03x08 - Accept the Next Proposition You Hear

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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03x08 - Accept the Next Proposition You Hear

Post by bunniefuu »

"Accept the Next
Proposition You Hear"

- Brother Blood!
- Titans!

I'd normally have a long-winded
evil scheme speech, but, uh...

and, this is embarrassing,
my tum tum is acting up.

I think it's food poisoning.

- Oh, been there.
- That's the worst, bro.

Indeed! But, the gist of
what I was going to say was,

you shall fall to my mind-control
powers, become my pawns,

and then, you know, world
domination, blah, blah, blah.


- So, can we just get on with this?
- Of course! You poor dear.

What're you waiting for?
He said his tum tum hurts!

My bad. Titans, go!

Your old mind-control
tricks won't work on us.

Ooh! What is that odor?

- Oh!
- I said I was having stomach issues.

Robin is in the capacitated!

He is inside the capacitated!

- What do we do now?
- I don't know!

Ah! Robin's the one who
tells us what to do!

Well, I'd be more than happy
to tell you what to do.

All hail, Brother Blood.
All hail, Brother Blood.

Now, my pawns, we will
create a new world order...

Assuming you are still here
when I get back from the potty!

Ugh! Ugh, oh...

Uh... What? Batman?

What? Huh?

Titans! Snap out of it!


I go down for one second, and
you guys just freeze up.

- Decisions are hard.
- That is why we let you make them for us.

I've always worried being such
a strong, handsome leader

might turn you all
into a bunch of sheep.

Nah! Just me, bro.

It's time you started
making your own decisions.

For starters, what does
everyone want for dinner?

Hmmm, I don't know.
What do you want?

I know exactly what I
want, where I want it,

and when I'm going to have it!
But, I'm not telling.

That's cool. We can
decide on our own, bro.

So, you guys want
to get some, uh...

Perhaps, at the one place...

Ooh! Know what would be good...

Look, I don't care.

- Okay. How about pizza?
- Uh, no pizza for me.

- You just said you don't care!
- Tacos?

No, anything but tacos.

There are too many of
the delicious options.

Sorry. I am not making another
decision for you guys.

And, I'm back!


See, Robin. We were able to
make a decision all on our own.

Uh, yeah. You just followed
me into the restaurant,

and ordered what I ordered.

Friends, our feast bag contains
strange, tiny boomerangs!

Free food!

Ah! Mine was full of garbage!

Mine too! No wonder
they're free!

It's not garbage,
it's a fortune.

A little advice to help
you make a decision.


You mean, these cookies
will tell us what to do?

Hey, cookie. Should I eat you?

"Follow your passion."

My passion is eating free food!

Mmm! Mmm! The fortune was right!

Whoa, dude! These
cookies are so wise.

"Only by walking through an open
door will you find your reward."

Guys, guys! Cottage cheese!

"You have many talents."

Whoa! How did the cookie know?

I do have lots of talents.

"Laugh long, hard, and often."



That was most enjoyable.

They're just cookies! You
can't listen to them!

Would you listen
to a palm reader?

Oh, yeah! What do my
filthy palms say?

Ugh. Is that mustard? Look...

fortune cookies, palm
reading, horoscopes,

and other silly novelties

shouldn't be used to make
important decisions.

That has to come from you.

Beastie, what does the cookie
have to say about that?


"You will receive some bad
advice from a trusted friend."

- Nice try, trusted friend!
- Now, if you will excuse us, Robin,

we have the decisions to make.

♪ You don't know what
to do, crack a cookie ♪

♪ Can't think something
through, crack a cookie ♪

♪ When you're having
trouble living the life ♪

♪ That you were given, don't worry
about it, man, crack a cookie ♪

♪ Crack that cookie Crack,
crack that cookie, cookie ♪

♪ Crack that cookie Crack,
crack that cookie ♪

♪ Get a tasty snack when
you crack that cookie ♪

♪ Get your life on track when
you crack that cookie. ♪

♪ Get a paper stack when
you crack that cookie ♪

♪ Crack that cookie Crack,
crack that cookie, cookie ♪

♪ Crack it, baby! ♪


Why are you guys building
a giant metal cage?

A cookie told us to build
a giant metal cage.

A cookie did not tell you to
build a giant metal cage.

"Build a giant metal cage."

- Oh! It did.
- Oh, yeah! That reminds me.

Another cookie said I need
to punch you in the face.

Well, that's... Ow!

And mine said to use the
heat beam eyes on you.

Mine said to give you
some of the good stuff...

the Old Schlablamo!


Fortune cookies
aren't that specific.

Some are even more specific.

"After you're done hitting
Robin, put him in the cage.

Then, put yourselves in the
cage and lock the cage.

Sit there patiently.

If Robin tries to
escape, hit him again.

If he complains, hit him again."

It keeps going, but
you get the idea.

- Now, into the cage, please, Robin.
- No!

These cookies have taken
control of your minds.

Mind control! Brother Blood!

Very good, Robin. I have
wasted so much time

with these complicated
mind-control plots,

but the truth is people are
desperate to be told what to do.

So, what better way
than fortune cookies.

Diabolical. But, it won't work!

Don't expect me to be defeated
so easily this time, Robin!

All I ate today was a salad.

No diet soda, hamburger
and cookies for me.

Ooh! I wanted a
chocolate shake so bad

on my way over here,
but I just said no.

It's not worth the
anxiety and stress.

Oh, look! They are about to
open their next fortunes.

"Destroy Robin!"

I see now that most people
are weak-minded sheep,

incapable of making
their own decisions!

Yes, and I am the
shepherd, Robin!

But, you are forgetting
one thing, Blood!

There's more than one way
to influence weak minds!

- Would you like me to read your palm?
- Oh, yeah!

Ooh, these lines say,
"Wash your hands

and punch Brother
Blood in the face!"

You are the boss, palm!

Beast Boy, you are a
Taurus, aren't you?

How could you tell?

Mercury is in retrograde and
you know what that means.

- Punch Brother Blood in the face!
- I am Taurus!

Wait! This magical ball
has a message for you.

- "Punch Brother Blood in the face."
- Sounds good to me.

Your future looks
prosperous in jail!

If I knew it was going
to end like this,

I would have gotten
that chocolate shake.

I am sorry, Titans.

I thought you would be able
to make your own decisions.

- I was wrong for believing in you.
- We all make mistakes.

- So, what do you want for dinner?
- We could do...

- We could hit that one place...
- Uh...

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