03x03 - MicroPhony/So Totally Spaced Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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03x03 - MicroPhony/So Totally Spaced Out

Post by bunniefuu »

♪♪ Timmy is an average kid ♪

♪♪ That no one understands ♪

♪♪ Mom and dad and vicky ♪

♪♪ Always giving him commands ♪

Bed, twerp!

♪♪ Doom and gloom up in his room ♪♪

♪♪ Is broken instantly ♪

♪♪ By his magic little fish who'll grant his every wish ♪♪

♪♪ 'Cause in reality... ♪

♪♪ They are his oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪♪

Wands and wings.floaty, crowny things.

♪♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪♪

♪♪ Really mod, peapod, buff bod, hot rod ♪♪

Obtuse, rubber goose,

Green moose, guava juice.

Giant snake, birthday cake,

Large fries, chocolate shake!

♪♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪♪

♪♪ It flips your lid when you are a kid ♪♪

♪♪ With fairly oddparents ♪

Yeah, right.

Good morning, dimmsdale. I'm bob...

And I'm bob. We're dimmsdale's radio voices of summertime fun!

Get ready for some big waves, big sun...

And big fun!

What was that?

It's the first surfboard

To crash through the w


Oh, boy! That means it's summer vacation!

And best of all, my parents get two weeks off,

Which means...

All: no vicky for two weeks!

Dad: oh, timmy!

We've got two weeks off!

Are you ready to have your head explode

From the greatest summer vacation

Of your -year-old life?

You bet!

T greatest two weeks ever.

Radio: for the next two weeks the bob and bob show

Is brought to you by vicky's babysitting service.


♪♪ If you don't want your summer to be lame and icky ♪♪

♪♪ Pick up the phone and call me... ♪♪

I'm vicky!

That catchy jingle reminds me.

I don't want my summer to be lame and icky.

We should pick up the phone...

And call vicky!and call vicky!

Why am I putting tanning oil on the house?

Because vicky said so.

And she's on the radio.

Besides, don't you want a nice tan house?

Good-bye, mr. And mrs. Turner.

And hello bucks an hour.

I hope chester and aj don't get sucked into this.

Man, this is gonna take all day.


How convenient.

That's how long we'll be at the beach.

And how long I'll be babysitting you.

You missed a spot, captain cranium.


Everywhere! Ha ha ha ha ha!

When you're done moving

That -pound engine block to the backyard,

Make sure you move the other -pound engine block

Out here to the front yard.

Why don't I get to go out and play?

You are out, and I'm playing.

Just like the radio said. Yee-haw!

Hop in.

All: it's a chore-free summer!


[Laughing evilly]

Faster, slaves!

Hey, timmy. Maybe a little music will c

♪♪ If you don't want your summer to be lame and icky ♪♪

♪♪ Pick up the phone and call m, I'm vicky ♪♪

Man, that's one catchy jingle.

That does it!

I'm not going to let vicky use radio

To ruin the only two weeks of summer I have with my parents!

What are you gonna do?

I'm gonna fight radio with radio.

Ok, guys. Let's make this place

An a radio station.

What do I get to do? What do I get to do?

You can be the traffic copter.

Hey! I can see your house from here.

Man, your house is tan!

Time to save summer and get vicky off the air.

And now here's wanda with the news.

Vicky's gonna k*ll you when she finds out what you're doing!

I've already got that covered.

I wish I had a magic microphone

That'll totally disguise my voice.

[Deep voice] solid.

Hello, dimmsdale. It's me, ti--ti--

I mean double t in the morning

And I'm not a -year-old boy. I'm a man.

A big, strong man.

And it's time to bring some love back to this summer.


Vicky's babysitting service. Please hold.

[All talking at once]

♪♪ If you don't want your summer to be lame and icky ♪♪

♪♪ Pick up the phone and call me... ♪♪

I'm vicky. Ha ha!

Ruining other people's summer vacation

Makes this the best summer vacation ever!

Radio: this is double t telling you

To stop using vicky's babysitting service.

And start using your summer for family fun!

Wanda:the double t in the morning showis brought to you by vicky stinks.

Remember, vicky stinks!

What adult in their right mind

Would listen to that big, strong man's lame ad?

Oh, vicky. I've come for my money back.

Because double t said you stink.

Now let's get a traffic report from our cosmo copter.

Well, double t, as you can see,

It seems like every parent in dimmsdale is leaving the beach

And headed home.

It's working! And now I'm gonna make sure

That parents and kids have the best,

Vicky-free summer of their lives.

♪♪ Well, it's a vicky-free summer ♪♪

♪♪ It's not gonna be a bummer ♪

♪♪ Vicky-free summer, nothing could be funner ♪♪

♪♪ Whoo ♪

All: whoo-hoo!

♪♪ Vicky, vicky, vicky-free summer... ♪♪


Radio: yes, that's what a phone would sound like

If it were's a vicky's babysitting service.

Which it's not. Ha. Ha. Ha ha ha!

♪♪ No more screaming, no more yelling ♪♪

♪♪ Red-headed witches in our neighborhood ♪♪

♪♪ Where she's going we're not telling ♪♪

♪♪ 'Cause all we know is that she's gone for good ♪♪

Yay, double t!

♪♪ Yeah, yeah, she's gone for good ♪♪

♪♪ 'Cause it's a vicky-free s

♪♪ She couldn't be any dumber ♪

All: cowabunga!

♪♪ Vicky-free summer, nothing could be funner ♪♪

And with the last few days of your parents' vacations winding down,

Let's go to our cosmo copter for a special report.

Well, double t, it looks like vicky's out of business,

And her acne is acting up.

Hey! How's he know that?

And now I think I should go.

And now she's chasing me and her acne's still acting up.

You don't think cosmo would be dumb enough

To come straight here with vicky following him, do you?

Actually, yes. Hide!

You! You're double t in the morning?!

No, I'm not.

You might have ruined my business and my summer,

[In double t's voice] but I'm gonna ruin the rest of your life.

Hey. This microphone uses technology

To make your voice deep and irresistible.

Sure. Let's go with that.

Which means everyone will think I'm you.

No, let's not go with that.

Hello, dimmsdale.

This is double t in the morning saying

I'm not a big strong man.

I'm just twerpy timmy turner

Using a fancy microphone.

I'm just a dumb -year-old who tricked all you parents

Into wasting your summer on your kids.

All parents are morons.

Hey! You can't say "moron" on the radio.

You can only say it on tv.

I like ponies and unicorns with long eyelashes.

And if you want to tear me limb from limb,

My studio is in a tree behind timmy's house.

And so you can't smooth talk your way out of this,...

[Crowd noise outside]

Is that an angry mob a

Well, m

I gotta get out of here.




There's the studio! That's where double t is!

Let's get him!

[All yelling]

Ok, ok. My fairy godparents have disappeared,

And my parents are coming to tear me limb from limb.

There's only one thing to do at a time like this!





Now listen up, kids. We love you and we respect you,

But we're gonna have to go up there

And tear double t limb from limb!

Yeah. It said so on the radio.

But that kid up there isn't d

No, me. I am double t in the morning.

Ground me if you dare.

Luke. I am your father.

Man, this thing is cool.

Well, we can't ground all of you.

Unless the radio tells us to.

Sure you can. And when you need somebody to w

You can get your babysitter from vicky's babysitting service.

Hey, I heard about that on the radio.

Stop. Don't ground them.

They're not the ones who tricked you.

It was me.


But come on. All I did was use the power of the radio

To bring us all together for a head-exploding

Two weeks of family summer fun. Was that such a bad thing?

Well, no.

But double t said parents were morons.

But I didn't say that.

Vicky did.

Yeah, right.

Prove it, twerp.

Nobody move. We represent the federal communications commission.

Which one of you is double t in the morning?

All: she's double t in the morning.


Come on. I'm not double t!

[Deep voice] he's double t. Oops.

Y moron on the radio.

You can only say it on television.

Let's go, punk.

[Siren wails]


Wow! I just had two weeks of head-exploding summer fun,

And vicky's gonna rot in a federal jail.

Can this summer get any better?

Who wants to go to the beach?

All: we do!

Families rule!

♪♪ Well, it's a vicky-free summer... ♪♪

And vicky's a moron!

And I'm not a fairy.

[Double t voice] I'm a man.

A big, strong man.

Mark! Breakfast!

Get down here, future ruler of all yugopotamia.

Good morning, parental units.

N has mother prepared for us

On this marvelously disgusting yugopotamian day?

It's a new breakfast cereal called invader o's.

With a special surprise in every box!





[Giggling from box]



Mother! Father!

I shall save you,

But I cannot do it alone!

I shall recruit the universe's greatest warrior

To defeat the special surprise inside!

I will recruit!

Oh, it's so cute!

Ooga booga booga... And I don't care.

Oh, but timmy, it's cute and adorable.

I'm a -year-old boy.

Cute toys bore me.

Hey, we're cute. You're not bored with us, are you?


Dude, could I use your bathroom?

It's mark chang! Cosmo, wanda!

Defensive maneuver eight!

No, timmy turner!

I, like totally come to you on bended knee...

What knee?


May I please finish?

All: yes.

Yugopotamia's being, like, overrun

By a special surprise inside,

Called the gigglepies!

We need your help, dude.

You are, like, our only hope.

Uh, I dunno.

Aw, come on!

Is there n that can convince you

To fight for yugopotamia's freedom?

[Horn honking]

Mom: bye, timmy. We're leaving.

Dad: which means vicky's coming.

Which means I'm going.

Mark, you're on!


And I will be right behind you.

For nothing can stop me from fighting by your side

To save my parents and my planet!

Vicky: hey, twerp! You've got a lot of my chores to do.

Except the evil earth babe. Later, dude.

Vicky, my love!

I have returned for you.

Oh, great. You're back...

From europe.

Timmy, are you nuts?

You can't free an entire civilization.

Hello! I have you guys and your magic to help me.

Besides, how terrifying could a special surprise inside

Called a "gigglepie" be?

Now be on your guard.

The yugopotamian capitol is the most h

And disgusting place in the universe.

Or not.

But the yugopotamians hate beauty.

Something is very, very wrong here.


Hi, I'm trillie, the trust gigglepie.

I noticed you three as you fell from the sky.

All: aw! It's so cute!

And now I don't care.

So take us to your leader!

I'm trillie, the trust gigglepie.

Accessories not included.

You can surely trust in me.

I shall now take you to o

Wow. That was pretty easy.

Defeating these guys is gonna be a piece of cake.

Beloved vicky.

I am pleased to announce--

No complaining, loser.

Who's complaining? I am simply reporting

That the grass has been decapitated

And the rebellious hedges have been brought into line.

Great. Then start spreading that on the flower bed.

A jumbo bag of cow manure?

Why would you waste this tasty treat

On such hideous p

Where I come from, mulch such as this

Is the rarest of all delicacies.

Uh, what planet are you from?



I'm with the yugopotamians on this one.

These things are way too sweet.

Hey! Where are the yugopotamians?

Yugopowhatiwhats? I don't see.

I'm just here to help you three.

I'm warning you-- no funny business.

Oh, no funny, that's not i.

Boo boo is the funny gigglepie.

Boo boo joke book not included.

Ha ha. Cut it out. I'm ticklish.

Cosmo, wanda, don't get distracted by their cuteness.

I need you guys to watch out for any funny business.

I'll give you blee blees for a waa waa.

I'll trade you popo caps for a wee wee card.

Vicky, I have finished applying the high gloss,

Eggshell white liquid shielding to the family fortress.

Wow. You're a lot faster than the twerp.

And you don't whine when I tell you

You're a slimy, mulch-breathed geek.

Of course not. Where I come from,

The heaping on of mind-numbing menial chores

Coupled with I is the greatest expression of love.

And where I come from, the labor of others making money for me

Is an even greater expression of love.

How may I prove my love

By doing this money-making labor of which you speak?

[Ding dong]

I'll get it.

Foreign exchange student painting service.

We're times faster than your inferior race.

At times the cost!

Who can argue with that logic?

I don't know but I've been told...

I don't know but I've been told...

Gigglepie accessories are separately sold.

Sound off!

Buy one!

Sound off!

Buy two!

Sound off, t buy them all!

Guys, what's the matter with you?

Snap out of it!

I do! I do! I want to buy them all!

Oh, my gosh! They're hypnotizing them

With their fluffy alien cuteness.

Whoa! Where'd the love go?

Hello, you t I'm overlord glee.

Won't you come and bow down to me?

Ha! We'll never bow down to you.

[Giggling] bowing is fun.

Oh, no! The special surprise inside

Has captured the greatest warrior in the universe!


Aw, crud. What have you done to them? And this planet?

I'm glad you asked. You're pretty smart.

Let me show you our plan on this neat little chart.

Taking over a planet isn't that tough,

We suck planets dry by selling gigglepie stuff.

You can see by these lines--this one's red, this one's brown--

As our sales go up, all their freedom goes down.

But yugopotamians hate your kind of fuzzy, gooey cuteness.

Usually we cast our spell,

But fearing us works just as well.

And what do you do when you've sucked the planet dry?

We do what we always do.

Blow the planet up and move on to the next one.

Isn't that cute?!

That's horrible... And it didn't rhyme.

He's on to us! Get him!

Stand back!

You know, it wasn't locked.

We were in here for our own protection.

What's the matter with you? They're soft! And fuzzy!

Show some backbone!

You know we are gelatinous and have no spines to show.

Why do you mock us?


Leave me alone! Ha ha ha!

Cosmo! Wanda! Help!

E don't be ridiculous.

Stay here with me and I'll show you

Some magic trick... U...lous.

Their rhyming meter's off.

And t

We have to stop them.

I can't hurt these guys.


In fact...

You guys might look sweet on the outside,

But you taste like manure on the inside.


On yugopotamia, manure is the rarest of all delicacies.

That's it. Guys!

I wish every yugopotamian had knives, bibs, forks,

And empty stomachs.

I'm going to collect them all...

In my stomach!


For helping us defeat...

The special surprise inside,

You have our undying gratitude, young warrior.

Oh, I wish we had a medal to give you.


Ew! That's gross.

You're welcome.

Come on, guys. Let's get out of here.

Timmy turner! You have returnered!

And your planet's safe, dude. You can go home.

Gah! As if! I'm staying here.

Vicky has promised to take our relationship

To a whole new level,

Which she calls hard labor!

Oh, mark! You've made me so rich, so fast!

I love you!

Ugh! What is happening here?

Why is she not showing her affection

By driving a spike through my tentacle

As is the custom on my planet?

It's called a hug, dude.

And the richer you make her, the more hugs you get.


This love! It burns!

Later, dude!

Come back, money-making foreign exchange student!

You're painting a duplex tomorrow!

Man, nothing works up an appetite

Like saving an entire planet.

I don't know about that, son,

But you did a great job decapitating the grass

And bringing the rebellious hedges into line.

And instead of an allowance,

We're going to reward you with a brand new breakfast cereal.

Invader o's?

And look--it's got a special surprise in every box!

Awww! Awww!



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