02x05 - Super Bike/A Mile in My Shoes

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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02x05 - Super Bike/A Mile in My Shoes

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky

♪ Always giving him commands

Bed, twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who grant his every wish ♪

♪ 'Cause in reality

♪ They are his oddparents

♪ Fairly oddparents

♪ Wands and wigs

♪ Floaty crowny things

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

♪ Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice ♪

♪ Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake ♪

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when your the kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents

Yeah, right.

It's quiet.

Too quiet.

And it's wet, too wet.

Aah! Aah!

Aah! Aah!

Wanda: oh, you got me.

Everything's going...


Hey, nice sh**t', tex!

I'll say.[Knock knock]

Dad: timmy?

Oh, son of mine?

Oh, no!

It's dad!

Where is that boy?

I want to give him a gift

For no reason whatsoever.

Well, too bad.

I'll just give it to the neighbor kid.


Did he say gift?

That's what I heard.

Emergency anti-wish maneuver number , now!

Hello, gift, buddy, wonderful gift dad!


Timmy! Do you know what weekend this is?

Yeah, the annual dimmsdale father-son bike race.

Right, and I have a surprise for you.

Oh, boy!

Is it a bike?

Who told you?!

It's not just a bike,

It's a bike I made.

You shouldn't have?

Ha, but I did anyway.

Check out the wooden frame, hmm.

It's lighter and more flammable than titanium.

Are these handlebars made from rusty pipe?

You bet they are.

And check out those pedals.

Fuzzy toe loops for extra power and comfort.

Well, what do you think?

Well, uh...

Take your time on your undying gratitude,

I can wait.

Ok, any time now.

Mom: aah!

Someone replaced my slippers with bike pedals!

Ha ha! Gotta go!

If your mom asks...

I did it!

Your a good boy.

Nifty bike, timmy.

I can't ride this bike at the big race.

It stinks!

I need a bike that's as cool as I am.

Timmy, this bike is as cool as you are.

Besides, your dad made it for you

With his own two hands.


Yeah, well, he made a cruddy bike.

I wish I had a super bike!

Oddparents: no!

We had an agreement about super wishes.

Remember super kitty?

[Dogs yipping]


And don't make him relive super toilet.

It took the plunger, the whole plunger!

How 'bout this, then? I wish for a smart bike

That's unstoppable, unbreakable,

Totally modern and cool,

And just for me!


It's beautiful!

Hello, timmy.

Shall we go for a ride?

Both: can we come?

Super toilet.


... ... ...

Hang on, timmy!

Didn't see that coming.

Dad: oh, son?

Who wants a ride to chester's?

Not me!

I've got a really cool bike!

Did you hear that?

Timmy finally appreciates his old man. [Crash]

This calls for a celebration!

Who wants a fruit shake?

Oh, oh, me! Me! I do!

Dad: that's not the blender I made you.

Oh, oh...

Why you're right.

Silly me.

Let me get the good blender.

All right!

Fruit me up, baby!

Timmy: bye, guys.

I'm going over to chester's.

Both: have fun!

[Engine starts]

Let me give you a ride there, timmy.

He's perfectly capable of walking.

Ha ha ha!

Super toilet. Aah!

Come on, timmy.

I'll take you.

Well, I guess it's ok. Let's go.

There's chester's house, back there!

Hey, cut that out!

What was all that about?

Sorry, timmy.

I just don't think this

Is a very good neighborhood is all.

Yeah, right.

Just stay here.

That's an order.


What happened?

You uh--didn't put my kickstand down all the way?

You look ok to me.

Besides, you're indestructible.

My mirror!

Super bike!

Go...have fun with your friends.

Are you ok?

I'm fine. [Coughing]

Just leave me here on the cold ground.

I'll rust in silence.

No, really, it's ok.

I can go to chester's anytime.

Let's go home.

Can we go the long way?

Uh, sure. Whatever you want.

[Bell rings]

Were could timmy be?

Honey, check the watch I made you.


Noon. It's a half hour till race time.

He's probably still polishing the bike.

He loves that bike so much.

[Horn honks]

Hey, dad.

Wha--where's your bike?

This is my bike.

You mean you've been riding this bike the whole time

And not the one I made you?

Yeah, I mean,

Did you see how fast I was just going?

We're gonna win.

If that's what you want, son, fine.

I'll be right over here

Doing my pre-race deep breathing exercises.

Don't be alarmed if it looks like I'm sobbing.

Oh, and if my eyes start to water,

That's normal, too.

[Sobbing and whimpering]

What's the matter with dad?

Timmy, do you know why I use

The clearly dangerous things your dad makes for me?

It's because I love your dad

And it makes him happy to see me use them.

[Still sobbing]


Doing...deep breathing.

I won't make you ride the bike he made,

I'm just saying it would make your father happy if you did.

Oh, man!

Bike: come on, timmy!

We've got a race to win.

Wow! I...

I can't!

I want to win,

But not if it makes my dad sad.

You know,

If he really loved you

He'd let you ride me!

Hey, don't say that!

My dad loves me.

How do you know he's not lying?

How do I know you're not?

Well, I'm a bike!

Yeah, and you've been manipulating me

To keep me away from my friends and family!

Come on, we're going home.

Not a lot of time!

You right, me wrong.

Just because I can wish for something

Doesn't mean I should.

But timmy,

I'm your bike!

Yeah, but you're not a very nice bike.

And I don't want to ride you anymore.

That's it! Bye-bye, psycho-bike!


What the--

I'm indestructible, remember?


Can I talk to you for a minute?


Sure, timmy!

But, timmy!


What's that reflective thingie?

Timmy: super bike's mirror.

It broke.

But how?

Well, it's just a stupid mirror. That's it!

If the mirror falls off the super bike

It's not a super mirror anymore.

It's just a plain old, regular mirror.

If I can take the bike apart

Then it just becomes a bunch of regular parts.

Follow my lead.

Hey, hey!

I'm sorry.

You're right.

You're the best bike ever.

Oh, my gosh!

Is that a scratch on your face?

Where? Right there, on your nose.

Can I get that for you?

The best bike in the whole world

Shouldn't have a scratch.

What was that? Nothing.

There it is again.

Your chain is so dirty.

I can't have you win with a dirty chain.

Bike: hey, that's not my chain!

What are you doing?

I'm just tightening a loose bolt.

I know what's going on here.


If I can't be your bike,

Nobody can!

Wanda: timmy!

Hurry, timmy!

Timmy, don't go!

Hi, super bike!

Meet super screwdriver!

Super toilet. Aah!

So much clogging!

Hey, wanda, catch!

P.a.: Take your places at the starting line,

Dads and sons.

Hey, dad!

Hey! Where's your cool bike?

I'm riding it.

What could be cooler than a bike made by my dad?


Yeah, any dad can go out and buy a bike.

You love me enough to make one yourself.

That's what makes it cool.

Aw, you're just saying that.

So. Right! Let's go!

We've got a race to win!

P.a.: On your marks,

Get set,


[Starter's p*stol fires]


Isn't that sweet.


Super bike,

Meet super toilet.


Hey, I conquered my fear.

Oh, oh!


Cosmo: huh! If I could just light these candles, we could eat.

Did it ever occur to you we're in a fishbowl

Filled with water?

That's why I'm trying to light these candles.

Somebody's got to dry up all this wet food.

Hey, guys. What's new?

Uh, the laws of physics.

I got a report on dinosaurs due tomorrow.

I wish my room were a prehistoric forest.


[Thump thump]

Cool. Thanks, guys.

Whew. We'll have to clean this all up before we leave tomorrow morning, timmy.

What? Where are you going?

We're going to fairy world.

We need to get our crowns certified,

And our wands are due for their , -wish tune-up.

And I'm getting mine waxed.


Sorry we won't be able

To zap to you school tomorrow, sweetie.

That's ok. My dad can drive me,

Provided he hasn't done anything stupid to the car.

You tried to make a giant fighting robot?

So? The dinklebergs have one.

Besides, you can take the bus.


Darn it.

Well, at least it's a nice day.


I hope cosmo and wanda are having fun.

Man with german accent: before we tune up your wands,

We must tune up your puny fairy bodies.

It is time for wand-ups.

, . , . , .

Hey! I made a monkey.

So did i.

Monkey wand-ups, now!

, . , ...


I already missed first period, but I'm still in time for...

[Bell ringing]

Gym? What's going on?

We're playing dodge ball.

It's dries versus wets.

Think fast.

[Timmy groaning]

Ooh, my aching wings.

Well, at least timmy's smiling face and cheerful disposition will make the pain go away.

I don't see a smiling face.

There it is.

Oh, sorry, sweetie.

We were gone longer than we thought.

Oh, well, great.

Because you guys had to poof off to camp happy crownyville,

I got rained and volleyballed on.

You have no idea how hard it is to be a kid.

Yeah. Having us grant your every wish all day long

Must really take a toll on your nerves.

Being a fairy is no day at the beach either.

Oh, right, having unlimited magical powers and acting goofy all day long

Would depress anybody.

How do you stand it?

Well, if you think it's so easy being a fairy,

Why don't you try it?

You're on. I wish I could be your fairy godparent.


Hey! I'm timmy!

And I'm timmy.

And I'm a fairy. And I can float.


Mom: wow, honey.

Your giant fighting robot really works.

Aah! It's your parents.

Get in the fish bowl.

Right, right!

Old fish.

Not so easy is it, sport?

Let's tuck timmy in...

With mighty, fighting robot action.

[Alarm sounding]

Think fish me fish-- goldfish!

[Timmy sighs]

Cool! I'm a goldfish.


I forgot to give myself gills!


Ah, sweetie, you feel warm.

And you look positively green.

Warm? Green?

Those are all the symptoms of steamed broccoli!

Get the thermometer and the salad sh**t.

I'd better get the fish a thermometer, too.

Good news, honey.

I'm fighting the dinkleberg's robot car tomorrow.

Mom: timmy, what are you doing up this late?

It's way past your bed time.

But, uh, but...

No buts. Straight to bed, young man,

And don't make me get the giant robot in here.

Timmy? What are you doing in here?

You were just in there.

Uh, no I wasn't.

Well, that settles that.

But you know you're not supposed

To eat sweets this late at night

Or change from pink to green.

Timmy: see? I've got a rule book, too.

It's called "mom and dad."

Not so easy being a kid, is it?

Just wait. You're in for your own rude awakening tomorrow.

Ooh! Let me guess.

I have to use magic to solve all my problems.

Not your problems.

Ours. Tomorrow's saturday,

And that means wishes, wishes, and more wishes.

And as our fairy godparent, you have to grant them all no matter how stupid.

And, man, am I all over that.

Good night, inky butt.

[Rooster crows]


♪ Good morning, timmy

♪ Good morning, timmy

Hey, guys, look.

I finally got the fish thing down.

Check it out: gills.

Well, that's just great, timmy.

I wish you were a puppy.


We want a puppy!

Darn it! I still can't get that right.





And I wish I had a hot fudge sundae.

Come on, let's pick it up, kiddo.

Vicky: hey, twerp. Guess who?

Vicky! Vicky!

Vicky: your parents are in a giant robot fight, and I'm in charge.

Guess what rhymes with "chores"?

More chores!

Look at all this stuff she's making us do.

This is going to take forever without magic.

But luckily...

Both: we've got a fairy godparent.


Oh, godparent.

What now?

I wish the trash was somewhere else.


Ha! Pick up the trash and the octopus, twerp.

[Hedgers clipping]

There! All nice and symmetrical.

Wow! I didn't even know I knew that word.

[Motor roaring]

[Dad gasps]

My hedges!

Curse you, dinkleberg.

Ha! Take that, dinkleberg.


Man, am I glad you're here.

I wish the hedges were fixed.

When do I get to have any fun?

Dad: come back here, dinkleberg.

Hey! What--whoa!

Man, I just can't get the hang of this fairy business.

I need training.

That's it. I'll go to fairy world

And learn how to be a better fairy than cosmo or wanda.

Fairy world?

Scary world.

You're not that scary.

Yeah? Well, here's a photo

Of your grandma's feet.

[Screams] it burns.

Fairy world?

Hairy world.


Dairy world?

Hairy world.

Oh, darn it.

Fairy world!

I did it.

You fairy with silly, pink hat.

You must do wand-ups--now!

, , ...

Wanda: oh, wow. This reeks.

Where's our fairy godparent?

What difference does it make?

As long as vicky's around, we can't make wishes.

Wow! It's so clean, I can see myself.

And now I can't.

Good thing the garbage disposal's busted.

Start shoveling!

I'll be busy sleeping.

She's worse than jorgen.

Timmy: and how does this help me in being a fairy godparent?

To hone the magic reflexes.

A needy child could wish for anything at any given moment.

You must be ready.

Big deal. I can fly.


Save yourself, new fairy. Think fast.

I--i--wait, that's it.

This fairy stuff is harder than I thought.

And I'm sick of these things.

If you don't like it, maybe you should go back to being

A puny, little human boy.

Yeah. I'm not much of a godparent.

But being a kid is one thing I know I'm really good at.

But before I go...


Jorgen: oof.

Dairy world?

Fairy world.

Oh, darn it.


I didn't realize you have just as much junk to deal with as I do.

Jorgen's a creep.

Yeah, well, vicky ain't exactly a trip to cherry world either.

Ah! Ooh! Cherry world! Cherry world! Can we go there.

I wish he had a muzzle.

Puzzle? Close enough.

I thought being a fairy would be fun.

But I learned it's more fun to be a kid,

Because I have you guys to make it better.

So, uh, I'm, uh...

Apology accepted, sport.

We wish you were a kid again, and we wish we were fairies again.

Darn it.


Finally. Dairy world.


Dad: ah, finally.

I can use this for my milk-powered engine.


[Thump thump]

Don't blame me. I'm just a kid.
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