03x07 - Hey You, Don't Forget About Me in Your Memory

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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03x07 - Hey You, Don't Forget About Me in Your Memory

Post by bunniefuu »

"Hey You, Don't Forget
About Me in Your Memory"



it comes and goes.

But last Summer was...


And that magical
time at the lake,

we thought summer
would last forever.

And in some ways, it has.

But when Robin died, we realized
that time doesn't stop...

- not even for love.
- Hey, I'm not dead!

Shh, I'm giving our summer
some emotional depth, yo.

At the funeral, we learned
that Summer was temporary.

But those moments we
shared were eternal.

Enough! I am not dead!
And Summer is over.

- And you know what that means.
- Oh yeah! Labor day, baby!

- Yeah!
- Oh, yeah!

- Woo-hoo!
- Everybody...

No, it's time to go...

- Excuse me?
- You heard me. Back to school!

That's where you
adopt the identity

that will define you for
the rest of your life.

And crane kick your karate
rival from the evil dojo,

while falling in love
with Elisabeth Shue.

Dude, we're awesome
teenagers with no parents.

We can do whatever we want anytime.
Why would we give that up?

Because our unique personalities
that have never been previously

depicted in film or media, are
perfect for a school environment.

Star, with your good looks
and friendly attitude,

you're clearly the
homecoming queen.


with your massive shoulders
and bulging muscles,

you're obviously a jock.

Raven, with your refusal to play
along and deep seated anger,

you're clearly a basket case.

- What about me?
- You, you're a nerd.

Huh, really? I always felt
more like a bohemian.

Shut it, nerd. School
isn't about what

you feel on the inside. It's
about dressing up the outside,

So everyone knows who
you are by looks alone.

So, who are you?

Well, obviously, I am the
All-american boy next door.

I am the guy who
stands up to bullies.

The guy who is elected
student body president.

The guy who becomes

Who's with me?

If going to school means being
assigned an arbitrary label,

- we're not interested.
- I'll buy you all new clothes.

We're going back to school!

Friends, I feel this is the beginning
of a meaningful life experience.

There is so much hope here.

It's strange, it makes me want
to learn and grow as a person.

Too optimistic, basket case.
Stick to your label.

We need to be on the
lookout for a bully,

so this All-american
boy can take him down.

Actually, I gotta get to
English class, Robin.

- Me, too. I'll come with, brah.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa...

you two cannot hang out.

But why not? They are
the best of friends.

What about their labels?
Look at this massive jock.

He's gorgeous with his big
muscles and handsome face.

There's no way he'd be
friends with a nerd.

Just look at him. He's
so small and awkward,

always studying, talking about
wizards and dragons all the time.

- Wizards?
- You think you can break down

social boundaries, nerd?
Not on my watch.

Crane kick, crane
kick, crane kick!

Man, we've been here five minutes and
you already got us in detention?

Well, when I see a bully,
I take him down. Whoo!

No regrets. That's just the
way of the All-american boy.

All-american boy? More like
crazy crane kicking guy.

I am still unsure who exactly was
the bully in that situation.

What, you didn't see this
nerd trying to bully his way

into hanging out
with this cool jock?

Why do you care about
labels so much?

Maybe, there's more to us than
what's on the surface, bro.

That's ridiculous. We all
have our parts to play

and now that I trashed a bully,

my next part is to become
student body president.

- Dude, I made it! I made the team!
- That's what's up.

I never thought I'd be competing
in an academical decathlon.

Friends, Raven has the
most wonderful news.

It's just an article in
the school paper, Star.

Turns out I love writing.

It's a great way to share all the
feelings that I keep bottled up.

We're learning so much
about ourselves, yo.

School is the place to be!

Vote Robin for student
body president.

Progress is his middle name.

- Ah! What is he doing?
- Oh, no, he must think he is having

one of the "naked
in school" dreams.

Wait, aren't people usually terrified
when they have that dream?

Vote Robin!

Whoo! Vote Robin! Whoo!

Vote Robin! Break it down now.

He's really owning it.

He probably just thinks
he'll wake up any second.

Yeah, boy! Now, that's
how you run for office.

- Dude, you are naked in school!
- I know.

- And this is not a dream.
- I know.

The student body will have no
choice but to vote for the...


Oh, you think
that's funny, nerd?

Try laughing at this.

Crane kick, crane kick!

I cannot believe we have
been detained once again.

I know. Now, I'm gonna miss the
academical regional championships.

Who cares about
your nerd olympics?

I was disqualified from
being class president.

You're missing the point
of school, Robin.

It's not about labels. It's
about learning who you are

- and finding your place in the world.
- Save it, basket case.

I have one chance left at
being the All-american boy.

I have to become valedictorian,
no matter what it takes.

Phew, I really studied hard.

No games, no scams,
just honest effort.

I think... No, I
know it paid off.

- I am the proud of you, Robin.
- We all are.

Yo, guys, the valet-dictorian
announcement is posted!

Robin, you made the list.

- I'm valedictorian!
- No, dude, you're salutatorian.


Salutatorian, you ranked
second in the class.

- Second?!
- Yeah, it's really good.

And Beast Boy is
the valedictorian.

Turns out learning ain't hard, if
you just put all your brains on it.

You're the
valedicto-narian, baby!

No! I was supposed
to be number one!

I'm the All-american
boy next door!

Crane kick! Crane kick!

Crane kick! Crane kick!

Crane kick! Crane kick!

Wax on!

Paint the fence!

Sweep the leg!

Johnny, you're a cream puff!
I hate this stupid bike!

I'm from reseda!

Thanks for getting
us expelled, dude.

We shall never learn of
our true potential now.

You guys were right. I was wrong
to assign us those labels.

I am glad you have come
to the understanding

that it is impossible to
describe the complexity

of a person with a simple label.

What? No. I just had
the labels wrong.

I am actually the bad boy with a
troubled past and an uncertain future.

My heart is my compass. And these
fists are my only companions.

Now, read this.

"Dear principal, we accept
the fact that we're..."

- Ow!
- Out loud, nerd.

"Dear principal, we
accept the fact that..."


When did the principal ask
us to write a letter?

Keep reading or
you're totaled, man.

- Totally?
- Totally.

"each of us can be described
with the simplest label."

"A green guy who can
turn into animals."

"A cyborg."

"A space princess."

"A half demon."

"And a super cool bad boy."


♪ Crane kick falling, falling ♪

♪ crane kick falling, falling ♪

♪ lightning earrings
skulls on my shirt ♪

♪ crane kicks raining I'm
gonna make it hurt ♪

♪ nowhere to turn
nowhere to run ♪

♪ my crane kick will find you
for everything you've done ♪

♪ I I wanna crane kick you ♪

♪ oh, baby, I ♪

♪ I wanna crane kick you ♪

♪ in the face ♪

♪ crane kick falling, falling ♪
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