03x38 - The Art of Ninjutsu

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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03x38 - The Art of Ninjutsu

Post by bunniefuu »

"The Art of Ninjutsu"


- Hey, guys!
- Why are you dressed like that?

I thought this was
a slumber party.

This is not a slumber party, dude.
This is a mission.

So, how come you're all
wearing those footie pajamas?

We are not wearing
the footy pajamas.

These are Shinobi Shozoku, the
traditional garb of the ninja.

They are designed for
stealth operations.

And without them, we'll
never complete our mission.

Capture the McGuffin hidden
inside this fortress.

What's a McGuffin?

- It's what we're after.
- But what is it?

That's not important. What's
important is we move...


Oh, snap! A penny!

Guys, look! A penny!

My bad.

Behold! Inside that box is...
the McGuffin.

- You still have not told us what it is.
- It is what we've come here for.

- But why?
- When you see it, you'll understand.

The McGuffin needs
no explanation.

- Well, let's open it up, yo.
- Stop!

Whoa... Cool.

Touching those lasers
will trigger the alarm

and this mission will
be a failure. Go!

- Dude!
- The lasers!

Please, I'm so cool, these lasers
ain't even going to feel me.

My bad.

My bad!

My bad!

We may have failed to
acquire the McGuffin,

but we're not giving up. It
must be acquired at all costs.

You still haven't told us what
this McGuffin is exactly.

Yeah, I haven't heard of a McGuffin
and I've heard of a lot of things.

Let's just say that it's a
desired object that for

a long time has both motivated
me and driven my actions.

That still does not
inform us of what it is.

- I think it's Scotch.
- I've never heard of it.

- He's saying it wrong.
- Whatevs! Being a ninja is lame.

Lame? What about all that cool stuff
we were doing on the mission?

- I wasn't really paying attention, bro.
- Then is this lame?





So, what do you think now?

You gots to teach me the
art of the Ninjajitsu!

Very well. But you must swear to
follow my instructions to the letter.

- And call me Master.
- How abouts I call you Tiny Face?

- No.
- Uh, Fish Lips?

- No.
- Iron Buns?

Hmm, no.

Call me Master or forget
learning the Art of the Ninja.

- Can't do it, Iron buns.
- Then I cannot teach you.

- Ninjas, we go.
- See you, bro.

Uh, I'm not comfortable
by myself.

I'll call you Master!
I'll call you Master!

Then your training begins now.

Disguises let the ninja
hide in plain sight.

Huh? Where did he go?




- So ninja trippy!
- I know, right? Ninja!

You fools are blowing my mind!

Ninjas are masters of both
hand-to-hand and thrown weapons.

Most notably, the shuriken.

Oh, is that why
Robin's so short?

- He was shurikened?
- He was born that way.

If he was the shurikened,
he would be even smaller.

Actually, shuriken is another
name for the throwing star.

Oh, yeah. That's what
I'm talking about.

- Ow!
- Careful.

Ow, it's so pointy.

Ha-ha, how are you supposed to hold it?
You take it.


I will test your stealth
by seeing if you can walk

across that bubble wrap
without popping any bubbles.


Now, you.

- Aw, yeah.
- No!

Oh, yeah.

The pops are so satisfying.
I cannot stop.

Enough! Take your
training seriously.

We have to capture
that McGuffin.

Everything depends on it.
Now, train!

Has anyone seen Beast Boy?

- Nah, I bet he's being all stealthy.
- Excellent.

Then I was able to get him
to embrace the ninja life.

Oh, Robin. You truly
are the Ninja Master.

I have been the wrong to
dismiss your affections.

I have the in loveness with you.


I... I knew it.

I knew we would end up together.


You've been ninjaed, fool! Ah-a!

I am very much the impressed.

- Well done, well done...
- I guess, I'm the master now.


Enough! The student can't
become the master.

- Whoever heard of that?
- Then, I'll prove I'm the master.


I'm going to get
that McGuffin first.

You can't. It's too important.

Then you won't mind if a
little ninja race goes down.

First one to get the McGuffin
is the Master Ninja.

You're on.

Man, you're totally right
about that McGuffin.

I don't even know what it is and
I still want to get it so bad.

May the best ninja win.
You see a real ninja...

You can't beat me, bro.
I got the quickness.

Yeah, but I got...

- Ooh, look a penny.
- Where?

Oh, my gosh. A lucky penny.

Your skills are impressive

- but you are no match for the us.
- Oh, yeah?

Ugh. Ugh.

Ugh, silent but deadly. Really?

Definition of a ninja, yo.

Got to do this quick.


The McGuffin! You got it?

Guess Beast Boy isn't the master.
Where is he anyway?

Haven't seen him
since he gassed us.

I guess it doesn't matter now.
The McGuffin is mine!

- That is the McGuffin?
- This whole thing was about a sandwich?!

Yes, a delicious egg sandwich.

We did all this for
an Egg McGuffin?

I know Beast Boy couldn't beat me
'cause there's only one master.

And that's me.


No way!

You got ninjaed, son!

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