04x01 - Small Victories

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Stargate SG-1". Aired: July 27, 1997 – March 13, 2007.*
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Based off the film, Stargate follows a team of explorers made up of soldiers and scientists travels through a Stargate, an ancient portal to other planets.
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04x01 - Small Victories

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Stargate SG-1:

They are the enemy of the Asgard.

They plan to land the ship
and infest Earth.

Can you transport us up?

Anybody who comes up
is not gettin' down.

Can this ship withstand
an uncontrolled re-entry?


We must destroy it
by whatever means necessary.

They're gonna use it to escape.


And now the conclusion.


I hear it took longer than they thought
to set up the second gate.

They finally got it running yesterday.
Technical difficulties or something.

You needed Sam's help, huh?

Yes. It's, uh...

It's ironic that she's not here
to save herself.

Well... you are fine.
There's no signs of residual infection.

- You were very lucky.
- So you keep saying.

I still want you to take it easy for...

Offworld activation.
Repeat, we have an offworld activation.

. . another week.


Agh! Excuse me! Sorry! Ow!

Hold that!

- Receiving SG-1's IDC, sir.
- Open the iris.

Well, it's about time!

We've been dialling home
for over a week.

It's great to see you guys, too.

- I am pleased to see you well.
- Thank you, Teal'c. You've got a...

Don't touch it.

- Glad you made it, SG-1.
- Where's the fanfare, General?

- We did kind of save the planet, sir.
- Again.

It should not get old, General.

- Job well done.
- Thank you, sir. It was nothing.

- What happened to Thor?
- We got him out in a stasis pod.

It was retrieved when we went
through the Stargate on P4X-234.

It had a locating beacon.

- They left you behind?
- We were fine, sir.

I'd be happy to debrief you all after I've
debriefed myself for a nice hot shower.

Permission to shower granted.
In fact, I insist on it, Colonel.

- Bad?
- I wasn't gonna say anything.

What you doin'?

They salvaged a couple of replicator
pieces from the ocean. I'm having a look.

Is that wise?

There's no discernible energy being
emitted. It's safe to say they're dead.

Besides, it's only a couple of little blocks.

Well, I'm off.

- Still going fishing?
- Yep.

- Still stayin' here?
- Yeah.

Think I've had enough
relaxation for a while, sir.

- OK.
- Have fun.

Yah sure, you betcha.


Yes, sir.

Sir! Wait.

Deja vu.

General Hammond just called. Major
Davis is on his way in from the Pentagon.

- Not goin' fishin'?
- No, sir.


The navy intercepted a Mayday
from the Foxtrot-class attack submarine.

- That's Russian.
- Yes.

Code name: Blackbird.

The crew was being att*cked
by a large mechanical spider.

- Just one?
- We thought it was a joke.

Then the transmission cut out.

Approximately 1700 hours, the sub
was spotted by aircraft off the Nimitz.

It had surfaced and none of the attempts
to communicate were returned.

It was boarded. The crew was found dead.

All of them?

They got the bodies off before
they discovered how they died.

That's them.

Sir, if this started with one bug,
it's already replicating.

The man that took the pictures
made it out.

The Pentagon advised the navy
to tow the sub in.

- Do the Russians know we have it?
- No.

We're denying any knowledge,
but, uh... this is gonna get sticky.

None of the replicators
must get out of that sub.

It's under tight supervision. The harbour
has been entirely cordoned off.

- Our cover story is a chemical spill.
- Blow it up.

The Pentagon has requested that we
preserve some specimens for study.

The Asgard tried that, and these buggers
have almost wiped out their entire race.

That's why I'm here. You people are
the closest thing to experts we've got.

- As an expert, I'm saying blow it up.
- Sir, conventional weapons may not do it.

At least one survived
the destruction of Thor's ship.

Fine. Tow it back out to sea and nuke it.

We've considered that.

We're in a political mess
right now, Colonel.

The Russians picked up the Asgard ship's
entry into the atmosphere.

- So?
- So, they're not buying our story.

They already think we're responsible.

A nuclear expl*si*n in international
waters would be hard to cover up.

You don't realise
how dangerous these things are.

Is there any other way
to neutralise these things?

Maybe alien technologies
you've come across?

The replicators are impervious
to Goa'uld technology.

They are, however, susceptible
to human projectile-weaponry.


Sir, if there are still a small enough
number of the replicators, ...

- . . a properly equipped team could...
- Save the world?

Getting old for you, sir?

I'd better inform the Pentagon.

- Unscheduled offworld activation.
- We have no teams currently off world.

- Why isn't the iris closing?
- I'm trying, sir. It's not responding.

- We have a loss of power in the base.
- What?

That's Thor!

Stand down.

- Thor, buddy!
- Greetings, O'Neill.

It's good to see you up and around.

I owe you and your team a great
debt of gratitude for saving my life.

Well, here's timing.

Not all of the replicators were destroyed
when your ship exploded upon entry.

Maybe you could help us out.

- I cannot.
- Why?

I have come by Stargate
because there are no ships to spare.

My home world is being
threatened by the replicators.

Thus far, all attempts
to stop them have failed.

I have come here to seek your help.

- We're back online, sir.
- Good.

How can we help you?

Your projectile weapons proved effective
in fatally damaging the replicators.


Your strategy for destroying
the Bilisknerwas successful.

Yeah, but you guys...

The Asgard have tried to stop them.

You showed their weakness may be found
through a less sophisticated approach.

We are no longer capable
of such thinking.

Wait a minute. You're actually saying that
you need someone dumber than you are?

You may have come to the right place.

Thor, with all due respect,
we need SG-1 here.

I could go, sir.

I don't know, Carter.
You may not be dumb enough.

- I think I can handle it, sir.
- Permission granted.

We must leave immediately.

- Have fun.
- Yah sure, you betcha.

Simple recon, gentlemen.
Do not fire unless absolutely necessary.

The replicators will not attack
unless threatened.

Let's move.

Video feed's up and online.

Jack, can you hear me?

Would it be necessary forme to mention
my insane aversion to bugs at this time?


That's an impressive-looking ship.

The O'Neill was supposed to be
our last great hope.

The O'Neill?

Yes. It is the most advanced
technological Asgard creation yet.

It is the first Asgard vessel designed
solely to fight against the replicators.

So why aren't we taking that?

It is not ready.

Uh... Where are we going exactly?

Five Asgard ships are currently engaging
three ships controlled by the replicators, ...

. . which are on their way here.

We are going to join the battle
and, with your help, stop them.


For the sake of the Asgard,
we must not fail.

No pressure


They're a different colour.

Some sort of camouflage?

We're movin' on.

What is that?

That's a big one.

If that's some sort of queen,
the other bugs may try to protect it.



- Teal'c and Stevens are in trouble!
- Battery room.

- Stevens?
- Dead.

Let's move.

Each individual building block
is capable of exerting...

. . a reactive, modulating, monopolar
energy field on other blocks, ...

. . allowing the replicators
to assemble themselves into many forms.

To our knowledge, the interior
of each block contains the following:

two million isolated kiron pathways...

Whoa, whoa, whoa...

What's a kiron?

In simplest terms, it is an energy particle.

- I... I've never even heard of it.
- Yes, I am aware.

How am I supposed to help figure out
how to defeat a kiron-based technology...

. . if I don't know what a kiron is?

We wouldn't invent a w*apon that propels
small weights of iron and carbon alloys...

. . by igniting a powder of
potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulphur.

- OK. I get your point.
- We cannot think like you.

OK. Let's forget about the kirons and try
to put this in terms that I can understand.

Each block is like an individual computer,
able to communicate with other blocks.

Multiple blocks come together
to form bugs and other things...

. . in order to perform various tasks,
ultimately for the purpose of replicating.


I guess you don't keep
any replicators around for study.

It is too dangerous.

Of course. That would be stupid.
Just out of curiosity, ...

. . could, say... oh, I don't know...
two of the individual blocks replicate?

It requires several blocks
working together to make new blocks.

It's good to know.

It's virtual?

Wow, it looks real.


It will simulate any behaviour
we have observed.

It's outta control.
Nobody's goin' back down in there.

We have to blow up the sub and hope to
contain any bugs that survive.

- I think it's the only way.
- I'll talk to the Pentagon.


There is definitely something in here.

I think you brought back a souvenir.

What is your current thinking process?

Sorry. My mind was wandering
for a second there.

You were thinking about
the humans on your planet.


- Colonel O'Neill is a very capable human.
- Yes, I know, but these things are...

If we are able to stop
the invasion of my world, ...

. . l promise we will do
all we can to help yours.

That's a pretty big if.

Would you like sustenance?

Yes. Thank you. I'm starving.

I like the yellow ones.

Oh, my God!


What is it?

We have lost contact with the rest of the
Asgard ships engaging the replicators.

Well, could it be
a communication problem?

No. The Asgard ships
are not being detected.

- So what are those?
- The replicators.

We're too late.

- The Dallas is standing by in the harbour.
- Dallas?

Los Angeles-class attack submarine.
It'll torpedo the Blackbird.

You should probably put a hold on that.

This new block is corroded.

And the significance of that is... ?

OK, look. The way
Sam explained this to me, ...

. . the bugs use whatever raw materials
are around to replicate.

These are eating the Russian submarine,
so they're basically made of steel.

That is why they are a different colour.

It may also explain why
they haven't tried to get off the sub.

It does?

They can't. They're only as resilient
as the raw materials they're made of.

These aren't like the ones on Thor's ship.
They'll rust in the water.

They're less sophisticated,
and vulnerable.

Then blowing up the sub
would easily destroy them.

- If so, why don't we do it right now?
- Because there's one that could survive.

- The one that survived Thor's ship.
- God!

Right. It's the one that k*lled
the entire crew of that sub.

We have to be sure
this won't happen again.

Mother bug.

It's a little dark.

It's incorporated itself
into the mother... bug.

- I will return with you, O'Neill.
- You sure?

Look, every other bug on that sub is
gonna be pretty upset when you k*ll Mom.

Yeah. That'd be a fair reaction.

Could we not create a diversion?

Replicators are attracted to
bursts of energy, are they not?

Small charge on the upper level,
draw 'em away from Mom.

They're in a containable situation.
Now's our shot.

Sub's diesel engines just started.

The replicators are tryin' to move?

They're anchored for now, but you better
get out there before they decide to dive.

So how long before
they reach your planet?

Two hours.

Your ships can go faster than light speed.
I've seen you cross the galaxy in no time.


So why are the bug ships
travelling so slow?

In order to generate the subspace field
required to travel at hyperspeed, ...

. . the full power of the generators
is required.

Presently they are using
that power to replicate.

So if they did go to hyperspeed, it would
also mean no shields or weapons.

Yes. But remember, the replicators
do not care about time as we do.

Right. They're not in a hurry.

How did they get control of your ships?

They are capable of modifying our own
technology beyond our understanding.

I thought they learned
everything from you.

It is possible they have gained knowledge
from sources other than the Asgard.

The bottom line is we can't touch them,
but they could easily take this ship...

- . . or blow it up if they wanted.
- Yes.

- So why don't they?
- We have shown no signs of aggression.

And this ship's technology is less
advanced than the ships they occupy.

I'm not really helping, am l?

- Charge is set.
- They're submerging.

- Yes, sir.
- Jack, the sub is diving.

Yeah. We got that.
Headin' to the battery deck.

We're losing their signal.

The sub can't dive below periscope depth
on diesel engines.

Radio-transmission boosters launched.

- How do they get out underwater?
- Escape hatch...

Yes, sir.

You are tired.


It is another advantage
the replicators have over us.

They do not require rest.

But they do have to eat.

Yes. In order to replicate.

And they are what they eat, right?

What's the strongest material
you know of?

We have just developed a new alloy
of naqahdah, trinium and carbon.

It was used to create
the hull of the O'Neill.

- Can that ship reach hyperspeed yet?
- Yes.

Can it be flown using autopilot
or some sort of remote control?

- Why?
- To get the replicators to chase after it.

It is possible. However...

That ship is everything they want.
It'll look like an all-you-can-eat buffet.

But it is not completed. They will
capture it and consume its technology.

Not if you rig it to self-destruct.

I do not understand.

You said that the bugs can't use
shields or weapons in hyperspeed.

If the O'Neill enters hyperspeed,
the bugs will have to in order to follow.

When they do, you blow the O'Neill
and take the bugs with it.

Major Carter, you are suggesting...

. . that we destroy the most advanced
Asgard attack vessel ever created...

- . . before it is even finished.
- I know.

The O'Neill is our last hope
of successfully attacking infested ships.

It won't attack anything if the bugs
get to your planet before it's finished.

You said you didn't think the answer
had to do with your technology any more.

- If they do not follow the O'Neill...
- We have to believe that they will.

If the replicators are able to infest
the O'Neill and disable the self-destruct...

They consume the ship
and its technology, ...

. . and we will have created
the most advanced bugs yet.

- I know. It's a risk.
- A risk we cannot take.

The reason I am here is because
you want me to suggest a strategy...

. . that you would never think of.

You keep trying to defeat them
with better technology...

. . and they absorb it
and become more advanced.

You have to use that against them.

We know that they'll go after the O'Neill
because it's your most advanced ship.

They'll think you want
to keep it from them.

They won't expect you to blow it up.
It's a tactic they've never seen.

- It's a tactic we would never consider.
- Exactly!

Otherwise we just stand here
and watch them invade your world.

I'm sorry. Maybe it's a really stupid idea,
but isn't that why I'm here?

Then we should try it.

Son of a bitch!

- I believe you got it, O'Neill.
- Yeah, I think I got it.

What the hell... ?


Ah, crap!

Colonel O'Neill, is there any way
you can make it to the escape hatch?

- The anchor line just snapped.
- Is there anything we can do?

Best thing is to chase them into
shallow water and hope they surface.

No, there's not enough time for that.

Teal'c! Let's try this!

Ok, forget that.

- You better go ahead and blow this thing.
- That's not a positive attitude, Jack.

Listen to me!
We are not gettin' outta here!

Mission accomplished. Blow it!

- Jack!
- Daniel, please!

Nuke my ass before I get eaten alive
by these damn bugs!

Davis! Give the order!

The O'Neill has been launched.

They're chasing it.

The O'Neill will now enter hyperspeed.

It worked.



I'm sorry! I didn't hurt you, did l?

I am fine.

- We did it.
- It was your stupid idea, Major Carter.

OK... OK...

Fire on target.

Dallas is firing torpedoes.

Eight seconds to impact.
Blackbird attempting evasive manoeuvre.

Torpedoes still on target. Two seconds.

Direct hit.

They're OK.

- What?
- The...

The... The...

The... They're OK!

- Now, that's timing!
- We came as soon as we could, sir.

Teal'c, you all right?

I am, O'Neill.

- I take it things weren't going well.
- We had things handled pretty good.

- The bugs are taken care of down there?
- Pretty much. You?

We kicked their asses.

They had asses?

The Asgard had this big new ship.
The O'Neill.

Oh, yeah?

But... we had to blow it up.

- Oh.
- The Asgard are most grateful.

One day we shall repay you
by helping to fight the Goa'uld.

One day?

Saving one Asgard planet
is a small victory.

The conflict with the replicators
stretches across my galaxy.

Major Carter's strategy
worked this time, ...

. . but the replicators are very intelligent.

- It may not work again.
- I get it.

However, now there is hope
where once there was none.

Well, if you ever need any more dumb
ideas, you know where to find me.

- Until we meet again.
- Yeah.

Hey, listen! Stop by any time.

In fact... I'll take you fishin'.
I'd love to do that.

There's this lake in northern Minnesota
where the bass grow that big. Well...
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