05x12 - Big Wanda/Mooooving Day

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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05x12 - Big Wanda/Mooooving Day

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky always giving him commands ♪

Bed, twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ 'Cause in reality

♪ They are his oddparents

♪ Fairly oddparents

Wands and wings!

Floaty, crowny things!

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

♪ Obtuse rubber goose ♪

♪ Green moose, guava juice ♪

♪ Giant snake, birthday cake ♪

♪ Large fries, chocolate shake! ♪

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you are the kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents!

Yeah, right.


Timmy, why so thirsty?

I'm in training to win the big burp off next week,

So I had cosmo poof me up some fizzy juice!

All the nutrition of juice,

And all the fun of fizz!


Cosmo, where is the fizz coming from?

Where it usually does.

Your cooking.


[Door opens]




It tickles!

You know, timmy,

When your mom sighs like that,

It's because something's wrong.

Or it's because she knows

A hunky bottle of soda when she sees one.

Well, as long as there's food

And toilet paper in the house,

It really doesn't concern me.

[Timmy's voice] gee, mom, you seem upset.

What's wrong?

Anything I can help with?

Oh, I haven't sold a house in months.

I've lost my magic sales touch I guess.

And not even this giggling bottle of fizzy juice

Can cheer me up.

Oh, but I'm so sweet, frothy, and hunky.

Hey, maybe, i-- you're loving son timmy--

Could do something to get your magic sales touch back

And make you happy.

Oh, I wish.

Why am I moping?

If I get back out there,

I bet I could sell anything!


I am such a giver.

Aagh! Kenny! Sally!

What?! Are you too good to talk to the condiments?

And now to put my new-found confidence to the test.


I'll buy it!

I got my magic sales touch back!

[Dad's voice] gee, honey, how was your day?

I sold houses today...

Including ours.


Both: bad!

You sold our house?

You can't do that!

I just planted a new marmleberry tree,

And it's in bloom!

Say, nice marmleberry tree, turner.

Where will we live, woman?


I did so well,

We can now afford to live here.

On this piece of paper?!

Are you mad, woman?


Here, in beautiful, new,

Exclusive dimmadome acres.

Let me see that.

Ooh! They have a golf course!

Let's get out of this dump!

[Tires squeal]

Mom: this is it,

Beautiful dimmadome acres!

Where everyone is just like you.

Dad: ooh! Tennis!

Ooh! Swimming!

All: ooh!

Dad: ooh! Golf!

Ooh! Waving people!

Ooh! Creepy smiles!

Here we are, our new home--

I think.

It's so hard to tell

When every house looks the same.

And the best part,

No dinkleberg!

Man: hello there, new neighbor.


The name's darlington.

Care to come over for some

Delicious dimmadome farms bottled milk?

Delicious? Milk?

Curse you, darlington!

You found my weakness.



Chester, a.j.

You live here, too?


Everybody's buying houses

In dimmadome acres.

We were just going to ride

Our free dimmadome acres motorized scooters.

Join us, timmy.


It comes with a helmet

And a free bottle of dimmadome farms milk.

Both: if it's not from dimmadome farms,

It's just milk.


I don't know, timmy.

Something seems very wrong.

Yeah! How'd chester get in here?

You're right, wanda.

Chester and a.j. Are acting totally weird.

But, on the other hand,

I got a free scooter!

[Both scream]

[Vroom, vroom]


Hey! What gives?

All scooters go the same pre-approved speed--

A very safe two miles per hour.

Why two miles an hour?

Both: you'll spill your milk.



Nothing says "home, sweet home,"

Like a new marmleberry tree.

Dad: honey, you should not have.

Oh, it was nothing. I--


And I mean that literally.

This horrid tree was making our house

Unlike all the other houses.


Well, my screams of terror

Did leave me parched.

Dad, what happened to your tree?

I had to get rid of it.

It did not fit in,

Like your hat,

Or your teeth.

You're different.

I don't like where this is going.

All: drink your milk, timmy.

Don't be different.

Drink your milk.

Dad: milk!

After him!

Cosmo, wanda!

Something about this place is making everybody zombies.

I wish we were--

Your mom thought we would be happier

If we were swimming in cool, refreshing,

Dimmadome farms milk, timmy.

Wouldn't you like some cool,

Refreshing dimmadome farms milk?


I brought you some milk.

I gotta get out of here!


Well, we made it to the door.

Oh, no!

Many: timmy!


Drink your milk, timmy.

Oh, man.

I'm trapped.

Cosmo and wanda are mindless zombies.

Unless something incredible convenient occurs,

I'm doomed!


I mean, hooray!


Timmy: huh?

A secret underground dairy factory.

Mom, dad, everyone!

They've all been turned into

Cow-yanking zombies!

Man: now, that's the best kind of zombie there is.


Doug dimmadome?

That's right, I'm doug dimmadome,

Owner of the dimmsdale dimmadome

And developer of dimmadome acres.

What have you done, doug dimmadome,

Developer of dimmadome acres?

Why, I've done the impossible.

I've harnessed an endless pool

Of cheap milk-yanking labor,

And made people happy and well-dressed to boot.

Do these stomachs make me look fat?


Some might say it's wrong to use

Genetically modified milk to enslave folks' minds.

They would? They would.

But more milk means more mind control.

And more mind control means more money.

More money?

More money!

Plus, I get to force 'em to live

In my new chain of happy planned communities.

Planned communities?

Planned communities.

It's good business sense, son.

And with this last batch,

I got enough contented cow milk

To keep everybody happy here forever.

Forever? But I'll miss the burp off!

Now, son, be a good boy,

And drink up.

All: do it.

Do it!

Both: moo it.

Moo it!

Fairies! Fairies!

I'm sunk.

I don't have cosmo and wanda's magic

To get me out of this one.

Or do i?

I'll never drink your milk, doug dimmadome!

What a baby!

I mean, aw, shucks.

It's enough to bring a tear to your eye.

Well, your eye or my eye.

Everyone else is a mindless zombie, of course.


All righty then.

Prepare to be cow-yanked to oblivion.


What in tarnation?

What am I doing in this field?


Mr. Dimmadome's right!

We shouldn't be in the middle of this field,

We should get home.

There's cows here!

But where are we going to go?

Why, we...

We sold our houses to move to dimmadome acres.


We all need houses.

But who can sell us brand new houses

In one day?

Grab your checkbooks and follow me.


It's only a matter of time

Before everything's back to normal.

Which means there's only one last thing to do.

Mayor: and now, our final contestant for the burp off.

Baa. [Burp]

Chompy, you had your chance.

Timmy turner!


The winner!





All: hooray!

I'm so proud of him.

Hey! Next week, there's a farting contest.

You should start cooking.

Dad: milk!


You talking to me?


Are you talking to me?


Mr. Nay nay!

You are the comfiest horse-head pillow ever.

Fettuccini alfredo!

What is happening here?!

Wanda: oh, no!

My daddy's been fairy-napped.

And so has mr. Nay nay,

The comfiest pillow ever!


Oh, sorry.

I was doing something.

Give me a second.


[Flatly] oh, no, wanda.

Can I do anything to help?

Please say no! Please say no!

Yes, you can come with me to fairy world

And find big daddy!

I'm afraid we can't let yous do that.

Sounds like no to me.

Back to business.

Hey, now what am I supposed to do

When wanda is talking?

You're supposed to listen.

Get it?! Got it.

Now shut it!

Uncle piero, uncle carmine,

What's going on?

Well, wanda, my little cannoli,

As you are aware,

Big daddy has been nabbed.

And so has mr. Nay nay!

Why doesn't anyone care about mist--

As tragic as his...

And mr. Nay nay's.

Loss may seem, we have a bigger problem.


The garbage problem.

In big daddy's absence,

Someone has to run the family garbage business.

And that someone is you.

We'd do it, but we ain't got the class

For upper management.


Why me?

What about my sister blonda?

Yes, my father's disappearance is tragic.

But the good news is

I can use my pain to motivate my soap opera character,

Nurse blonda!

I miss you, big dottie!

Donny! Daddy!


Ok, I'll do it.

But only until you two find big daddy.

And mr. Nay nay!


I'm not sure I like this.

Oh, relax.

It's not like I'm going to

Let the power go to my head

And start making any huge changes.

Ok, sign: check.

Concern for loss of big daddy?


Big daddy! Where are you?!


Daddy: ha!

If you thought nabbing me

Was gonna ruin my business,

Think again.


My little girl wanda

Is a chip off the old block.

And she's running the business now.

Oh, but that's exactly what I want, puppet.

Now, eat all your veggies,

Or you won't get any dessert.

"I hate wanda."

Oh, who are you?!

And why is there no proscuit with these veggies?


Cosmo, we're supposed to be looking for big daddy!

I think we should check out

Big daddy's office.

We were just in his office.


Then I got nothing.

All right, boss,

What do yous want to do first?

Uh, open these blinds and let some light in here.

Both: aagh! The light!

It burns!

And you know what?

This place could use a good dusting.

Hey, a ficus!

That's gonna need more light!

Not that I would know.

All right, boys, give it to me straight.

You mean, about the business?

No, smart guy!

I mean my tea!

No milk, no sugar.

Get it?

Here you go. It's darjeeling.

Not that I would know.

This all look delicious.

And girly.

But we need to talk business.

Some of our competitors are trying to muscle in

Now that big daddy's gone.

Well, that won't do.

We're gonna have to teach 'em a lesson.

All: yeah, teach 'em a lesson! Right!

In fashion!

All: huh?!

[Dance music plays]

You know, vertical stripes

Can be very slimming.

Not that... I would know.

These new uniforms will be a smash!

Tell you what?

The trash isn't the only thing that stinks here.

What was that?!

Nothing! Nothing!

Ugh! Do we have to go in there?

Big rocco's fairy recycling

Is one of big daddy's competitors.

Maybe they took big daddy.

I wish I had a battering ram.


One, two, !



Nobody move?


There's a lot more strategy to this

Than I thought.

Well, he's not in there.

Oh. Were we going in on ?

Ok, ready?

One, two, !

Go, cosmo! Go!

I'm coming, mr. Nay nay!


We don't like trespassers.

Aw, crud.

Thanks for the swell t-shirt!

Um, weren't we going in on ?

And then timmy said " ."

And then I fought my way through guys.

I think one of them had a bat--

Or it could have been a straw...

Or maybe a toothpick.

But I got this swell t-shirt!

Cosmo, I don't have time for this!

I've got a business to run.

Cousin guido,

Why are you disrespecting me?

Didn't I tell you each trash can

Gets its own doily?!

Are we gonna have a problem?!

Can you believe all this girl stuff?

Look what she's done to the business.

We gotta do something.

We can call frankie the butcher

And take her out.

But it'll be expensive.

We got no choice.

Timmy, we have to find who took big daddy fast

Or big wanda's a big goner!

Wait a minute.

There's only one person

That would want wanda out of the way.

Me, when I'm trying to watch tv

And wanda stands in front of the screen?


Both: mama cosma.


Is someone there?

Timmy: one, two, !

Oh, so that's what "on " means.

Timmy, you know I still have keys

To this place.

Yeah, I know.

All right, mama cosma,

Where's big daddy?!


Big daddy?

I thought you were being held against your will.

Hang on there, you little meatball.

I ain't kidnapped no more.

Big daddy's here

Because big daddy wants to be.

Big daddy also likes referring to himself

As big daddy.

Oh, sure.

He was kidnapped at first,

But then we realized we both had something in common.

We both can't stand who our children married.

What is that supposed to mean?

It means I don't like you.

And what is that supposed to mean?

So, I decided to play along and stay here.

Long enough so that wanda

Would get so wrapped in the family business

That it would break you two up.

It's not a great plan, but I'm happy here.


You should taste her veal.

But what about wanda girling up the business?


Cosmo, show big daddy

What's really going on.




She's girling up everything!

That's right.

And your boys are so upset,

They're gonna take her out--


I can't let them take out my little girl.

Without a video crew

To catch every minute of it.


For evidence...

Just in case they're successful--

So we can bring the people who took her out

To justice.

You're an evil, manipulating shrew...

And big daddy loves that about you.

Isn't she a peach?!

Ew! Yecch!

Big daddy: now, come on!

My baby's in trouble.

Don't forget mr. Nay nay!

Aah! Aah!

You're a good kid.

All: do it! Do it! Do it!

All right, nobody move!

Big daddy's back.

He's back! He's back!


Why didn't we buy life insurance?

Oh, nay nay!


Big daddy!

You're ok!

What's going on around here?

Nothing. Just a little party.

Ha! You were gonna get rid of wanda.

We heard you say you were gonna

"Take her out."

And you were gonna use frankie the butcher,

And it was gonna be expensive.

We are taking her out--

To dinner.

And frankie is a butcher.

This is his steakhouse.

And expensive, ha. Check out these prices.

$ For a calzone?!

Hey, a guy's gotta make a living, eh?

It was a thank you

For the clean trucks,

The nice workplace,

And those swell new uniforms.

And the ficus,

Which is doing quite well.

Or...so I've been told.

You actually like these outfits?

All: uh...

Do you?

Well, they are quite festive.

All: then we do.

Cosmo, wake up!

I'm alive.

You are? There go my dating plans.

I mean, yay, you're back!


Thanks for taking over temporarily

While I was gone,

My little pasta fazool.

Does that mean you're going to

Change everything back?

Heavens, no!

But the hat's gotta go,

And the doilies,

And the pink trucks,

And the uniforms can't be pink no more.

But the air fresheners...

Good call.

Oh, thanks, big daddy!

Isn't that sweet?

Everyone's happy.

Yeah, even mr. Nay nay.

Listen. He's so happy, he's ticking with glee!

All: ticking?!

[Toot toot]

The old b*mb in the pillow trick.

I remember that from our honeymoon.

You gotta love that woman.

All: uugh!

Nay nay!

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