02x21 - Mechanics!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blue's Clues". Aired: September 8, 1996 - August 6, 2006.*
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A puppy leaves clues for viewers to solve daily puzzles.
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02x21 - Mechanics!

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, out there!

It's me, steve.

Have you seen blue, my puppy?

There she is!

Come on in.

[ Barking...]

Hi. Do you want to fly a plane with us?

Great, come on.

[ Blue barks happily]

Okay, blue, start your engines.

We need more power.

Start your engines, too.

[ Imitating plane...]


[ Imitating plane...]

[ Barks "uh-oh"]


What happened?

It broke.

It broke.

It is broken.

Will you help us fix it?

You will? Great.

Come on.

So, which part of the plane is broken?

The wing.

The wing?

Oh, right, one of the wings broke off.

That's probably why the plane fell.

Well, let's put the wing back on

And start the engines.

Do you think we fixed it?

[ Imitating plane...]

[ Barks happily]

It flew!

We fixed it.

You're really good at that fixing stuff.

All right.

Hey, blue, is there anything else we need to fix?


I see what you're up to, blue.

We'll "blue's clues" to figure out what we need to fix.

I love blue's clues.

♪ We are gonna play blue's clues ♪

♪ 'Cause it's a really great game, yeah! ♪

So remember, blue's paw print will be on the clues.

Blue's clues.

Hey, speaking of paw prints...

I wonder how this one works?

Hey, it's like those rotor things that make helicopters go.


Uh, paw print, you are clear for take-off.


You know what we need for blue's clues: our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right. Come on.

Blue's clues!

I'm so excited!

Hi, side table drawer.

Just came to get our note... Book.

Oh... Right.

See, the drawer has to be open

Before I can get the notebook.

That's how drawers work.


You know, I can tell I'm really going to need your help today

Trying to figure out what we need to fix.

Will you help me?

You will. Great.


To play blue's clues, we got to find a...

Paw print!

Oh, a paw print, right.

And that's our first...


A clue? A clue!

Then we put it in our... Notebook!

♪ 'Cause they're blue's clues, blue's clues ♪

♪ We got to find another paw print, that's the second clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook, 'cause they're whose clues? ♪

♪ Blue's clues

♪ We got to find the last paw print, that's the third clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook

♪ 'Cause they're blue's clues, blue's clues ♪

You know what to do.

♪ Sit down in our thinking chair ♪

♪ And think, think, think

♪ 'Cause when we use our minds, take a step at a time ♪

♪ We can do anything...

[ Barks]

♪ That we want to do.

Okay, so... Did you see which way blue went?

That way!

This way.

Let's go.


What's this?

Let's see where it leads.

♪ We are looking for blue's clues ♪

♪ We are looking for blue's clues ♪

♪ We are looking for blue's clues ♪

♪ Wonder where this goes


I wonder how this works?

A clue! A clue!

Oh, yeah, that is really cool.

If I pull this end down, then that end goes up.

See that? It works like a pulley.

It's a clue!

Oh. You see a clue?


Right there!

Oh, there it is! On the string!

There's a clue on the string.


You know what we need.

Our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

So, string.

We draw a long wavy line like this

And we have string.

So, we're trying to figure out what we need to fix today.

And our first clue is: string.

What do you think?

Ooh, yeah, but I think we need to find two more clues.

Shovel and pail: vroom, vroom!

I think my car will go faster.

No, I think my car will go faster.

I think my car will go faster.

Both: who said that?

Hi, shovel, hi, pail.

It's me, steve.

The guy from the house?

Look, steve, we made ramps for our race cars.

Do you know how ramps work?


Do you want to help shovel and pail

Figure out how ramps work?

Cool. Then we can go look for more blue's clues.

Both: ready? Vroom, vroom!

Well, whose car do you think will go faster?

Shovel's or pail's?

Let's see.

On your mark...

Get set...


Pail's car went faster.

All: but why?

Well, same cars.

You let go of them at the same time.

Something must be different.

Do you know?

What's different?

That ramp is higher!

Oh, right.

Pail's ramp is higher.

Maybe that's why her car went faster?

Wow. Are you some kind of ramp wizard or something or...

Let's do it again.

Both: ready? Vroom, vroom!

Ooh, ramp wizard...

Well, whose car do you think will go faster?

Shovel's or pail's?

Let's see.

On your mark...

Get set...


Ooh, shovel's car went faster.

But why?

Both: but why?

Do you know why shovel's car went faster?

That ramp is higher!

Oh, right, shovel's ramp is higher

So his car went faster.

Now we can go look for more...

Let's do it again.



Both: ready? Vroom, vroom!

What do you think will happen this time?

You think?

Let's see.

On your mark...

Get set...

Get reallyset...


Both: steve!

Oh, no... I was just kidding.

On your mark...

Get set...


What happened?

It's a tie.

Oh, a tie.

All: but why?

Do you know why it was a tie?

The ramps are at the same height.

Oh, right, the ramps are the same height

So the cars went the same speed.

Both: thanks for your help.

Oh, thank the ramp wizard.

Now let's go look for more blue's clue...

[ Wind blowing]

Ooh... What was that?


Oh, right... It's wind.

[ Wind blowing]

[ Laughs]

Hey, let's glide.

[ Humming]

A clue.

You want to do a loop?

Okay, hold on.

No, a clue.

Oh! There it is!

And there it goes.

[ Chuckles]

The clue, my friends, is blowing in the...


Okay... We need our handy-dandy, windy-dindy...


Notebook, right.

So... Our second clue is w...

[ Wind blowing]

Well, wind is invisible

But we can draw some swirly lines like this.

So, we're trying to figure out what we need to fix.

What was our first clue?


String, right.

And now our second clue is... Wind.

So... What could we need to fix with string and wind?

♪ Mail time, mail time...♪

Well, I think we need to find our last clue.

♪ Mail time, mail time!♪

But first, the mail.

♪ Here's the mail, it never fails ♪

♪ It makes me want to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes, I want to wail, "mail!" ♪

[ Barking happily]

Hey, steve, do you know how letters work?

How letters work?

I give you your letter, and you open it. [ Laughs]

Oh! [ Laughs]

Thanks, mailbox.

You're welcome!

We just got a letter.

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just got a letter ♪

♪ We just got a letter

♪ Wonder who it's from?

It's a letter from our friends.

Hi, steve, we're learning how tape recorders work.

The tape goes in like this

This is the "record" button.

If we push it, we can record our voices.

Hi, blue.

Hi, steve.

Rewind, rewind.

We push "play" to listen to our message.

Hi, blue. Hi, steve.

All: bye, steve and blue.


That's so cool, how tape recorders work. [ Laughs]

That's so cool, how tape recorders work. [ Laughs]

[ Blue barks]

Okay, where is that voice coming from?

Tape recorder!

[ Barking]

Oh, the tape recorder.

That's so cool, how tape recorders work.

Hey, blue... Can we record your voice now?

[ Barking]

All right.

Well, then, just go ahead and do the...

Uh, do you remember which part blue talks into?

The microphone.

Oh, the microphone.


[ Clears throat]

[ Barking]

Now what do we do?

Push the "record" button.

Oh, right.

If, if I push the "record" button

Then blue can talk into it.

Okay, blue... Recording.

[ Barking]

[ Barking on tape]

We did it!

Blue! That's your voice!

We recorded blue's voice.

[ Barking "blue skiddoo"]

Oh... Blue just skiddooed.

Let's go, too.

Blue skiddooed into that game board.

Let's go, too.

♪ Blue skiddoo, we can, too

Oh, look at this.

A road race game.


Go, gopher, yeah.

All right, skunk, you go.

Rabbit: I need help.

Go, rabbit... Go.

Are you the mechanics?

'Cause I need help.

The mechanics?

Oh, you, you mean, the ones who fix stuff.

Uh... Well, we can try to be.

Will you help blue and me be the mechanics

So we can help this rabbit?


Okay, rabbit, what's wrong?

I'm not going anywhere.

How do I make this tricycle move?

Hmm... Motion.

There's got to be some way to get these wheels to move.

Ooh... Hey, rabbit, what you got to do

Is you got to talk to the wheels... Like this.

Hey, wheels, move.

You go, wheels.


Did that work?


The wheels aren't listening, steve.

Well, do you know?

What makes the wheels turn?


Oh, right.

Hey, rabbit... Try pushing the pedals.

I'm moving!

You are quite the mechanic.

Rabbit pedals, which turns the wheels...

Which makes my tricycle go.

Thanks for the help.

Whoa, help!

I need the mechanic.

We're the mechanics.

What can we do to set you straight?

I want to go that way, but I keep going this way.

How can I make my car go where I want it to?

Oh, so... Pig keeps going straight

But he wants to go this way.

How does he turn?


I can't believe it took me this long.

Hey, pig, what you got to do

Is you got to honk this here horn.

[ Honking]



This is going to be harder than I thought.

Do you know?

Do you see anything pig could use

To make his car go the way he wants it to go?

Steering wheel.

Oh, yeah.

Hey, pig, try turning that steering wheel.

Look! When I turn my steering wheel that way

My wheels go that way.

Which makes your car go that way.

Well, that's how steering wheels work.



Are you the mechanics?

Yes, sir.

I can't stop my bike!

I forget how.


We better figure this one out fast.

How do you stop a bicycle?

Pedal backwards!

Right... Hey, chipmunk, try pedaling backwards.

Yeah, like tha...

I stopped!

Yeah... Stopped.

See, the brakes stopped the wheels

And that stopped the bike.

You're such a good mechanic.

Stop, go, stop, go.

This is so much fun.

You're the best mechanics.

Oh, stop...


Hey, we better find our last clue.

Come on.

A clue, a clue!

Hey, skunk!

You dropped something.

It looks like a...

What is this?

It's a clue!

It looks like a clue.

It's got blue's paw print on it.

Oh! This piece of paper is a clue.

Now we need our handy-dandy...


Notebook. Right.


A diamond-shaped piece of paper.

A diamond has four diagonal lines... Like this.


And we have our third clue.

Hey... We have all three clues.

You know what that means.

Where do we go?

Thinking chair.

Thinking chair.


[ Barking "blue skiddoo"]

[ Imitates tires squealing, horn honking]

[ Imitating car engine...]

Ah... Okay.

Now that we're in our thinking chair

Let's... Think.

Will you help me?

You will? Great.

So... We're trying to figure out what we need to fix.

And our clues are...




Paper, shaped like a diamond.


So, what could we need to fix with string, wind

And paper shaped like a diamond?

Well... The string could be attached to the paper...

But, that wouldn't do anything, un... Unless...

Unless-- huh?-- The wind blew the paper.


And then you'd have a, a...

What would you have?

A kite.

A kite?

A kite!

In flight!

That's right.

That's what we need to fix!

Hey, blue...

Do we need to fix our kite?

[ Barks yes]

We just figured out blue's clues!

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ We just figured out blue's clues ♪

♪ 'Cause we're really smart.

Blue... Let's go see if we can fix our kite.

Ooh, you know, you better come with us

Because you are really good at fixing stuff.

Come on.

It's a perfect day to fly a kite!

Okay, blue...

[ Barking...]

[ Barks "uh-oh"]


Why isn't our kite working?

It's ripped.


Oh, it is ripped.

Right there.

So all the wind is going throughthe kite.

Well, how could we fix it?

Tape it!

Yeah, let's try taping it up.

Okay, blue, let's see if our taped-up kite will fly.

[ Barking]

Now that we know how ramps work...

We want to see

How kites work, too.

Hi, shovel, hi, pail.

Okay, blue.

Let's try to catch some wind.

Both: ooh! Ah!

There it goes!

It's working!

We, we fixed it.

Both: whoa!

Ooh, blue, you want to be real careful.

You're getting near the, the trees there.

Ooh, what you got to do is, is...

Steer it.

Yeah, steer it.

Oh, look, it's pig.

Remember when we were mechanics

And we helped pig steer his car?

So, pig...

You know anything about steering kites?

Um... Pull the string and the kite will move.

Everybody's a mechanic. [ Laughs]

Hey, thanks so much for all your help today.

I know who to call if anything needs fixing.

♪ Now it's time for so long

♪ But we'll sing just one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part

♪ You sure are smart

♪ You know, with me and you

♪ And my dog, blue

♪ We can do anything

♪ That we want to do.


See you later.


[ Imitating plane]

Look at that.

It's really high.


Gee, golly, that's up there.
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