01x06 - Dream Goat!/The Same Game

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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01x06 - Dream Goat!/The Same Game

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky

♪ Always giving him commands

Bed, twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish

♪ Who grant his every wish

♪ 'Cause in reality

♪ They are his oddparents

♪ Fairly oddparents

Wands and wings.

Floaty crowny things.

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, pea pod ♪

♪ Buff bod, hot rod ♪

Obtuse, rubber goose,

Green moose, guava juice,

Giant snake, birthday cake,

Large fries, chocolate shake!

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you are the kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents

Yeah, right.

And nickelodeon

Kids: chompy! Chompy! Chompy!

Chompy! Chompy!

Hey, timmy.

What's a chompy? Does it hurt?

Chompy's a goat.

He's dimmsdale's town hero and mascot.

Vicky: one side, parasites.

Ick! I can't believe your parents made me take you

On this stupid tour of the city hall.

They're paying you, aren't they?

Besides, it's chompy!

I can't learn enough about chompy.

Well, here's a physics lesson, poindexter.

Undies plus gravity equals wedgie!

Heh heh. Oh, you kids and your goat.

I'm the mayor.

Doesn't anyone want to hear about my accomplishments?

[Wolf howls]

I hate not being the goat.

Let's continue the tour with a walk through the hall

Of goaty greatness.

It was chompy who pulled a cart of children

From a collapsing day-care center

And then changed their diapers!

All: yay! Chompy!

Chompy, whose tireless research

Found the cure for polio.

Wasn't that jonas salk?

Only if you believe those liars at the patent office!

All: boo! Liars at the patent office!

And chompy, whose quick thinking saved our town

From a raging fire.



All: yay! Chompy!

And now, behold...

The living glory that is chompy the goat!

All: ooh!

That's him?

What's the big deal?

He's just a smelly old goat.

Who said that?

How dare you minimize

The importance of chompy?

The rest of you can head off

To the chompy the goat gift shop...

Because it looks like somebodyneeds

A little alone time with our goat hero.

Ha! See you, twerp.

Go! Beg chompy's forgiveness!

For a town hero, he sure looks sad!

You think he likes it in there?

I don't know. I wish I could see what he was thinking.

One goat mind-reading power coming up.

Aw! Goat love!

They say it's the most honest love there is.

All chompy wants is to be free--

To run and frolic and meet girl goats.

Who doesn't want that?

I wish chompy could be free to live

Wherever his heart desires.

You're welcome.

Vicky: hey, twerp. Time to go.

But first...

Ha ha ha ha!

Get off me, you dork!

Smelly old goat. Can you believe it?

Chompy's gone!

Mayor: and that masked hero captured the goatnapper.

Good work, underwear-over- your-head lad.

Ugh! Whew!

It's you! The boy who didn't understand the relevance of chompy.

But-- I know.

You're crushed because you couldn't stop the goatnapper

Before she handed our beloved goat over to her team

Of t*rror1st goat-taking cohorts.


Take her away!

Hey! No!

Wow! Vicky's getting blamed for what I did.


Wanda: don't you think you should say something?

Well, maybe--i mean, I should tell the truth.

Mayor: new town hero timmy,

Can ms. Dimmsdale give you a ride home

In this shiny new hovercraft?

I don't know.

You see, the truth is,

Vicky didn't really take the--

And once you get home,

Can she give you the shiny new hovercraft?

Timmy's not old enough to drive!

And here's your special -and-under town hero driver's license.

I call shotgun!

Sorry about the hovercraft, ms. Dimmsdale.

That's ok, timmy.

You've got town hero hovercraft insurance.

Girl: hey, look! It's town hero timmy,

A.k.a. Underwear- over-his-head lad.

Let's rip off his clothes

And auction them on the internet!

All: timmy! Yay! Timmy!

Happy birthday, timmy.

It's not my birthday.

Every day's your birthday

When you stop a goatnapper, hero.

Thanks for sharing your hero cake with us, timmy.

Even though you're not really a hero

And you don't deserve the cake.

On tv! They're talking about timmy!

Mr. Mayor, has the goatnapper

Revealed the whereabouts of chompy yet?

No, but we're giving her

An increasingly bad hair day until she talks.

I'm telling you, I don't know where the stupid goat--


Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Is that fair?

After all, you're the one who let chompy go.

Oh, I know.

I'll figure out a way to free her

As soon as this cake stops tasting so good.

Nope. Still tasty.

Vicky...not guilty...wish.



I've got to be dreaming.

[Monkey screeching] aah!




Wanda: timmy!

Oh, thank heavens you're awake.

What is all this?

You've been wishing in your sleep,

And you know the rules...

You wish it, we grant it.

I wish this stuff was...


Ok. I probably ate a little too much hero cake.

Let's just all go back to sleep.




I don't understand.

Why would I wish for this stuff?

Wanda: maybe your dreams are trying

To tell you something.

Maybe I need to see a shrink.

That's a great idea, cuckoo clock.

Now, let's take a peek

At what your subconscious is saying.

Vicky's innocent! I'm the goatnapper!

Me! Me! Me!

I don't deserve to be a hero!

Whoa! Time-out!

I'm not good with this psycho mumbo jumbo.

What's that mean?

I'm sleep-wishing because I feel guilty?

Mom: timmy?

Come in.

Honey, are you ok?

Yeah, but can I ask you something?

You'd still love me even if I wasn't a hero, right?

Oh, of course we would, honey.

What if, hypothetically,

I was the goatnapper?

Well, son, then I'd have to do this...


Hypothetically, of course.

Well, good night,

Son-whom-i-would-hate- to-discover-was-actually- the-goatnapper.

Dad: oof!

I can't tell them I sent chompy away now.

But what about the dream-wishing?

I can't dream if I don't sleep, right?

So I'll just stay awake

For the rest of my life.

[Rooster crows]

[Wolf howls]

[Rooster crows]

[Wolf howls]

[Rooster crows]

Mom: town hero, time for school.

Is it the rest of my life yet?

Timmy: guilty... My fault...i wish... Raining ducks!


[Quack quack]


Not vicky...i wish... Swarm of lab mice!


We've got to get chompy back here.

It's only a matter of time before he...

Wishes for something really dangerous.

I wish for a gigantic monster that won't go away

Until I tell the truth about chompy!


Look out! Aah!

I wish we were with chompy!

This must be where we sent chompy.

Great. All we have to do is find him and--


I wish... Field on fire!


Chompy, it's you!

You've got to come back to dimmsdale. You--

[Baa baa]

[Baa baa]


He's so happy here.

He's got a family and kids now.

I can't take him away from all this

Just so he can be on display in a stupid pen.

Well, what are you gonna do, timmy?

What I should've done in the first place.

I wish I was at city hall!

We're here at city hall,

Where town hero timmy turner

Has scheduled a press conference about chompy.

Uh, hi, everybody.

I have a confession to make.

I'm no hero.

[Audience gasps] he's so modest.

Let's give him another hovercraft to wreck.

No! No! No more hovercrafts!

No more gifts! No more cake!

I can't take it anymore!

Vicky didn't make chompy go away!

I did!


Timmy: I did!

I did!

I had to let him go.

Don't you see? Chompy was miserable in that pen.

He deserves to be happy and free!

All: aww...yay!

Thanks, everyone.

So I guess that means I'm not in trouble?

Heh heh. Of course you are.

Get him!

[Baa baa]

A dead end!

I'm doomed!

Well, you lived a good life, right?

I'm only !

I said "good," not "long."

All: get him!

All: chompy!

And he's got a family!

All: aww!

Timmy turner, because of you,

We now have happy mascots

Instead of one miserable one.

You're a hero again.

And chompy?

Free to come and go as he pleases.


Cheers for chompy and timmy!

Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hoo--


Well, sure, honey.

We're proud of you for telling the truth,

But you still lied to the entire town.

But my lie made everything better.

I know it was wrong, but doesn't that count for anything?


Apparently not.

Good night, son-we-still-love

Even-though- he's-a-grounded- goatnapper.

Ah, cheer up, timmy.

Months will go by like that.

It's ok. Chompy's back and happy.

I don't feel guilty anymore,

And everything is back to--


He's sound asleep.

And no dream-wishing.

But I can't help thinking we forgot something.

Hello? Hello? Oh!

Chompy! You're here to save me!

Eek! Oh! Ha ha ha!

Oh, well, it's probably nothing.

Raining ducks!


Hey, is the coast clear?

It would appear to be.

On . Ready?

! [Whistle]

Holy double-wide trailer!

That whistle! I know that whistle!

A.j.: It's timmy! Look out!


You got nailed!

Well, this will be unpleasant. Oof!

Ha! It's to, uh...


What do you guys have?

Nothing. Ow!

Right. I win!

Wow! Timmy's won another game of timmy-ball!

That's the first rule in timmy-ball-- timmy wins.

Wanda: I thought there were no rules in timmy-ball.

Well, that's the second rule.


Ha ha ha!

You can't go in there!

That's dr. Bender's yard!


Dude, didn't you see the lightning

And hear the weird music?

All of a sudden, it's nighttime?

A.j.: Don't you understand?

He's a dentist and mean.

He's a mean dentist!


Wow! Look at the size of this tooth!

Timmy: hey! My ball!


Oh, hello.

Is this your ball on my lawn

And your ankle in my trap?

Uh, uh...

Wow! Is that short for,

"Oh, gosh, my teeth are hideous."

May I please just have my ball back?

Eh, what's the word I'm looking for?

Uh, no!

Only boys with perfect teeth like mine

Can have a ball as fun as this.

And who has teeth as good as yours?

May I present to you

And your big, silly teeth--

My son wendell.

Here you go, wendell.

Wow! This sure is a fun ball that's mine now.

Your teeth aren't so great.

Well, bucky, the bucktoothed- toothed boy,

That's where you're wrong.

Both I and my son have perfect teeth.

My comb has perfect teeth.

And even our dog is on its way

To good oral perfection.

[Dog barks and growls]

Come on, wendell.

Let's play a game of perfect-teeth ball.

[Oven bell rings]

Wanda: oh, cheer up, timmy.

Why don't you just wish for another ball?

It's not about the ball.

He took my stuff because he didn't like my teeth.

I don't get it.

What's not to get? The silly teeth part

Or the not-having- the-ball part?

I'm not agreeing with him.

I'm just saying it's pretty straightforward.

Dad: oh, son. Can I have some of that salt

You're whispering to?

Sure. Thanks, son.

Good old healthy salt.

Cosmo: ow! Ow!

I had just enough time when I got back from work

To make my special pink flamingo casserole.

Ew! That casserole's gray--t. Great! Yeah!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Who wants chinese?

Dad: can I add salt to it? Cosmo: yow! Whoa!

You know, your dad really ought to watch his sodium intake.

I can't believe I'm being teased

Because my teeth are different than bender's.

Timmy: teeth.



Dr. Bender: you might need to put those

In the correct order.

He wouldn't be able to make fun of my teeth

If everybody had the same teeth.

Hey, you guys could do that, right?

Well, sure, timmy.

Then I wish everything and everybody in the world

Looked exactly the same.

Hey! What happened? Hey! I'm a gray blob!

Oh, my gosh! Everybody looks exactly the same!

Gray blobs!

I can't wait to see bender's face

When he sees he's exactly like everyone else!

Right, guys?

Cosmo? Wanda?

Guys? Uh-oh.

Are you timmy?

No, I'm chet.

Are you timmy? I'm dominic.

Are you timmy?

I just told you. I'm chet.

I hate this wish.

I can't tell which blob is our blob.

[Telephone ringing]

Woman: very well. Please hold.

Very well. Please hold. Very well.

Thank you for holding.

Woman: hey! What's going on here?

What happened?

I was just granting my kid a wish for a pony,

And now I'm here in fairy world.

I was just granting my kid a wish for a duckie,

And now I'm in fairy world.

That's weird...

Because we were just granting a wish

That everybody in the world looked

Exactly the same as everybody else,

And now we're in fairy--what?

Was that a bad thing?

Man: yes!

Oh, no! It's the toughest fairy in the universe--

Jorgen von strangle!

Right now, he's doing the von strangly part!

You two have caused a major magical fluctuation

In the magic space continuum flux!

What's that mean?

Jorgen: because of what you did,

Everyone now looks exactly the same,

And none of the fairies can find their kids!

Do you know what that's doing to the fairies?

Ooh! Ugh!

Oh, no! Magical backup!

That only happens when fairies can't grant wishes for their kids!

Ha ha ha! I mean-- poor little fairy.

We got to find timmy!

Before all the fairies...explode!

No! Yow!

Oh, no! Cosmo!

Ha! Just goofing with you, baby. Let's go.

Hey there. Want to play some blob-ball?

I only play timmy-ball.

What's a timmy?

Man, this world reeks.

Dr. Bender: oh, hello.

Is this your ball on our lawn

And your gray on our gray?

Hey, dr. Bender! Wendell!

You're big gray blobs just like me! Ha ha ha!

Actually, we're the grayest and the blobbiest.

But everyone is exactly alike!

That's where you're wrong,

Little not-that-gray boy.

In fact, only blobs as gray and blobby as we are

Can have a gray ball as fun as this.

Now, beat it!

I can't believe this!

Everybody in the world's exactly alike,

And those creeps still think they're better than everyone else!

Got to get cosmo and wanda to find me

So I can unwish this wish! There's no time to waste!

Timmy? Chet.

Timmy? Chet!

Now are you timmy?

Oh, no! Magic buildup!

I'm not falling for that one again.

Hey! It's raining me!

Oh, if I explode, we'll never be able to find timmy!

Timmy: got to find something that'll make cosmo and wanda notice me.

Gray, gray, gray...

What are you looking for, sweetie?

Do we have a marker and some paper?

I need to make a poster.

Oh, sure, hon.

Yeah. That's vibrant and noticeable.

I'm home and gray. How was your day, dear?


But I had just enough time

To make my lovely gray flamingo casserole.

That's gray--t!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Timmy: jeez. My parents might be gray blobs

Like everyone else,

But they're still their goofy selves,

Which means...

Oh, no! Pink!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Mom still can't cook!

That's why they're still goofy

And bender is still a jerk!

I changed their outsides, not their insides!

Mom, can I have your hideous pink casserole?


There's no time to lose!

If I change my outside,

Then cosmo and wanda can find me.

I hope.

Cosmo! Wanda! It's me...

With my pink hat! I'm different!

Look! Different!

Hey! Who's the freak with the pink on his head?

Let's get him and gray him up!

I can't find timmy anywhere,


I'm starting to feel all explody!

Cosmo! Wanda! It's me! Timmy!

I see a little pink dot!

That's our little pink dot!

You found me!

Of course.

You stick out like a big, sore, pink thumb.

Uh, less talky, more wishy!

I wish I was different again.

I wish the whole world was back to the way

It's supposed to be!

My teeth! My head! My hat! My gosh!

What happened to you?

Just make another wish.

[All sigh]

What's the matter, timmy?

Why aren't you and your friends

Hitting each other in the head with your ball?

Aw, that creep dentist down the street

Won't give me my ball back

Because he doesn't like my teeth.

Oh, really?

Well, let's see if we can reason with him.

Dr. Bender: now go, other bad-toothed boy

And never darken our doorway again

With your horrible bite radius.

Here's your new boomerang, wendell.

Ha ha! This sure is a fun boomerang that's mine now!

Ha ha!


Give me back my ball, wendell.

What's the word I'm looking for?

Oh, yeah. No!

Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

You must be dr. Bender,

And that must be timmy's ball.

May we have it back?

In this order-- right, right, and no, mama tooth-face.

Well, you clearly don't know the rules of timmy-ball.

Oh? Oh?

That's right. You play it like this.


You know, timmy. Perfect teeth might be nice,

But if they're in a mouth that's mean,

They might as well not be in the mouth at all.

Thanks, mom. I don't know what you just said,

But it sure makes me feel better.

My dentures! Give me back my perfect teeth!

Jump ball. Come on.

You want it? Work for it.

And, dude, you left these at my house.


Those don't belong in there!

Who wants to play timmy-ball?

All: uh, well, i...

Uhh! Ouch! Ooh!

All: aah!

Hey, cut it out! No fair! I'm hairless!

Mom: oh, come on, you guys.

Where's your game face?

Bring it on.

Is there a message there?

I think it's this.

If you're playing timmy-ball, wear a helmet.

What about wanda-ball?

I know that game!

Did you know I use a cinder block?

Didn't know that. Aah!

Wanda: come on. Bring it on, meat.

I got your game right here.

Oh, is that all you got? Come on.
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