06x12 - Vicky Gets Fired/Chindred Spirits

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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06x12 - Vicky Gets Fired/Chindred Spirits

Post by bunniefuu »

[Men and women] ♪ timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky always giving him commands ♪

Bed, twerp!

[Men and women] ♪ the doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ 'Cause in reality

♪ They are his oddparents

♪ Fairly oddparents

Wands and wings.

Float-y crown-y things.

[Men and women] ♪ oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice,

Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake!

[Men and women] ♪ oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you are the kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents

[Vicky] yeah, right.

Mom, dad, I'm home.

[Span][mr. Turner] [span] cut![/Span][/span]

I need real--real!

I know I'll regret this, but what's going on?

Your mother and I are filming

Our normal, uneventful daily lives

And entering a reality tv contest.

Hit it, honey!

I am preparing to fix real dinner for my real family

The same, uneventful way I always do.


Once tv executives see how real we are,

They'll give us our own show.

We'll be famous...

And real.

And real famous.

Come on, honey.

Let's film each other being real out in public

On our alpacas.


[Alpacas lowing]

Do...not...mess... With...this...tape!

Come, loincloth men!

Ooh, I've always wanted to say that.

[Alpaca lowing]

[Feet trampling]

[Alpaca lowing]

We're so going to win this contest,

And vicky is so going to baby-sit.

Giddyap![Alpaca lowing]

Guess what, twerp.

It's game night.

[Thunder crashes]

So what do you want to play, checkers or dungeon?


Dungeon it is.


Hey, timmy, what ya doing,

Hanging out?


I'm on fire today.


Ah, I really am on fire! Ah!

Sorry you're stuck with vicky again, sport.

For once, I'm not.


Mom and dad are filming everything

For their dumb contest.

So now they'll finally catch vicky

In the act of being evil and fire her.

In fact, I wish they were home watching their tape right now.


I don't remember the alpacas bringing us home.

Well, as long as we're here,

Let's see how real our house was while we were gone.


Welcome to the matinee performance of...

Vicky gets fired.

[Laughs maniacally]

Timmy playing dungeon with vicky, boring.


Gak! What?


[Toilet flushes]



I don't believe it.

Ugh, finally.

I know; those toilets have never looked so clean.

Vicky's amazing.

Thankfully I anticipated

My parents being dumber than an alpaca.

Fast forward to plan "b."

Now, time to relax and record the dungeon channel

So I can brush up on my t*rture skills for later.

Vicky, whatever you do, don't use my mom and dad's video

Labeled "reality contest" to record your show.

Don't tell me what to do, twerp-sicle.

I'm the boss here.

[Woman] tonight on the dungeon channel:

t*rture chamber makeover.

[Woman screams]

[Both gasp]

Okay, twerp, say good-bye to your--

Mr. And mrs. Turner.

[Saws buzzing]


Vicky, we trusted you with something we hold very dear,

The most important thing in our lives, and you erased it.

Timmy, can you ever forgive us for leaving you

With this tape-erasing monster?

I could...maybe...if you...

Oh, I don't know,

Fired vicky!


Vicky, you may clean a mean toilet

And keep a tidy dungeon, but--

[Span][mr. And mrs. Turner] [span] you're fired![/Span][/span]



Loincloth men, take her away.

No, wait, I love this job.

I was set up.

It wasn't my fault.

There were locusts and a flood.

I blame global warming!

Timmy, we're going to need more footage of us being real,

So it looks like you're suddenly old enough

To be left home alone.

[Both] yee-haw!

[All] whoo-hoo!

[Span][vicky] [span] who cares [span] about that dumb job?[/Span][/span][/span]

I don't need the twerp.

A person with my sensibilities, people skills,

And flaming t*rture tools can get work anywhere.

Look out, working world, here comes vicky.

[Laughing maniacally]

[All screaming]

What, you've never seen a fire-breathing bear before?


Vicky, you're fired.


[All screaming]

Getting shot out of a cannon is too a gymnastic exercise.

Vicky, you're fired,




City hall?

Hey, I'm good with controlling people and giving orders.

I bet I could get a job here, whether they want me or not.

Vicky, what are you doing here?

Mayor, I want a job.

Sorry, we're not hiring.


Maybe these pictures of you at

The "goat, the other white meat" convention

Will change your mind.

[Dramatic music]


Chompy, stop!

That could be any gorgeous mayor eating goat chops.


Chompy, stop, I love you!

[Span][woman] [span] mr. Mayor, [span] you have a call.[/Span][/span][/span]

Um, he just ran out--

I mean, resigned.

This is the new mayor speaking, and my first order of business

Is to turn dimmsdale into vickyland.



Chompy, I swear-- I'm a vegetarian!

[Tongue lolling]

Betsy, get me the status report.

[Span][betsy over intercom] [span] the people are enslaved,[/span][/span]

[Span]the giant dungeon's [span] almost finished,[/span][/span]

[Span]and you have an evil laugh [span] scheduled for right now.[/Span][/span]

Oh, right.[Watch beeping]

[Laughing evilly]

Man, that feels good. Okay.

Now, order me some more ape troopers,

'Cause I'm not going to be happy

Until everyone in vickyland is unhappy.

Whoo-hoo, I am so not unhappy!

Being vicky-free and home alone rocks.

And rolls.

[All screaming and laughing]

How was school today, jenson?

You aced your math test, sir.

Don't knock yourself out, jenson.

Just get me into the sixth grade.

Very good, sir.

Now, let's all take a break

And inhale the sweet scent of my world with no more vicky.

[Screaming and explosions]

[All coughing]


No-more-vicky world

Doesn't smell as good as I thought it would.

Those horse-riding apes don't smell so great either.

Mayor, what's going on?

Without a babysitting job,

Vicky became dimmsdale's evil mayor who laughs evilly

A lot!

And worse, she's shredded the precious fabric

That bonds man and goat.

[Man screaming]

Hey, you're that dude from the other white meat convention.


Those photos were faked!


Wow, it never occurred to me that if vicky got fired

She'd be free to destroy everyone else's lives.

We have to do something.

I'm thinking we stop her with ancient

Fire-breathing battle rhinos and a loinclothed warrior army.

Wait, shouldn't wanda be the old battle axe?


I'm on fire again.


All right, guys, let's get vicky fired one more time.


[Span][betsy over intercom] [span] your evilness,[/span][/span]

[Span]a bucktoothed kid is amassing [span] a small rhino-riding battalion[/span][/span]

[Span]of loinclothed men [span] to dethrone you.[/Span][/span]

[Span][vicky] [span] so he is.[/Span][/span]

[Span]time to fire the twerp [span] from life.[/Span][/span]


Thanks, betsy, you can go home.

Have a nice weekend.

[Dramatic music]

[Fire crackling]

This really is beyond my job description, sir.

Don't sweat it, jenson.

This battle will take two minutes tops.


You were close; the battle only took a minute, .

See, jenson?

Have I ever lied to you?

Well, well, well, looks like it's game time again.

Should we play checkers or executioner?

[Laughs goofily]


Wrong again, ha!

I bet you wish you never had me fired, don't ya, twerp?


Yep, I wish you were fired from being mayor.





I don't get it-- vicky's president now?

What's going on?

You must have hit a ripple in the time-wish continuum.

Try again.

I wish vicky wasn't the president.





Oh, come on, supreme evil overlord?

I think she prefers:

"Dark empress of everything that 'breaths.'"

There's no job vicky can get

That doesn't ultimately end with her destroying the world.

Yes, there is.

There's one job vicky can have

That won't lead to world destruction.


No, timmy, you don't mean--

I wish vicky was my babysitter again!

Well, we lost the reality contest,

But we've entered a new one--

Dancing with the cars!

It's where we dance in the street,

And the last couple still standing wins.

[Span][mr. Turner] [span] have fun,[/span][/span]

"Babysitter I could have sworn we fired

"But for some reason we again trust completely

[Span]"with everything [span] we hold near and dear.[/Span][/span]

Oh, and with timmy too."

[Crash, siren wailing]

Hello, twerp.

Wanna play a game?

That was very generous, timmy, sacrificing your happiness--

And the roller coasters.

To save the world.

As long as I have you guys around,

I guess I don't mind putting up with vicky.

[Train horn blaring]


I should like a raise, sir.

You'll get it, jenson; you'll get it.

Chompy, I love you!

Guys, guess what time it is.

Oh, I know, it's snow cone time.

No, no, wait, it's hammer time.

[Dance music]


Don't tell me, it's time to scratch that embarrassing itch.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, that's it, baby.

Even better.

It's time to wish up the latest crimson chin comic.



The crimson chin battles the blues.



[Span][timmy] [span] sob?[/Span][/span]


Empty bowls of ice cream?

[Span]this issue is just the chin [span] in bed all day.[/Span][/span]

Maybe he's just weary from all that exciting fighting

He's done lately.

I doubt it.

He hasn't done any fighting lately.


"The chin versus that empty feeling"?

"The chin fights back the tears"?

I want my hero brawling, not bawling,

And we're gonna fix it.

I wish I was cleft, the boy chin wonder,

And you were my sidekicks and we were in chincinatti.



[Span][cosmo] [span] look, it's puppy poof,[/span][/span]

[Span]the newest [span] crime-fighting canine[/span][/span]

[Span]to take chincinatti by storm.[/Span]

To the cave of chin-itude!


[Hawk shrieking]


Cleft, did you ever notice everything has a pair?

[Span]your one bucktooth has [span] that other bucktooth.[/Span][/span]

[Span]clefto has his ace-- [span] look, now they have a puppy.[/Span][/span]

Everybody's got love but me.


Wow, he's a mess.

Ha ha!

It is i, the bronze kneecap, and I've stolen lots of money,

And I defy you, crimson chin, to try and stop me.

Here's your chance, chin.

You're being defied.

It's time to stop crying and start fighting.


Jumpin' jawlines!

A response to my online personal ad.

Chin away!


Online personal ad?

Letting kneecap off the hook?

What's going on?

He lets me go all the time now.

Did you know I don't even need this money?

I'm loaded.

[Metallic clanging]

Don't worry, he's gonna fight crime.

Clefto, ace, and poof away!


A bistro? You're in a bistro?

Where's the action, the fighting,

And why are you dressed like that?

I told her I'd be the one wearing the cool super-suit

With a white hat and holding a single red rose.

Told who, a galactic she-villain

Who's about to walk into your trap of justice?

No, my date.

Her online i.d. Is water lily .

Isn't that lovely?


Water lily? More like water snake!

That's holga, your archenemy!

Shattering chinchillas, this is terrible!

Wait, I have an idea.

Uh, hey.

Sorry, but you're too young for me,

But call me when you have driver's licenses.

Blind dates?

The chin needs to find villains and fight off evil.

But, timmy, isn't it obvious?

He wants to find love and fight off loneliness.

Yeah, yeah, which is pathetic, but if we can help him find it,

Then he can stop looking and start fighting.

That could work

Or fail and make things worse like you usually do.

Hammer time!


I wish the chin would find the love of his life.



I, the bronze kneecap, don't even need this,

But I defy anyone to defy me, anyone!

[Span][timmy] [span] halt, knee jerk![/Span][/span]

To add to my defiance,

I've cleft-napped the crimson chin's bucktoothed sidekick!

Now defy me, please!

I'm bored!

Hey, who's the new girl?

The name is golden locks, villain.

The heroine from harrisburg: single and loves kids.

You're cute.

And you're going down.

Finally, some action around here.

[Rockets whooshing]

Activate helmet hair!

My conditioner moisturizes and protects.


Now, let's set...

And dry.

[Hair dryer whirring]



Chin-a-mee cricket!

You were hair-ific!

My golden locks go straight to my heart of gold,

And that heart beats for the safety of all children.


[Span][crimson chin] [span] will you...[/Span][/span]

Fight crime...with me?

You bet your lockjaw of love I will.


I love happy endings.

I wish we were home.


Now I wish I had next month's

Action-packed crimson chin comic.

One action-packed comic book from the future coming up.

The crimson chin and golden locks in:

[Span]the getaway.[/Span]

Sweet, they must be chasing an ultimate villain.

Why are they picnicking on the beach?

That's not action-y.

This dynamic duo isn't stopping bad guys from getting away,

They're on a romantic getaway.

Diamond engagement rings?

This is the best comic ever.

Look, there's a key lime pie recipe on the back.

This is bad.

I wish I was back in chincinatti.

If the chin gets married,

He might never make another action-packed comic again!


I want action, not fatal attraction.

I wish golden locks wasn't in the comic anymore.


Let me guess, true love, right?


Then I wish golden locks into a supervillain so evil

That the chin will have no choice

But to break up with her.




Citizens of chincinatti,

I have come to destroy you.

Awesome, static electricity hair powers!



Golden locks, I have a surprise for you--

Holy overbites!

And I have a surprise for you.

I'm not your golden girl anymore.

I'm the hair razor!

Extra hold powers, go!


I've stolen all of chincinatti's hair care products and stylists.

You will all wake up to unmanageable hair

[Span]and split ends.[/Span]

[All gasp]




We're all gonna look like freaksss!

Release those shampoos, gels, and flamboyant stylists,

Or I'll wash, rinse, and repeat with justice!


Now taste my hairpins of doom!

Snip! Snip! Snip!


I know you're in there goldie.

Break free of this evil facade and be mine.

Sorry, crimson chump,

But her golden heart is under my lock and key.

Then I'll break her free.


Oh, by the way,

I always hated your chinny-chin-chin.


Chin, what happened?

She didn't even hit you!

No, but she's broken my heart.

I can't go on, cleft. I surrender.

Yes, I will rule chincinatti.

I love being evil!




I should have never messed with chin's heart and true love.


And I'm a selfish, comic-book-action-loving jerk,

But not anymore.

I wish the hair razor was golden locks again.


Oh, what now?

She's truly in love with her evil self.

That's the greatest love of all.

[Span][timmy] [span] but the hair razor said[/span][/span]

[Span]she had goldie's golden heart [span] locked up.[/Span][/span]

So we'll unlock it.

With what?

The power of love.

Chin, throw me off the building.

And no matter what I say, none of you are to save me.

Chin, I know this goes against everything you know,

But you have to throw me off--


I changed my mind.

Wanda, parachute now!

No, no, remember what he said.

Golden locks, help!

You said your heart of gold beat for the safety of children!

Well, check it out!

Kid not safe here!

The hair razor's heart is stone-cold

And doesn't care about punks plummeting to their doom.

Save me, please!

I'm a kid in danger!

No, I will never!


I'll save that falling child!


Nice catch, and speaking of nice catches,

Here comes the chin.

Oh, chinny,

Deep in my heart, your chin had left a permanent mark.

Let's never fight again.

[All] aww.

You okay with this lovey-dovey stuff, sport?

If the chin's happy, I'm happy.

Goldie, won't you be mine forever?

Are you nuts?

I could never marry a guy who throws kids off buildings.

But we can still be friends.

Golden locks away!

It hurts so bad!


I guess it's back to the personal ads.

So who answered the ad this time?

Today we're looking for the bronze and the beautiful .

[Door opens]


Okay, you're me again, bye!


And now you're him, bye.

Eh, works for me.
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