Edge, The (1997)

Thriller/Mystery/Fantasy - Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.

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Random Movies that just don't fit anywhere else yet. Miscellaneous Movie Collection.
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Edge, The (1997)

Post by bunniefuu »

Charles, isn't this great?


Good afternoon.


Man, what wouldn't I do to get
my hands on her...

Get your hands on who?

The Challenger.
$20-million airplane.

What d'you think I was talking

Come along, Charles.

Charles, you coming?

Mr. Morse, your assistant asked
me to give you this.

Charles Morse, the billionaire?

My God, is that who you are?


Stuff everything into the back.

I've taken the liberty, sir...

of talking to the pilot of the

I've checked the engine log.

The plane seems to be in good

Good avionics.
The fella's been around.

I'm not advising to fly under
any low ceiling...

any possibility of bird-strike,
or ice.

What's a bird-strike?
Flocks of migrating birds.

If we hit them, we're all dead.
Yes, absolutely.

Especially, this time of the

Any, uh, questions, sir?

I'll have a chopper here, and
I'll fly you in and out myself.

No, I'm sure we will be fine.

You see, I've told you, we're
gonna have a good time.

When d'you think...

you'll require the plane back,

Uh, they want the film in New York...

in thirty-six hours, I'd say
8:00, tomorrow night.

Eight o'clock, tomorrow night.
Yes, sir.

Thank you.

Oh, no!

You can't handle this northern
weather, bro?

I'll be all right.
It's not your fault.

Hey, is that a new watch?

Yeah. Dual time zone.
Tells the time in two places.

What's... what, for?

So, if I'm in L.A. and I want to
know the time in New York...

I don't have to go through the
anguish of adding three.

Look there.

Right there.

So, you built this place with
your own hands?

Yes, ma'am.
Been building it all my life.

Okay, right this way, folks.

You don't have to worry about
keys, 'cause we got no locks.

Kitchen is always open.
You can fix whatever you like.

The bedrooms and outhouses
are upstairs.

Now, we want you to relax, kick
off your shoes...

and just get down-home comfortable.

Hey, Stephen.

This is what I'm talking about.

See? That's what I want for

an unsentimental photograph.

You know, to get a truly unself
conscious photograph...

you almost have to go all the
way back to the 19th century.

How old is that?

Took it last fall. That's Jack
Hawk, a friend of mine.

You took the photo?

I took the photo.
He took the bear.

And I'd be out hunting with him
right now...

if you folks weren't here...

and I had my r*fle sighted in.

Ah, you interested in books?

Yeah. Why can't you get your
r*fle sighted in?

Uh, what?

I said, why can't you get your
r*fle sighted in?

Oh, I need to rig up a bench

An ironing board makes a good
bench rest.

No disrespect... I'm surprised
you know what a bench rest is.

Charles knows what everything is.

Got a question, ask him.
Charles knows everything.

Take a mighty accomplished man
to claim that.

I didn't claim it, I don't claim

Then, you ask him.
You see if I'm wrong.

Bet you can't stump him.
Ah, I bet you I can.

I'll tell you what...

I will give you five dollars...

if you can tell me what's on
the other side of this blade.

It's a rabbit, smoking a pipe.


A rabbit smoking a pipe.
Well, well, well.

Why in the world would that
be, Charles?

Uh, it's a symbol of the Cree

On one side there's the panther...

on the other, his prey, the

He sits unafraid.
He smokes his pipe.

It's a traditional motif.

Why is he unafraid?

Because he's smarter than the

Sir... you impress me.

Thank you.

Amazing accomplishment.

No, it's not an accomplishment.
It's a freak.

Is that so?


I seem to retain all these

but putting them to any useful
purpose, is another matter.


Oh, hey, listen up, folks.

We got a problem with bears,
around here.

Now, never leave food uncovered,
even in the lodge.


You see a bear near you, stand

Let him know, that you know,
that he sees you.

And back up, hmm?
Real slow.

Anybody's in trouble, get my

I'll be on it, like a duck on
a June bug.

Now, make yourselves comfortable.

I think I'm going to bed.

Shut up!

Lord, I'm bushed.

New book?

Yes. It's about surviving in
the wilderness.

You're always reading something.

Yeah. My secretary gave it
to me. Do you know why?


D'you know why she gave me
the book?

That guy gave me the creeps with
all that talk about the bear.

Why she gave you the book?

Because you're the salt of
the earth.

Oh, is that so?

You're the most excellent man.
That's why I married you.

And you're the only woman I've
ever wanted.

Well, then... see what a lucky
guy you are?

Yes, I do.

This is a special day for me.
You know that?

I know it is. I'm really glad
you came away with us.

You got to get away more often.



Can you go downstairs and get
me a sandwich?

Yeah, okay.
Of course.

Did I ever tell you you're an


Everything, but the wings.

A sandwich.


Oh, my God.
Charles, are you all right?

Christ, Charles.
Charles, are you alright?

Jesus, I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.

Are you all right?

I'm fine.
Are you all right?

You sure?

Happy birthday, dear Charles...

Happy birthday.

So, you didn't forget...

I could never forget you.

I could never forget.
Come here, baby. Come here.

Yes, sir! Yes, sir.
A glass of champagne.

Champagne for Charles!

Thank you.
Thank you.

Blow out the candle, Charles.


May I have your attention,

Can I have your attention for
a moment, please?

Can I get serious for a moment?

Charles, thank you for your
good nature...

your intelligence, your generosity.


Uh, forgive us for this charade.

And in short, happy birthday.

Happy birthday, Charles.
Thank you.

To a good companion, a good
friend, and a good sport.

And a very brave man.

Hear, hear!


Thank you.


Oh, Mickey, that's beautiful.

There's an engraving inside.

What d'it say, Charles?
What d'it say?

It says, "To my beloved husband
on his birthday...

from the luckiest woman in
the world."


This is a superb present.
Thank you.

May you wear it in good health.

Here you go.
Here you go, you birthday boy.

Thank you.

What is it?

Oh, look at that!
Good knife.

It's beautiful.

Give him a coin. You got to
give the donor a coin.

Old superstition.

Ah, yes.
Thank you. Yeah.

Give him a coin?

Well, if someone gives you a

you should give them a coin
in return...

or it cuts the friendship.

Thank you, Bob.


Getting late. Work day tomorrow.
Let's pack it in.

Happy birthday, Charles.
Happy birthday.

Thanks. Thank you. Thank you.
Good night.

Come on.
Happy birthday, Charles.

Thank you.

Happy birthday to you.
Thank you.

Nice looking lady.
Your wife?

Why do you ask?

Just like to know who everybody is.

Hold on, it's flaring.
Got it!

Okay... and let's go.
Five, six.

All righty.

Really beautiful. Great.

Yeah, that's great.

Jenny, could you lift that up?

Are we on, here?
Stephen, give me the 180.

For me?
No, no. No, no, no.

Okay, great. One more.
Let's go.

We'll do one more roll.
One more roll.

Officer... shall I sunbathe on
this beach, nude?

Sorry, lady, it's against
the rules.

But I have a divine right.

Your left ain't bad, either,
but rules is rules.

Let's go.
Check it, please.

Huh... Kodiak bear.

Soon k*ll you, as look at you.

And the one's k*lled a man...

man-hunter for the rest of
his life.

Nothing he'd rather eat.
Got the taste of human flesh.

A man-k*lling machine.

...leave here today, so let's
get the boy shoes polished.

Can't find any shoe polish.

Do I need to walk you through
this whole thing?

No, the shoe... the shoes...
Scrap the shoes, for God's shake.

What the... what the... for God's
sakes, what is this?

Brain surgery?
It's a f*cking pair of shoes.

Now, let's get James down here.

Robert, he's sick!

He's sick, the shoes look like

and everything I ask you for...

This is lame.
This is really f*cking lame.

The inside of a banana peel
will shine shoes.

Come with me.
A fount of information.

Shine shoes with a banana.
You should know that.

He's sick, Bob.
James is sick.

Well, how sick is he?

He'd only have to get better,
to die.


That guy.

That guy. He's the guy for my

Excuse me, where is this guy?
He's your friend, right?

Where is he, this guy in this
photo? Where is he?

This is the guy we want, not
some f*cking model. This guy.

Where... where is he?

Ah, Jack Hawk?
Cabin up north, eighty miles.

Well, can we get to him?
Does he have a phone?

No phone, no radio. Any case,
he'll likely be out, hunting.

Well, then we'll just go and
find him. That's what we'll do.

Seems you can make a compass
out of a needle.

My God.
That's a new one on me.

You spend much time in the woods?

No, I'm afraid most of my
knowledge is theoretical.

Such a... perfect spot.

Such privilege.

It's a shame... everyone can't
enjoy it.


It is remote, and...

That's true. Now, you think
this spot is so remote...

that only the few can enjoy it,
but I got a plan.

I got a scheme to develop this

and I think that you could
appreciate it.

Now, no need, really, for you
to look at these...

'cause you can envision this...

better than these folks can

but I want you to look at
these figures.

Now, here's the interesting part.

For only thirty or forty million
dollars, you can...


I beg your pardon?

I thought for a moment, you were
just being courteous.

Well, what do you mean?

Nothing... nothing.

Hey, come on, come on, let's go
get him. We'll lose the light.

We lose the light at 4:18.

This is the guy we should've
been sh**ting, all along.

There is a guy that's got some
character in his face.


What's the matter?

Uh... no, it's nothing.

He's jaded.
That's what it is.

That's it.
I'm jaded.

Well, Charles, we're going on
an impromptu adventure.

You come, too.

Charles, on an adventure?

That's right.
I said it, you heard it.

What do you say, Charles?
We'll be back in two hours.

Why don't you go?

Get some air under your wings.

All right.

Yeah, okay.

Behold the mighty hunter.
Come on.


Aw, that's just great.

Our model's gone bear hunting.
How butch of him.

Where is he going?

Big Bass Lake, partner!

It's about 20 miles, northwest.

And we're left here taking a
picture of sweet Fanny Anne.

What do you say, Charles?

We, uh...

should we chance it?
Be careful.

Careful of what?

It's a deadfall.

What's a deadfall?
It's a pit to catch bears.

What are we being careful, of?

It's a pit, they covered up.
It's a bear pit.

So, what do you say?
Should we press on?

Should we be bold?

You really need to find this

I need to get that film on that

A good plan today, is better
than a perfect plan tomorrow.

That's absolutely right.
What do you say?

Okay, let's be bold.

Hey, there's the spirit that
beat the Japanese!

Weather coming in from the north.
Snow, maybe.

Can I tell you something, Charles?
Hmm? Yeah, if you like.

I admire the way you took that
joke, last night.

Handled it well.
Embarrassing moment.

I thought you handled it well.
Thank you.

Tough row to hoe, you think
about it.

What would that be?

Oh, all that money.


A lot of responsibility.

Never knowing who your friends

never knowing what people value
you, for.


Must be tough.

Never feel sorry for a man who
owns a plane.

So... what do you value me
for, Bob?

Well, I tell you what... I like
your style...

and I think your wife's pretty
cute, too.


So... how are you planning to
k*ll me?

Oh, f*ck! Hold on!
Oh, shit!

What's happening?
Oh, no! Jesus!


g*dd*mn it!
Look out!

Oh, God!


Get him!

Okay, get him up.
Get him up... get him up.

I got him.


Anyone got any matches?

Got any matches?

Help me up.

We'll make a fire, right here.
Make a fire.

That's better.

Come on.
Oh, God.

Come on.

Come on.
Come on.

That's it, come on.
Oh, God.

Oh, shit.

I'm cold.

Let's stop f*cking about, shall
we, and get the guy warm.

Hey, come on. We need those.
We need them.

Come on, Stephen, come on.
Come here.

I'm afraid I let the fire burn

We've only got a few flares

Shouldn't we keep them for

Now, what we need is, uh...

what we want is wood.

Quite a bit of it, for a signal

So, when they come for us,
they'll see the smoke.


Why would they come for us?

Well, they know we went to
the cabin.

When they go to the cabin,
they'll see the note.


I'm afraid we're in for a bit
of a walk.

What's that mean, "we're in
for a bit of a walk"?

Hey, what the f*ck does that
mean, huh, what?

I once read an interesting book.

It said that most people lost
in the wilds, they...

they die of shame.


See, they die of shame.
"What did I do wrong?"

"How could I have gotten myself
into this?"

And so they sit there, and
they... die.

Cause they didn't do the one

which would've saved their

And what is that, Charles?


Look... Steve, look.

All right, here's the lodge.

Here's the cabin where we were
supposed to have gone.

And this is where we did go...

through this pass, mountains,

Now, they'll be looking for us
in the south, all right?

If we can get back south of
this pass, by tonight...

we can use the flares.

How do we find it, in the woods?

Head south.

Alright, we head south.

How do we know which way is

Okay, uh...


point the hour hand at the sun.

Halfway between the hour hand
and 12:00, is south.

This is broken.
Give me your watch.

Mine's busted, too.

It's lost.

All right, I'll tell you.

Uh... the birds will be flying
south. We'll follow them.

And what if we can't see the

Hey, I'm sorry I got us into
this, okay?

Now, stop that!
Stop it!

Just stop it.

Where are you going?
Gonna make a compass.


Right. You take a needle, rub
it on silk, magnetize it.

And, uh...

here, place it on a leaf.

You have a compass.

A needle.
Who travels with a needle?



Ha ha!
Oh, shit.

You see?
It works.

It works.

That peak is south.

What if it isn't?

It is. Has no choice. It's drawn
by the Earth's magnetism.

I know how a compass works,

Good. Then you know.
That's south.

What do we do when we get to
that peak?

Take another sighting.

That doesn't feel south, Charles.

Just because you're lost, doesn't
mean to say...

that your compass is broken.
It is South.

Come on!

You know, the Vikings would steer
their ship with a rope.

A rope?
How'd they do that, Charles?

Well, they'd have these two
set points on the land...

they'd left behind, or sailed
away from...

and they'd line them up, and
that would be their bearing.

And then they'd trail this long
rope behind the ship...

pointing it at those two points.
The hill, or whatever.

You might want to conserve...

your breath.
Uh, what?

Oh, yeah.

We got to get through the pass
by nightfall.

Come on.

Hey, what are the odds that
they'll see us...

that they'll see the flares?

Damn fine, damn fine.

You think so?

I don't know if I think so, at

but I have to say so, in any
case, don't I?

City boy.


Is it my diseased imagination,
or did you say...

"How are you planning to
k*ll me?"

Did you say that?

What did that mean? Why would
I want to k*ll you, Charles?

Why would I wanna do that?

For my wife.

For Mickey?

That's a bizarre way to meet

I wanna k*ll you to get next to
your wife?

I've seen you with her.

Charles, baby...

we work together.

I've seen the way you are.

No offense, Charles, but I can
get my own girl...

if you've perhaps noticed in the
time we've known each other.

And P.S., you're kind of a powerful

Why would I want to antagonize
you, Charles?

Why would I want to do something
like that?

To get the money.


the money.

Now it's the broad, now it's
the boodle. Nothing is safe.

Rich man. All anybody wants is
to take something from you...

and when they want it bad
enough, to k*ll you.

You know something, Charles?
The rich are different.

Cherles, how far do you think
it is?

Can't be more than about ten

Aah, shit!

A stitch.
A stitch in my side.

Find a round stone.

Find a round stone.
Spit under it.

Old Indian remedy?

Yeah, that's right.

You think I'm a fool, don't you?

Do I think you're a fool?

Old Indian remedy.
Makes sense.

Fellow's got a stitch in his

make him slow down, find a
round stone...

take his mind off it, make him
stretch, bend over.

Nah, you think I'm a fool because
of what I said.

About what?
About my wife.

Ah, what you said about your

Well, what I think...

I think that you got a whole
stew, too much money...

uh... latent h*m*,
lots of other good stuff...


What we'll do, we'll all get
together, when we get back...

you and me and your wife, and
we'll all get into a hot tub...

and, um... bare our feelings,
and, uh...

Look, even if I wanted to k*ll
you, I need you to get home...

you f*cking idiot.

Needing people.
Isn't it a bitch?

Who are we talking about?
Talking 'bout Fannie Farmer.

The mother of level measurement,

Good to know you have a hero.
Oh, cheering up, are we?

Regaining our impertinent,
feisty demeanor, eh?

It's good of you to notice.

Knows all, tells all.
Shall we?


Listen, listen.

Come on.

Come on!

Charles, come on!

We'll never make it.
Now, then...

To this tree. Come on!
Hurry. Pull!

Steve, now! Pull!
Help me!

Come on.

One, two, three!




Come on!

Take it easy!

Keep coming!

Charles, go!

Take it easy, Charles.

Look out! Look out.
Come on!

Charles, it's okay.
You got it, Charles, come on!

Just keep coming!
Come on, Charles, come on!

Just keep coming, Charles.

Keep coming!


Charles! Shit!
Hang on!

Oh... Jesus!

Charles, hang on!
Hang on!


Hold on, Charles!

Charles, hang on!

You okay?

Come on, let's go.

Oh, God.

I lost the flares.

We better get by without them.

I've got, uh... six matches

We'll make a signal fire.

We'll make a signal fire.

We'll use a match.
The plane will see us.

Snap out of it, Charles.

It's gonna be fine, Charles.
Charles, it's gonna be fine.

Which way is it, Charles?
Which way?

It's up there.

Cone on, man, come on.

Oh, God!
Come on.

You okay?


You saved me.

Get over it, Charles.
I just need you to navigate.

You saved my life.

Well, I couldn't k*ll you with
Stephen around.

I'd have to k*ll him too, and
he's the only one that knows...

how I like my cofee.
Come on, you saved my life.

Buy me something nice, when
we get home.

How'd you like your coffee?

I like my coffee, like I like my

Bitter and murky.

I lost the bloody flares.

Hey, remember you told me why
people die in the woods?

Yeah, they die of shame.

Take a lesson from it.

We want to get up. Top of that
rise, high as possible...

let the plane see the fire.

Why would we even think they'll
come looking for us?

Our friend's a billionaire.

You know what happens when
you misplace one?

You make some story to tell,
when we get back home.


Quite a change from, "Oh, that
cab driver was so rude to me."

You see anything?


Come, let's go.

Oh, my God.

Oh, shit!

Okay, let's see...

Hey, maybe it was this.

Maybe it was the buckle that
threw it off.

What are we gonna do?

What are we going to do, okay?
We're going to die out here!

Nobody knows where we are...

and we don't know what the hell
we're doing, here!

What are we gonna do?
We're gonna die!

Nobody knows where we are.
We got nothing to eat!

All right, Steve.

look here.
This is what we're gonna do.

You see this?
Gonna make a spear, all right?

You... you want me to make a
f*cking spear?

Yeah. We need you to make one
for fishing.

Go on, take that.
Go on, take it!

Good. Fine.
Okay, you can do that.

They'll never find us.

They will find us, Steve.

And even if they don't, we're
gonna walk out of here.

You do as I say, now, okay?

I'm gonna make a fire.
Come on! Get on with it.

It's gonna be okay.

What is he gonna do, make a spear?

What, is he gonna fish for our

I wanted to give him something
to do, that's all.

Are they gonna come for us?
I mean...

you are an important guy, right?


Look, I'm talking to you!

What would you like to do, huh?
Should we lay down and die?

Should we lie down and die,

There's nobody here, but us.

I mean, have I missed something?

You're right.
You're right, I'm sorry.





Take your hands away.

Oh... oh, it's...

Take your hands away, take your
hands away.

Shit! What have I done?
What have I done...

Oh, shit...

It's deep.

I'm not gonna lose my leg!

It'll be all right.


Now, press down, both hands.
Put your hands, there.

Okay, okay...

Keep them there.

All right?


I'm gonna pull this tight, as
tight as you can take it, okay?

Alright, alright.


Bury this.

Start building the fire!

Okay, you're gonna be alright.

Is that all right?

Not too tight?

No, no, it's great.

Well... it's a clean cut.
It bled clean.

If we change the bandages

it should knit up fine.

Guess I'm no lumberjack.


ah, you're doing fine, Steve.
You're doing fine.

You know something?

You're all right.

Am I?

No, I mean it.
Very thoughtful man.

Thank you.
And I appreciate it.

It's my pleasure.

Now, are we getting out of here?

Yes, we are.
How are we getting out of here?


okay, you see this...

see that constellation, up there?

The big W.

Okay... try the right edge of
the W.

Points to the North Star.
The North Star is north.

Tomorrow, we walk south to
the river.

The river will take us home.

Its gonna work better than that


I hope so.

Why do people die in the woods,

They die of shame.


Puts things in perspective,
doesn't it?

What's that?

Out here. A little different
from the fashion world.

Little different from snorting
coke off the girls' hipbones.

In what way?

Charles, you know, you're
starting to loosen up.

You think so?

That's my report.



He's not that badly hurt.

Then, what are our chances,

when all is said and done?
I mean...

we can walk out of here and
we probably die...

or we can stay here, and he'll
certainly gonna die.

I think our chances are good.


They're better than good.

We know that that's north, and


I told you we had to bury those.

What difference does it make?

We have to get them down!

They put the smell of blood
in the air!

Hey, what?

I'm not gonna climb up the

in the middle of a g*dd*mn

We have to get it down!

Then you climb up the g*dd*mn

Give me a hand.
I'll get them down.

Oh, shit!

Oh, shit!
Oh, sh...

Aah! Whoa!
Oh, shit! Oh!

Charles, stay back!
Go away!


Charles, stay back!


For God's sake, Charles!

Come on, Charles!




Oh, God...

Come on!
Come on!

We navigate by the stars.

We travel by night, if there's
a moon.

Cause we can't live out the
winter, up here.

We find the river, and it'll
take us out.

They won't look for us this
far north?

We have to walk out.


What do we eat?

I'm working on it.

Aah, ha ha ha ha!


How about that?


Hey, is...

Hang on.

Come on!

Come on!




No! Wait!

Oh, God.

D'you know that you can make
fire from ice?

You can make fire from ice.

I'm talking to you.

Do you know how that could be
done? Bob?

Can you think?

You... moneyed folk, isn't it?

Isn't it?
Fire from ice. Can you think how?

Sit up there, drinks and golf,
screwing the maid...

but get you in an emergency...

and you bloom.

You make me sick, you know that?
You make me sick.

I'm sure I do.

You f*ckin' make me sick!

I mean, what puts you off?
Jews and taxes!

Fire from ice.
Can you think how?

I don't want to know, Charles!

You have anything you'd like
to live for? Hmm?

You know something?
You know something?

Maybe we were right to have
let people like you...

run this country all these

You're the only ones dense

I'm not dense, I just have no

Making a decision tree, is
that it?

That's it, Bob.

We can't think they'd come back?

No. You shouldn't think they'll
come back.

They've scouted this area, and
they'll move on.

All right.

All right.

Fire from ice.

Let's have it.

Ice, if you take it into your

can be molded into a lens...

which will concentrate sunlight
into fire.


I doubt we'll be reduced to
that, because, uh...

we still have the matches...

and I believe that's all we'll

Oh, Jesus.
Oh, Jesus.

Well, there's, uh... there's
fish, in there.

Well, what are we gonna use for

I mean, how are we gonna bait

Wouldn't you find that attractive?

I don't know.
I, uh...

It's gold.
The whole world longs for it.

I'm not in a very humorous
mood, Charles.

Come on.
Don't go native on me, Bob.

I'm sorry. I'm just tired.
I'm... very tired.

Why don't you rest... and gather
some wood?

Bob! He's a man-k*ller, been
following us the whole time.

He's stalking us.

Come on!

He's toying with us.

What are we going to do, Charles?


What, do I have a plan?

Am I supposed to have a plan?
You tell me.

We can't move.
It won't let us eat.

Well... we're going to starve,
up here.

What are we gonna do, Charles?

We're gonna k*ll him.

We get him to attack.
Spear, bait.

Induce a charge.
Bear charges, and rears.

As he falls, he impales himself
on the spear.

Same principle as the deadfall.
Use his own weight to k*ll him.

What are we gonna use to bait
him, Charles?

We lure him.

We lure him!

You know... Masai boys in Africa,
eleven years old...

they k*ll lions with spears.

How do we... "lure" him?

Eleven-year-old boys k*ll a

Did you know that Indian boys
used to run up to the bear...

and slap him...

count coup on him, as a test
of manhood?

No, no, Charles.
How are WE going to lure him?



We'll have to distract him,
of course.

We'll have to distract him and
trap him, but it can be done.

Do you believe it, Bob?
You believe it?

I don't know, Charles.

I don't think it'll work, Charles.
It will work!


It will work. What one man can
do, another can do.

You can't k*ll the bear, Charles.

He's ahead of us all the time,
it's like he's reading our minds.

He's stalking us, for God's
sakes! He...

You want to die out here, huh?

Well, then die.
But I tell you what...

I'm not gonna die. No, sirree.
I'm not gonna die.

No, I'm gonna k*ll the bear.

Say it, "I'm gonna k*ll the

Say it. "I'm gonna k*ll the bear."
Say it!

Say "I'm gonna k*ll the bear!"

Say it!

I'm gonna k*ll the bear.
Say it again!

I'm gonna k*ll the bear.
And again!

I'm gonna k*ll the bear!

Good. What one man can do,
another can do.

What one man can do, another
can do.

Say it again!

What one man can do, another
can do!

And again!
What one man can do...

another can do!

You're g*dd*mn right.

'Cause today... I'm a-gonna
k*ll the m*therf*cker.

Come on...

Come on...


Run, run!

Come on.

Come on!
All right.


Come on, you son of a bitch!


Get him in the neck, Charles!


Over here!
Come on! Come on!

Come on, you son of a bitch!

Look out. Look out!
Look out!

Come on!


Come on!



Come and get me!
Get me! Come and get...

Come on!

Come on! Come on!
Come on, you son of a bitch!

Get me, you m*therf*cker!
Come and get me!


Come and get me!

Come on! Come on, get me!
Come on, get me!

Look out!

Charles, look out!




Wish we had some salt.

You know, you can... you can
season meat with gunpowder.

Did you know that?

Wish we had some gunpowder.

I don't suppose you made one
for me?



What do you think?
Oh, yeah.

What's the matter, Charles?


No, really.

All my life, I wanted to do
something that was...

that was unequivocal.

Well, Charlie, I certainly
think this qualifies.

Yeah, it's something.

See, Charles, that's why they
call it "personal growth."

A month ago, old Smokey here
would've reared up...

and you probably would've
called your lawyer.

Nah. I wouldn't do that to
an animal.


So, I said...


I said, "If this is my life,
then, this is my life."

But you can change your life.

That's what I'm telling you.

Is that true?

Well, why wouldn't it be true?

Because I never knew anybody who
did actually change their lives.

I tell you what...

I'm going to start my life over.


You'd be the first.


No one's been here for quite
a while.

What do you make of it?
Yeah, look, if we're here...

I'd say that canoe's gonna take
us right out.

You know what we got to do?

Find out if that canoe really


Hey, it floats!


Cup of tea?


Ain't got that fire lit, yet?

Drinking the other fellow's

Get back... I'll send him a

Send him a check.

Hell of an adventure, eh, Charles?

Yeah, wasn't it?

You know...

I ought to tell you...

if I had my camera out here,
I would've made my fortune.

Made my fortune.

That thing's busted to shit,
ain't it?

It still has some... sentimental

I suppose it does.

Can I see your watch, Bob?

My watch?

Don't work.
I told you. Busted.

I know it's... I know it doesn't
work, but can I see it?

New, when we left.

Just a piece of junk, now.

What's the matter, Bob?
Can't do it sober?


I suppose you don't need me

You can find your own way out
of here, without me.

Well, you had no business with
that broad, anyway.

You know you don't.

You know that you don't, Charles.
I mean...

hey, hey, hey...

look at her.
Why did she go with you?

Why in the hell did she go
with you?

Your money, for the love of God.
Everyone in the world knew that.

Are you nuts?

You went through the airport
with her...

everyone that saw you said
"There goes a guy with a plane."

"There goes a guy with a plane..."

Say it was tough luck, Charles.
That's what you drew, this time.


That's right.


"For all the nights."

How touching.

Why t*rture yourself?

It's over, now.

Let's go outside.

Just tell me this one thing.

Was it from the first, you and
my wife?

Was it from the first, Bob?

Come on, Charles.

Ah... is that an indelicate

Come on, Charles.
Done is done.

Well, I'm dying, so... what
difference does it make?

Why is that so important to
you, Charles?

I love her.

I'm sorry.
It's time.

Don't do it, Bob.
You live in a dream world, Charles.

You always have.

Now, turn your back.

I'm telling you, you don't have
to do it.

The hell I don't.
You know that I do.

What the f*ck are you thinking?
Now, turn your back, Charles...

and I don't want to hear any
more of your g*dd*mn nonsense.

I don't want to hear it!

How close we've become, and
how this, and how that...

You stupid son of a bitch.

You'd have died out here if not
for me, with all your wealth!

You understand me?
I said turn your g*dd*mn back!

Bob, listen to me.
Don't go any further, Charles.

I said, turn your back.


You know, life is a short thing,
Charles, full of betrayal.

In many ways, you're well out
of it.

Charles, don't!

be careful of the deadfall.

Oh, God, Charles.
Oh, God!

Oh, God, I think I've broken

I think I've broken my leg,

Oh, God, Charles!

God. Oh, my God.
Oh, God...

Oh, God, Charles, no.

All right.

Now, try and lie still.

All right.

All right.


Okay, Bob.

I'll take a look and see... see
what's wrong.

I don't feel very well, Charles.
Take a shot of this.

All right.

I'm just gonna... just gonna
take... a look, here.

Alright, hold on.

I suppose I only have so much
of that in me, huh?


Charles, what is it?
What is it, Charles?

You know, I... I don't feel

I can't say that I feel very
well at all, Charles.

Hell of a guy. Hell of a guy.
I never told you that.

f*cking sh*thole of a world,
eh, Charles?


sh*thole of a world.


I need you to...

I need you to put pressure
on it.








We're going to get you out of
here, okay?

Hell of a way to end an outing,
eh, Charles?

You're gonna be fine.

It must be quite a thing...

quite a thing... to have so much.

Everybody... wants something
from you...

Everybody depending on you.

Don't talk so much.

They're so pushy.

Why don't you save your energy?

I... I don't really feel quite
100 percent, Charles.

I'm going to take us into shore...

light us a fire, keep you warm.


Why would you save a piece of
shit like me?

Uh, let's say it's a challenge.

The sporting aspect of it, eh?

No. I know what it is.

You never had a buddy.
That's the thing, isn't it?

That's right.

Now I'm your pet project.

I'm your hobby farm, eh, Charles?

Whatever you say, Bob.

The guy who tried to k*ll you.
That's terrific, Charles.

Nah, you wouldn't have done it.

Yes, I would have, you stupid
son of a bitch.

Yes, I would.

Well, then... you would.

What will you do when you get
back, Charles?

Ah, it's not important.

It is important to me.

I may not go back.

What do you mean, you may not
go back?

Of course you'll go back.

To what?

Nah, I don't feel sorry for
you, Charles.

Never feel sorry for a man that
owns a plane.

Come on. Hold on.
Hold on.

I'll get us out of here.

Huh, bullshit.

Hey... I'm dying.

I'm dying, and I never did a
g*dd*mn thing.

But, wait.

Charles, I got to tell you.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, what I did.

And your wife, Charles...
Listen to me, Charles.

She was never in on it, this

Doing you, in.

I swear it on my life, Charles.


Thanks. Very kind of you to
say so, Bob.

Never too late for a kind gesture,
eh, Charles?

Don't die on me, Bob.

Don't tell me what to do.

Hold on!

We're getting out of here!


Over here!

Over here!



Over here!





Why is the rabbit unafraid?

'Cause he's smarter than the


Mr. Morse!
Mr. Morse?

Mr. Morse, Channel 9 News.
Can we get a statement, sir?

Hey, hold back.
Give the man some space.

Mr. Morse?
Mr. Morse?

Mrs. Morse?

Mrs. Morse, how did you feel
during your husband's ordeal?


we're all put to the test...

but it never comes in the form,
or at the...

point we would prefer, does it?

Mr. Morse, the other men, your

My friends...

What happened to them?

How did they die, sir?

They died...

saving my life.
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