04x05 - Mission PAW: Royally Spooked/Pups Save Monkey-dinger

Episode transcripts for the TV show "PAW Patrol". Aired: August 12, 2013 - present.*
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A group of six rescue dogs, led by a tech-savvy boy named Ryder, has adventures in "PAW Patrol."
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04x05 - Mission PAW: Royally Spooked/Pups Save Monkey-dinger

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol

♪ We'll be there on the double ♪

♪ Whenever there's a problem

♪ 'Round Adventure Bay

♪ Ryder and his team of pups

♪ Will come and save the day ♪

♪ Marshall, Rubble, Chase

♪ Rocky, Zuma, Skye

♪ Yeah, they're on the way ♪

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol

♪ Whenever you're in trouble ♪

♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol

♪ We'll be there on the double ♪

♪ No job's too big, no pup's too small ♪

♪ PAW Patrol, we're on a roll! ♪

♪ So here we go, PAW Patrol ♪

♪ Whoa-oh-oh

♪ PAW Patrol

♪ Whoa-oh-oh-oh

♪ PAW Patrol

Come out, come out wherever you are.

Ha! Found you, Rocky.

Oh, Rubble, you're the best hide-and-seeker ever.

Thanks, but I still haven't found...

Marshall, I see your tail.

Silly tail. Quit being so happy.

Almost dark, pups. Time for bed.

Can't we play a little longer?

Who cares if it's getting...

[Wind gusting]


I guess I do.

[Wind gusting, whimpering]

It's just the wind, Rubble.

Yeah, it's nothing spooky.

Right. I know that.

[Wind gusting]



I wonder why the Earl of Barkingburg

is calling so late?

Ryder, I hope I didn't wake you.

But something is rotten in the state of Barkingburg.

No worries, Your Earlness. What's wrong?

The princess said she saw a suit of armor

walking by itself.

The castle may be haunted.

But there's no such thing as ghosts.

Yes, of course, of course. But could you check it out?

I can't allow the princess to sleep in a castle

where there might be...



Don't worry.

We'll figure out what it is.

No job's too spooky, no pup is too small.

PAW Patrol, to the Air Patroller.

ALL: Ryder needs us!

[Barking and laughter]

Watch out![Loud crashing]

[Both gasping]

Looks like a ghost!

Where? Oh, me.

[All laughing]

PAW Patrol ready for action, Ryder, sir.


Where are we going?Barkingburg.

The princess saw something spooky in the castle.

A ghost?

It's not a ghost, though something is scaring them.

We need to help.

An extraordinary mission like this

calls for extraordinary gear.

You mean this is a...

ALL: Mission PAW.

Robo-Dog, put the Air Patroller in Mission PAW mode.


[All barking]

Time to gear up Mission PAW-style.

[All barking]

The princess saw something strange in the castle.

We need to find out what it is and get rid of it.

Let's do it.Yeah!


RYDER: So for this Mission PAW,

I'll need...

Chase, you'll use your night-vision visor

to find that mysterious suit of armor

in the dark castle.

Chase is on the spooky case.

Skye, fly around on your glider wings

and see if you can discover what's really behind this ghost.

This puppy's got to fly!

All right, Mission PAW is on a roll.

♪ PAW Patrol

♪ Go, go, go, go, go, go ♪

♪ Go, go, go, go

♪ Go, go, go, go, go, go

[All cheering and barking]

♪ Go, go, go, go, go

♪ Go, go, go, go

♪ Go, go, go, go, go, go

Robo-Dog, put your metal to the pedal.


♪ PAW Patrol

♪ Go, go, go, go, go, go

♪ Go, go, go, go, go

♪ Go, go, go

[All barking and howling]

You pups stay in the Mission Cruiser.

I'll call if I need you.

But the ghost might show up here.

I'd feel safer with you, Ryder, heh.

You're welcome to come along, Rubble.

But there's no such thing as--

Ghost! I saw it!

A suit of armor walking by itself!

I saw it too.

It's not safe for anyone

to sleep in the castle tonight.

PAW Patrol, I saw a ghost.

Isn't that exciting?

You weren't scared?

Not at all. It's fun.

And I can't wait to show it to my favorite pups.

Come on.

Those pups are going to try to ruin my ghostly plan, Busby.

But we're not going to let that happen, are we?

PRINCESS: Sweetie.

I'm coming too, my princess.

And I'll keep watch out here, Your Highness.

[Laughing nervously]

I'll turn on the lights.

Somebody must have cut the power.

[Squeaking]Wait, did you hear that?

[Squeaking continuous]

[Laughing]: Silly puppy.

It's just Sweetie with her chew toy, Busby.

Oopsie. Did I scare you?

[All laughing]

[Loud creaking][Gasping]

That's not a toy.

See you!

Poor Rubble.

[Loud creaking]

Chase, use your night-vision visor

and see what's making that noise.


Night vision.

[Loud creaking continuous]

Okay, that's weird.

All the paintings on the walls are moving.

Pretty spooky, huh, princess?

Yes! How thrilling.

Yoo-hoo, ghost!

Come on out.

Really? Thrilling?

Looks like I'll have to do something a bit scarier.

Then they'll flee, and I'll have this place

all to myself.

I'll be the queen of the castle.

[Laughing and snorting]

There's the ghost.

There must be somebody inside that armor.

Yeah, somebody sneaky, like Sweetie.

Who, little old me?

[All gasping]


Well, then who's in there?



[Laughing]: Sorry.

Maybe that is a little spooky.

What a silly ghost.

It's silly, but it's not a ghost.

Ghosts aren't real.

We're gonna solve this mystery.

Lead on, Skye.

[Barking]: Glider Wings.

♪ PAW Patrol

♪ Go, go, go, go, go, go

I feel bad leaving them in the haunted castle.

If only I were brave enough to help.

But those spooky sounds were so scary.


Thanks, Robo-Dog. You're such a good listener.


I see something right there.

[Visors beeping]

Follow me.

Let's spread out so it can't get away from us.

It's time for some fun, Busby.


There's something suspicious going on here.

Suits of armor don't dance.

Someone must be controlling that knight.

Skye, take a closer look.

Will do.

Uh-oh. I'd better scare them off

before they figure out it's me.

[All gasping]

Better run for it, everyone.

I'll stay here and defend the castle.

Don't worry, Sweetie. We're here to help.

We're the PAW Patrol.


SKYE: Wait.

There's a weird device on the knight's helmet.

Maybe that's how it's being controlled.

But who's got the remote?

[Busby squeaking][Both gasping]


It's Sweetie's chew toy.

Grab it, Skye.

[Both grunting]

[Beeping and sizzling]

RYDER: Look out, everybody.

It's a secret passageway to the backyard.

Follow me.

It sounds like someone's put the castle in lockdown mode.

It must have been Sweetie.

[Laughing]: Finally.

The castle is all mine.

Say hello to Queen Sweetie.

Okay, Robo-Knights. Enough. Stop.


It's not working.


PAW Patrol, the knights are out of control.


We'll help you, Sweetie,

but you'll have to unlock the castle first.

I can't. Silly ghost knights are blocking the controls.

Rubble, Sweetie's trapped in the castle.

I need you to use your Mini Miner

to break down the door and rescue her.

Inside the castle, with that scary ghost?

Now, Rubble, I know you were scared,

but we really need you. And that ghost--

Won't stop me.

I was scared, Ryder,

but if the PAW Patrol really needs me,

I'm going to try to be a brave pup.

Rubble on the double.

[Tires squealing]

No such thing as ghosts. No such thing as ghosts.


Somebody stop these ghost knights.

Well, maybe there are, but I've got to do this anyway.

Ready or not, ghosts, here comes Rubble.

♪ PAW Patrol

You saved me.

I did?

Hey, I did.

Rubble, are you okay?

Look, Ryder, I beat those ghosts.

You sure did, Rubble.

And I'm proud of you.

Only they weren't really ghosts.

There were remote-controlled.

By Sweetie.

Just kidding around.


How can I be angry at a puppy as cute as you?

But you're still going to your doghouse.


Ryder, I want to thank you and the pups,

especially the very brave Rubble,

for unhaunting the castle.

Whenever you're in ghostly trouble again,

just say "ooh" for help.

[All laughing]♪ P-P-P-PAW-PAW, PAW Patrol ♪

[Birds chirping]


So, how are you enjoying our safari, Mayor Humdinger?


Worst idea for a vacation ever.

Hot, sweaty and full of bugs.


Sí, so many bugs.

Lucky for me, I come with my own bug shooer.

Que suerte!

CARLOS: And now for the highlight of our tour.

The monkey temple.

It was built thousands of years ago,

so be careful not to touch anything.


You could use some lights in here.


You found the ancient monkey mask, Mayor!

Muy bien. It's supposed to have magic power.

Lots of it. Mucho poder.

I like magic and power.

And mucho magic power.

I like, I like.

I...like it...

to remain here, so everyone can see it.


Legend says it gives whoever wears it

the power of a mighty ape.


I can't wait to see what's next.

Lead on, safari guides.

[Squeaking]Watch it, kittens.

I just found the perfect souvenir.


Now the monkey magic power will be mine.


Whoa, I feel strange.

I...I feel...

I feel...


CARLOS: Mayor Humdinger,

you shouldn't have that mask on.


Oh, no.

He's heading for the jungle.

With the magic monkey mask.


Thanks for helping wash my ATV, Marshall.



Look, Marshall's sleepwashing.

[Both laughing][Ringing]

Hello? Who is this?



Where's Mayor Humdinger?

What's wrong?

Hey, Ryder. It's Carlos.

You're not going to believe this,

but Mayor Humdinger stole the magic mask.

And now he thinks he's a monkey.

He climbed a tree and disappeared into the jungle.

We have to help him.

And get the mask back to the temple.

Don't worry, we're on our way.

No mayor is too monkey, no pup is too small.

PAW Patrol, to the Paw Patroller.

ALL: Ryder need us.


Whoa! Whoa!

[All barking and howling]

Instant bubble bath. I like it.

[All laughing]

[All barking and howling]

PAW Patrol ready for action, Ryder, sir.

Next stop: the jungle.

Hit it, Robo-Dog.[Barking]

Okay, pups,

we need to find Mayor Humdinger,

get the monkey spell off him,

and return the mask to where it belongs.

Skye, I'll need you to use your copter and goggles

to track Mayor Humdinger from the air.

This puppy's got to fly.

What one pup can do, two can do better.

Tracker, we'll need your super hearing to help find the mayor.

Then we'll need your cables to get him down from the trees.

Ruff! I'm all ears.

[Speaking Spanish]

All right, PAW Patrol is on a roll.


[All barking and howling]

♪ PAW Patrol

♪ Go, go, go, go

♪ Skye

♪ Go, go, go, go, go, go

♪ Go, go, go, go, go

♪ Go, go, go, go, go, go

♪ Go, go, go, go, go

♪ Tracker

♪ Go, go, go, go, go, go

♪ Go, go, go, go, go


♪ PAW Patrol, PAW Patrol

[Tires squealing]

[Barking]: Goggles.

Hmm. No sign of Mayor Humdinger yet.

Where could he be?


[All laughing]

[Device beeping]Ryder, Skye,

he's that way.

[Speaking Spanish]

SKYE: There he is.

Whoa, he's got moves.

And some new monkey friends.

Mandy and her family.

Follow Mayor Humdinger.

We're here to rescue him and the mask.

[All gibbering]

SKYE: Ryder, he's heading for a gorge.

And so are you. Stop!

[Tires squealing]

Well, we found the gorge.

Oye, oye, oye. It almost found us.

[Humdinger gibbering]

He really thinks he's a monkey.

[Blowing raspberry]

He still has the same bad manners.

This way, Ryder.Hold on.

That support stake looks like it's ready to fall out.

You're right, Ryder. If we try to cross the bridge,

it could come loose and we'd fall into the gorge.

[Speaking Spanish]

I know who can fix it.

Rocky, can you help us out?

Green means go!

[All gibbering]


What am I doing here?


Ruff! Hammer.

Good job, Rocky.

This rope bridge will be safe to cross

as long as we don't let it swing too much.

Now we can save that monkey man.

Let's go. Vámonos.

Nothing to worry about. Just take it slow.

Oye, oye, oye.

Easy, Tracker.

Slow down.

[Humdinger gibbering]

That was super easy, if we follow copter across.

[All laughing]

Now we just have to find Monkey-Dinger.

I mean, Mayor Humdinger.


Mayor Humdinger, we're here to...

[Humdinger cackling]

...rescue you.


The mayor's going to get hurt monkeying around.

Tracker, see if you can get him down.

Sí, Ryder. Ruff! Cables.

Hi, Mayor Humdinger. Let me help you...



Ryder, I don't think he wants to come down.



What am I doing up here?



Mira, Ryder.

We need to get the mask back,

or he'll keep thinking he's a monkey.

Can you grab the mask?

I'll try.




No siento, Ryder. He's too fast.

We need to distract him.

On my way.

Watch me. Up here.


[Monkey shrieking]

Oh, no. I got to get down from here.


[Grunting]That's one way to get down.

Are you okay?

No. I don't know where I am.

And why do I keep craving bananas?

It's a long story,

but it started with you taking that mask.

I merely borrowed it.

Well, it's going back to the temple, where it belongs.

Okay, Mayor Humdinger,

cross the bridge slow and easy.

Oh, this bridge is way too jiggly.


This is no time for play.


Oh, no! He's going monkey again.


Not again!


Skye, fly to the mayor

and pull him up with your harness.

On it, Ryder.

Just grab on to it, mayor.

I can't. I can't let go.

Can you swing over there and give him a helping paw?

[Speaking Spanish]

I sure can, Ryder.

Ruff! Cables.

Hold still right there, Skye.


Oh! Whoa!

[All cheering]

Uh, thanks, Ryder.

Once again, you saved me.

Hey, whenever you have a problem,

just yelp for help.


Lucky we had Tracker.

What a good pup.


[Speaking Spanish]

[Gibbering]Get that thing away from me!


Hmm, when did I get so good at climbing trees?

I'll take that. Thanks, Mandy.

You deserve lots of bananas.

Ooh, bananas smell so good.

Whoa! I'm okay.

[All laughing]♪ P-P-P-PAW-PAW, PAW Patrol ♪

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