01x06 - The Date

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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01x06 - The Date

Post by bunniefuu »

Two, three, four, five.


Two, three, four, five.

Yes! Knew it!

- Ooh, what you got?
- Uh, nothing.

- What you got?
- Nothing.

- What you got?
- Nothing!

What you got?


- Come on, guys. That's mine.
- So, what is it?

It's one of those fortune-teller
games that the little kids play.

Ha, ha! Robin plays baby games!

Okay, yup. I'm a big baby.
Can I have it back now?

- No way.
- Not till we know our fortune!

You first, beasty. Pick a color.

- You know my color, bro!
- G-r-e-e-e-e-n.

What's my fortune?
What's my fortune?

Please be "millionaire."

"You will... marry Starfire?"

Well, it doesn't mean I
won't be a millionaire.

- Now can I get it back?
- Nope! My turn!

B-l-u-e. And my fortune is...

"you and Starfire will
have seven kids." What?

That's gonna be awkward since
I'm already marrying her.

These are strangely
Starfire-specific fortunes.

It's because the
fortunes are for me.

- Oh!
- Ooh!

Starfire does make you act a
little nuts, doesn't she?

There was something about
Starfire that made him nuts.

Not the kind of nuts that
put a knot in your stomach

or made you want to climb a mountaintop
to shout out your feelings.

No, the nuts that made you hear voices
in your head, voices like mine.

There's this new restaurant opening
tonight that she wants to try,

but I don't know how to ask.

- We can help you!
- Really?

Me and Cyborg have asked
out tons of girls.

- And they went out with you?
- No.

- Of course not.
- But we asked!

So, sit right there and
learn from the masters.

Please! Just go out with me!

If you say no, I don't know
if I could take it anymore!

Please! Please! Please!

Think this is the
wrong approach?

- Oh, please don't say no!
- I already love you though.

Just be yourself.

Just go out with me!

Hi, Starfire.

Hey, Starfire.

Hey, Starfire.

Hola, Starfire!



Yes, Robin?


Is this a game?

Thank you, Robin. Your
game was most enjoyable.

Uh, yes. Good times, huh?

Wait! Star, there...

There was something else.

You know, that new restaurant
is opening tonight,

uh, I thought maybe
you'd like to go.

I would love to!

- You would?
- Indeed!

But I cannot. Speedy has already
asked me to go with him.

- Speedy?
- How's it going, Robin?


Speedy had always been the
chief rival of Robin.

First as a sidekick,
then a hero,

And now for the affections of a
strange but endearing alien princess.

At that moment, Robin knew he
would do anything in his power

to stop Speedy from
winning over Starfire.

Even though reason said he
should be more concerned

with the voice he kept
hearing in his head.

This guy? Are you kidding?

How can you stand to
look at that face?

- I'm standing right here.
- Ugh! Not to mention that voice!

I have always felt you two share many
visual and auditory similarities.

Don't you get it, Star?
He's all wrong for you!

Is that not the purpose of the date?
To find out if one is compatible?

- Whoa! What's wrong?
- Speedy already asked her!

- Oh, bummer, dude.
- It's okay.

Are you sure you're okay?
You have that look again.

I have a plan.

- Why is Speedy tied to a chair?
- And in his underwear.

Speedy has a date with Starfire
tonight, and I'm going to keep it.

Something tells me
he's about to blow

any chance he has with
Starfire forever!

Just keep an eye on
him for me, okay?

Sorry, dude. We would never
do something like this.

Would you do it for
a Scooby Snack?

- Done and done!
- Oh, yeah!

What am I doing? Tying
Speedy up, taking his place?

I can't go through with this.

Finally, Robin had
come to his senses.

Though Starfire was his dream, he
could not compromise his conscience.

Hello, Speedy.

Yup! That's me! I'm Speedy!

- Have a seat!
- Why, thank you, Speedy!

I find your being a gentleman compatible
with several traits I possess.

Ha! Never gets old!

Okay, very funny, guys!

- Come on, let me go.
- No. - No.

- Let me go!
- No. - No.

- Let me go!
- No. - No.

- Let me go!
- Sorry, dude. Not till after the date.

- Okay.
- Thank you.

- Let me go.
- No. - No.

- Let me go.
- No. - No.

- Let me go!
- No. - No.

- Let me go!
- No. - No.

- Let me go!
- No. - No.

- Let me go!
- No. - No.

- Let me go!
- Oh! Kidnapping is so boring!

- You wanna get something to eat?
- What about him?

- Let me go!
- No. - No.

Hey, Rave. Will you
watch Speedy for us?

- Like a hawk.
- You're the best!

Exit's the other way.

Is this really
necessary, Speedy?

Totally! This is what I
do on all of my dates!

Oh! Score!

I am beginning to wish I declined your
invitation tonight in favor of Robin's.

Wait, but I thought you said Robin
and I were basically the same.

I was factually incorrect. You
have nothing in common with Robin!

- Goodbye, Speedy.
- Yes!

- No!
- Robin, what are you doing here?

That's what I wanted
to talk to you about.

It's time you learned the...

Excuse me.

I used to think your staff was
lame, but this is kinda fun!

I'll take these.

Are you okay, Robin? Speedy has
been acting quite strangely.

Yeah. I think he's a little...
You know?

He's not the one who's
hearing voices.

Don't make me come in there!

I learned something
important today, Robin.

Perhaps I have taken
you for granted.

You are the kindest,
most honest...

Robin had finally won Starfire over,
but at what cost, he wondered.

Yes, Robin was ashamed
of the way he acted,

but deep down, there was
still a good person.

He knew if he were to live with himself
tomorrow he'd have to come clean today.

So he did. He told
her everything.

And hearing his actions out of his
own mouth only made him feel worse.

His actions were just terrible!

You probably hate me, don't you?

- Robin, you did all that for me?
- I did! Does that mean you're...

You are out of your gourd!

That's what I've been
trying to tell him.

- Huh?
- I don't believe we've met.

I'm the voice in Robin's head.

- And I am...
- Absolutely stunning!

It is nice to meet you,
disembodied voice.

What do you say you and
me get out of here?

I would like that.

After you, my dear.

And what started as a chance encounter
between a voice and a girl,

would soon blossom into
the most wonderful...

Are you coming?

Uh, sorry. Be right there.
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