01x05 - Unexpected

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Star Trek: Enterprise". Aired: September 26, 2001 – May 13, 2005.*
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Set in the 22nd century, a hundred years before the events of The Original Series, it follows the adventures of the Enterprise, Earth's first starship capable of traveling at warp five, as it explores the galaxy and encounters various alien species.
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01x05 - Unexpected

Post by bunniefuu »

Archer to the Bridge.

Lieutenant Reed, sir.

What the hell's going on?

We are having a little trouble

with the gravity plating
on E-Deck.

I hope it hasn't caused you

any inconvenience.

Oh, no, no, no, not at all.

Any idea when you might
get it back on line?

Commander Tucker says it
should be any minute now, sir.

Thank you.

♪ It's been a long road ♪

♪ Getting from there to here ♪

♪ It's been a long time ♪

♪ But my time is finally near ♪

♪ And I will see my dream
come alive at last ♪

♪ I will touch the sky ♪

♪ And they're not gonna
hold me down no more ♪

♪ No, they're not gonna
change my mind ♪

♪ 'Cause I've got faith ♪

♪ Of the heart ♪

♪ I'm going where my heart
will take me ♪

♪ I've got faith to believe ♪

♪ I can do anything ♪

♪ I've got strength
of the soul ♪

♪ No one's gonna bend
or break me ♪

♪ I can reach any star ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ I've got, I've got, I've got ♪

♪ I've got faith ♪

♪ Faith of the heart. ♪

Not a very
adventurous breakfast.

Plomeek broth is a traditional
morning meal on Vulcan.

Oh, but you're not on Vulcan.

You should try these
blueberry pancakes.

They're quite delicious.

I've sampled human food
on several occasions.

It didn't agree with me.

Give it some time.

The Vulcan digestive tract
is highly adaptable.

I prefer to eat the foods

I'm accustomed to.

There's an old saying:

When in Fellebia, do as

the Fellebians do.

It's difficult enough
having to smell all this.

Eating it is out
of the question.

Water, carbonated.

Now that's adventurous.

We're getting reports
from C-Deck

that it's down to 12 degrees.

Ensign Almack is working on it.

Well, tell him to hurry up.

If the relays up there
get too cold,

they're going to start
cutting out on us.


We've got a power fluctuation
in the starboard nacelle, sir.

We'll get to it
as soon as we can.

Aye, sir.

Any luck?

We know it's got something
to do with the plasma exhaust.

The flow's been restricted
for some reason

and it's screwing up
half the systems on the ship.

Tell Billy

to purge the aft manifold.


Do you think it might be

a good idea to drop out of warp?

Give me a minute, sir.

I think we can figure it out.

Tucker to Bridge.

Might be a good idea
to drop out of warp.

Going to impulse, sir.


I think I've found the problem.

Something's distorting
our wake pattern.

You're right.

The plasma exhaust

shouldn't be flaring
that close to the ship.

EM residue in the exhaust ports?

No, we checked;
they're clean.

Malcolm, if we ignited
the plasma exhaust,

what kind of damage would it do

to the nacelles?


How much damage?

If we polarize the hull plating,

it should be all right

as long as we maintained
at least half impulse.

Go to half impulse, Ensign.

Aye, sir.

Put up A-4.

Record all aft sensors.

Hull plating.

Both nacelles are at maximum.

Stand by to ignite a charge
at 80 meters

due aft.


Play it back.


Go back

and freeze it
at the flash point.

Creep it forward a little.


Looks like we've got ourselves

a hitchhiker.

They must be using

some sort of stealth technology.

I wonder how long
they've been there.

Long enough to throw
half our systems out of whack.

I'm sure they know
we've detected them.

Open hailing frequencies.

Our ship-to-ship sensors

are malfunctioning.

I can only give you audio.

Translator's active.

This is Captain Jonathan Archer
of the Starship Enterprise.

I don't need to tell you
where we are.

Your presence is disrupting

a number of our systems.

Please back away to a distance

of at least ten
kilometers and respond.

Kaja lakala royj kaiti.

Kaja lakala royj kaiti.

Kaja lakala royj... harm us.

Kaja lakala... your request.

We ask you not to harm us.

We are complying
with your request.

We ask you not to harm us.

They're moving off, sir.

We have no intention
of harming you,

but I wouldn't mind
an explanation.

I apologize
for any damage we've caused.

Our engines are malfunctioning

and we've been using
your plasma exhaust to replenish

our teraphasic coils.

It's allowed us
to share your warp field.

Their warp reactor is off-line.

We can't help you
unless we can see you,

so why don't you disconnect

whatever stealth device
you're using?

I'm giving you 40 milligrams

of mirazine.

It should shorten the
decompression process by half.

That still leaves three hours.

Can you recommend a good book?

I'll be briefing you
on their propulsion systems.

Sure you don't want me
coming back at night?

Three hours of decompression
in each direction...

Makes more sense to stay
until the job's done.

I sent them your
dietary requirements.

They claim to have the ability

to synthesize protein
and carbohydrates,

but there's no telling
what it may taste like.

Try to be... diplomatic.

Three days on an alien ship.

Remember to mind your manners.

We've got a seal.

Just about ready.

It's too bad the ship-to-ship
sensors are down.

Would've been nice
to get a look at them.

I'll just think of it
as a blind date.

Tucker to Enterprise.


Here I go, sir.

Keep your com channel open.

We'll be right here.

Here you go.

Don't forget
to come back for me.

I don't know...
we are kind of busy.

Have fun.



Try to maintain
your normal rate of respiration.

This stuff's burning my lungs!

Maintain your normal rate
of respiration.

The discomfort will subside.

Commander Tucker's
calling again, sir.

He's rather anxious.

Put him through.

How long's it been, sir?

About five minutes longer
than the last time you asked.

How's the breathing?

A lot easier,
but I prefer air I can't see.

Well, they told us
the air would clear up

during the last half hour
of decompression.

I feel like I've been in here
for a week.

You've only got 45 minutes
to go, Trip.

Be patient.


Good boy. There you go.

Blue, one...

Green, three...

Yellow, two...

Orange, five... yellow, three.

Red, four... green, two... whoa!


That's too fast.

I'm not a computer.

I hope the acclimation process

wasn't too stressful.

Blue, three... yellow, six...

Orange, four.

The perceptual tests

are the best way to determine
whether you're ready

for our environment.

We've prepared

a meal for you.

Not right now, thank you.

We strongly recommend

that you get some rest.

I think I'd like to take a look
at that engine room of yours.

It's one deck above us.

These are the teraphasic coils.

The wider ones have lost

their cohesion.

I'm sorry, you lost me.

I'm having trouble concentrating
with all this noise

and light.

Are you

certain you don't want
to rest for awhile?

I don't know
what I'm certain about.

Mr. Tucker again, sir.

Put him through.

Yeah, Trip, how's it going?

Not good.

I don't think I'm going to be
much help over here.

I'm having a little
more trouble adjusting

than I thought I would.

What's the problem?

I feel like I've... got a fever.

I'm having trouble
focusing, breathing.

I really think I need
to get back, Captain.

Stand by for a minute.

T'Pol, put me through
to Trena'l.

Stand by.

Captain Archer?

My man's not doing so well
over there.

He'll be fine.

With all due respect,

I've known Commander Tucker
for eight years...

He's tough as nails.

If he says he's having problems,
I've got to believe him.

When he came out
of decompression,

he refused to rest.

I strongly suggest
he lay down for a while.

You really think
that'll make a difference?

We have a good deal
of experience

with alien visitors.

I told Trena'l you'd try

to get at least
an hour of shuteye.

He says that should do
the trick.

I just want out, sir,
I'm not kidding.

I can't take much more of this.

Trena'l says they've dealt
with this before.

Just one hour.

If you're not feeling better,
we'll bring you back.

It's not going to work, Captain.

Take a nap, Trip,
that's an order.

Archer out.

We've prepared sleeping
quarters for you.

It's not far.

Your Captain sent the recording.

He thought it might
help you relax.

Are you feeling better?

What's that?

Our food.

It grows all over the ship.

Would you like some?
It's very sweet.

I think I'll pass.

This is the closest

we could come to water.

Trust me.


Did that hurt?

Not really.

It's kind of nice.

Does that happen when you people

touch each other?

Something similar.

Have you had enough?

A man needs a lot of fluids
when he's under the weather.

If you're feeling well enough,

we really should get
back to the repairs.

Could we take
some of those with us?

Are the injector cells aligned
with the primary coil?

Aligned and locked.

You're not going
to believe this.

They've got grass growing
on the floor... real grass.

It's even green.
Is Vulcan grass green?

Have you tested the ion matrix,

The grass releases
some kind of vapor...

helps them metabolize
their food.

Smells just like
a freshly mowed lawn.

The ion matrix, Commander.

Oh, right.

I've recharged the assembly.
Is it up to .4 yet?


Keep pumping up the gradient.

If we can get it up to .5,

the coils should
come back on line

all by themselves.

Sounds like
Trip's feeling better.

Before you know it, he'll have
that engine room running

like a well-oiled machine.

Tucker to Captain Archer.

Go ahead, Trip.

We're nearly ready to bring
the warp reactor on line.

Shouldn't take more
than a couple of hours.

Just think... yesterday
you would've done anything

to get out of there.

Tucker out.

It will take a while

for the coils to regenerate.

Come with me.

There's something
I want you to see.

Watch this.

That's Thera.
It's where I come from.

The depth perception
is incredible.

What is it,
a 3-D simulator of some kind?

It's holographic.

Not like any hologram
I've ever seen.

Seems real, doesn't it?

How do you...

Resequenced photons.

Come with me.

The perspective's changing.

We could walk all
the way to the city

and you'd never know
we're still in this room.

Sit down.

We're still in the same room,
and this isn't a boat.

It's a boat.

It's just resequence...




If we had one of
these on Enterprise,

I'd never ask for shore leave.

You don't have
any dermal plating.

How do you detect
other people's... moods?

We don't.

Well, actually, we do,

but we do it through
observing behavior,

getting to know someone.

The follicles on your face...

if I'm not mistaken,
they've grown.

Do they have a purpose?

Not that I know of.

Normally, we shave them off
with something called a razor,

but I haven't had the chance

since I've been here.

Do you mind?

Go ahead.

Does that hurt?

Not in the least.

More water?


This is a game we play.


Go ahead.

Are there any rules
to this game?

It takes four hands to work.

Your favorite food

is... catfish.

How the hell did you know that?

What's mine?

Your what? Favorite food?

Yes. Concentrate.

What's my favorite food?

Dutara root.

How'd I know that?

I wasn't certain the granules
would work with your species.

Captain Archer
saved your life once

about four years ago.

This is one hell of a game.

You find me...


You like having people
find you attractive...

don't you?


Reactor room to Ah'len.

The coils are
coming back on line.


You'd better stand up.

any easier coming back?

Three hours is three hours.

You can't imagine what it was
like over there, Travis.

Food growing on the walls,
teraphasic warp coils,

boxes full of pebbles
that make you telepathic.

What were the Xyrillians like?

Little shorter than us,
weird scales on their faces,

but otherwise pretty much
like you and me.

It sure was something.
Reminded me why I signed on.

But it is good to be home.


I hope your mission
hasn't been overly delayed.

Getting a chance to meet
other species is our mission.

See you've got the visual
back on line.


Trena'l wanted
to thank you again.

I realize how difficult

it must've been
adapting to our environment.

It was worth every minute.

As long as those coils
stay charged,

you shouldn't have
a problem maintaining

a stable warp field.

Thanks for taking care of me
when I wasn't feeling so hot.

It was worth every minute.

Good luck to you.

Nice work, Commander.

I appreciate the
opportunity, Captain.

I, for one, won't miss

the malfunctions their
proximity was causing.

Return to our
previous heading, Travis.

Aye, sir.

Didn't they feed you over there?

You should've come
with me, Malcolm.

I heard about
the holographic re-creation.

It wasn't like any visual
simulator I've ever tried.

More like actually being there.

You could smell the ocean,

feel the salt air on your skin.

If we had one of those on board,

I can only imagine
what it would be used for.

I don't know if they can

re-create people with it,

but it sure did
a hell of a job on landscapes.

Make any friends?

Ah'len, one of their engineers.

She's the one who showed me
the holographic chamber.

Is she the one you thanked
for taking care of you?


Interesting scales.

She did have a certain...
sensuality to her.

So, did you get a look
at their weapons?

I don't even know
if they had any.

Have you tried these
scrambled eggs?

Taste just like
the real thing today.


Maybe you were allergic
to something over there.

Well, cleared bio-scan.


you better have Dr. Phlox
take a look at it.

As far as I know,

I've never been
allergic to anything.

I don't believe

you're having
an allergic reaction.

Tell me, did your visit
to the Xyrillian ship

involve any, uh, romance?


Were you intimate with anyone?

Doc, I was over there to
repair a warp reactor.

What are you talking about?

Seems you did a little
more than repair work.


This is a nipple.

I beg your pardon?

Ah, the blastocyst is located

between the sixth
and seventh intercostals.

What the hell you talking about?

I'm not quite sure

if congratulations
are in order, Commander, but...

you're pregnant.

Here... do you see
that cell cluster?

That is the embryo.

I assume you'll
be happy to know,

it's not technically your child.

What do you mean?

When reproducing, the Xyrillians

only utilize the genetic
material of the mother.

The males simply
serve as "hosts."

That's comforting.

But how the hell did I get

knocked up?

We don't have any data
on their mating procedures,

but I wouldn't think
it would be that difficult

for you to recollect
a... sexual encounter.

Three days.

You were only there
for three days

and you couldn't
restrain yourself.

I'm telling you, Captain,

I was a complete gentleman
the entire time.

I imagine that's a question

of how you
define "gentleman."

The only female
I had any contact with

was Ah'len, their engineer.

Other than repairing
the reactor,

all she and I did together

was go into this holographic
chamber they've got.

She showed me some home movies,

simulations of their planet,

but I didn't lay a hand on her.

There's got to be some way

to get this thing out of me

without hurting it.

Can't you create

a surrogate chamber
or something?

The embryo has integrated
with your pericardium.

I wouldn't be comfortable
extracting it

without more information
on the gestation process.

This engineer wanted you
to see her planet?


Perhaps the next step
would have been

to meet her holographic parents.

If I'm not mistaken,

on some planets, that's
a precursor to marriage.

We took a ride in a rowboat.

I swear, Captain,
nothing happened.

There had to have been

a somewhat
lengthy physical contact

to transfer
this much genetic material.


I've been in Starfleet
for 12 years.

Do you think
I'd jeopardize my career

by messing around
with some alien engineer

on a three-day mission?

I considered myself a diplomat

from the minute
I set foot in that vessel.


there was

that box of pebbles.


Yeah, she had it on the boat.

But it was no big deal.

We just stuck our hands

into these granules
for a few minutes.

It's a game they play.

Let's you read
each other's minds.

But they weren't even real.

They were holographic

just like everything
else in the room.


Without a sample
of these telepathic granules,

it would be impossible
to make a determination,

but they could have served
as the transferal medium.

One of the first things
a diplomat learns

is not to stick his fingers

where they don't belong.


If we're going to safely
remove this life-form

from Commander Tucker,

we'll have to find
the Xyrillians.

Why don't you and Malcolm
see what you can do

about locating their ship?

Yes, sir.

Is Trip well enough
to return to his duties?

What? Are
you kidding?

I'm fine.

You'll probably feel a bit
nauseated in the mornings,

so get sufficient rest
and exercise

and see me at least once a day.

That nipple may not be
the only surprise

your body has in store for you.

You think

we could keep this
between the four of us?

At least for the time being?

You got it.



Look at this lift.


It's an accident
waiting to happen.

This safety bar's
a meter off the floor.

What use would it be
for a small person?

A small person?

A short alien, a child.

This thing's a deathtrap.

Look at this handrail.

Put your hands here while
this is going up or down...

It'll take your fingers
right off.

Why would someone
put their hands there, sir?


Never mind.

Captain's Starlog, supplemental.

We've spent eight days
looking for the Xyrillian ship,

but so far, we've had no luck.

Sorry I'm late.

No problem.

How you feeling?

I thought we all promised
to keep this under wraps.

I haven't said a thing.

Not a word.

I knew it.

She probably let it slip
the minute she left Sick Bay.

But Subcommander T'Pol promised
to keep your pregnancy secret.

Where I'm from, Vulcans aren't
known for keeping promises.

What makes you think
she's told anyone?

All you have to do
is see the way they whisper...

talk behind my back.

You know what happened
this morning?

Ensign Hart
pulled out my chair for me.

I'm telling you,

it was T'Pol and you can be sure
it was intentional.

What's that?

Chicken tetrazzini.

Did you cut yourself?

I wish.

I don't want to ruin
your appetites, but...

take a look at this.

Just how many of these

am I going to grow?

And while we're on the subject,

are they going to go away

One would think.

Then again, I have no experience

with this species.


You know...
it's been over a week, Trip.

We have to start
considering the possibility

that we're not going
to find the Xyrillians.

What's that supposed to mean?

Are you saying

I'm going to deliver this baby?

I believe he's saying
a good deal more than that.

Once the child is born,

it may well rely on you,
in some way, to care for it.

I'm the Chief Engineer.

I spent years
earning that position.

I never had any intention
of becoming a working mother.

You know, the Doctor was saying

that the gestation period

will only last another
five weeks... six at the most.

You should expect to begin

some unusual symptoms...

Hormonal changes mostly...

Mood swings,
heightened emotions.

I suggest you stick
with the civilian clothes.

Seems to help hide the...


How much bigger's this thing
going to get?

I'm already the laughingstock

of the ship.

I would love some more of this.

Yes, sir.

I'd like you to start
seeing the Doctor

every eight hours.

As your delivery date
gets closer,

he should be able
to start figuring out

what your
postnatal responsibilities

might be.

"Postnatal responsibilities"?

You may very well be putting

those nipples to work
before you know it.

There's a bright side
to all of this.

Yeah? What's that?

As far as we know,

this is the first interspecies
pregnancy involving a...


Got something.

Looks like their signature.

Coordinates: 078 mark 6.

Three million kilometers.

Change our heading to intercept.

Bridge to Archer.

Go ahead.

We may have found
the Xyrillian ship, sir.

Thank you.

On our way.

What have you got?

We're approaching
the coordinates.

I've analyzed the
stealth telemetry.

I believe it's them.

Drop down to impulse.

Hoshi, try to get an image.

Doesn't look

very stealthy to me.

Go tighter.

If the starship profiles
the Vulcans gave us

are correct...

They're correct, Lieutenant.

That's a Klingon battle cruiser.

Where the hell
are the Xyrillians?

It appears your repairs
didn't last very long.

If I'm correct,

they're hiding in
the Klingons' plasma wake.


The translation program should
be in pretty good shape, sir.

Sir, with all due respect,

do we really think
this is a wise idea?

If we're going to speak
to the Xyrillians,

we can't do it without
the Klingons knowing about it.

Open a channel.

This is Captain Archer
of the Starship Enterprise.

We respectfully
would like to ask

for your assistance
with a little problem...

Sir, they're charging weapons.

Polarize the hull plating.
Grab hold of something.

And another one.

Why are they attacking us?

They're not.

If they wanted to
destroy Enterprise,

they would have done it.

So, I guess that's their version

of a warning shot
across our bow.

I don't recommend
being the recipient

of another warning
like that, sir.

Should I lay in
a new course, Captain?

No, stay where you are.

Hail them again.

Sir, look at their
starboard nacelle.

The power's fluctuating
just like ours did

when the Xyrillians
were riding in our wake.

They're responding.

What gives you the right
to approach a Klingon warship?

Please accept our apology,

but I need to ask you
a question.

And what would that be?

Have you been experiencing
any unusual malfunctions,

problems with your
gravity plating, propulsion,

environmental controls?

You've been monitoring
our systems. For how long?

We haven't. I promise you.

The same things happened to us
a few days ago.

Your problems are being caused
by a small stealth vessel

that's been riding in your wake.

They're using
your plasma exhaust

to fuel their warp coils.

Find this vessel.

Wait a minute, wait a minute.

They're harmless.

We need them, alive.

Just give me
a chance to explain.

Find them!

There are 36 aboard.

Bring their Captain to me
and execute the others.

Didn't you hear what I said?
I need them alive.

What you need

is to turn your puny ship
around and leave.

These aliens violated
our security

and disrupted our systems.

Both are considered acts of w*r
against the Empire.

I assure you that any damage
they've done was unintentional.

They're simply trying
to get home.

They won't get home,
but I'm more than willing

to hasten their journey
to Sto-Vo-Kor.


The afterlife.

You really don't want
to hurt these people.

They're actually very kind.

They've just had

some bad luck
with their engines.

When we confronted them,

they complied
with all our requests.

You're wasting my time!

Less than one month ago,

Captain Archer stood

in the High Council
Chamber in Kronos.

The Chancellor himself
called him a man of honor,

a brother.

Enterprise is the ship
that found Klaang

and returned him to the Empire.

Without Klaang, your Houses

would be at w*r with each other.

Jonathan Archer is the man

who carried out that rescue.

You are in his debt.

You would be demonstrating

both honor and wisdom
to grant his request.

I'm the one who repaired
their warp reactor,

or at least I thought I did.

I spent three days
on their ship.

They have
some amazing technology.

If you don't k*ll them,

I'm sure they'd share it
with you,

teach you how to use it.

What kind of technology?

Well, for one, they've got
some incredible holography.

I don't know how advanced
Klingon holograms are,

but these are like nothing
I ever saw before.

Press a few buttons
and you'll be standing

on a hillside
overlooking Kronos.

It's unbelievable.

Couldn't hurt

to take a look...

unless the decompression
cycle frightens you.

I am frightened by nothing,

If you agree to
enter their vessel,

I'd appreciate it

if you'd take my
Chief Engineer with you.

He talks too much.

I'll bring a security team.

He was there for three days.

They trust him.

It'll make things a lot easier.

If their technology amuses me,
I may spare their lives.

I don't need your engineer
to help me make that decision.

There's another reason.

Commander Tucker has some...

unfinished business
with the Xyrillians.

I am not interested
in your engineer's "business."

There's a pregnancy involved.

I thought you said you were
there to fix their warp reactor

not to impregnate
one of their females.

This should be a lesson to you.

Forget it happened.

I'm afraid that's not going
to be so easy.

Show him.

Captain Vorok has agreed
to consider releasing your ship

in exchange for one or two of
your holographic simulators.

It would be a good
idea to cooperate.

This is a topographical
survey of our capital.

I'd be pleased to give
you a demonstration.

The reactor worked fine
for six days,

then went off-line again.

How did you find us?

It wasn't easy,
but we were very, um...


I don't understand.

I had no idea this could
happen with another species.

If I'd known...

No need to apologize,

but I would be real appreciative

if you could get this out of me,
assuming it's safe.

It's still early enough

to transfer the embryo
to another host.

She looks very healthy.

It's a girl, huh?


I can see my house from here.

Can this technology be adapted
to our power matrix?

I'm sure we can make the
appropriate modifications.

As soon as the installation
is complete,

the Xyrillians
will be free to go.

I appreciate your cooperation.

I hope the next time we meet,
we can be of some help to you.

Listen to me very carefully.

Our debt is repaid.

We have no interest
in "meeting" you again

and if we do,

I promise you'll regret it.

The only thing worse
than spending three hours

in a decompression chamber
with a bunch of Klingons

is doing it twice in one day.

I smelled things in there
I hope I never smell again.

Trena'l told me
that, at full impulse,

they can probably get home
in less than a month.

No more hitchhiking?

That business about
the Klingon Chancellor

calling me a brother...

was that true?

Klingons are known
to exaggerate.

I saw nothing wrong
with doing the same.

Your appetite seems
to be back to normal.

Just eating for one again.

I've run a check through
the Starfleet database.

You might be pleased to know

that this is
the first recorded incident

of a human male
becoming pregnant.

Just how I always wanted
to get into the history books.
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