03x01 - Blue's Big Treasure Hunt

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blue's Clues". Aired: September 8, 1996 - August 6, 2006.*
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A puppy leaves clues for viewers to solve daily puzzles.
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03x01 - Blue's Big Treasure Hunt

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, out there!

It's me, steve.

Have you seen blue...

♪ Mail time!

♪ Mail time, mail time...♪

It's mail time? Already?

Okay, we'll be right there, mailbox.

♪ Mail time!♪

♪ Here's the mail, it never fails ♪

♪ It makes me want to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes, I want to wail, "mail!" ♪

Hey, mailbox, I can't believe it's mail time, already.

It's a treasured delivery.

Here it is.

Ooh... A treasured delivery.

I wonder what it is.


Whoa. Look at this!


A treasure chest!

A treasure chest.


Look far...

This is cool.

♪ Look far, look near, it will be clear ♪

♪ There's a treasure hunt today ♪

♪ Scooby-ooh-do, bop.

A treasure hunt?

Yes, a treasure hunt.

Hey, did you hear that?

There's a treasure hunt today!


Oh, oh, and this, this must be our treasure map.

Look, there's the "x".

A treasure hunt? Wow!

But who set up the treasure hunt?

Yeah... You know, I was just wondering that same thing.


Blue, do, do you know who set up this whole treasure hunt?



Blue always knows.

♪ We are gonna play "blue's clues" ♪

♪ 'Cause it's really fun, yeah. ♪

So, we'll play blue's clues to figure out who set up the whole treasure hunt.


So remember, blue's paw prints will be on the clues:

Blue's clues.

Right, but we won't be able to find anything

With this paw print stuck right up there.

Um, what should we use to clean it up?

There's got to be something.

That, that cloth!

Oh... This.

Wow, I guess this is our treasure hunt cleaner-upper.


Where am I going to put all this?

Nice backpack, blue.


Oh, I get it.

It's our special treasure hunt backpack.

All right, this is cool.

So... We're all ready.

Let's start our treasure hunt.


Um, do you see anything that would help us?

A treasure hunt hint!

Oh... That must be a treasure hunt hint.

Read it with me.

It says, "let's start the treasure hunt, if you will.

"Go inside the..."


House, right.

"It'll be a thrill."

All right.

So, we need to go inside the house.


Let's go.

Okay, we're in the house.


Let's look at that map.

Ah... Thanks, blue.

[Barks "you're welcome"]

Oh, okay.

So, we need to, um... Ooh!

We need to fill in this first blank space, but how?



Great idea, blue.

You'll just use this house sticker.

Where'd you get a house sticker?


Oh, the backpack. Cool.

So I guess what we have to do is we have to follow this map all the way to the "x".

I got it.

Side table drawer: what are you doing?

Didn't you hear?

We're on a big treasure hunt.

No way!

I wonder who set up the whole treasure hunt.

Well, we're going to play blue's clues to figure that out.

Good idea.

Here's your treasure hunt notebook.

To play blue's clues, we got to find a...

Paw print!

Oh, a paw print, right.

And that's our first...


A clue?

A clue!

Then we put it in our... Notebook.

♪ 'Cause they're blue's clues, blue's clues ♪

♪ We got to find another paw print, that's the second clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook, 'cause they're whose clues? ♪

♪ Blue's clues

♪ We got to find the last paw print, that's the third clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook, 'cause they're blue's clues, blue's clues ♪

♪ You know what to do

♪ Sit down in our thinking chair ♪

♪ And think, think, think

♪ 'Cause when we use our minds, take a step at a time ♪

♪ We can do anything...


♪ That we want to do.

Okay, on to our treasure hunt.

[Blue barking...]

Do you see something?

A treasure hunt hint.

Oh, oh, oh.

Is that what I think it is?

Another treasure hunt hint.

Read it with me.

It says, "what has numbers, and tells time?"

Do you know?

A clock!

A clock!

Ooh... Tickity.

Let's go.

♪ It's treasure hunt, our treasure hunt led us to tickity. ♪

Hey, now that we figured out our treasure hunt hint, we can...

Right, add tickity to our map.

Ooh, we're getting closer to our treasure.

Hi, steve.

How's the treasure hunt going?

Well, actually, tickity, our treasure hunt led us to you!

A clue, a clue!

A clue?

Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.

Oh, you're right.

There's a clue on these glasses.

Hey, clock, you're sitting next to our first clue.

You know what we need, our handy-dandy...




So, two circles with a line connecting them

And two curved lines to go around the ears.

There. Glasses.

So our first clue to who set up this whole treasure hunt

Is glasses.

Do you know who?

Right, well, we better keep looking for more clues.


Or, or, treasure hunt hints.

Oh... Look at this.

There's a secret compartment in the notebook!

That's amazing.

You can do the honors here, blue.

[Barks "thank you"]

Read it with me.

It says, "find these two things

"And you will see

A land of great discovery."


So the two things we need to find are a book and a key.

Book, and a key.

Well, do you see any of these things?

The book!

Oh, yeah, look at that!


So, we found the book.

Now, what else do we need to find?

The key!

The key. Precisely.

Where is the key?

Got to find the key.


The key!

Ooh, and paprika's holding it.

Hey, paprika, can we have that key?


If you want to receive the treasure hunt key

You first have to answer a riddle from me.

Oh, okay, I get it.

So, first we need to figure out a riddle, then we get the key.

Key mine!

Ooh, read it with me.

"Kangaroo starts with the letter..."

What letter does kangaroo start with?


A "k," right.

And, um, eggs.

Eggs starts with the letter, uh...

What letter does eggs start with?


An "e."

Great reading.

And, uh, yo-yo.

Ooh, what letter does yo-yo start with?



Well, because mr. Salt said

We had to figure this out and then...

Oh, the letter "y".

Got it.

So what word does this spell, k-e-y?

K-e-y... K-e-y.


Key, yeah!

We figured out the riddle.


Hey, key!

Hey, so we found the book and the key.

We solved another treasure hunt hint.

What room are we in?

The kitchen!

The kitchen, yeah.

That means we can add the kitchen

To our treasure hunt map.

Ooh, we are so almost at our treasure.

I have something else for you.

What is this?

A bookcase, yeah.

Let's go.

A clue, a clue!

Do you see a clue?

The rocking chair!

Oh.... On the rocking chair.

This rocking chair is our second clue.

You know what we need, our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

Hey, you know, I think I'll just use my red crayon

For this red rocking chair.

So, a line for the arch of the chair.

Two curved lines around for the arms.

Lines going this way, for the seat.

Lines going this way, for the back.

And squiggly lines for the rockers.

A rocking chair.

Okay, we need to figure out who set up the treasure hunt.

And our first clue was... Glasses, right.

And now, our second clue is this rocking chair.

So, who could have set up the treasure hunt

With glasses and a rocking chair?

Do you know?

Maybe, maybe we should find our last clue.

Where were we going?

Right, the bookcase.

Let's go.

Look, look!

What do you think goes there?

The book!

Oh, the book, right.


It's a secret passageway.

Blue, did you know that was here the whole time?

I'm speechless.

It's locked.

How should we open it?

The key!

The key, yes, the key.

Have you done this before or something?

Because you're really very good.

Let's go.

♪ Blue skiddoo, we can, too. ♪


Now, this is something else.


At the end of a rainbow!

Oh, my gosh.

I think it's chocolate.

It is!

It is chocolate!

This is the land of great discovery!

Hey, blue, we got to add this to our map.

Ooh, we're getting closer and closer!

On the wrapper!


On the wrapper?

No way.

Man, this place is so cool.

Do you know who this is?

Little miss muffett!

Yeah, that's little miss muffett.

That's blue's favorite nursery rhyme ever.

Wow, this place is great.

I'm supposed to go.

No, it's me.

Hi, miss muffett.

I'm steve, and this is blue.

She's a really big fan of yours.

Say hi.

[Barks "hello"]

Hello, blue.

Oh, thank goodness both of you are here.

Can you help?

Sure, what seems to be the problem?

Well, here I am, miss muffett

Sitting on my tuffett, eating my curds and whey.

Then along came a... Oh...

We can't seem to figure out what happened next.

Will you help?

Do you know what happens next in little miss muffett's story?

Along came a...

Bug. It must be bug.

Along came a bug.




Along came a spider, who sat down beside her.

And the rest was history.

Thank you for clearing that up.

Here you go!

Hey, do you know who that is?

Only the coolest nursery rhyme guy there ever was.

It's jack.

Come on.

Wasn't jack right here a second ago?

Here I am, and here's my problem.

As you can see, I am nimble, and I am quick

But I just can't seem to remember

What I'm supposed to jump over.

Can you help me, and fast?

Well, I can definitely see your problem.

Hey, do you know?

What should jack jump over?

A candlestick!

A candlestick, thanks!

And this is for you.

Ooh, another scroll.

Okay, read it with me.

It says, "you've come so far, the end is near.


Now... Now what?

Now what? Now what?

It's only half, you see.

What does this mean?

A clue, a clue!


Look at this tree.

It grows green-striped things.


There's a clue on this green-striped dress.

You know what we need, our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.


A green-striped dress.

I think I'll use a green-striped crayon.


First we draw the outline of the dress.

And then some lines here, for the collar.

Some stripes.

And buttons.


A green dress with stripes just like mine.

Now, that was our third clue.

Hey, that means we're ready for our...

Thinking chair!

Thinking chair!

Let's go.

Okay, now that we're in our thinking chair, let's think.

So, we're trying to figure out

Who set up this whole treasure hunt

And our clues are glasses

A rocking chair

And a green-striped dress.

Well, who do we know who has glasses

And maybe sits in a rocking chair

And wears a green-striped dress?

Who do we know like that?

Your grandmother!

My grandma!

Yeah, because she has glasses

And she loves to sit in her rocking thinking chair

And she wears green stripes, like me.

So, my grandma set up this whole big treasure hunt.

Aw... How nice is that?

We just figured out blue's clues!

♪ We sat on down, figured it out ♪

♪ What those clues were all about ♪

♪ Grandma set up our treasure hunt! ♪

Hint, hint!

Oh, it's the other half of that riddle.


Okay, read it with me.

It says, "you've come so far, the end is near.

Now... You are here."

"You are here."

We're here!

Where are we?

The living room!

The living room, right.

We are here. Okay.

Now we can add the living room to our map.

First the house, then tickity

The kitchen, the land of discovery

And now the living room.

Hey, we just have to find the "x"!

Hey, just need to find an "x".

Got to find an "x".

Where are we going to find an "x"? Do you know?

Need the "x".

Finding an "x"...

Where's the "x"?

There's the "x"!


Ooh, that's it!

The "x"!

The "x" that marks the spot!

Let's go!

Hey, mailbox.

The "x", it's right there.

The "x" is on me because I'm holding the treasure.

This is the coolest treasure ever.


This one's for blue.

And this one's for me.

And there's a card.

"Turn around and you will see

I'm standing right behind the tree."




It's my grandma!

Hi, steve.

Oh, thank you so much.

This was the coolest treasure hunt ever.

Oh, you're welcome.

I know how you love finding things.

Yeah... Oh, this is my friend.

This is my grandma.

This is my grandson. Hi, there.

Ooh, now it's time to open the treasures.

Blue, dear, why don't you open your treasure first?

It's a key.

A key to unlock all your favorite treasures.


Is it time to open my treasures now?

Banana cookies!

Only the way grandma makes them.

Thank you so much.

Oh, you're so welcome.

Hey, and thank you, treasure hunt experts.

This certainly was a day to remember.

♪ Now it's time for so long

♪ But we'll sing just one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part

♪ You sure are smart

♪ You know, with me and you

♪ My grandma and blue

♪ We can do anything

♪ That we want to do.


♪ A scooby-doo-doo.



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