03x11 - The Crimson Chin Meets Mighty Mom & Dyno Dad!/Engine Blocked

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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03x11 - The Crimson Chin Meets Mighty Mom & Dyno Dad!/Engine Blocked

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky always giving him commands ♪

That twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ 'Cause in reality

♪ They are his oddparents

♪ Fairly oddparents

Wands and wings!floaty, crowny things!

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

♪ Obtuse rubber goose ♪

♪ Green moose, guava juice ♪

♪ Giant snake, birthday cake ♪

♪ Large fries, chocolate shake! ♪

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you are a kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents

Yeah, right!

Mom: timmy! Oh, timmy!

Where is he?

Aaah! Aaah!

I told him to clean up his room.

[Gasps] this is horrible!

Shield your eyes!

Wanda: do you think this is a good idea?

Shouldn't you be cleaning your room?

Ah, he can always wish it clean.

Right! And until then...

What better way to procrastinate

Than by fighting evil...

Insidethe essential crimson chin!

All the way back to the s.

And in this issue, the crimson chin fights...

The iron lung!


Aah! He's too strong!

Hang on, cleft!

I'll give you an energy boost with my power pupils.

Sucking...power... Too strong!


Nice work, c.c.

And thanks, klepto and ace the chin hound!

Arf! Arf!

Jumping jawbones!

That mandible-mangling heap of horror

Can only be the work of one fiend--

The nega-chin!

Who's the nega-chin?

He's my evil twin from a parallel chiniverse.

He has all my powers, devastating good looks,

An amazing sense of fashion!

[All gasp]

Quick! We'll do a chinspection of the city.

You look this way, and I'll look... That way.

Mom and dad: timmy, where are you?

Oh, no! Mom and dad are coming!

I wish we were back in my room!

What is this place?

I have the strangest feeling that

If I wrapped my hands around your tiny throat,

I'd be doing it in dimensions.

This ismyworld, remember?

My -dimensional world.

You brought him here, too?!

Well, when you made the wish, you said "we."

And "we" can mean anything--we three, we the people,

Or my favorite...


Mom: timmy?oh, no!

[Gulps] what's this?

Mom and dad: timmy!

Quick! Hoof him into my tree house!

Keep him busy.

Give him anything he wants until my parents are gone.

Crumbling cavities!

Taking over this world is going to be a snap.

Um, mr. Chin, are you ok?

Your costume seems different.

Oh, this? It's a mood costume.

It turns dark when I get intense.

Well, what do you want to do, mr. Crimson chin, sir?

As you know, we're incredible magical fairies,

And timmy has ordered us to give you anything you want.

Good thing you're not evil.

Anything? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Timmy, I said I wanted this room clean!

If it's not spotless by : tonight,

You're grounded!


Honey, no! It's too horrifying.


Ok. Now I wish the chin back into the book.

And... [Crash]


Guys, what happened?

Nega-chin: come, my partners in pain!

It's time to teach this -dimensional world

My ds-- destruction, doom...

And, uh,moredoom!

Oh, no! That was the nega-chin!

We brought him here, and I told you

To give him whatever he wished for!

What did he wish for?

One, all of his supervillain buddies out of the book...

, Immunity from being wished back into the book...

, That our magic couldn't touch him or his pals,

And ... Hey, I counted to !

His fourth wish was that you couldn't wish your room clean.

That fiend!

My parents are gonna totally k*ll me!

Hey, my parents!

We might not be able to do anything, but my parents can!

I wish my parents had super powers again

And were mighty mom and dyno dad!

[Munching loudly]

Well, that was odd.

Evil needs fighting in dimmsdale.

I'm chet ubetcha.

In what can only be described

As a -year-old's twisted comic-book fantasy gone awry,

Dimmsdale is being overrun by superpowered freaks!

Who are you callin' a freak?

[High-pitched scream]

Honey, no! It's too much evil!

Aah! There's no time for that.

Mighty mom and dyno dad powers... Activate!

♪ Mighty mom

♪ Dyno dad

♪ Ohh

There. All done.

Come on!

Let's go downtown and watch them

Kick some bad-guy butt!


[Police sirens]

Look! It's the brass knuckles!

Now that we're in the real world,

We'll need real money.

Man, over radio: fire at will!


It's the titanium toenail!

Beat them up at will!

[Gasps] it's the bronze kneecap!

Your -dimensional resistance is futile!

We're in charge here.

We're making up our own stories, and this time,

We're going to win!

Dyno dad: guess again, you big bully.


I'll say! Your dad looks

Pretty good in tights.

Hey! I'm over here.

And not in tights.

This is our town!

Yeah, so give it back!

If it's a superfight you want,

It's a superfight you'll get.

What, no cup holders?

This is gonna be good.


All: for evil!

For justice! For justice!


Well, you know I don't hit girls.

I'm not a girl. I'm a soccer mom!

Nega-chin: your powers are powerless

Against the power-zapping power of my nega...



Aaaah! Aaaah!

That...light...is... Sucking my...strength.

Losing...muscles... And tone.

Eeh! Getting... Less...buff!

Oh, no!

We've lost our powers!

This is terrible!

The nega-chin took your parents' powers away!

If only the crimson chin were here!

Oh, sure. Ask for another guy in tights.

Hey, why just ask for one of them

When I can wish for all of them?

The s pulp fiction chin,

The forties world w*r ii surgeon chin,

The fifties square-jawed commie buster chin,

The sixties psychedelic chin,

The seventies disco chin,

The eighties overly muscular w*apon-toting chin,

The nineties grunge chin,

And the new millennium crimson chin!

Let's get mandibular!

Chins: surrender, evildoer!

There's only one way to escape the pain, bunky,

And it's in here!

You're right, and you two

Still have to do what I say.

I wish we were all back in the comic book!

We'll meet again, crimson chins. I swear it!

You can't swear.

Only the super edgy crimson chin can swear.

Yeah, and I got canceled for it.

Crimson chin: you did a great job helping me defeat the nega-chin,

But next time, leave the superheroing to the superheroes,

Like me!

Because you two make

A great pair of superparents!

Hmm. That hair...

Dad: those pants...

Mom: that hat...

That reminds me. We've got to go home and punish timmy!

Oh, no! I'm doomed...

Or am i?

[Crickets chirping]

Thanks for not using your amazing powers to end world hunger

And help me clean my room instead, guys...

And with one minute to spare.

You helped us clean up evil, timmy.

It's the least we can do.

And remember, if those bad guys ever escape,

You can always call me.

And me. And me!

And me. Not me.

I got canceled.

[Pounding on door]mom: timmy?

Mom: it's so clean!

Eeh! It'stooclean!

Shield your eyes!



[Birds chirping]

Ah! A sunny saturday afternoon. Know what that means?

That it's saturday, and the afternoon?

Yep, and dad promised he'd play catch with me.

But, timmy, saturday's the day

Your dad does all his chores, remember?

We'll play catch as soon as I'm done mowing the lawn, son.

As soon as I'm done painting the house, son.

As soon as I find the underground city of the mole people, son.

Cool! There aren't any chores left.

Now there's absolutely nothing that will prevent him

From spending the day with me!

Uh! I can't spend the day with you.

I found a gray hair... In my nose!


Timmy, graying nasal hair

Is the universal sign of a man getting old!

Liver spots...


An expiration date...

Hallucinating my towels have faces!

Oh, no!

Timmy's dad is going through his midlife crisis.

Hey, that sounds like fun!

I want a midlife crisis!

And I'm going to start my crisis

By living out my youthful dream

Of becoming a watercolor artist.

We'reinwater, you know.

My art! No-o-o-o!

Dad: son, quick!

What do you do that makesyou feel young?

Uh, look at my birth certificate?

Work with me, boy. Something else!

Uh, make you buy me toys?

Yeah! Let's make me buy me toys!

Can we have money for toys?

What you gonna get with your toy money, dad?

Ooh, something I've wanted since I was a kid--

A radio-controlled ' stryker z!

With its massive tail fins,

Huge engine, and two-tone paint job,

It was the coolest toy car ever!

Like that car over there?

Uh! Holy I'm-not-an-old-guy!

It's arealstryker z!

[Brakes squeal]

That car! How much for that car?!it's not my car.

I have $ .

Then it's $ .

And timmy has $ .

Then it's $ .


[Tires squealing]

Dad! Wait!

Man: howdy.

I'm doug dimmadome, owner of the dimmsdale dimmadome,

Home to the dimmsdale auto show,

And I'd like to buy that antique metal deathtrap.

Sorry. You're too late.

Dimma darn! And I was gonna pay you

, Dimma dollars.

[Bells ringing]

Which makes you nottoo late.

Listen here, missy moomoo.

You deliver that car

To my precariously perched cliffside estate,

And this here giant wad of money is yours.

I got to get that car back.

Dad, can we please play ball now?

In a minute, timmy, just as soon as I'm done

Fixing up my new son-- I mean, car.

You don't think he's going to get

All crazy about the car, do you?

That's a yes.

And I've immortalized this yes

In this painting calledyour dad is all crazy about his car.

And lo, it is done!

Cool! Can we go for a ride?

If by "we" you mean the car and me, then the answer is yes!

Dad, you've spent all week with that car.

Can we please do something together today?

You mean like go to the dimmsdale auto show together?

That would be great! You mean I can go?

I wish! But it's the dimmsdale

"Only if you're old enough to drive in" auto show.

It's just for cars and the young adults who drive them, like me!

Not you.

[Revs engine]

Auto show, huh?

Perfect! And now that he's fixed it up,

I'll get even more dimma dollars

From mr. Dimmadork.

Man! I never get to do stuff with dad.

It's like he loves that stupid car more than me.

Well, he's gonna spend time with me

Whether he knows it or not.

I wish I was the stryker z!

Timmy: cool!

I feel fast and furious.

I feel lucky.

I feel like driving like a maniac!

Timmy: yahoo!

♪ Oh, you and me in the stryker z ♪

♪ Ooh ooh

♪ Ohh

Hey, look out!

[Tires squeal]

Wow! You talk in a nasally voice

That reminds me of someone I never spend time with.

Ok, whatever. What else can you do?

[Horn honking]

Aah! Aaaaah!

Just let me do it.

♪ You and me in the stryker z ♪

You can steer yourself?

Youarethe coolest car ever!

Dad: see the genius car!

It talks, it drives itself,

And it's got lucky dice![Urrrrp]

But it doesn't have a bathroom.

I'll be right back.

Dad, help! I'm being stolen!

I mean, the car's being stolen!

Hey, that sounds like...timmy!

He must have stowed away in the trunk of the stryker z!

Timmy, hang on! I'm coming!

Aah! Fan belt!


Vicky: yeah!

I'm on my way, mr. Dimmadork.

What?! Uh, dimmadome.

Just start wadding up my cash.

It's a dimma deal!

Dimma don't go changin'.

Quick! Cosmo, wanda! I wish...

Wow. You talk...

In a nasally voice that reminds me of someone I hate?

Man, on radio: and now, here's the...

[Changes channel][man speaking spanish]

Senor cosmo, senor wanda!

[Shouts in spanish]

I don't speak spanish. Do you?

Spanish? I barely speak english.

Righteous face plant grandpa.

No time to decipher your hip young lingo, son,

But I'd be ever so grateful if I could commandeer

Your battery-powered transportation vehicle.

You mean my scooter?

Whoa, whoa. You've lost me again.

I'll also need your safety devices.

You mean my helmet?

Work with me, boy!

Dad: unhand that stryker z!

[High-pitched horn beeping]

Hey! That punk's trying to steal the car I'm stealing!

Ay! Papi!


[Engine sputtering]

Darn it! The battery's dead.

Timmy: dad!

[High-pitched screaming]

There's dimmadome's precariously perched cliffside estate.

What the heck?!

Aah! Ooh!

Whoo whoo whoo whoo! Whoa!

Aah! Wow. I'm not dead. That's a lucky break.

I have to remember when I get timmy out of the trunk

To tell him to never try a stupid stunt like that.

[Tires squealing]timmy: aaaah!


Dad: hold on, dudes!

Whoa! You lost me there with your hip young lingo, son.

Heh heh. Hi, mr. Turner.

There's a perfectly good explanation

For why I took back my car.

I'm sure there is, but I don't care.

I just shredded my way through my midlife crisis.

I just want my son out of the trunk.

Timmy!here he comes.


[Timmy shouting in spanish]

I wish I was in the trunk!

Hi, dad. Timmy!

What is the matter with you?

You could have been k*lled!

Oh, like you care.

You were only worried about your stupid car.

You never even let me ride in it--ever!

Of course I didn't. With its lack of air bags,

Ropes, seat belts, and pointy metal body,

That car is a screaming metal deathtrap.

I'dneverrisk your life by letting you ride in it.

So you were ignoring me to protect me?

I was ignoring you because I love you, tommy!

So I can buy the car back?

It's all yours.

And I'm all yours! Come on, son.

Let's go play some catch. Cool!

And now I'll take my , ...



Aah! Aah!

Ooh! Aah!

Aaah! Aaah!

He's right! Itisa screaming metal deathtrap!

Aaaah! Aaaah!

You realize, of course,

The dimma deal is dimma done.

Dimma drat!

Let's go again! Let's go again!


Oh, look!

Timmy's finally playing catch with his dad.

Isn't that great, cosmo?


What? Now I'm going through my escape artist days.

Wait! Come back!

You're only ignoring me because you love me!

Wow. You must love me a whole lot.

[Gurgling] wanda? Hello?


[Beep beep]
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