04x12 - Peppa and George's Garden

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Peppa Pig". Aired: 31 May 2004 –; present.*
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Adventures, mishaps and friendships of Peppa Pig, her brother George, their parents, and the other animal families who make up their town.
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04x12 - Peppa and George's Garden

Post by bunniefuu »


Hola Mauricio y Valeria Cuadros como estan

bien muy bien me alegro y sus papas que hacen

y ustedes como se estan portando

tienen que portarse muy bien con sus papas

por que si no hago que nuca mas les vuelvan a colocar peliculas
de muñequitos

eso quieren

o prefieren portarse muy bien

digan que si muy duro, duro, duro

casi no los escuche

pero bueno les voy a creer

nos vemos luego

coman juiciosos

riegen las maticas juiciosos

usted don mauricio su papa juega
mas claw que usted

el es el campeon de los campeones

tienes que estudiar muy juicioso
pa ser como el

y doña valeria tiene que comerse todo el almuerzo
hasta el jugo

como que si no va a ser flaca y fea

tienen que dejarse abrazar de su papa
de noche y de dia

para que sean hermosos como su mama

bueno esto era un saludito

despues los saludo ....

bye bye bye

Sunday mornings have been brutal
since they opened that Denny's

over in Westlake.

I'll take your French toast
any day of the week, Rose.


what is this?

That's me buying your next vote.

Says the guy
who always runs unopposed.

We're all in this together.


I know, right?

No, you don't.


I love you.


It's been a fun summer.


Junior, we both
know what this is.

And you go back to
school in a few days.

No, I'm not.
I'm, uh...

I'm dropping out.

I dropped out. I'm done.

Are you insane?

You've never been.

Trust me, college
is just another...

lame-ass pyramid scheme.

They hand you a free ride out
of this place, and you just

throw it away? Please don't.
This-this is about us. This is not about...

No, Angie, just listen to me
for a second, all right? I...

Hey, hey, hey.


I have loved you
since the third grade.

You're the only person

in the whole world
who knows the real me.

And that's why
I can't be with you.

Look, I'm gonna
be late for work.

Why are you acting like this?


Mrs. Grinnell?

Julia Shumway.

You wanted to see me in person?

So you're the newspaper woman?

I'm the new editor
of The Independent, yeah.

But if you're just having
a problem with your delivery,

you can go ahead and...
I get my news online, sweetheart,

like everybody else.

I called you
because I got a tip.

About what?

See that truck?

That's its fourth propane
delivery this week.

Last week, it made six.

Looks like someone's planning

one hell of a barbecue.


Y-You think this might be
connected to terrorism?

Like they say,

"See something, say something."

Why tell me? Why not the police?

I called Sheriff Perkins
three days ago. He...

said he'd look into it.

Turns out everything's
above board.

Town hall is just restocking
its emergency reserves.

Here's the thing:

when Duke told me,

he sounded nervous.

Believe me,

that man's never sounded nervous
a day in his life.


I'll do some digging.

Whatever you find...

...you leave my name
the hell out of it.

Where the hell are they
taking all our trucks?

Over to Westlake.
It's parade day.

I love you, too, Rusty!

Never understand

why you said yes
to one of those meatheads.

'Cause their insurance policy
makes ours look like crap.


I'm headed back now.
Hey, listen...

so, we got a problem here.
Your guy...

"Smith" shows up,
he doesn't have the money

and then he tries
to renegotiate.



I gotta call you back.


No front tag.

This is .

Can you run a plate for us?

Boy Adam Boy,

One Six Two.


Whoa, guys, wait.


[font color="#ec bd"]Sync & corrections by honeybunny[/font]
[font color="#ec bd"]www.addic ed.com[/font]

You okay?

I saw your car spin out.

Wh-What happened?


Hey. No. Don't touch that.

Holy crap.

What is it?

What the hell?!

Are you sure you're okay, Duke?
Yeah. Yeah.

My damn pacemaker.

Must've skipped a beat.

And that's supposed
to make me feel better?

I'm fine.

We have a problem here.

- All our landlines are dead.
- Okay.

Freddy here.
Paul here.

One at a time, geniuses.

Freddy, you go first.

Sorry, Duke. We've got a downed
power line over by the clinic.


Yeah, same story across town
at the Food Mart.

Sparks and everything.
What could cause that?

A twister?

It's some sort
of invisible fence.

Like those ones for dogs?

Whatever it is,
I'd probably stop touching it.

It only zaps you the first time.

It's like some sort
of static electricity


Necks are snapped.

This thing must be crazy high.

Go! Run! Run!

What the hell is happening?

God Almighty,
what are we looking at?

Looks like a prop
plane just exploded in midair.

A plane crash?

In Chester's Mill?

Is your phone getting
any service?

Got nothing.

Let me see that.

It's Mrs. Sanders.

From the bank.

She sponsored our
Little League team.


No, no, no. Hey!

Hey! Stop the truck!

Wait-- if it crashes through, you're dead.
Stop! Stop!

Stop the truck!


Why can't we hear the sirens?

No, no, no, stop!

What are you doing?
Tell 'em to...

call the FAA.

The Feds?

They got to shut down this whole airspace.
Uh, okay,

what if the government
built this thing?

I doubt it.


'Cause it works.

Sorry for the radio silence, folks.

Generator's cooking
and we're up and running again.

I'm Phil Bushey,
and you're listening to WYBS,

the Mill's only %
independent home of rock.

Dodee, hey.

We're the only thing
on air right now--

AM, FM, anywhere.

Yeah, the blackout, I know.

No, even if that
were statewide,

every station our size has
its own generator, so...

why is the whole dial
still static?

I don't know.

But our ratings
are gonna be amazing.

What the hell
happened here?

Sheriff Perkins!

The plane smashed right into it.

I was almost k*lled.
Th-This man saved my life.

Slow down, son.
Slow down.

You hurt?

Uh, no, I think...

I think something just, uh,
ipped me on the way down.

Why aren't the guys

putting out the fires?

You saw it crash.

Into what?

I don't know, but, I mean,

whatever this thing is,

it is big.

It's like a wall.

You just can't see it.



I don't think he can hear you.


Baby, you okay?

I-I can't hear you.

Step away from there, Linda.

I don't understand.

What is it?

Watch your step, Jim.

That's Chuck Thomson's plane,
isn't it?

Not anymore.

Hey, Duke?

We got a real bad accident
on Pretty Valley.

Duke, it's Freddy.

I've got one, too,
over on Motton.

A minivan versus...
I don't know what,

but the thing's flat as a dime.

Whole family's DOA.

Whatever it is,

it cut off all our roads.

Not just the roads...

the whole town.

We're trapped.

Okay, here's what
we got: There's roads

going in and out
of Chester's Mill.

Not including the dirt ones.

Joe, would you go home
and stay there?

Paul and Freddy
are setting up

roadblocks here and over here,

but it's gonna take some time
to button up the whole town.

Eh, do what you can.

I got a contingency plan.

No, no, no, Julia.
This is a crime scene.

- No. Plane falls out of the sky, that's news.
- Hey!

I'm the ranking official here,

and I'm ordering you to leave.

We got bigger fish to fry.

Linda, you commandeer
Ms. Shumway's vehicle.

We'll cover more ground
splitting up.

What the hell? That's my car!

Who the hell are you?


People just call me Barbie.


It's a nickname.

Anyway, I'm not your story.

Then why don't you show me
what is.

Am I doing something wrong?
Power's out, Carolyn.

Cashier said the pumps will be
back on soon.

"Chester's Mill

"is known for its rich,
fertile land

and warm, inviting people."

Please, these jerks don't even
have orange juice.

- Guy said we'd have to wait
till the next delivery. - Alice,

you didn't take your
insulin without eating.

I'll be fine.
I got a candy bar.

You need real food, honey.

We'll stop at that
diner we passed.

Mom, seriously, can we please
drive somewhere else?

I refuse to have
my last meal here.

Norrie, you're not going
to your execution;

you're going to camp.

Camp? It's like
a glorified prison

for screw-ups with rich parents.

It's a great program,

Norrie, and as soon
as they say you're ready,

you can come home again.
Los Angeles.


We can stop for lunch later.

Where the hell
did it come from?

I have no idea.

If this thing just appeared
out of thin air,

you think maybe
it'll disappear, too?

Yeah, maybe.

You think we might be
stuck in here a while.

I think that even if what's
wrong suddenly becomes right,

the Army's
gonna quarantine this place.

So you're military, huh?

Not recently.

Help me.

Help me.

Help... me.

How did she...

She must've been reaching across
when that thing came down.

It's-it's okay. My husband's

a doctor. We're gonna get you
to the hospital.

I can't even grab
a regular broadcast signal.

Phil, something bad
is going on out there, okay?

It could be solar flares
disrupting the entire grid.


The cable is out-- it doesn't
mean it's the end times.

When roving packs of mutants
start swarming this place,

don't say I didn't tell you.


This is Councilman Rennie!
Open the damn door!

I'm not supposed to let
anyone inside while we're broad...

What the hell? You better

have a warrant or we're gonna
sue your ass for...

Young lady,

you're gonna let me make
an emergency broadcast right now

or someone's gonna die.

♪ I wish I were a Beatle

♪ I wish I were
a Rolling Stone ♪

♪ I wish I'd always turn up

♪ I wish I had nowhere to run

This is Councilman Rennie.

Uh, Big Jim Rennie.

But this isn't
a car commercial.

Please stop what you're doing
and listen.

This is an emergency broadcast.

We have a serious situation
in town,

and it's very important
that every motorist

listening to my voice
stops their vehicle now.

You're the one who's addicted.

I use my phone for work,
not for sending

naked pictures of
myself to random boys.

For the millionth time,

that was an accident.

That's what you said when you
knocked out that girl's tooth.

Once again, every car
needs to pull over immediately.

This is not a drill.

Did you hear that?

I can't tell you
if what happened is an act

of terror or an act of God,

but I'll keep everyone updated
as we learn more.

It's just some stupid
viral marketing thing, Mom.

Norrie's right.

There are other people
on the road.

It's probably
just some stunt...

Is everyone all right?


Nothing about this...

is all right.


Norrie! Are you okay?!

Keep her head up.

The pink stars...
are... falling.

The pink


are... falling...

in lines.

The pink stars are falling
in lines.


Ange, where the hell is Mom?

You're the one who lives here.

Where's Dad?

Still on the road.
You're sure?

A guy at the diner said

there might have been
a chemical spill.

I was worried
it was Dad's truck.

I came here as fast as I could.

Joe, what is it?

Mom's having brunch
with Uncle Steve at Denny's.


Angie, Denny's is in Westlake.

So what?

That's on the other side
of this thing.

We're on our own.

Let's go!

Let's go!

Fracture over here, guys.

Mrs. Shumway, thank God.

Is the doc with you?
He's not here?

Peter always works Sundays.

Ma'am, your husband hasn't
worked Sundays in weeks.

He probably just went home.

I should go check on him.

The governor
contacted you?

We just need some answers.

What's caused this?
Please, we need some ans...

We need a wheelchair over here.

A little help?

Can I bum one?


Little young to be a nurse,
aren't you?

Just a lowly candy striper.

So, you saw
whatever did all this?

I mean, what there is
to see, yeah.

Some of the patients
are saying it's like we're...

stuck in a giant fishbowl.

I used to have fish.


But then, one of them got sick,

and the other one...

The other one ate him.

Did you even know
they did that?


Want something for that?

I just want to get out of here.


You and me both.


Please, we need help!

Our daughter's had
some sort of episode.

It was a damn seizure, Alice.

Come on,
let's get her looked at.

Watch your head.

All right.
All right.

Just go in right there.

Looks like a ghost town in here.

Yeah, no word from
anyone else on the council yet,

but, uh, I should be able
to hold down the fort.

It's easier to reach consensus

when there's only one voice
to listen to, right?

Anyway, I appreciate what
you did on the radio today.

You saved some lives.

Ah, just doing my job and all.

How your men holding up?

We're spread thin

since most of them
are at the damn parade,

but we'll soldier on.

Well, for now you will,
but, uh, what happens

if this thing lasts
for days or-or weeks?

Well, we might need more
manpower to maintain the peace.

What are you getting at, Jim?

Well, during emergencies,

uh, councilmen have the power

to authorize additional
police officers.

The last thing

this mess needs is
amateurs with badges.

Till I hear otherwise
from the mayor or above,

you're not authorizing anything.



What do we do when the people
start asking about the propane?

Well, that has nothing
to do with this.

Oh, I know that, but some people
might find it hard to swallow

that we just happened
to be stockpiling fuel

right before a disaster.

So, should we tell them
the truth?

That's your business.

I have no idea what the hell
you wanted with all that crap.



You were more than happy
to turn a blind eye, but...

you're not dumb.

I did what I had to do

to keep this town from going
broke, to keep it safe.

Oh, careful, Duke.

You don't want
to put too much stress

on that bum ticker of yours,
now, do you?

Are you threatening me?
Oh, just

reminding you
what the lay of the land is.

We're all in this together.

Regular receivers
can't pull a signal

through whatever
has-has cut us off,

but I once used our broadcast
tower like a giant antenna

to pull feedback loops
for my band's cover album.

Dodee, just tell
me what you heard.


It sounds alien?

Sounds more Bjork.

It-it comes and goes like that.

Sometimes it's music, sometimes,
cell phone conversations.

It just...

Army Corps of Engineers'
best guess puts the dome

over Chester's Mill
at roughly, uh, , feet...

Did he just call it a dome?


Sorry. I didn't mean
to sneak up on you like that.

I'm Junior.

Hey, um...

do we know each other?

Doubt it.

You sure?

I don't know. Something about
you just looks so familiar.

I'm talking to you, dumb ass.

Look... I don't know
what I did to piss you off,

but I promise you,

you don't want
to start something here.

What if I do?

Everything all right out here?

Hey, Mrs. S.


Everyone's been very welcoming.

Be seeing you.

What the hell was that about?

I have no idea.

Any word from your husband?

He wasn't back home,

so... now, I've been checking
all the roadblocks.

This was the last one.

At least he wasn't one
of the crashes.

What about you?

Where you off to?

Oh, the motels are
all booked up, so,

I'm just gonna rough it.

Don't be ridiculous.

You can stay with Peter and me.

Uh, no.
No, no, no, no, no. I...

Linda said you saved
a kid's life today.

I'm not about to let you
sleep out here like an animal.

Come on. I insist.


It's Ben-- Ben Drake
from AP English?

Hey, man.

so is it true--
are you seriously home alone?

Man, your house parties

are gonna be sick.

So, have you touched
the force field thing?

Whatley says it's straight
out of Star Trek.

You looking for something?

Yeah, an off switch.

This thing couldn't have just
appeared out of thin air.

Whatever it is--

it's got to have
its own power source, right?

I guess.

What if that power source
was somewhere in here with us?

Maybe it's somewhere nearby,

distributing juice

to the entire thing.



The pink stars are falling.

You all right, man?

The pink stars are falling
in lines.

Hey, let's get some help!

Help, someone help!
The pink stars are falling.

Get over here right now!
The pink stars are falling in lines.

Hey, hey!

If you do everything

I say, I promise
you won't get hurt, okay?

Help, help, help, help!

Angie, I'm...

I'm so sorry, Ange.

I didn't want it
to go like this.

I'm afraid I...
I have some hard news.

Some folks are still
unaccounted for,

but it looks like
Chester's Mill...

lost of her own today.


what the hell is going on?

Isn't it obvious?

We're under attack.

Nobody knows
a damn thing,

so there's no point
in spreading any rumors.

Please, our daughter is sick.

We need to get her
to a real doctor.

I mean, even if they can't
knock that wall down,

they can still airlift
her out of here.

Well, I don't know, but
if those eggheads out there

can drop a car on Mars,

they sure as hell
can figure this out, too.

When everybody gets home

I want you to check
on your neighbors,

and if anybody needs anything,
you know where to find me.

Hey, Angie.


Somebody help me!
Somebody help me!

Stop it, quiet down, stop.
Oh, God, please help me!


Save your voice, babe.

Okay? No one can hear us
all the way down here.


My dad's old fallout shelter.

He's always been a little
paranoid about security,

but... you're safe now.

What are you talking about?

I finally
figured it out--

why you were acting
so strange this morning.

It's all connected.

I know how this
must look, but...

I swear, in the long run,

you're gonna thank me for this.

Oh, my God,
you've lost your mind.

No, no.

I'm the only person
who understands

what's really going
on around here.

All I ask for...

is patience.

Let go of me!
Let go of me!

Let me out of here!

Get me out, get me out!

Junior! Junior!



Where you been?

Heard you on the radio.
It sounded

like we might need
the old shelter,

but it's completely flooded.

Oh, tha-that's the least
of our worries.

All that matters
is you're okay.

Whatever this is,
I want to help.

I appreciate that,
but you got school...

School is out there, I'm here,

and I want to help.

Honey, are you home?

How do you guys have power?

Backup generator.

Big Jim convinced my husband
it would be a tax write-off

when we moved in here.

That's Peter behind you.

You must think I'm an idiot.

Wha-What do, what do you mean?

Journalist who doesn't know
what's going on

under her own nose.

I'm sure
the whole town's thinking it.

My husband isn't here
because he's having an affair.

They don't know him like I do.

He'll turn up, you'll see.

I can't wait to meet him.

Come on, I'll give you
the nickel tour.

I was supposed to be
with Rusty today, at the game.

Told him if we were ever
going to afford a honeymoon,

we both had to put
in more overtime.

Why Chester's Mill?

Why us?

Maybe we're being punished.


You're good police, Linda.


there's a lot I've tried
to protect you from

about this place.

Like what?

Little over a year ago,
I was approached about...


My chest.

Duke, is it your pacemaker?

Duke, don't!

Duke, Duke!


Officer down! Officer down!


Duke, come on,
stay with me, Duke.

Duke, stay with me.

Help u...!

We've spoken
with the government,

law enforcement, the military.

No one has any idea
what's going on.

The closest I can come
to an answer is to share

with you the words of one
scientist we spoke to today.

He told us, and I'm quoting,
"This is an unparalleled..."

"This is an unparalleled
event in human history."

Those are not the words
of comfort,

not to the nation or the world,

certainly not to the people
of Chester's Mill,

who appear to be trapped.
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