01x03 - Chin Up!/Dog's Day Afternoon

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Fairly OddParents". Aired: March 30, 2001 – July 26, 2017.*
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Series follows the adventures of Timmy Turner, a 10-year-old boy with two fairy godparents named Cosmo and Wanda who grant him wishes to solve his everyday problems.
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01x03 - Chin Up!/Dog's Day Afternoon

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Timmy is an average kid

♪ And no one understands

♪ Mom and dad and vicky

♪ Always giving him commands

Bed, twerp!

♪ The doom and gloom up in his room ♪

♪ Is broken instantly

♪ By his magic little fish

♪ Who grant his every wish

♪ 'Cause in reality

♪ They are his oddparents

♪ Fairly oddparents

Wands and wings.

Floaty, crowny things.

♪ Odd parents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ Really mod, peapod, buff bod, hot rod ♪

♪ Obtuse, rubber goose ♪

♪ Green moose, guava juice ♪

♪ Giant snake, birthday cake ♪

♪ Large fries, chocolate shake! ♪

♪ Odd parents, fairly oddparents ♪

♪ It flips your lid when you are the kid ♪

♪ With fairly oddparents

Yeah, right.

Timmy: boy...

The comic book fantasy and reality avoidance expo,

Where people who really like this stuff can get together and prove they're not geeks.

And this year, I'm gonna get my comic signed

By the crimson chin!

He's the greatest superhero ever!

I'm here for the costume contest.

There's a costume contest?

Aw, cool!

The crimson chin!

I wish cosmo and wanda could be here to see this.

Hi, timmy!

Hi, cosmo. Hi, wanda.

What are you doing? You know the rules.

If anybody finds you, I never get to see you again!

Relax. We're here every year.

Oh, everybody's in costume.

Nobody ever knows we're real.

As long as everybody thinks we're big-headed kids in costumes,

We haven't broken the rules.

Hey, nice wings, big-headed kid.

Thanks. Great use of mulch.

Announcer: ladies and gentlemen,

Please welcome your favorite superhero and mine...

He's here. He's here.

Announcer: the crimson chin!

[Crickets chirping]

[One man coughs]

Wow, the crimson chin really let himself go.

That crimson chin stinks!

Looks like he eats, too.

I wish the real crimson chin were here.

Hey, we can do that.

One hero... With everything on it.

Timmy: it's the real crimson chin!

In the name of all that is right, i--what? Hey!

This isn't my world. I'm much more heavily inked than you are.

Where am i?

You're in dimsdale, and I'm timmy.

I'm your biggest fan.

I was just in a heroic battle

Of good versus evil, when suddenly...

Great jaws of justice!

Spatula woman!

But that's just a geek in a costume.

No, don't look. She's not nice.

Egad! Country boy!

With one of his deadly exploding pig grenades.

And my arch nemesis with his kneecap of death:

The bronze kneecap!

Clearly I've stumbled into some sort of massive supervillain hoo-ha!

Wanda: he thinks they're actual bad guys.

And with his powers, he's gonna rip through them like tissue.

Time to eat chin, fellas!

No! I wish his powers didn't work.


Crimson chin: oh!

Cool wands. Where'd you get 'em?


My power's gone.

Must be some chintonite in this facility.

Holy hygienist!

This periodical.

It reveals my secret identity.

Timmy: yeah. Charles hampton indigo,

Lantern-jawed reporter for the daily blabbity.


And the location of my chinstrap of solitude.

Just outside of chincinatti.

Stop that! And my dimple size!

That's so personal.

But--but how?

Well, you're a made-up character in my world.

I don't understand!

Did you have an imaginary friend when you were a kid?

Sure. Eddie, the furry gerbil.

He was always so cute and--

That's you.

I'm an imaginary gerbil?


Hey, are you ok?

Oh, I'm fine.

I'm just dealing with the fact that I don't exist.

But... Whatever.

Just put me back in my stupid, made-up book.

I have to go back and be "fictional."

Ok. I wish you were back in the book with all your powers.


I, the bronze kneecap, with my big bronze kneecap,

Shall..do you mind?

I'm having a bit of a breakdown here.

He sure seems upset.

That's ok. He's a hero.

Soon everything will be just fine in the world of the crimson chin.

Everything is notfine

In the world of the crimson chin.

Welcome to hero convention news.

I'm anchorman. Here's anchorwoman.

Thanks, bob. We've learned that the latest crimson chin issue

Has everyone's favorite hero lying in a fetal position

Crying for full pages.

The book's cancellation is imminent.

Which is not fine.

Why are the new crimson chin books in the trash?

Fetal position,

Fetal position,

Fetal position.

It's true!

He's lost his fighting spirit,

And it's all my fault!

Cosmo: really? Cool. Usually it's mine. I mean...

I'm sorry, timmy. Is there anything we can do?

Maybe I should go talk to him.

I wish I could be in the crimson chin's comic book.


Wow, being in a comic book is awesome!

Cool! The daily blabbity.

How am I supposed to get in?

I know.

I'll just go to the next panel

And before you know it, I'll be outside the office of...

Ace reporter charles hampton indigo,

Who is secretly the crimson chin.

[Man sobbing]

Excuse me. Mr. Indigo?

What? Who is it?

You! Oh, you're the "real boy"

Who showed me I'm a big, fat lie.

Come on, charles. You're a hero.

I'm no hero.

Sure you are. You've got to snap out of this.

You have to remember the good times.

Like when?

Like, over there!

It's a flashback to issue number one

When you were just a struggling talk show host

Bitten by a radioactive handsome actor.

Well, has the radioactivity affected your love life?

Wah! Ah! My chin!

And in this panel when your life changed forever.

Crimson chin, voice-over: feel funny...

Ack! My chin is tingling.

Timmy: that handsome actor's bite gave you

Amazing chintastic powers

And an amazing chintastic costume.

I am the crimson chin!

♪ Here comes the crimson chin



Leave me alone.

I'm going to bed.

But it's a.m.

Not in this panel.

Man, he's depressed.

He needs somebody at his side to kick him into shape.

What do they call those things? Oh, yeah, side-kicks.

This looks like a job for...


Timmy: cosmo, wanda!

A little help, please.

You want us to come in there, sweetie?

No, but I could use a cool side-kick costume.



I'm off to fight crime as...

Cleft, the boy chin wonder!

And with my utility cleft, I can swing from panel to panel.


I like my cops the way I like my eggs...


Ah ha ha ha ha!

Cleft: and I like my cops not being flipped around on a big spatula thingy!

[Gasps] it's...

I got to work on my heroic dialogue.

Man: help! Oh, help!

Oh, no! The bronze kneecap is holding the mayor of chincinatti hostage!

You fiend!

The crimson chin will stop you like he always does.

Don't make me use this!

I'd better use the chin signal.

The chin signal!

I know what I must do.

Hey! You're supposed to spring into action!

Why aren't you springing?

Because this is all a lie.

It's not real.

What's my motivation?

[People screaming]

That's your motivation.

Those are real fictional people

In real fictional danger.

You may be right.

I amright.

No more doubts.

No more doubts!

No more distrac--

Tv announcer: we now return to all my parents offspring.

Ooh, my soap.

Fine! If you won't stop the bronze kneecap, I will!

Or not.

Couldn't you have shaved this thing?

Don't make me use this!

The crimson chin is still a hero, right?

He'll save me, right?

Stupid ketchup!

Well, uh...besides, I'm not in any real trouble, right?

If I were in any real danger,

My godparents would get me out of here, right?

Stupid ketchup!

Chin! You've got to snap out of it.

The city needs you. The world needs you.

I need you!

It doesn't matter if you're made up.

You're real to me.

Besides, what would eddie the imaginary furry gerbil say?

Charles, you can do it, charles.

Believe in yourself like you used to believe in me.

[Chattering] have faith.

Have faith. Have faith.

Oh, man. This is it!

Crimson chin: by my mother's mandible, I say nay!

♪ The crimson chin

It's the crimson chin!

Nice going, c.c. You saved me.

Actually, timmy, you saved me...

From myself.

[Record skids]

Wow, that was schmaltzy.

Who'd you say writes my comic book?

Some year old dude who lives with his mom.

Any...money in it?

Lives with his mom.right.

Let's go kick some bad-guy bootie.

Up, up, and away!

Aha! Look! It's the crimson crybaby!

That crimson chin is solast issue.

I got it, I got it!

Nice use of chin, cleft. Thanks.

I warned you not to make me use this.

Now I'm using it.

Look out, dude!

You might have a kneecap of bronze, bronze kneecap,

But you've always had a jaw made of glass.

All: hooray for the crimson chin!

It's been great working with you, mr. Chin.

The pleasure's all mine, timmy.

I'm glad we're pals.

Whether I'm real or not, you're part of my continuity now.

After all, every chin needs a cleft.

Cool! What's next?

Uh, nothin'.

It's the end of the book.

See? That's the letters to the editor page

Where geeky comic fans write about how cool I am.

Hey, look! It's a letter from you.

Uh, I got to go.

You spelled "chin" wrong.

Ah ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha!

Announcer: and the winner of the costume contest

And the very valuable pretty ponyissues and is...

Wow! What an amazing entrance and costume.

Whoever you are, you win!

Oh, he's my hero.

And this is mine.

Stupid ketchup!

[Car engine starts]

Bye, timmy. Bye, vicky.

We're going.

No! Don't leave! Take me with you!

I love you.

Yes, I do.

Aw, listen to vicky.

Isn't it great to have a baby-sitter that loves our timmy so much?

You're so smart and cute and well-groomed.

And she's so complimentary.

Usually, you gotta pay extra for that.


That's why I love you, doydle.

Oh, yes, I do.

Man, I hate it when vicky brings her stupid dog over.

She sure does love that dog more than she loves you.

She loves everything more than timmy.

Even dust bunnies?more than timmy.

Measles? Oh, much more than timmy.

Dead bugs?

Less than measles but more than timmy.

Your parents left a to-do list for you.

This is a list of things to do for your dog...

In your handwriting.

And the hand that wrote it makes this! Move it!



Vicky: doydle, dinner!

Oh, boy!


Not for you!

Oh, boy.


Timmy: man, this stinks.

I'm this dog's dog.

Isn't that a rap group?


[Rap music plays]

If I switched places with doydle,

Vicky'd treat me as nice as she treats him.

Great idea, timmy.

Yeah. Dogs have a better sense of smell,

And they can see in black and white,

And they can go to the bathroom anywhere they want!

So can i. I'm just polite.

I wish I could switch places with vicky's dog.


Timmy: cool! I have dog vision.


You! Bed!

[Ruff ruff]

Ooh, come with me! Who's a good boy?


Say you love me.

Say it!


Timmy's voice: you're not smart, and you got a big, fat head,

And boys think you're creepy, and...

That's a good doydle.

Oh, doydley-doo.

It must be great being a dog.



Cool! I can eat my own homework!

That's right, folks, new liquid weedwhacker

Is the best dern whacker for weeds.

Tv announcer: and as shamrock, the irish mauler, lifts mike, the accountant from redlands--

That's it, doydle.

You can chew what you want,

Piddle on what you want,

And eat what you want tonight--you know why?

[Ruff ruff ruff]

That's right.

Because tomorrow's your special day.

The day you get fixed.


Tv announcer: ooh, that's gotta hurt!


You guys got to put me back in my old body.

I wish I was back to normal.


Timmy sure seems excited.

What's he saying?

I don't know. I don't speak dog.

What do you mean, you don't speak dog?! Learn! Learn!

[Dog howling]

[Honking horn]

Come on, doydle.

The twerp's parents are home.

Cosmo: aw, timmy just filed those.

Timmy's leaving. We should follow him.

But which timmy is timmy?

That's a good question.

You go with the dog body.

I'll stay with the timmy body

So the dog doesn't ruin it.


Oh, what's the matter, big daddy?

We haven't been apart since we've been married.

Oh, but it's only for a little while, goopy.

And da rules do say...

"We have to watch out for timmy."

♪ I married the smart one ♪

♪ I married the...

Well, he's cute, right?

Vicky: you're going to love your new veterinarian--oh, yes.

He speaks to all my pets, like happy the goldfish...

Shiver the cat...

And giddy the parrot.

Polly want a... Oh, who cares?

Hey, kid, did she give you a steak?


[Laughing hysterically]

Cosmo: hey, timmy. It's me. I'm a flea.

Timmy's voice: hey, cosmo, listen to me.

You've got to get me out of here--i--

[Ruff ruff ruff]

Ha ha! Arf, arf, arf! Right back at you, woof boy.

If you need me, I'll be on your butt.

Ah...the great outdoors.

And no wife. Ooh, yeah! I'm gonna swing, daddy-o.

I'm gonna call all my old friends.

Let's see...

Wanda. Uh, wanda with a little star next to it.

Wanda. Panda--uh, no, that's wanda with a smudge on the "w".


I miss wanda. [Sobbing]


Wanda: oh, that's right, sissy.

I've finally got some time to write my novel.

Finally, a romance novel to shake the ages.

"It was dawn. I was in my towel when the ninjas att*cked..."

[Typing continues]

[Rooster crows]

Mom: timmy. Breakfast.

Food! Food!



Food! Food! Food!

Food! Food! Food!

Food! [Slurping]

He sure is hungry.

No, no. That's just the way all kids eat cereal now--

Face first.

I'm hip. [Slurping]


[Panting] school bus. School bus.

Chase chase chase chase!

Wow. Does timmy love school, or what?

Ah! Hot!

It doesn't work with hot.

[Bell rings]

Dude, what's the hat?


I have to say this is a massive violation of my personal space.

[Girl screams]

Wow! Timmy's tough.

Yeah, francis. He's tougher than you.

Nobody's tougher than me.


Slurp, slurp, slurp, slurp.

It's great to see you girls.

You mean you're free

Because all your kids switched places with animals today?

Oh, sure. Kids do that all the time.

My little sophie switched places with a frog.

But don't they dissect those?

Oh, my gosh!

Well, better check on timmy.

[Bell ringing]

Hey, chester,

Does timmy seem a little off today?

No. Why?

Oh, you mean the butt thing?

Ball! Ball!


Timmy! Oh, my gosh!

Not so easy, is it, fancy pants?


Man: all righty, who's next? Vicky, come on in.

[Claws scraping]

Hi, dr. Snipowitz.

Ok, let's tie this little pup up so he won't run away.

What's this one?

Well, we call that the pushy thingy.

And this is the pully-lifty thingy.

And this is the pully-pushy-lifty thing.

And this is the snipmaster .

Wow!oh, my gosh!

She's gonna have you fixed.

Why didn't you say something?



Yie! Yow!



What is it, boy? Smell something?

Ball ball ball ball!

Cosmo: hey, timmy. It's timmy...and wanda!

Hey, wanda, it's me!

Timmy: ball ball ball!

Hi, honey. I had the worst day without you, puddin',

What with the fleas and the great outdoors--

Which, incidentally, wasn't that great.

So how was your day? Did you miss me? Did ya? Did ya?

Yes. I missed you.

Ball ball ball ball!


[Ruff ruff]

I need you to say I wish I was back in my own body.

No way.

He can talk?

You can understand me?

Duh! I speak dog. It's my native tongue.

I'm just a jerk.

But you can wish us back to normal now.

I may still have a dog's brain, but I'm not that stupid.

I have thumbs now.

Sure, I can't go to the bathroom anywhere I want,

But why would I want to go back to being a dog?


Oh, my gosh! Timmy and timmy are fighting!

You know, lollipop, when we were apart, I was so lonely.

Oh, no! Timmy just bit timmy.

Timmy this, timmy that.

You're lucky I'm not the jealous type.

That's it!

Timmy: hey, ah! Oh! [Growling]

Hi there, big boy.

Hi, I'm doydle. You're a pretty poodle. I like pretty poodles.

I was just looking for the right dog

To give this big, juicy bone to.

Hi, I'm the real doydle.

No, I'mdoydle.

You're not a dog.

You're just a boy with a silly pink hat.

I am not! [Growling]

I wish I was a dog again!

Cool! I'm human! I'm human!

I'm not an animal.

In your face, dog.

Here. See the ball, doggy?

Well, fetch. Ha ha ha!

You really think my hat is silly?

[Ruff ruff]

Sorry. I'm happily married.

Hey, you're right. Thumbs rock.


I wish he had a muzzle.


And a cage.

Smaller cage.

Doydle, there you are! Now, let's get you fixed.

[Muffled groaning]

Tv announcer: sheariano the slasher has butched the butcher in his death stay--

Guys. Meet my new hamster spunky.

You can stay here.

Here you go, spunky. A nice, juicy steak.

Oh, boy! Steak!

Should we tell him?

It's only fair.

Wanda: hey, spunky.

My steak! No way! I'm eating here!

Mine! Get away, you losers--mine!

Mine! Stop it. Don't touch. Come on. Get away.

He can find out on his own.


Tv announcer: it's all over now, folks.

Ha ha! Why am I laughing?
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