01x01 - Pilot

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Still Standing". Aired: September 30, 2002 - March 8, 2006.*
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Bill and Judy Miller are a blue-collar Chicago couple trying to raise three children responsibly without sacrificing their youthfulness.
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01x01 - Pilot

Post by bunniefuu »


mother I love your new hair style I mean

you're already a beautiful woman but it

really brings out the brown in your eyes

thank you and it brings out the brown in

your nose what you want all right we

know how being the last one of my group

of friends whose parents aren't divorced

makes me totally boring your father and

I have already apologized for that when

i figure i'd be so much cooler if i had

a belly button ring ah no but mom you

have no idea what it's like to be a

teenager these days it's really really

hard to know who you are in this world

that's all I'm trying to do figure out

who I am and who I'm gonna be sweetie

I'm sorry but I don't know if we have

the space for what for that big load of

crap you just wheeled it dad something

totally unfair yeah she does that you

need data run slower or get taller

Phoenix squirt and put some clothes on

shucks stupid by the same type clothes

off but remember the underwear stays on

till after dinner same rules as when we

were dating yeah can I have a belly

button ring Judy can she have a belly

button ring can't you think for yourself

Judy can I think for myself nope sorry

totally bad parenting good parents would

sit down and discuss it with me well

honey me and your mom are always looking

for ways to be better parents let's

discuss it now Lauren why do you think

you should have a better go to me well I


sorry just kidding go ahead all right

well I think don't you all get that for

about 20 years but trust me this is fun

cut it out bill go ahead lon all right

why no you might suck hey go to your

room fine you know she has a tv/vcr in

stereo in her room hold on go to my room

that's right a 12 inch TV with no cable

try to have fun in there how is work

Julie I sell toilets I'd say 30 seconds

a day and assume it sucks till further

notice how much you owe on my lunch hour

i had a little sutton done that I side

you my blank it's my hairy edges I was

on my way up do it Yeah right that's

nice that's it oh it's a permission slip

for your son his computer club is going

out of field trip rather go and radio

shack look at that there I'm worried

about him he's been acting a little

strange since we started high school

well when you have three kids one of

them's bound to be a little strange

lucky we're not lions would eat number

well I think you should talk to don't

make me talk to him I love him I just

don't understand him is he using big

words again yeah they did apologize for

patronizing me what I'm gonna tell

laughing who's your next for bothering

you oh just a little well it's been 13

years I don't know why you don't go to

the doctor why get fancy I'm happy

looking straight ahead wait a minute

you're cooking with real cheese your

sisters coming over it she wants us to

meet her new boyfriend Paul and be nice

to Linda why should I your sister treats

me like an idiot you want to win her

respect try not doing that impression of

her ovaries drying up

I don't want to win it that much so she

really likes this guy and I'm trying to

show them a happy couple and mess up so

shut your hole and go change your shirt

why should I you owe me oh yeah are you

all me you calling me out maybe what you

got you owe me because i rake the leaves

last week oh geez make it a challenge

willya you owe me from april twenty

second 1997 I let you watch the end of

the hockey game during sex on our

anniversary and that doesn't count it

was a playoff game we were both watching

it yeah but you didn't have someone

behind you who thought it was funny to

keep yelling down in front still gets me


get up dad you're a kid your room

shouldn't be this clean the bubble boy

had a Messier room thank you what are

you doing plan to compete against to

call existence you slowly both

civilization by acquiring inventions

solving national problems building an

economy I'm making the blow stuff up

cool cool anyway what these two future

for scary and that key controls the

detonation sequence makes things go

kaboom Oh how's everything else called

all right Brian notes you're done during

high school your mom and I want you to

know that if you need some want to talk

to you could always die

anyway great still up yep you're gonna

blow up the school nope and if you do

I'm the only one I paid attention to

your right right so your graduation well

actually there is one thing it's not a

math question is it cuz we'd have to ask

your mother normal woman thing huh you

don't a b-1 do you know I like one

really did a girl finally join the math

club no translator would never join her

math club she's a bad girl isn't yeah

stewardess us millions like I'm bad so

what's your plan action well I've just

been helping over the school work and

carrying your books listen to your

problems well that's all well and good

sound if you want to become a member of

the never touch a booby trap what close

the door son help is here now I'm gonna

tell you something you need to know

about women high school girls like jerks

why why do birds fly why is the sky blue

who knows the answers to these questions

what was actually very simple answer to

those questions you want to be smart or

you want to touch a booby

come on gotta make him think you're a

little dangerous I was in high school

your mom was a hottest chick in art

class she was way out of my league then

one day I got caught smoking and

throwing a cherry b*mb down the toilet

that's when she looked at me with love

in her eyes and thought this guy is

really gonna piss off my dad not white

grandpa's first you as mom's first

husband yes it is dinner will be ready

in five minutes thank you linda told me

that you two have been married for 15

years yeah and i can honestly say it's

still not worth half my stuff to get rid

of her now that so Paul Linda tells

us your psychiatrist I can do actually

I'm a psychologist if I want to be a

psychiatrist I'd have to go through

medical school and residency and all

that and how you feel buddy how was

gonna take the management course at work

but it's like three Saturdays Paul is

also a published author I want Elmo's

like your article coffee just a little

thing I wrote for a journal of all ways

to help you release your inner

negativity oh yeah what do you do I felt

toilets they also help you release in

our negativity sweetie it's time to give

recouping no one should animate sorry ah

what is it daddy on the potty

maybe going on come on why can't I stay

down here well because I like you too

much honey top seed oh this is a very

nice drawing but it couldn't be built

because this man is reading that's nice

when you loved ones do sweet things for

you hey what am I saying Linda your

cat's probably do this for you all the

time still behave yourself do I think

Linda started it it was nice meeting you

buddy when did I actually have a very

honest relationship in fact that's what

my article was about yeah uh you know

Paul thinks that the secret to a truly

fulfilling relationship is being totally

honest with each other at all times oh

hey you guys we should play truth be

told what's that well it's where you

tell your partner something that you've

always wanted to say with the

understanding that there is a safety

zone okay which means they can't get

angry at you I got another game it's

called I'd like to have sex again

someday so come on this could be funny

you seem like I have a really good

marriage we do for good man well let's

give it a try the father likes your

socks that's why I got married so I

don't have to exercise truth be told

Linda I don't like that dress you're

wearing Billy enjoy the ride home buddy


while I think you are a beautiful woman

that dress doesn't show you the best

life you know what else doesn't show it

in the best light light right ah no I

respect that and it's cool i really hate

the music you play in your car not

everybody likes ragtime so I respect

that we have different musical tastes

and I won't play it anymore there you

see that wasn't so hard you give it a

try all right come on Judy go for

comfort okay uh should be told bill I

don't like you sure I know that's why I

wear it short term bill I don't think

this is a good idea come on bill do it

for me you sure about this bring it on

baby all right truth be told Judy I

might have lied before I'm not that

crazy about your haircut really unless

you really like it in which case I'll

just shut up I wasn't trying it myself I

was just trying something new well that

was easy look no bruises yeah you see

most people want to hear the truth you

said you forget about it okay well I

think dinner's ready Oh actually another

thing just popped into my head what's

good here well sometimes you can you can

be a little bossy I'm done let's see

me I didn't mean bossy i meant

demanding or nice well is that

everything could you might as well get

everything out Judy I love you more than

anything in this world I love you so

much I don't even care that you

overcooked chicken don't you sing all

the time even though you can't carry it

to sometimes when I'm watching TV you

just won't stop talking

oh good isn't enough that I have a job

I've got to be a gourmet cook sing like

an angel keep quiet during wrestling do

you remember safe is all it's not like i

enjoy oh my god what a pain in my next

gum oh so what are you saying this whole

time I've literally been the pain in

your neck I didn't say that that's

another thing that's annoying you always

put words into my mouth oh god my neck

feels great oh well I got shoulders

what's that that's just a list of things

for the next time we play you misspelled

nitpicky my neck feels incredible I'm

gonna sleep like a log tonight and I

think how are you doing I just thought

if living with me with so bad maybe

you'd rather not live it all this dinner

thing was your idea I only played that

trophy tall game to make you happy but

you didn't have to like it so much I

didn't have to play it at all but you

wanted me to so I did do you really

think it's right to get mad at me for

something you asked me to do you right

I'm sorry you gonna do this all night

you must be told yes

Bell Bell where are you hi got your

message to hurry home are the kids okay

they're fine but what is it are you sick

no everything's fine especially you you

are so fine what that's right I'm

talking you my lovely lady you've been

drinking only if you mean drinking in

your loveliness I'd like you to say

hello to a friend of mine what the hell

is going on nothing I just wanted to

show you how sorry I was for what I said

yesterday you're perfect just the way

you are Yeah right oh really ina said

those things cuz I was mad at you for

making me play that game so you were

lying when you said those things about

my hair and my singing and my cooking

yes what's wrong I mean your neck is

bothering you cuz you're lying again no

hello hey Pam what the principal's

office okay thank you that was worth

calling Ryan school wants to see us

right away you kidding get your ass I'll

Drive oh good good cuz you're a much

better driver than I am honey hair you

all right yeah wow I've been in this

office in 20 years how you doing miss

Beldon I want to take a wild leaf and

assume it's still miss Boden yes it is

mr. Miller I'm going to take absolutely

no leaf and assume it's not dr. Miller

I'm afraid we caught Brian smoking

doesn't seem like Ryan oh I don't know

Judy he is his old man son so what'd you

do bust a little troublemaker in the

bathroom no he threw up and passed out

in the hallway in front of a girl we

think he was trying to impress Brian

this does not seem like you where would

you get an idea that smoking would

impress a girl who cares where he got

the idea Oh a kid made a mistake which

he thought up on his own and I will

personally punish him why were you

smoking I didn't gonna become a member

than never touch a boob each one what

what if I heard that you talked to some

to smoke I am so sorry about this all

the kid does his homework I just saw

they should loosen up a little be a

teenager have some fun I having a smoke

and touching a boobs it should be

ashamed of yourself but then again you

were nothing but shuffle when you will

student so why should I expect anything

else if you as a parent hey honey wait

for us in the car got you not you you


fine he was the one smoking listen lady

never talk to my husband in front of my

son like that again and he's not a bad

father he is just a stupid stupid man

the best job you can I mean you're

dependent me to the sounds like it could

go either way I'm working with what I

got you told him to smoke I was just

trying to help him get a girl the way I

got you just get me by smoking well you

know by acting like a jerk you didn't

get me by acting like a jerk either I

dated you cuz you were sensitive you big

idiot I was not sensitive oh alright the

day my dog died you skipped that cheap

trick concert to talk to me cuz you

could tell I was down that's when I

thought yeah you know he's a little bit

of a jerk he's kind of a nice guy too

first time you ever noticed me no

actually the first time I noticed you

you were standing right over there

wearing a tight red Aerosmith t-shirt

blue jeans with a back right pocket

ripped off some guy made you laugh and I

thought if I could make her laugh like

that life wouldn't be so bad Wow just

when I think you're an idiot you say

something so sweet plus you weren't

wearing a bra that day so the ladies

wear off the plane I bet you could still

fit in that Aerosmith t-shirt ah so

we're back to Lyon to each other oh you

bet this whole truth things k*lling us I

think if we really care about each other

we can build up a nice wala lies that

will carry us through our 50th

where's Peter so I'm not bossy not

unless you say so can you like my hair

it makes you look 10 years younger what

kind of lover alive fantastic every time

we were just talking wait a minute what

married that's right we were making out

take it outside yes ma'am oh just a

second I forgot something in your office

I know that my husband made a big

mistake but he really is such a good man

attention student body Judy Miller is

still the hottest


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