01x09 - Ghost Boy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teen Titans Go!". Aired: April 23, 2013 – present.*
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Animated series that follows the adventures of the young Titans: Beast Boy, Robin, Cyborg, Raven and Starfire.
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01x09 - Ghost Boy

Post by bunniefuu »

Nice try, Beast Boy.


If you're regurgitating owl
pellets into my cereal again,

I am not amused.


- Your wit never gets old.
- Aw!

You guys are no fun!

We're sick of you playing
pranks on us all the time.

And we're not gullible enough
to fall for them anyway.

Then it's a good thing
there's a Titan who is.

I can always count on Starfire.
I'm gonna scare her good.

Please, desist.

Stop it!

You will not take my
blood, evil vampire bug!

- Ow!
- Beast Boy?

Is that you in the
form of a mosquito?


Ow, you got me.

Oh! Hang on to your life force,

I will get help for you, friend.

No! It's too late.

Oh. I'm a goner.

Goodbye, cruel world.


By the Moons of Zenoglurb,
I have k*lled Beast Boy.


Beast Boy? You...
you are a ghost!

A ghost? Yeah. Yeah!
I'm a ghost.

Ah! Help!

I think this might be the
start of something beautiful.

Robin, Raven, Cyborg?

I have some particularly
bad tidings to share.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! Shh!

- I bid you not to tell them.
- You bid me?

Yeah! See, here on Earth, if
you accidently k*ll someone,

it's customary to do
whatever the ghost says.

I see. In that case,
I'm at your service.

What noble tasks shall
you assign to me?

How do I know which
clothes are dirty

and which one should go
back in the closets?

Sniff test. Just hold it
up to your nose and sniff.

Is it necessary to conduct this
test upon all of your clothing?

Only the ones on the floor.

As you wish.

Uh-oh! Someone's coming.

Starfire, why are you
sniffing Beast Boy's clothes?

- The truth is...
- Shh!

The truth is on my planet sniffing
dirty clothes is good luck.

Oh! How I enjoy this!

So lucky.

I told Robin an untruth and
it makes me feel dirty.

Speaking of dirty...
sniff. Sniff.

If you are a ghost. Why did
you hide under the bed?

Could you not have just
flown through a wall?

Here on Earth, you
need to be a ghost for

a few days before you
can fly through stuff.

One more thing...

It's been six hours since Beast
Boy tried to play a prank on us.

- What do you think he's up to?
- Probably no good.

- You look awful. What's the matter?
- I cannot tell you

because I have been sworn
to secrecy by a ghost.

- By a ghost, huh?
- Let me guess.

This ghost likes to eat
tofu and play video games?

I think Beast Boy is
playing a prank on you.


Clorbag Valblernek!

I'd say it's time we gave Beast
Boy a taste of his own medicine.

Whew! Must've overslept.
I feel stiff.

Hey, what's going on?

He was so young!

Indeed. It is not fair!

I'm gonna miss you my
Beasty little buddy!

At least he's in a
better place now.

Better place? Hello?
I'm right here.

I still can't believe he was
struck in his sleep by a meteor.

Very funny! I see
what's going on!

You guys are trying to
play a prank on me.

Did you hear something?

Okay, if I really was a ghost.
Would I be able to do this?

Well, I just got a
chill up my spine.

Oh no! I really am a ghost!

Whoa! He fell for it. Hock
light and weighty object.

And putting that spell
of transparency on him,

brilliant, Raven!

Quiet! He's coming back.

Hold up. I'm a ghost.

This means I can finally do what I
always wanted to do more than anything.

- Jump into a volcano.
- Jump into a volcano?

- What kind of dream is that?
- Awesome!

Wait, Beast Boy!

- Um, how long would that spell last?
- Not long enough.

Then we have to stop him before
he really does become a ghost.

Titans go!

Be careful team. Volcanoes
are super dangerous.

We're going to have to find Beast
Boy, before he gets to the top.

Look, over there.

Clearly, that's Beast Boy in
the form of a mountain lion.

- Yo! Beast dude!
- Ah! I don't think that's...

I was mistaken.
Definitely not Beast Boy.

- Are you okay?
- Yeah!

Just a few minor scrapes and...
Oh, my arm.

Oh no! Cyborg, you are a ghost?

- The irony.
- We can't let this stop us Titans.

We must keep going on
to rescue Beast Boy.

Well, this footing
is treacherous.

As an acrobatics' expert,
I have nothing to...

I got him. I got him.

Don't got him.


Guys, check it out!

I can fly. I finally
have a super power.

Whoo-hoo! Yeah! Yes!

Careful, there is still many
dangers on this volcano.

- Falling rocks, lava flows...
- Laser beams.

Laser what...

Where did that even come from?

On my planet, it is not uncommon

to be struck down by a stray
laser beam from outer space.

We have to keep moving.
Beast Boy needs us.

I'm beginning to think that we're paying
to high a price to save Beast Boy.

No price is ever too high when
it comes to doing what is right.

Easy for you to say.
You're still alive.

Why does it appear the
top is coming to us?

Rock slide!

- Oh, right, we're ghosts.
- Starfire!

As you can see Robin, rock
slides are of no concern to me.

Rebbel nibbits!

Well, now that we
are all ghosts,

we might as well just fly
through the volcano.

Oh, no! The spell's worn off.

One, two...

- Beast Boy! Stop!
- You are not really a ghost.

Ha, ha! Got you guys! I
wasn't going to jump.

I knew you guys were
pranking me the whole time.

We all just died
trying to save you.

Ah! I am so angry.
I could push you.

But you can't! 'Cause
you're a ghost.

Well, that was fun!

Now look who's a ghost.

This is not funny!

You are right. It is not funny!

It is hilarious!

So... what now?
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