01x30 - Power Moves

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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01x30 - Power Moves

Post by bunniefuu »

Time to put the hive
in their place again.

- Titans, go!
- Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.

Slow your roll, dude.
Me and Cyborg got this.

Yeah, we have some new
power moves we wanna try out.

- Power moves?
- What is the power move?

They don't know what a power move is!

Surely they're joshing.

- We better take them to school.
- Then ring that bell, dude.

It's when one
superhero takes his powers...

And combines it with
the powers of a second superhero.

And form a totally brand new...

Power move!


The power ball shuffle.

Power ball shuffle?

- I saw no shuffling.
- And I did not see the ball.

Perhaps you'll like
our next move better.

Thunder alley knockout!

That's what's up.

Are all these moves just going
to be some dumb combination

that starts with you
throwing each other?

Just wait until you see...

Centaur kick!

- Yay!
- All right!

- Yay!
- Huh! Whoo!

Guys, watch out!

I got it!


Power move.

So anyone need any...

- No.
- I'm all good, bro.

- No, thank you.
- One tasty beverage coming right up.

Flying soda grab.

Well, this has been truly awful.

Dude, you're doing power
moves with Robin, now?

Don't take it personally,
we just make a better team.

'Cause you're... lame!

Whatever, dude.
You want in on the next round, Cy?

- You know I do!
- Sorry. Cyborg and I need

to see what other kinds of
power moves we can come up with.

So great for you.

Hey, there you are, Raven.

You wanna maybe work on
some power moves together?



- But I need a partner.
- Don't care.

It's super easy.

All you gotta do is
pick me up and throw me.

That was surprisingly fun,
let's do it again sometime.

Since merging our powers worked so well,

I think we should try merging
other aspects of ourselves.

Sounds like a plan, bro.

My staff and your boom-box!

Now we have done it!

Your super sweet birdarang
and my hi-tech motherboard.

- What's up, fellas?
- Love it!

Our munches!

Now that was just messy.

That was fun, but I'm gonna
see what Beast Boy's up to.


We need to find more
ways to merge ourselves.

I think I'm done merging for today.

Oh, but there's one
more thing we can merge.

Dude! What's wrong with you?
And that creepy laugh.

- Are you ready for this?
- I'm ready, Beast Boy.

Then here it goes.

The new Beast Boy-Starfire power move.

The flaming
spiked ball of the death!

Aah! Ow!

Ow, ow, ow!
I'm on fire, I'm on fire!

What happened to you?

Working on my new
power moves without you!

Speaking of...
where's Robin anyways?

I thought he was "merge obsessed."

- Well...
- Who cares.

I'm just glad that he's
not around for once.

Hey, Beast Boy.

What are you doing in there?

I moved in. It's the ultimate
merging of our powers.

I don't know, Robin. Do you
really think this is a good idea

for... for... for...

Power sneeze!

Huh? Huh?
Power sneeze!

That just ain't right.
That's disgusting.

A little. But together we can stop
every threat that comes our way.

Snack combo!

Eat. Eat. Eat.

Now, that's a mouthful.

Fashion combo.

Now, that's a fashion no-no.

Smooth move, bro.

- Robin.
- What's up, buddy?

Moving in was a big step.
And it was an awful step.

You need to get out of my body!

No way!
Together we're the ultimate superhero!

We can't give this up.

Yes, we can!
You're getting out! Now!

- What are you doing?
- Ow!

Oh, now it's on!


Quit punching yourself.
Why are you punching yourself?

Quit punching yourself.

Ow! Ow!

How are you doing that?

Wait, is that you? Is that you?

Oh, I'm so confused.

Ow! Ow! Ow!

- All right, break it up.
- Please, Robin, this is not the normal.

You have to stop.

We need you both back.

Not going to happen.

Dude, get him out of me!

- Out you go.
- Robin.

Time for some power moves!

Birdarang barrage.

What are you doing, Cy?

He's making me do power
moves against my will.

- Just knock him out already!
- And there's only one way to do that.

Ultimate Titans power move!

You did it, Beast Boy.
You saved me.

Well, Robin, do you have
anything to say for yourself?

was an amazing power move!

- You really liked it?
- I loved it!

It was so much fun combining
powers with my friends.

Yeah, it was pretty... epic.

Is there any way to add me in?

Dude! Yeah, sure.

Bring some of those birdarangs on board

and we can make it the ultimate
extreme Titan power move.

I like the sound of that.

A little help.
Anyone? Little help.

Could you... maybe put on the TV.
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