05x25 - The Chaff

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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05x25 - The Chaff

Post by bunniefuu »





♪ T-E-E-N

♪ T-I-T-A-N-S

♪ Teen Titans, let's go

♪ Teen Titans, go

, blah, blah, blah, blah

♪ Blah, blah, blah, blah,
Blah, blah, blah

♪ Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah
Blah... ♪



Oh, hello, Titans.


Control Freak.

What do you want
this time, you belligerent
basement dweller?

I just wanted to pop in

and say how much
I've enjoyed watching
your show lately.

Oh, the many thank yous.

Oh, yeah, the stories
have been great.

And the musical numbers?

(LAUGHS) Oh, they are
top-notch as usual.

So nice of you to say.

And the laughs
never stop coming.

Those toilet jokes
had me rolling.

Aw. If we's made
one person happy,

it was all worth it.

-CYBORG: That sounds
pretty good to me.
-I really like sound of that.

Wait's one doggone minute.

How could you enjoy our shows?

You don't like anything.

(LAUGHS) That's right!
I hate it!

But look on the bright side.

Your disaster of a show
has given me an opportunity

to finally destroy you
once and for all.

And how are you
going to do that?

Oh, I've been able to dig up
some scenes that were
cut from your show.

And I'm going to show them
to your audience.

You wouldn't dare.

Those garbage scenes
were removed for the reason.

Once your audience sees
these terrible clips,

they'll run away screaming.


scenes that were
too terrible to be included
in Teen Titans Go!


I am Aragorn,
son of Arathorn.


This fool thinks
he's Viggo Mortensen.

Nice undies, Aragorn.

Oh, no. Wrong clip.

This isn't about my shame.

It's about yours.



All right, let's park
this big boy.

And... reverse!

-Easy now. Easy.







Easy now. Easy.





Nailed it.

What? That wasn't so bad.
It was okay.

Yeah, I was happy
with how it turned out.

It's not ha-ha funny,
but I laughed on the inside.

I thought that was
a charming gag.

"Gag" is the keyword.

-Ugh, gross.


Jokes about parking.

What could be more
lame than that?

Man, if you think that's
gonna scare off our audience,

you haven't watched our show.


Huh, you're right.

Your audience seems
to be hanging in there.

I guess they're used
to this kind of trash.

But this next clip
should do the trick.

Remember when you thought
you could pull off some
high-end 3D graphics?

We were attempting
to make the show look
the very expensive.

But your budget is so low.

I thought we could save money
by doing it ourselves.

Oh, really?

Well, let's show your fans
how that turned out.





We are existing
in the third of dimensions.

I never knew we had
so many sides.

Yo, we looks like them
expensive Hollywood movies.


I bet the Walt Disney
is shaking in his boots.

Are you kidding?
This is awful.

We should've spent
the $10 million
and done it right.


There's nothing better in life
than watching amateurs fail.

And it still cost us
half a million dollars
to animate that.

Our life savings, gone.

And your audience
is gone, too.



Sure, we may lose
a few fair weather fans,

but people
will always love us,

because, at the end
of the day, we're superheroes
who save the world.

And we's be taking on
villains on the daily.

Pfft. Ha!

Oh, yeah. I forgot you guys
"fight bad guys" sometimes.

Remember that time you're up
against Brother Blood?

It was supposed to be
a big special event
for your fans to enjoy.

-Let's see how
that one turned out.




A string of crimes.

Advanced technology stolen
from each location.

Brother Blood is trying
to build something
with these parts.

But what?

With this thingamabob
he stole from
the science lab...

Combined with all
these other things,
he could build...


ALL: A gigantic robot booty?



He's gonna release
a mega fart on Jump City

with that nasty
mind-control gas.

He will control us all
with his foul stench.

Titans, we're going to need
everything we've got

to take down
Brother Blood's giant butt.



You call that
a special event?

A giant robotic booty?

Hey, that booty
was threatening
to take over the world.

Yeah, that thing was
a menace to society.

Well, you audience
seems to disagree.


And I have a feeling
your ratings will
drop to zero

after I reveal
the oh-so dramatic
and suspenseful way

you ended up defeating
Brother Blood's giant booty.



You're too late, Titans.

Soon, I'll have covered
the entire city
with my mind-control gas.

We gotta do something.

Not too much longer now.
Enjoy your final moments.



If only we had more time.

Time. That's it!

We'll defeat Brother Blood
by going back in time.

To the time machine.



Not too much longer now.
Enjoy your final moments.

Now's our chance.
Raven, get us in there.

-Check it out.

Wow. Look,
look, look. It's us!

What are you looking at?

-The nothing.


You're all acting strange.

(SHUSHING) Be serious.

What are you up to?

Nothing, man.
Check out my moves.

(GRUNTS) Look at this.

Look at this right here.

Look at this.

What kind of ploy is this?


They're gonna get him.
I mean, we're gonna get him.

Oh, here it comes.
Oh, here it comes.
They're coming.

(GRUNTS) What was that?

Huh? What was that? Ha!


It's there again, isn't it?

I do not see
an immediate threat.

Okay, I'm going
to turn around slowly and...

What? How?

ALL: Time travel.

ALL: Whoa.



Ooh, yikes.

So, that's it?
The show's over?

This was unsatisfactory, yo.

This ending lacked
drama and suspense.

It can't be over.

Perhaps he is just
doing the fake out.

Nah, he done.

Oh, yeah, it's over.
Here come them good credits.


Wow. No wonder they
decided not to air

that pathetic excuse
for a special.

I've never seen a more
unsatisfactory climactic
battle in my life.

But I suppose
it's a fitting end
to your unsatisfactory show.

Time to watch your
remaining fans disappear.


ALL: No!


Finally, your garbage show
got what it deserved.

Teen Titans Go!
has been cancelled.

MALE VOICE: Cancelled.

What? It's over? We lost?

I can't believe
this is happening.

Oh, the no.

Hold on.

This ain't over yet,
Control Freak.

Me and Beastie got
a secret w*apon
up our sleeves.

Ha-ha. What is it?

More garbage clips?

-No, this one's
pure platinum, baby.
-Hit it.

♪ It's poop time


♪ Plop plop goes the poop
Right down the toilet

♪ I pooped in the toilet
I poo-pooed in the toilet

♪ Plop plop goes the poop

♪ Right down the toilet

♪ I pooped in the toilet
I poo-pooed in the toilet

♪ One poop, two poop
Three poop, four

♪ Right into the toilet
And here comes one more

♪ Poop in the toilet
There's poo-poo in the toilet

♪ Poop in the toilet
There's poo-poo in the toilet

♪ Poopity poopity
Poop poop, baby

♪ Let's poopity poopity
Poop poop, baby

♪ Let's poopity poopity poop
Poopity poopity poop

♪ Poopity poopity poop
Poop, baby
♪ Plop plop!

Pfft. Ha!

You expect to get your fans
back with a song about poop?

Wait, what? Huh?

Look, our audience
is coming back.

No, this can't be happening.



MALE VOICE: Renewed.

With this many
people watching,

Teen Titans Go! is going
to be around for a long time.


Freak out!

One more time!

♪ Plop plop goes the poop
Right down the toilet

♪ I pooped in the toilet
I poo-pooed in the toilet

♪ Let's poopity poopity poop
Poopity poopity poop

♪ Poopity poopity poop
Poop, baby
♪ Plop plop!

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