much force.

We all understand the risks.

Get started.

Aye, sir.

1,000 meters.


Stand by.


We're ready, sir.

Then fire!

Their shields are failing.


Bridge to the Armory.

Everything okay down there?

We blew out the plasma relays

on B-Deck, but it's nothing
we can't take care of.

What about our friends?

I have a feeling

their repairs are going
to be a little more extensive.

How'd the cannons hold up?

Fairly well.

I'll have them back on line
within the hour.

The aft cannon should be working
by the end of day tomorrow.

Good work.


I see no reason for us to go
back to Jupiter Station now.

Do you?


At least there's one good thing

about coming back this far.

We can drop another
subspace amplifier.

Get on it.


resume our previous course.

Gladly, sir.

To our mysterious friends.

I wish I could've seen

the looks on their faces.

Hear, hear.

Don't get too used
to drinking on duty.

But you did your jobs

pretty damn well yesterday.

I'd say that deserves
a little celebration.


If you really want to thank us,

how about letting us
sleep in tomorrow?

Permission granted.

Hoshi, what can we do for you?

Sorry to interrupt, Captain.

I have that component
that you asked for.

Great, put it down right here.


As long as we've got
you here, Malcolm...

Happy birthday.

You shouldn't have gone
to any trouble.

Oh, no trouble at all.

Mr. Reed, the
honor is yours.


That's my favorite...

How on Earth did you know?

We have our sources.
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