01x04- A Wish Too Far!/Tiny Timmy!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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01x04- A Wish Too Far!/Tiny Timmy!

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ That no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky

♪ Always giving him commands

Bad twerp!

♪ Doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish who'll grant his every wish ♪

♪ 'Cause in reality...

♪ They are his oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

Wands and wings.floaty, crowny things.

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, peapod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

Obtuse, rubber goose,

Green moose, guava juice.

Giant snake, birthday cake,

Large fries, chocolate shake!

♪ Oddparents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you are a kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents

Yeah, right.

Yeah, right.

Hey, a.j. Yeah?

Why did the orange go to the doctor?

Who cares? It's just gonna end in a pun.

Oh, my gosh, it's her!

Trixie tang.

Here we go again.

She's the prettiest girl in school, and today,

She's gonna sit next to me.

What makes today different?

Today she's gonna have a place to sit. Bye!

Ahhh! Ahhh!


Oh, sorry. Ladies and gentlemen,

The lovely and popular trixie tang!

Hi, trixie.hi, trixie.

Hello popular boys, tad and chad.

[Both sigh]

Hey, trixie.

Hello popular girl, yet less popular than me, veronica.

Hey, trixie.

Hello, empty bus seat.

Darn it! Why doesn't she like me?

Dude, you're not popular.

You see, popularity charts out like this.

Where am I on the chart?

"Other", with me, chester, and that kid with the boil.

Hi, trixie.

Hello, other empty bus seat.


Popular, huh? I can do that.


All: we're so popular.

Hi, everybody.

Guys, I keep glaring at him,

But he won't leave!

Group glare!

It's not working!

Quick, plan b.



"Popular girls, popular boys"?

Hey, whoa, hang on there, little not popular boy.

Denied. Aw, come on!

Don't blame me. Blame the chart.

I can't believe I'm not popular.

Sure you are, timmy.

You're friends love you and so do we.

Just look at ourchart.

[Timmy reading]

What's the other?both: timmy!

Duh, you guys are my fairy godparents.

You're supposed to love me.

Let me think.

What do those popular kids have that I don't?

Besides the clothes and the looks and the money and the stuff?

Hey, that's it! You guys could give me the stuff to make me popular!

You'd be making friends for the wrong reasons.


Well, you can't beat that logic.

Well, you can't beat that logic.

Parents: bye, timmy. Have a nice day at school.

Ok, you guys, my parents are gone. Come on out.

Hey, timmy. You should see the nuts we just--

Ah-ah-ah! Bus coming. Popularity needed.

Move it.

You could say "please".

Fine, please move it.

I wish I had clothes like the popular kids.

Hee-hee yeah!

Uh, timmy, aren't there two words you'd like to say?

You're right. Pinky ring.


Oh, look. The bus.

Well, I guess we're done.

Wait, you gotta come with me in case I need some more stuff.

I wish you guys were cool hip hop medallions.

Today's gonna drag on forever.

Is today over yet?

Timmy? Dude, you look positively popular.

Where'd you get all the stuff?

Internet...uh, inheritance?

I inherited the internet.

Ah-ah-ah. Seat's taken.

By who? Trixie!

And where are we supposed to sit?

Hi, I'm elmer. This is my boil, bob.

Timmy turner? Mmm-hmm.

No, it's a trap!

No kid could get so popular so quick!

My spazzmo friend does have a point.

You've got the popular clothes.

Let's see your popular smile.

[Whispering] I wish I had shiny teeth.

My eyes! My perfect blue eyes!

Wow! May I grace you with my presence?

It'll be your honor.

Oh, you're good.

[Bell rings]


My parents said we could get together at the country club.

Well, my mom said we could take the limo

And go to skippy cheese's pizza place and then buy it.

Uh, my parents are out of town

And, uh, they said we could have a party after school

At my, uh, mansion.

Wow! That kicks the crud out of my plan.

Bye, timmy. We'll see you later at your fancy mansion party.

I am so totally popular.


Oh, hey, guys. How's it going?

Guys? Hey, what's--

These two not popular boys bothering you?

No, no, it's fine.

Want I should explain the chart?

Really, I'm on it.


Look, there's a party at my house tonight.

I'm popular. You guys come, you get popular.

Ok? Super. Ta!

He's moved to the dark side of the chart now.

You don't mean...i'm afraid so.

Elmer, you're the new timmy.

Neat! Can my boil have a hat, too?

I wish you were back to normal.

Hey, about today.

It seemed like I got on your nerves with all my wishing.

Well, it was the selfish, thoughtless, rude,

Abrasive way you wished that annoyed us, sweetie.

Yeah, I thought so.

So, I made a list of what I need for the party tonight at my mansion.

But timmy, you don't have any of these things.

That's where you guys come in.

Just make with the magic, ok?

You'll just be making friends because of the stuff--

Ah--ah--ah. Did I wish for a moral?


Let's get shallow.

Ready? Party favors!

Ready? Party favors!




Chips and dip.

Soda. A disco ball.

And now a mansion to put it all in.

Hey, what gives? I'm still in a house house.

Our wands have been shut off.

By who?

Huh? Where am i?

I'm in fairy court?

Order! Order!

The case of the fairies against timmy turner is now in session.

What's going on?

You're being sued by fairy world

And jorgen von strangle is the persecutor.

Don't you mean "prosecutor"? No!

I'm gonna be the defense attorney.

No! No!

And for my first legal maneuver

I'd like to make a motion.

♪ Dee dee dee, dee dee dee dee dee dee ♪

I'd like to approach the bench.

Very well.

Spot me, tiny fairy.

I call to the stand... Timmy turner!

Timmy turner, is it true over the last few days

You wished for new clothes, jewels and a new house

In order to obtain new friends?

Yes. Ah! Your witness.

Hi, timmy, look. I'm a lawyer!

Now I'm a fireman. Wheee!

Now I'm just a simple fairy/lawyer/fireman,

But jorgen misses the point.

There are many redeeming qualities to timmy.

Isn't it true that you also wished for new shoes,

New sunglasses, butlers and shiny teeth?


Wow, what a selfish punk!

The defense rests.

That'syour laser- targeted defense?!

I'm a fireman, not a laser technician.

Nowi'm a laser technician.

One last question.

After bestowing all these wonderful things upon you,

Did you ever once thank your fairy godparents?

No, i...i guess I didn't.

And I should have, and I'm really sorry.

Well, he said he was sorry.

I mean guilty!

Timmy turner, you lose your godparents.



Don't look at me. I'm just a coal miner.

Guys, I'm sorry.

Oh, that's ok, timmy.

Tomorrow we'll--

[Both bawling]

Time to go home, tiny, ungrateful earth boy.

Here, I want you guys to have this.

Oh, your only pink hat!

I can always wish for--


Where am i?

My clothes! They're still cool!

And the party guests-- they're still here!

The party! Cosmo, wanda, I can still be popular.

I can--

[All talking]


What happened?

Trixie, it's a trap. See, I told you.

I knew. See?

Guys, I don't have a mansion or a party

Or any of that stuff.

I just faked it to get you to like me.

But it worked.

Yeah, but I want friends who like me

For who I am, not what I have.

I'm sorry I didn't figure that out earlier.

Whoa. I never thought of it that way.

Really?yeah, but who cares? We're rich.

Hey everybody except timmy, chester, a.j. And the boil kid,

Party on my yacht!

[Rich kids cheering]

Hi, I think it was really sweet the way you stood up for your friends

And...i better do this quick...

Wow. Hey, do you wanna stay and hang with us?

Are you nuts? There's a party on a yacht.

Bye, empty bus seat-- I mean tommy.

She almost remembered my name.

Here you go, dude. Welcome back.

Here you go, dude. Welcome back.

Here you go, dude. Welcome back.

Hey, wait!

Now you're first runner-up timmy.

Really? Yep.

And in the event the real timmy fails to fulfill his duties,

You become timmy.

Uh, has that ever happened?no.

Cool. I had a dream!

Does that look like a bad kid to you?

No, no it doesn't.

Hmm. I rule in favor of the defendant,

Hey, but your honor, i--

Grrrr. I agree.

On one condition!

I miss 'em already.

Hi, empty bus seat.did you miss us?

Only a whole lot!

The judge saw you stand up to the popular kids

And decided to give you another chance.



But you are still ungrateful,

And for that you must pay!

Wow, with a boil that big, you're not gonna do anything social for awhile.

Too bad all this party stuff has to go to waste.

Hmm...or does it?

Wow, it sure was nice for timmy to throw us a party for a change.

More tea, mr. And mrs. Godparent?


Ewwww! Ewwww!

You want I should explain the chart?

Yes! Yes!

So boring.

Can't focus.

What's the matter, champ?

I've got to do a report on

The wonders of the microscopic universe.

Do you know what's really microscopic?

How much I care!

Vicky, you know what's notmicroscopic?

How much we care about this vase.

Hmm. It sure looks expensive.

It is! It's worth $ , .

That's more than you'll make in your entire life.

Ha ha ha ha.ha ha ha ha.

Well, we're off.

Take care of our fancy new vase while we're gone.

Oh, and timmy, too. Keep an eye on him.

[Parents laughing]

I hate you.

Stop mocking me!

I wish this assignment was more exciting.

Timmy, we're going to show you

That microbiology can be fun.

What's this thing do?

It's a shrinky suit.

It has dozens of gizmos and gadgets

To protect you from the unknown dangers

Of the microbiological universe.

Pretty interesting, timmy, huh? Huh, timmy?

Huh? Timmy?

Come on, you guys. Let's get microscopic.

Cool, I'm tiny, I'm tiny, I'm-- bored already.

How about we explore the cooties around vicky?

There's bound to be tons of them.


This is one small step for a fairy,

One giant step--

Cheese pants!

The great lost cheese pants mountain!

They said it didn't exist!

They said I was crazy, but I knew!

I like the cheddar overalls.

I like the jalepeno button flies.

Look at the size of this food!

If I could shrink everyone in the world down to this size,

There'd be enough food to end world hunger.

Oh, that's beautiful, timmy!

But not why we're here. Look!

Big candy!

Mine--mine--mine--mine-- mine--mine--mine--mine--mine!

Pretty cool, huh, timmy?

So bored. Can't--

[Beeping] hey!

I'm detecting some underdeveloped life form!

It's protozoa!

Exactly what I needed for my report.

Can we help, timmy?

No thanks. Remember the last time

You helped me with a science project?

Do it! Do it! Do it!do it! Do it! Do it!


Um... Um...

No. No.

Well, I do. I wish you guys would

Spend the afternoon enjoying yourselves

While I do my report.

Aye-aye, captain timmy.

Pick me, princess protozoa.

We'll make beautiful mildew together.

No, pick me. I make milk go sour.

I'm edgy!

Yawn so bored.

Hi. Mind if I ask you a few questions?

Ask me anything.

I think you multi-celled organisms are, like, so complex.

Say cheese.

That'd be redundant.

Well, timmy's given us the afternoon off. What do you wanna do?

Uh, not get eaten?

That's oddly specific.

Mmmmm, mmmmm, mmmm.


We still have room for one more pair of germs

For our journey through the inside of an evil girl.


And we're off.

Now watch out for that stomach acid.

It's hydrochlor-horrible.

Oh, look. Big candy. Ha ha ha ha.

My interests include wiggling and swimming.

My turn-offs are penicillin and antibiotics.

But enough about me. Tell me about you.

Well, my name's timmy.

I have a short attention span.


Now remember, the small intestine

Is a high-intensity flume ride.

People, you will get wet.

Wet with what?

Lady, you don't wanna know.

For a germ, you certainly ask a lot of obvious questions.

We're not germs. We're magic.

Well, we're the stomach flu.

We're contagious.

Watch and learn.

Guide: hey, hey! Hands in the boat at all times!


That sounds like the smashing of a rare $ , vase!

Oh, no, I broke the really expensive vase!

I mean, clumsy timmy broke the really expensive vase.


Ah ha ha ha ha!

Vicky's gonna wreck the place,

And she's gonna blame it all on me.

That's right. Timmy's throwing

A break-timmy's-stuff party at his house.

I've gotta get big quick!

Of course!

Mr. And mrs. Literal made me

A shrink suit that only shrinks.

I'd better find them. Now where'd they go?

Oh, no!

They got themselves eaten.

I've gotta find them and wish myself bigger

Before my parents get home.

I'm going in.

Ha ha ha ha ha.


Cool. I'm in vicky's body.

Here we are, folks.

Ah! Oh my gosh. Kidneyland.

We're in kidneyland,

And, oh my gosh, look-- it's walt kidney!

Hello, and welcome to kidneyland,

Located in scenic vicky the babysitter.

This is your magical guide

Through the kidney and beyond--

Tinkle bell.

Don't we know you?

L-look. It's a summer job, ok? Please don't tell my parents.

I'm still in the chest cavity.

At this rate I'll never find cosmo and wanda.




A black hole.

But that's where vicky's heart's supposed to be.

Of course! Her heart isa black hole!

Wow. The black hole dumped me into vicky's brain.

It's really vacant here.

Mission control.

This is what makes vicky tick.

Cool. I can see what vicky sees.

Excuse me. This is a secure area.

Who are you?

Uh, I'm bob. From the, uh...

Central nervous system.

All: hi, bob!

We're vicky's subconscious.

We control all of her emotions.

I'm pettiness, that's jealousy...

Why can't I have a suit like that?

And this is anger.

Hello, would you like a cookie?



So would i!

Vicky's breaking everything in the house.

Where the heck are cosmo and wanda?!

Welcome to our last stop, people.

The nose.

Please exit through either the left or the right nostril.


Let's go again! Let's go again!


Never showed up for work--[gasp]

Oh, dear. Some girl is getting more attention than vicky.

I better spill something on her dress.

Ah! Ha ha ha ha ha!

I wonder...

All right, vicky.

Feel the love!

Ha ha--

Oh, gosh. I'm sorry.

What an incredibly unkind thing of me to do.

If one click did that,

What would happen if--[beep]




Oh my good golly gosh!

Timmy's parents will be home any minute.

Quick, everybody, get out! I have to clean!

And here... Money for everyone.


There's not a minute to spare.

Come, my animal friends!

♪ La la la la la la

Wow! Cosmo and wanda are outside vicky's body.

Now I can wish myself out of here. Ha ha--

You! You're not from the nervous system.

Look! It's obsessive- compulsive disorder.



Well, let's see how he deals with the antibodies.

Antibodies! And they're gaining! Gotta lose 'em!

♪ Cleaning, cleaning, how I love the cleaning ♪

♪ Cleaning...

Vicky's vocal cords. Oh, no. I gotta get out of here.

Better find something before they box me in.

That's it!

It's gotta be in here somewhere.

The voice box.

Welcome to voice-in-the-box. May I take your order?

I wish I was out of here!

[Voice echoing] I wish I was out of here...

♪ I have to clean the mess I made and-- ♪

I wish I was out of here!

Did you hear that wish?

Timmy's learned ventriloquism.

Cosmo: and vicky's the dummy.

Blast! You may have escaped this time,

But we'll meet again.

Cute little animals? And they're cleaning?

Get out!

Mom and dad are home. The vase!

It's still busted.

I wish the vase was fixed.

$ , Vase... And timmy. We're home.


Vicky! You've cleaned the house and made it spotless.

What a wonderfully kind thing to do.

Boring conversation. Can't focus.

Ahhhhh! Ahhhhh!

All right! Timmy broke the vase!

We're rich...we're rich...


What? Vicky...

That vase was worth--

And insured-- for $ , .

We only bought it for a buck.

Where'd you get it for a dollar?

Internet. Internet.

And thanks to timmy's tiny attention span,

We just made $ , !

I hate you.

And so, I learned that the small intestine

Is actually a high speed water ride,

Emotions are controlled by little people in chairs,

And when you're mean, your heart is a big black hole

That sucks up everything.

Crocker gave me an "f".

I'll tell you what's really microscopic--

Your grade point average.

Now I've gotta do a report on the wonders of the big universe.

No problem.

You guys take everything tooliterally.

Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha.

Ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha.
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