05x10 - 2001

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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05x10 - 2001

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "Stargate SG-1"...

- What is it?
- You tell me.

"Under no circumstances
go to P4C-970, Colonel Jack O'Neill."

- This looks like your handwriting.
- That is my handwriting.

- And it's my signature.
- That looks like blood, sir.

I want P4C-970 removed from
the dialling computer immediately.

I wonder why you sent it.

I wonder when.

Welcome back, SG-1 .

Break out the fishing gear, General!
Our job here is done.

- I take it your mission was successful?
- In a word, sir, yes.

In two words, yes, sir.

Your report said the Volians
were a simple agrarian society.

- That they are.
- They introduced us to another race.

Who, while lacking a sense of humour,
make up for it in advanced technology.

They just wanted to make sure
we were trustworthy first.

Long story short, I think we just
carried out our standing orders, sir.

Indeed. We may have found
a race both willing and capable

of defending this world
against the Goa'uld.

- If that outburst didn't convince you...
- I'm convinced.

We just wrapped up several hours
of talks with a guy named...

- Borren.
- Who really lacks a sense of humour.

But he wants the negotiations
to move up to the state level.

Well done. While I inform the president,
you prepare a mission briefing.

Yes, sir.

By the way,
what do our new friends call themselves?

The Aschen, sir.
They're called the Aschen.

So, out of security concerns,
the Aschen wish not to reveal the location

of their home world
until we have an agreement.

- They're a little paranoid.
- Appropriate, as they don't have an iris.

We do know they've created
a secondary star in the Volian system

by igniting a gas giant, thereby
doubling the Volians' growing season.

They made a star? How?

Well, theoretically, by increasing the
density of a sufficiently massive gas giant

until a thermonuclear reaction took place.

- In fact, Arthur C Clarke posited...
- Ambassador.

You gotta be careful about using the word
"how" unless you really wanna know.

My mistake, Colonel.

My point is, the achievement
itself goes a long way to prove

the Aschen are advanced
enough to take on the Goa'uld.

The Aschen could be formidable allies.

If they're Stargate capable,
why haven't we heard of 'em?

Good question. They only use their ships
to go to planets in their confederation.

Of which the Volian system is a part.

Yes. Borren said the Aschen and Volian
gates were discovered buried, like ours.

No DHD was ever recovered.

The Aschen tried dialling
numerous symbol combinations,

but without a DHD to compensate for
stellar drift, they were stuck, like us.

- We could only go to Abydos.
- Exactly.

Only after Daniel found
the cartouche on Abydos

could we make the drift calculations
to successfully dial other planets.

Add the database Colonel O'Neill
retrieved from the library of the Ancients...

We can offer access to a galaxy of worlds
and races the Aschen never knew existed.

The news must have
come as a shock to them.

Oh, not really.

Jack is saying that if they were surprised,
they'd never show it.

They don't get excited in general,

It's like an entire planet of accountants.

Colonel O'Neill mistrusts the Aschen.

- I didn't say that.
- Indeed you did.

No, I didn't.

What I said was I didn't trust
people without a sense of humour.

- Especially that boring guy.
- Borren.

I know his name. He was boring.

The Aschen have agreed to meet
our representative on P3A-194 tomorrow.

Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter

are to be available
to the ambassador as consultants.

- Yes, sir.
- Dr Jackson,

I'd like you and Teal'c
to confer with the Volians.

Find out how they feel about the Aschen.

- I can tell you that now, sir.
- Dig deeper.

Find out from the Volians if the Aschen
are the good neighbours they seem to be.

You'll embark at 0700. Gentlemen?

Major Carter? Since we're trading
knowledge of the Stargate,

I could probably use a little more
of that knowledge myself.

After you, Ambassador.

- This place never ceases to amaze me.
- Anything yet?

The computer should have it down
to a handful of candidates by tomorrow.

- Candidates?
- Yeah.

We're trying to determine
the location of the Aschen home planet.

How can you, without the coordinates?

- How?
- Oh, I asked that question again.

In my early work with the Stargate
programme, I theorised that

the limit for a lock between two Stargates
without a DHD was 300 light years.

We are searching for viable coordinates

within that radius
of the Volian system, P3A-194.

- As the Aschen world is in this area?
- There's a 70 per cent probability.

Why don't the Aschen want us to know?

Until we share our database, they have
only our word of what's out there.

They're vulnerable. If we didn't have
an iris, I think we'd do the same.

You know what?
I have not eaten since, uh... oh, today.

The mess is this way.
If you'd like, we can talk more there.

I'd like that very much.

Chevron three, encoded.


- This is what you're wearing?
- What's wrong with it?

- Nothing.
- Chevron four, encoded.

- You look fine.
- They said I didn't need a uniform.

- I just wanna make a good impression.
- Chevron five, encoded.

- You look great. Very sharp.
- Thank you.

Chevron six, encoded.

It's the shoes.

They're gonna get ruined.

It's a farm planet.

Chevron seven, locked.

Enjoy the ride, Ambassador.
We'll look forward to your return.

- After you.
- Thank you.

- It looks just like, uh...
- Oh, yeah.

Just when you think you're not
in Kansas any more, turns out you are.

- We'll see what we can dig up.
- Have fun.

You said the Volians and the Aschen
enjoy a long-standing trade relationship,

but there aren't any signs of trade
infrastructure around the Stargate.

- What is that sound?
- Have a look.

It's a harvester. The Aschen provided
hundreds of them all over the planet.

When a field is ready, it harvests the crop

and then brings it to the Stargate
for transport to the Aschen home world.

We're gonna want a few of those.

I'm sure that can be arranged, Colonel.

- Borren!
- Colonel.

I thought I made it clear
your weapons were unnecessary.

I thought you were jokin' around.

You know, like you always do.

Borren, may I introduce
our official representative,

Ambassador Joseph Faxon
of the United States.

- I bring greetings...
- I am not your counterpart.

The harvester possesses a suitable
compartment. This way, please.


- You have something?
- I'll show you on the star map.

We've calculated five
possible Stargate coordinates

within a 300 light year radius
of P3A-194, the Volian system.

And there's a good chance
one is the Aschen world?

These three were just calculated,
so they're unexplored.

This one was determined uninhabitable
by a MALP probe three years ago.

But, sir, this gate was locked out
of our dialling computer

by your order seven months ago.

So there's a one in four chance

that the Aschen home world
is a planet that I ordered off limits?

Yes, sir.

Have SG teams 3, 12 and 15 report to
the briefing room as soon as possible.

Yes, sir.


It's Dan Jackson and Teal'c.

You said you'd not likely
be this way again.

We wanted to learn about
your relationship with the Aschen.

- What would you like to know?
- If they are honourable.

Yeah. I wouldn't have put it
quite that way, but...

They've been friends to us
since I remember.

I was raised by an Aschen family. Orphan.

They give medicine freely, machines
freely... Light and heat for our homes.

So they've never been
unreasonable with you in any way?

They just float around in their harvesters
mostly, what few of them there are.

- You maintain freedom from their world?
- If freedom is bein' left alone, we have it.

OK. Well, thank you.

Uh... when next you speak to one,
tell 'em I got iron root in my south field.

Can't dig it out myself.
Need one of their machines.

Iron root?
Well, maybe... maybe we can help.

Stand here.

Oh, yeah... we're gonna
want a few of these too.

Let me introduce your
counterpart from our confederation.

- Mollem.
- I offer greetings from our president,

in the hope we can forge a friendship
to enrich both our peoples.

This seating arrangement is suitable
for our negotiations. Please.

I assume there are facilities on board?

In the next compartment.

Just wanted to make sure
before we flew off somewhere.

The harvester will remain in the vicinity of
the Stargate throughout the negotiations.

Mind if I check out the view first?

Daniel, Teal'c, we're on board
one of their harvesters.

When you get back, report to Hammond.
Let him know proceedings have begun.

Copy that. And good luck.

Here it is.

It goes deep, I'll tell you that.

Keel, we can probably take care of this
for you with Teal'c's staff w*apon.

General Hammond's request
was to gather information.

He also said we should dig a little deeper.

There's a jug
of my best sweetwater in it for you.


- Have you discovered something?
- Oh, God, I hope not.

Probably, though.

Our position is straightforward.

You discovered means of travel
between Stargates all over the galaxy.

- Several hundred worlds, I am told.
- Yes.

And you seek technologies
for purposes of defence

against hostile races you
have encountered on these travels.

Yes, we do.

We agree, in principle, to provide you
with these defence technologies,

and much more, in exchange for your full
disclosure of this Stargate network.

And we also agree, in principle.

An ancient city once stood here.

I don't know about ancient.
Certainly, extinct.

I don't wanna talk semantics,
but even if this was a city

just a few hundred years ago,

what happened?

What is the current population of Earth?

Well, forgive me.
I don't know the exact number.

Somewhere in
the neighbourhood of six billion?

Growing at a rate
of several million a year.

- That growth rate is unsustainable.
- We agree.

- You represent the dominant nation?
- That is a fair assessment.

And so are you taking military action
to curtail this growth rate?

No. We respect
the sovereignty of our neighbours.

We are pleased to hear that.

The worlds of the confederation
are a partnership of equals.


Do not be alarmed. The harvester
is continuing its normal operations.

While you may respect these neighbours,

you have not yet revealed to them
the existence of your Stargate.

Not to all.

Any treaty between the Aschen
Confederation and the people of Earth

must be with all the people of Earth.

I think we can agree to that.

The level of technology appears
to be similar to Earth, circa 1910.

There appears to be
no sign of battle, Daniel Jackson.

But I can tell you that,
barring a natural disaster,

it takes nature
several centuries to bury a city.

This place looks like
it was just ploughed over recently.

- Perhaps to create farmland.
- Or the Volians had a Luddite movement.

Whoever did this, they probably did it
long after the city was abandoned.

- There are no human remains.
- Exactly.

So the question is: why?

This looks like a public building of some
sort. I'm gonna go and take a look around.

It may be extremely dangerous.

Yes, it may.

I'm gonna go inside
and take a look around.

Several months ago we received
a message through the Stargate

that simply stated "Under no
circumstances go to P4C-970."

- The warning from the future.
- That's the theory.

We don't know
the circumstances it was written in,

only that the signature and the blood
found on the note match Colonel O'Neill's.

We've determined that the race of people

we're currently in trade
negotiations with, the Aschen,

may be from one of these four planets.

Then the only way to rule out 970 as the
Aschen world is to check the other three.

That's your mission.
Have your teams ready

once the MALPs
determine you're good to go.

Just out of curiosity,

what kind of defence technologies
are we talking about?

Space g*ns? Force fields? Motherships?

This is an example of a bioweapon
we can make available to you.

A living, radioactive
genetic material that may be designed

to attack and destroy
only the specific DNA of your enemy.

We have a number
of efficient delivery systems.

(clears throat)

We'd want certain assurances...

That we take military action only against
your enemies, and not your friends.

Of course.

The question arises,
why have these "friends" of Earth

not already provided you with the defence
technologies that you seek from us?

Most advanced races that
we've befriended hesitated

to share their technology with us for fear
that we could use it to destroy ourselves.

True friends would
endeavour to prevent that.

You have changed
the way in which we view the universe.

Do not underestimate
what we offer in return for that gift.

We can put an end to disease.
Double the human life span.

Provide the means to cross
entire continents in a single step.

Much more than simply a means to
defend yourselves against your enemies.

We offer Earth membership
within the Aschen Confederation.

- Chevron one, encoded.
- Sir? Pentagon, line one.

This is Hammond.

- Yes, sir, we were just about to de...
- Chevron two, encoded.

May I ask why?


- Sergeant, abort the dialling sequence.
- Yes, sir. Aborting dialling sequence.

SG-15, your recon mission is scrubbed
until further notice. You may stand down.

- Sir, what's going on?
- That's what I aim to find out.

It would not be wise to attempt
that again, Daniel Jackson.

OK. Now, if I'm right,
these are newspapers.

There seems to be faint pictures.

Yes, and hopefully
they'll paint a thousand words.

It's similar to an ancient Celtic text I found
in Wales. I can make some of this out.

(falling masonry)

We need to look for big headlines first.

This cavern may be unstable.

It would be best
if we returned to the surface.

Oh, I don't think so.

If this doesn't help us,
we'll have to take another look around.

If the Aschen really
do have something to hide,

I don't think
we're gonna get a second chance.

Colonel, you seem pensive.

No, I was just thinking.

You're offering
a lot more than we asked for.

Our motives are not entirely selfless.

Perhaps you offer more
than you give yourself credit for.

- Access to the Stargate network.
- And the promise of much more, Major.

An introduction to advanced races
you have befriended,

just as the Volians introduced you to us.

Your ways and culture will enrich ours.

The Aschen are not the natural explorers
that you so obviously are.

Fortified by our technology,
you can continue your exploration,

share with us what you learn.

You understand I have
to present your offer to our leaders?

You'll find we are
a very patient people, Ambassador.

In the meantime, I will also confer with
my leadership, and recommend to them

the immediate commencement
of trade between our worlds.

I look forward to our future together.

As do l.


that was... easy.

This was just the first stage.

If you thought it was too easy,
you won't feel that when we're done.

So I'm the only one
that has a bad feeling about this.


Just checking.

The headline says something
about a pandemic. Some sort of...

I can't translate that. Maybe "fever".

If the Aschen are the "newcomers"
in this article, they provided a...

Can't translate that, but it
appears to have been a sort of vaccine.

And the Volian people
were immensely grateful.

Which serves to prove
the Aschen are honourable.

All it proves is the city was abandoned
after they made contact with the Aschen.

Cities are usually abandoned
when civilisations fall.

Perhaps they relocated
in the Aschen Confederation.

I don't like the sound of that either.
Keel said he'd never been anywhere else.

This city has been
abandoned for many years.

Yes, but long enough ago for Keel to have
absolutely no idea it was ever here?

Welcome back. As per your instructions,
Ambassador, an air-force jet is waiting

to take you to Washington
as soon as you're cleared by our doctors.

Thank you, General. History will
remember your contribution to this.

O'Neill. Two Ls.

And, Major, next time I'm here,

I know a restaurant that
beats your mess, hands down.

I'd like that.

Well, General, it might be time
to reconsider this retirement thing.

Not yet, Colonel. Come with me.

The president doesn't want to risk
a potentially rewarding alliance

on the basis of a note that may or may not
be a warning from the future.

I knew that thing
was gonna come back to haunt me.

General, to confirm the Aschen are from
a world other than 970 is only prudent.

And if we encounter the Aschen
on one of those other worlds?

- They wouldn't be too happy about it.
- It could jeopardise the treaty.

- Send a probe.
- Maybe sending a probe

was what caused the problem you were
trying to avoid by sending your note.

Technically, I haven't sent it yet.

But if I get a chance again,
I'll add a lot more detail.

You were probably trying to limit the
causality violation by keeping it simple.

I wonder whose idea that was.

You know me. I wouldn't have sent
that note without a damn good reason.

- The president should know that.
- He's under pressure

to present a real benefit of the Stargate
programme before the next election.

- Oh, here we go.
- The bottom line is, he wants us out of it.

From now on, this treaty is a state matter.

- What did Daniel and Teal'c find out?
- They haven't returned yet.

The Aschen vaccine had a side effect.
I don't know what.

It might be an Aschen word,
but I know it was big news here.

- How would you know this?
- It's in big black letters.

"Aschen vaccine causes... " something.

I don't know what, but it's not good.

These pictures appear to be like
those we saw of people celebrating.

I don't think they're celebrating.

I think they're rioting.

(O'Neill overradio) Daniel? Teal'c?

We're in an underground cavern.
Do the Aschen know we're down here?

Negative. Keel said
you were digging a hole around here.

Yeah. Um, stay put. We'll come meet you.

Boy, when they dig a hole...

Daniel, where exactly are you?

We're in the buried ruins
of the Volian union's capital city.

By all accounts, a thriving metropolis.

That is, I think,
until the Aschen wiped them out.

(Daniel) OK, here's what we know.

200 years ago, the Volians
were a thriving urban civilisation,

approximating turn-of-the-century
North America in terms of technology.

- That wasn't very long ago.
- No, it wasn't.

- What happened to them?
- We know there was a flu pandemic,

Iike the one on Earth in 1918
that k*lled over 20 million.

- Now that is when the Aschen came.
- Through the Stargate?

In ships. The Volian gate
wasn't discovered until years later.

They befriended the Volians, offered
them a vaccine and saved their world.

So the Aschen were heroes to the Volians
and their friendship lasted years.

But then something happened.

- What?
- I don't know.

- We found no evidence of battle.
- I found one clue.

Here. This word loosely translates
as "medicine", "vaccine", "drug",

Followed by "from the newcomers",

Followed by "causes", followed by
some word I can't translate.

This was the latest issue we found,
which most likely indicates

the paper shut down
or was shut down the very next day.

Vaccine causes what?

I don't know. But it caused something.

In 200 years, they went
from an urban civilisation of millions

to an agrarian one of thousands,
after they were "saved" by the Aschen.

- You have to speak to the president.
- I just tried.

He's being briefed by
the ambassador and won't take my call.

General, I never did cash in on that
open invitation to visit the White House.

Last time we saved the world?


Pennsylvania Avenue is that way.

We're picking up another passenger, sir.

I beg your pardon?

Colonel Starsky.

Or is it Hutch?
I can never remember which one you are.


What the hell are you doing here?

I know it's more upscale
than you're used to,

but I wanted a comfortable place to talk.


I have an appointment.

No, you don't.

You shoulda heard the president when
he heard you want to change his mind.

- He can be cruel.
- The treaty's a mistake.

- You recommended it in the first place.
- I was wrong.

Hell, this was worth it just to hear that.

Let me tell you what it comes down to.

Those of us who actually have been voted
into office would like the opportunity

to make the damn decisions about
the governments we make treaties with.

- You don't have all the information.
- I know all about the note.

- That's why you should take it seriously.
- We have experts who know these things.

They tell me that the ink on your note was

a new biodegradable something-or-other
that hasn't quite been invented yet.

- What's your point?
- What's the future like? You can tell me.

- As far as I know, it hasn't happened yet.
- It has, for you.

Hell, you've been back in time,
forward in time, you've seen it all.

I just wonder how things turn out.

You know, without you
being a hero any more.

This has nothing to do with me.

I wonder how far you'd go to stop me
becoming president of the United States.

You think this is about you?

- Of all the self-centred, egotistical...
- Egotistical?

You're the one who can't stop
playing God with our future.

The minute we try to make
a deal for alien technology,

you decide that they're
the wrong kind of aliens!

Even our current president's
begun to see the pattern.

And, boy, he used to love you.

We know all about the 70 per cent
probabilities, the one-in-four chances.

Kinsey... you're in way over your head.

Am l?

This is really a political matter, Colonel,
which will require bilateral approval.

And that's why the president put me in
charge of the next stage of negotiations.

Driver, stop at the athletic club, please.

Oh, you'll get your invitation
to the White House soon enough, Colonel.

Just not tonight.

Jonathan, when we get
to the athletic club, I'll step out.

You go on and take
our guest back to Andrews.

Apparently, we have agreed to make
a token gesture of our good faith.

Ambassador Faxon will deliver it

and return with an Aschen delegation
to meet Senator Kinsey.

We're actually going ahead with this?

- I'm told we're proceeding with caution.
- What are we offering?

- Gate coordinates.
- There goes the neighbourhood.

Ambassador Faxon has asked that

Colonel O'Neill and Major Carter
accompany him again.

- I thought we were out of it.
- Apparently, he's insisted.

Senator Kinsey agreed,
but only to Major Carter,

which presents us
with a window of opportunity.

- What can I do?
- Force their hand somehow.

If we accuse them directly,
they may simply lie.

Maybe we don't have to.
I have an idea.

Major, I can't order you to do this.

I know, sir. When do we leave?

- Chevron one, encoded.
- Historic day, General.

- Let's hope so, Senator.
- I was referring to your retirement.

Chevron two, encoded.

- Ambassador.
- Major. Is that what you're wearing?

Sir, I have a lot to tell you,
and not a lot of time.

- So, please, listen carefully.
- All right.

- Mollem, Borren.
- Ambassador, Major Carter.

- Colonel O'Neill is not here?
- Duties require him elsewhere.

- Of course.
- It is my pleasure to offer a gesture.

Coordinates and Stargate symbols
to several new worlds.

It is our honour to receive such a gift.

The coordinates are
on the hard drive in the laptop.

It'll just take a moment to display.

Our leaders would also like to extend an
invitation to Earth to formalise our treaty.

All in time.

By the way, Borren.
Would you read this aloud for me?

- I couldn't quite translate it.
- Of course.


We knew what you were planning,
Mollem. This just confirms it.

What are you talking about?

"Vaccine Causes Sterility."
That was the headline.

You wiped out most of the Volians and
turned their entire world into farmland.

You'd do the same to Earth.

Lock them in here.
We have a treaty to conclude.

If we don't come back alive,
the treaty is off.

That'll be your loss.
We have what we wanted.

I'm sorry.

- What do you think they'll do?
- I don't know.

O'Neill sent the note
to prevent this from happening.

We were so sure.


They're dialling the Stargate.

They're dialling Earth.


- What is that?
- I don't know, but we gotta find out.

OK, when I get to the bottom,
follow me down.

We'll only have
a few seconds over the gate.


Just do what I tell you,
when I tell you. Trust me.


Where's Major Carter?

Ambassador! Now!


Close the iris!

- What in God's name is going on here?
- When they knew we were on to them,

- they launched a bioweapon.
- Colonel.

I had to warn you.
I couldn't wait for the ambassador.

- Colonel, I asked you a question.
- You did good, Major.

- Thank you, sir.
- Let's get her to the infirmary, now!


I swear, O'Neill, there's gonna be
an investigation into this.

Well, that'd be fine. O'Neill! Two Ls.

I guess we dodged a b*llet there.

Senator Kinsey appears most displeased.

Yeah, that's a crying shame, isn't it?

- Will we regret giving the addresses?
- I don't think we will.

First one being a black hole, and all.

They get progressively darker after that.

Carter, you all right?
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