04x38 - Justice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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04x38 - Justice League's Next Top Talent Idol Star Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ T-E-E-N ♪

♪ T-I-T-A-N-S ♪

♪ Teen Titans, let's go ♪

♪ Teen Titans, go ♪

Welcome back to
the Justice League audition.

I'm Birdarang.

And the competition
for our coveted spot

on the Justice League

is officially off the heezy, yo!

Starfire's act sure
wasn't the cat's meow.

Cyborg got jiggy
with the judges.

All these fools
were just wiggity-wack.

And of course, there was Robin.

The sorest loser of all.

I grew up in the circus!

And Raven and her dad
got into it,

big time, causing all sorts of
driggity-driggity drama!

Let's see what happens next when
the audition continues. Right now!

Ray-Ray, what are you gonna do
now that your dad ripped up

your costume
and forbid you from dancing?

Ha! He can't stop me
from doing what I love.

Oh, dang!
This is gonna be good.

Hi, I'm Raven
and I'm doing a dance.

I'm in the final round!
I'm in the final round!

Yeah, all right! Nice move, pal! Whoo!

Love it!

Well, Dad, what did you think?

I think... I think...

I think you're a fantastic
dancer, my little sweetiekins.

Oh, so much feeling,
so much emotion!

Oh, give your daddy a huggiepoo.

Okay, that's enough.

What? She gets voted in
for some lame dance?

My act was way better than that!


Hey! Stop filming
my private moments!

Mans, you being
real jerky right now!

And didn't you get
kicked off already?

Yes, but I really feel like
I deserve a second chance.

Or, does he?

What? She gets voted in
for some lame dance?

My act was way better than that!

That was edited
to make me look bad!

You have to give me
a second chance.

They need to get to know
the real me!

The one with an even
sadder back story than before.

Coming up, we have a pity
party for Robin. Right now!

My name is Robin

and I didn't have
a regular childhood.

I grew up on a farm
with my granpapi.

It's hard work
tending the cornfields,

especially on account of the
crows always stealing our crop.

When the corn was gone, they went
and flew off with Grangrams.

Dang! Sounds like you're
making all these up, yo.

- No! It's all true!
- And very sad.

Seemed like
things couldn't get any worse

until one day,
a meteor came down

and destroyed the farm.

But if I win this competition,

I can rebuild the family farm.

When I think of everything my
old granpapi has done for me,

it brings a tear to my eye.

Oh, you poor little farmer boy.

Thank you.

Sounds like a truck load
of wick-wick-wack,

but it was pretty tragic.

So I guess you deserve
a second chance, bro.


Hi! I'm back!

This time, I will dazzle you

with feats of magic.

Hey, I haven't even started yet.

Stop that.

You can't just...

Just let me do my act!




Fly, you stupid bird, fly!

Oh, oh. Okay, okay.

Uh, for my next trick,

I will make this $20 bill

disappear and reappear
in your wallet.

Go ahead, take a look.

You can keep that.
Consider it,

a bribe.

You can't do this to me.
I need to re-build the farm!

So, how'd it go, yo?

These judges can't see talent.
I've got talent

and good looks.
I'm the whole package.

Look at me. Look at me!


Coming up!

We find out that if Beast Boy is
even going to bother to audition.

Right now.

Yo, yo, yo. I'm Beast Boy.

And winning this competition has
always been my dream in life.

- ♪ La, la, la ♪
- Actually that's not true.

Am just here because my dude,
Cyborg is here.

I'm a follower.
I'm not really proud of it

but it's kind of my thing.

Hey dudes.

Madam-dude. I'm Beast Boy

and this is my talent, yo.

I's the milkman, yo!

And youse gonna drink some milk!


Milk on your face.

Milk on your face.

Milk on your face.

M... M... Milk on your face!


Milk, it does a body good, fool!

Tell us, what happened in there?

Well, I don't thinks
the judges like milk.

It's cool.
I don't drinks it myself.

I'm a vegan. No big deal.

It's not like any of us
are taking it seriously.

One side!
Is it my turn? Is it my turn?

Robin, tell us.

What makes you think
the third time's the charm?

Because I've got the spirit,
the never give-up attitude

and crutches!


Hello, my name is Robin.

Tiny Robin.

I was born in the year 1843.

Me father's name
is Bob Cratchit.

We're very poor.

And winning this competition

would be a Christmas miracle.

That's from A Christmas Carol.

It's based on my life.

You were born in 1843?

- Obviously.
- Well, in that case,

it's time for your third
and final chance, Tiny Robin.


Hello, everyone.

I'd like to introduce you
to, Tiny Robin.

So, Tiny Robin,

do you really think I have what
it takes to win this competition?

Well, if they don't like you

then they are a bigger dummy
than me.

Sorry, he didn't mean that.

Oh, yes, I did.

Oi, Superman.

Do you consider yourself
a good judge?

Because you certainly aren't
a good judge of fashion.

I mean, this guy wears his underwear
on the outside of his pants.

Oh, uh...

He didn't mean that.

Oh, yes, I did.
Oi, Batman.

I heard you were overdue
on your electric bill.

Looks like you're gonna have
a Dark Knight.

I'm on a roll.
Somebody stop me.

Do you ever wonder, why they
call her Wonder Woman?

Because she's always wondering

where she left her
invisible jet.

And Aquaman.

This guy talks to fishes
and swims really fast.

"That will come in handy,"
said nobody ever.

I did it.

I did it. Yes, yes, yes, yes.
I made it.

I'd just like to say thank you
to the judges.

They have really, really,
really, great judgment.

You mean better than last time
when you said...

These judges can't see talent.
I've got talent

and good looks. I'm the
whole package. Look at me.

- Yes, much better.
- Oh, snap.

When we return, we're going to
the final round. Right now.

After all
the auditions and mad drama,

it all came down
to three contestants.

Four contestants.

Who's it gonna be?

Cyborg, the singing machine

Raven, the dancing diva.

Or Tiny Robin and his dummy.

We'll find out when we
come back, right now.

The winner

and the newest member of the
Justice League is...

Please, oh, please, oh,
please, oh, please, oh, please!


Oh, my goodness, I won.

Those judges don't know talent.

In your faces. Ha! Ha! Ha!

Wow, I want to feel happy
for him

but he makes it so hard.

♪ I can't believe it ♪

♪ I can't believe it ♪

I am now a full

fledged member of the Justice League.

Hold up!
Checkity-check yourself.

You got it twisted, dawg!

- What?
- The judges chose this Robin.

Not you, dumb-dumb.

They chose my
ventriloquist dummy!

That's riggity-right,
home slice.

Dummy Robin is the newest member
of the Justice League, yo.


And so, Dummy Robin
went on to great success.

Beating villain, making friends,

winning awards, and just been an
all around ridunkulous little dude.

And that's the show
for you, homies.

This is Birdarang,
signing out, right now!
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