02x25 - Mouth Hole

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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02x25 - Mouth Hole

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay, Titans, the H.I.V.E.
is planning something big.

I'll stand guard,
while you gather intel.

Keep your communicators handy.
I'll call in case they return.

Um... That's gonna be
a problem actually.

Hey, Ray, what's your 20? Over.

Something's wrong with your
communicator, over.

Over and out.

Then we do it old school.

If you spot the H.I.V.E. just
give a little whistle.

The cutest form of communication.

- Um...
- Let's do it!

Just a little whistle.

No problem...

Is that the whistling sign
from Robin?

I think that's a dying bird.

Sounds more like someone
stepped on a jelly donut.

That's a wet fart...

Did you not hear me when I said
give a little whistle?

I was whistling.
But the weather was weird

- and my lips were chapped...
- Can you even whistle?

Of course I can.

Robin, please stop.

Dude, you have to be able to whistle.

How else are you gonna be
able to hail cabs or call dogs?

That's a good doggy.

The truth is I would never
devote a moment

of my precious time to
the pursuit of something

as stupid as whistling.

- Perhaps I can teach you the whistle, Robin.
- I'm in.

This is the perfect
environment for the whistling.

No distractions.
Plenty of air.

Now observe.

So beautiful.

That hair.
Those eyes.

What a fascinating way
to describe the whistle.

Did it have the full lips as well?

Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Now it is your turn.
Simply control a stream of air

- by pressing your lips together.
- Like this?

No, like this.

You can whistle, Robin!
I believe in you!

Yes, let a mighty wind blow

through your mouth hole, Robin.

Wonderful first effort.

Ah, well, you're a great teacher.

- What was that?
- Uh...

A squeaky hinge probably?

What is that noise?

I don't know, man!
It's getting weird in here!

- I can't take this, bro!
- What can you not take, friends?


That wasn't me.

From where are these
humorous whistles originating?

It was I.

- Robin, you have learned the whistle!
- Indeed, Starfire.

- That's not whistling, brah...
- Sure it is.

As I have done with
all of my shortcomings,

I've adopted the use of a gadget.

Robin, whistling isn't like flying

or sh**ting lasers out of your eyes

or being super strong or teleportation

or invulnerability or flying

or sh**ting lasers out of your eyes

or being super strong or teleportation

or invulnerability or being super strong

- or teleportation...
- I get it.

- I don't have super powers.
- That's right, you don't.

I'm just saying that
whistling is a skill

that everyone can master.

Indeed. It is like learning
the new language.

That's why we need
total immersion therapy.

So, you guys are only going
to communicate

through whistling from now on?

And this is supposed to
make me learn faster?

But how can you talk to
each other in whistles?

No one does that!

But how?

It doesn't matter if I can't whistle!

Do I have to remind you the
H.I.V.E. is up to something?

And who is going to
lead us against them?

- Me! I'm your leader.
- Brah, you can't even lead

your lips into making some
sweet, sweet mouth music.

Ahhh! It's true.
You guys have to help me.

There is one last option.

Please use your words.

Travel to the mystical
mountains of Gomera,

find the Master of whistles.


Hello, there.

Down here.
What brings you to our castle?

- I seek the Master of whistles.
- Of course, of course.

But first would you care
for some tea?

I have to see the master.

I don't have time to
speak with a little Teapot.

So all you see is a Teapot

vertically challenged
and sturdily constructed?

Yeah, there is your handle
and you've got a spout.

Arrogant boy, you are
getting me all steamed up!


If only I could whistle like that.

Of course you can.
First, some refreshments.

Ah, a little something
to wet my whistle, eh?

- What was that?
- Hot sauce, my dear boy.

Why did you make me drink hot...

Your doubt has been unblocked.

Now your training can begin.

Your training is going well.

It's the H.I.V.E.

And they have taken
the other Titans hostage!

- I have to go.
- But you're not ready.

- My friends...?
- I said you're not ready.

Never mind, then, you're ready.

Now go on.
Save your friends.

Our super-secret w*apon
is finally complete.

Say goodbye, Titans.

What do we have here?

Death laser.
So, that's what you are up to.

Get him!

She taught you her secrets.

Oh, yeah!
Whistle while you work, kid!

I got you now, Robin.

Use your steam, Robin.

Robin, I never knew whistles
could be so... powerful.

Yes, they have the power
to destroy.

Or enchant.


So beautiful.

Robin, kiss me.
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