02x45 - Operation Tin Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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02x45 - Operation Tin Man

Post by bunniefuu »

"Operation Tin Man"

Dude, what's with the gasp? You
almost gave me a heart attack, yo.

Did you hear that?

No, that's why your
gasp was so unsettling.

You don't gasp when it's quiet.

You just don't do that.
It scares us.

But it's never this quiet.

That is not the good reason
for the gasping, Robin!

Yeah, bro, how do you like it?

The gasp!

I had to gasp, Titans, when
I realized why it's so quiet.

Cyborg is missing!


It has been sometime
since I heard the "booyah!"

And it's unlike him to disappear
without telling us really

- loudly where he's going.
- You think he's in trouble?

There's only one way to
find out, the Titan Tracker!

I implanted one in each of you without
either your knowledge or consent.

Oh, so that is what my
glowy bulge friend is!

Bad news! Wait for it.

Cyborg is in the H.I.V.E. Tower!

Now I ask you,

does anything feel better
than an appropriate gasp?

- Why would Cyborg be in the H.I.V.E. Tower?
- Why don't we ask Gizmo?

I was wondering how long it would be

before you noticed
your friend was missing.

If you don't meet our ransom demands,
you'll never see him again!

Another great gasp, Titans.

Are you telling them you kidnapped me?

You couldn't kidnap me if you tried.

Hey, Titans! I'm just
hanging here with my girl...

I think he said Jinx
was trying to hang him!

We really have those
gasps going now, Titans.

If you want to see him again,
you'd better have my ransom.

We must save the Cyborg!

What was that gasp for?

That one was for no reason.

Now, let's save Cyborg.

Oh, man!
Why did you do that?!

Now my mouth tastes
like your hand smells.

Argh! Malodorous!

And you're crazy if you think
they're gonna pay a ransom for me.

Well, how would I look if
they knew I was just letting

- you hang around?
- Like a little baby wearing a jet pack?

I'm sick of your
boyfriend coming over here,

eating our food and
sitting on our couch!

He needs to leave!

- Why don't you leave?
- No, you leave.

- You leave!
- You leave!

- You leave!
- You leave!

BOTH: You leave!

- I said you leave!
- You leave!

- You leave, leave...
- You leave, leave...

You, you, you, you, you leave!

Leave! You, you, you leave!
Leave! You, you, you leave!

You two have so much in common.
You love computers.

You're always inventing
those little gadgets.

Why can't you be friends?

- Because we can't!
- Yeah, that's why.

Fine! But I better not catch either
of you messing with each other.

- Okay.
- All right.

- Fine!
- Whatever.

- Sure.
- All righty then.



- Whatever.
- Okie-dokie...

- All right!
- A'ight.

- Mmm-hmm.
- Okie-dokie, then.

- Whatever you say.
- It's all right.

Oh, hey, guys!

Operation Tin Man is a go!

ALL: Whoa!

ROBIN: We'll be back for you, Cyborg...

Cool! I'll be here till
around 8:00 or 8:30.

Wait, did you want to finish that movie?

Make it 9:00!

Listen carefully, H.I.V.E.

I have a plan to destroy Jump City.

- And the first step is...
- First step?

Aw, you took your first step?

Next we're gonna get you
on the potty!

Does he have to be here while
we plot our evil schemes?

- Yes, we talked about this.
- Fine!

My plan starts...
with this!

This obviously is not part of the plan!

Well, it should be
because it's adorable!


Great plan, fearless leader.

I really appreciate you
listening to me vent.

I'm hanging on every word, baby.


Cyborg? Cyborg?

Ugh! Is this your hilarious way
of telling me you don't care?

Hey! What's your problem?

I don't know what my problem is.
But clearly there is a problem.

- What are you doing?
- I... Whoa! Don't know...

But I don't like it.

Maybe I can do something
about that volume.

Why are you acting so weird, Cy?

Because I am a big dumb-jerk,

with a big dumb jerk face.
We should break up.

I am spending too much time
here and annoying your friends.

Booyah! Booyah! Booyah!



I don't like this side of you, Cyborg.

- Love it!
- Hmph!

Okay, Titans. Our first mission
to save Cyborg didn't work.

Time to turn to my skills
as a master of disguise.

Raven, what's our cover story?

- We're just some...
- In character!

We are the German tourists

and we are wanting to
use the bathroom, please.

Excellent, and...
what's your name, Beast Boy?

Uh, Beast Boy?

Are you trying to get us k*lled?!

My name is Dieter.

My Papa runs a chocolate
shop on ze Hamburg.

And what about you, Fraeulein?

I am also eating the hamburger.

You do not eat the hamburger!
You are the hamburger.

You live in Hamburg!
Get it straight, Fraeulein!

Or we all die!

Stick to our story and we just
might be able to pull this off.

- You guys ready?
- ALL: Ja!

Who is it?

We are weary travelers

with an interesting story...

Go away! No solicitors!

- Who was that?
- I don't know.

Now don't think I
don't know that you two

have been pranking each other.

BOTH: What?

You two are gonna hang out until
you're cool with each other.

Ugh! Your room's boring.

You got a rattle I can
play with or something?

No rattles.
Just devices to destroy the Titans with.

How's that gonna destroy us?

It's a surveillance drone.

I'm gonna use it to
find your weaknesses.

It's too loud!
We'd hear it coming from a mile away.

Here, give it to me.

How'd you do that?

You're not the only gadget genius.
Now, watch.

Don't worry, Cyborg, help is coming.

We just need to upgrade the arsenal.
Starting with these g*ns...

Hah! Look at those pecs!
They're positively glistening.

Booty quake-shake!
Booty quake-shake! Hoo-ha!

Mmm... Huh?


CYBORG: Oh, my gosh.

It's nice to finally see
my boys getting along.

I told you, you have a lot in common.

I should have kidnapped
you a long time ago, dude.

You can say that again.

If Robin calls about that ransom,
add some fries for me.

- I'm getting hungry.
- For you, I'll make it chili fries.

- Best friends?
- Nah! Best friends forever.

You wanted a ransom for Cyborg?!

Well, here it is!

Little buddy!
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