05x11 - The Fight

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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05x11 - The Fight

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ T E E N T I T A N S ♪

♪ Teen Titans let's go ♪


♪ Teen Titans, go! ♪

Listen up, Titans!

I hope you're in the mood
to talk real estate!

Because today, we are doing
a deep dive into the...

Mortgage! Mortgage! Mortgage!

Mortgage refi process!

Home Buy! Refi!

The what?

- The mortgage refi process!
- Huh?

- The mortgage refi process.
- We ain'ts wanna hear about

no more refried mortgages!

Okay, okay, I hear that
but what if I told you

that interest rates are at
an all-time low!

Low! Low! Low!

That sounds the terrible!

We must do the cheering up
of the interesting rats.

Uh, no.
Star, low rates are good.

It's the perfect time to
pull out some equity.



It's like getting free money
we can use to invest

in rental properties, or if you
want a little less excitement

in your lives, we can just
lower our monthly payments.

You should be salivating!

Friend Robin. Why must we
focus on the home finances?

What else are gonna do
for the next 11 minutes?

How about super hero stuff?

But we fight bad guys
all the time!

I thinks he might be mixing
us up with someone else?

Does he think
we're the Justice League?

We're not the Justice League.

We're always springing into
action to thwart evil.

Do you really not remember?


Fortunately for you, I've been
compiling a series of video clips

of the Teen Titans in action.

In case you all had
a collective lapse in memory

- such as this.
- Whoa.

You've been recording
us without our knowledge?

All day, every day!

Now. Sit back.

And let the memories of our
past heroic battles remind you

that we are true heroes
in every sense of the word.


As you can see, we fight
bad guys all the time.

Now, with that out of the way,
let's get back to the real fight.

The Teen Titans versus
the real estate market.


What's the problem now?

You's just showed us a bunch of
silly ol' food fighting nonsense.

We're super heroes! We shouldn't
be wasting time with food.

Food represents the never
ending w*r against hunger!

Mankind's oldest enemy!
It's the ultimate fight!


Man, tell me what other super
heroes focus on food this much?

Uh, Matter Eater Lad, for one.

Say what?

Matter Eater Lad!

The super hero with an iron stomach!

He can literally eat
anything with no ill effects.

Is he making this fool up?

Oh. I assure you.
He is quite real.

- So he saves the day by eating things?
- Not often.

He's usually called away to
deal with political problems

on his home planet because
his power is pretty useless.

And that don't help us, bruh!

We want some over-the-top
crazy super hero action!

We wish for the real fights
against the real threats.

Real threats you say?
You're in luck again!

I have another series of clips prepared.

Featuring the Teen Titans
winning glory on the b*ttlefield,

while avoiding food entirely!

Pencil whack!

Wa-pow, wa-pa-pow!

Rainbow Pinch!

Shamrock Block!


That was all a bit silly
but I think we can all agree

that those were some
fairly epic battles.

Leprechauns ain't epic!

Fighting squirrels is not epic!

Watching the wooden effigies
wield the foam rocks

in over-sized pencils upon the puppet

made from the old sock is not the epic!

Come on!
The squirrel was a savage!

The sock puppet represents
the primal struggle

against... The, uh...

You're right.

We never fight cool
villains in over-the-top

crazy action scenes anymore.
What happened to us?

I suppose it's our destiny to be
lame food-fighting silly super heroes.

It ain't too late, bruh.
Alls we need is one good villain

to shows the world
we still gots what it takes.

You just might be right.
But in the meantime,

let's all take a moment
to learn the differences

between the APR
and interest rates...


Crime alert!

- Brother Blood is out on the loose.
- This could be it.

A fight bigger than anything
we've seen before!

Then we know what we must do.
Titans, go!

Citizens of Jump City!

Today is the day every man,
woman and child

will know the name of fear.

The name of terror!
The name of tyranny!

And that name is...

- Not so fast, Brother Blood!
- The Teen Titans?

I'm sorry but I don't have
any food with me.

We're not here for a food fight.

We are here to bring you
to the justice!

Uh, I assume you're being ironic?
You're being ironic, right?

I mean, I didn't think you
were into justice these days.

We's not... Most of the time.

But we've been aching for
a big fight with a big villain

who has a big plan to
take over the big old world!

So it's your lucky day.
Let's do this.

An epic, super serious,
super cool hero fight!

Ooh, sounds like fun.


Titans, go!


The power source!

Titans! Get me to the top!

I got you, bro!

Give it up, Brother Blood!

It's over!

In about five seconds,
you'll have a choice.

Capture me...
or save the people below.

Choose wisely, Titans.

Raven! Get me down there!


That's what's up!

I won't lie, that felt good!

Are you kidding? Did you see
how sweet we looked out there?

Well done, Titans.

I didn't expect
such a good show from you.

But this is only the beginning.

The Teen Titans will be there
to stand in your way!

I look forward to it.
Until next time!

- Ugh. There's more?
- Actually, I am the tired.

Yeah, I need a break, too.

But you said you wanted to
fight like real super heroes!

Real super heroes never rest!

Nah, man. That was way harder
than I thought it would be.

Weren't you saying something
about... mortgage refinancing?

Interest rates!
Interest rates!

Interest rates!

If that's what you guys really want.

Now, if you're a conservative,
like me...


You'll be taking a hard look at
a sweet 30-year fixed rate loan.

But an adjustable rate has its
own advantages. For instance...
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