10x07 - Special Delivery

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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10x07 - Special Delivery

Post by bunniefuu »

[Kim] Previously on
Keeping Up with the Kardashians…

So you're not happy?

I got two kids already.
Three kids? Like [bleep]!

He's really depressed
and just saying he can't handle it.

I could see him use this as an excuse

to just throw all responsibility away
and be a wild animal.

[upbeat music]

[Scott] I just wanted
to ask you a serious question.

Now that you're a model,
do you recognize any of these vaginas?

-Take a look.

You're changing, you're in the back
of the runway shows…

-What looks familiar?

You've never seen any
of these vaginas anywhere?

I would not be able to recognize them.

-You're telling me you forget a vag*na?

-Come on!
-That's exactly what I'm saying.

[Kendall] I doubt these are any, like…

-They're probably not supermodels.
-[Kendall] No.

-So not one vag*na?
-[Kendall] Nope, not one.

-She's got a nice body, though.
-[Scott] Which one?

-This one's my favorite.
-Yeah, her and her

-are my main two b*tches.
-[Kendall] Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

-Yeah. You think her boobs are fake?
-Yeah, those are fake.

-I'm not mad at them.

[Scott] Hungry, fella? There you go.
[tongue clicks]

[theme music]

[lively music]

[Khloé] Ew!

What is that?

It's poo-poo, right?

We're gonna give it to Daddy and we say,
"Daddy, you gotta change the baby."

[toy] Did I make a stinky?

[Khloé] She wants you to change
the baby, and give it to her.

That thing's disgusting.

[toy] Pew!

Ew, what is wrong with this thing?
Ew, it's busting out of its seams!

Change baby's diapey.

[Khloé] Uh-oh, look at Daddy.

Come on! Let's go to the kitchen
and watch Daddy do it.


-[water running]

[toy] Did I make a stinky?

[Scott] I don't understand why
are you guys doing this to me.

I've had enough training and enough kids.

-Have you, though?
-[Scott] I did it with Mason.

[Kourtney] Maybe twice.

-Has Daddy ever changed your diaper?

-No? Do you want him to?

-Look, there's your doll.
-She's back.

Remember the first time
we changed Mason's diaper together?

'Cause we both didn't know
what we were doing.

I still don't.

[Khloé] Baby number three's coming,
and you're gonna have to figure it out.

Scott's just been really moody

and I think that he is anxious and nervous
about having a third baby.

I truly hope
that he really can get it together

because the baby is due
at the end of the month,

and I really need his support.

Look how cute this outfit is.

[Khloé gasps]
You did it!


-Yeah, what about it?
-I said look how cute this outfit is.

I see it. It's cute.

-You're exciting to show stuff to.
-[Scott] Oh, my god.

-Scott, stop! That's, like, so rude.
-I've seen 9,000 child's outfits.

I can't be excited about everything.
I'm going to the other room.

-[Khloé] Where's Daddy going?
-[Kourtney] Hopefully, to Japan.

-[Khloé] Why, what's happening in Japan?
-Nothing, he's just on my nerves lately.

Everyone says they hate
their significant other

-when they're pregs.
-[Kourtney] Mm-hmm.

I keep telling myself that.

[upbeat music]

Everyone's saying I had plastic surgery
and work done because I look good.

-[Rob] When did you have time for that?
-[Kris] Maybe it's the new foundation.

-[Joyce] It's actually working.
-The fountain of youth.

That's what we could call it.

Oh, my god, I see dollar signs
flying everywhere.

-[imitates whooshing]
-[all laughing]

I wonder about the person eating alone,
watching our every move.

Do you know what I mean?

[Kris] Like, why is she sitting there
for an hour by herself?

-[Rob] Yeah, weird.

The whole time
that I've been sitting here,

I feel like this person
has been watching us.

I know it sounds paranoid,

but this past year, we've had
some disturbing things happen.

Is this the stalker?
This person keeps calling me.

The stalker's never had my number.
Should I answer?

-[Khloé] Hello?
-[Ashley] Hi. This is Ashley from [bleep].

May I speak to Khloé?

-[bleep]. It's not from [bleep] I hung up.
-[Kim] It's not, you should…

Look at this. Somebody from the airlines
took a photo of me and North sleeping.

Does anyone not think that's invasive?

I feel like I can't even be out in public
without feeling anxious,

and it's just not fair.

[Joyce] What is her deal?

Too cute to be eating alone.

I mean, it's one thing.
She's, like, really hot.


[chill music]

Oh, it's, like, the pressure,
like, this magazine party.

I feel like everyone's expecting me
to show up naked.


I'm in Miami celebrating
my Paper magazine cover.

[Kim] There has been so much craziness
with the launch of it.

It's such a cool, artsy cover.
This is like a dream come true.

I did press in Australia,
and they were like,

"How come you were so upset
about W magazine,"

when I was nude and painted silver.

I'm so [bleep] mad right now.

-[Khloé] Don't cry.
-I just don't feel comfortable with it!

[Kim] I feel like I didn't get it
at the time.

And now, I look back, and it's one

of my favorite magazines
that I've ever done,

and that kind of helped me
be comfortable with who I am.

As soon as the cover came out
for Paper magazine,

everybody was calling me.

They're like, "Does her body
really look like that?" I'm like, "Yes."

You ask me what her body looks like?
I'm, like, "Get the magazine, you'll see."

[Kim laughs]

I feel like there was
a lot of backlash too.

Some people, they were like,
"Aren't you a mom?"

And I'm like, "Yeah, it doesn't mean
you shrivel up and die."


[upbeat music]

[paparazzi 1] Hey, Kim, right over here.

[paparazzi 2] Kim, right here, look at me.

Ready, guys? Right here, everybody here.
Right here. Kimmy!

Honestly, this has been
such a dream come true.

Everybody's like,
"Who are you putting on next?"

-I said, "God." It's our next cover shot.
-We're retiring.

-We're closing down.
-We got God. We got a photo sh**t of God.

[merry music]

-How are you?
-How are you? Good to see you.

-You too. What's going on?
-We got a party!

But I hear what, Kourtney's, like,
giving birth, like, any moment.

-I had no clue.

-Like, I saw the photos.
-So that's why I was rushing back.

-But then, I'm gonna go to New York.

-Hang out? Yeah, yeah.
-Just to see Kanye for the day.

-Then go home tomorrow night…
-Oh, shit.

-[Virgil] How's Scott?
-…and work a little bit.

-I talked to him last time I was in LA.
-He's just, like, waiting for the baby.

-I think three is gonna be insane.
-Yeah, I know.

Like, I had a realization today
with Larsa, she has four.

And I was like, "I don't think
I could do more than two."

-I think it's gonna be two and done.
-[Virgil] It's huge. Like, yeah.

[serious music]

-[Kris] Kourtney. Can I buy this?
-[Kourtney] Yeah

-For you?
-[Kourtney] No. No.

-[Kris] Why? It's the cutest thing.
-[Kourtney] I don't want that.

-Can you buy it for me?

Kourt, who are you gonna have,
this time around, in the delivery room?

[Kourtney] Oh, these are cute.

[Kris] Are you kind of dancing around
the question I just asked you?

-[Kourtney] Um…
-[Kris] You're sort of avoiding me.

[Kourtney] I'm not dancing.

[Kris] Well, why won't you just tell me?

I just feel like last time,

everyone literally made me almost have
a full anxiety attack, bothering me.

[Kourtney] You, Kim, Khloé,
everybody k*lled me.

Everyone's asking me about being
in the delivery room.

And, honestly, I had too many people
in the room last time,

and everyone really stressed me out.

We have a baby!

This time, I wanted it to just be
Scott and I in the delivery room.

[Kourtney] But, right now, he's being
the annoying, mean Scott,

and I just have no tolerance for his mood.

So what are you saying you trying
to say, you don't want us there?

[Kourtney] I haven't decided.

I might just not call anybody, and then,
call you guys after and go, "Hey, guys."

"Do you wanna come meet
your family member?"

We just wanna be respectful of whatever
you want, whatever makes you comfortable.

-So you let us know, little lady.

When you're ready to tell me
if I'm in or if I'm out.

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] Mom?


Someone stole one
of my birth control pills.

It's been a few years
since I've seen birth control.


[Kris] Can I just touch it,
and maybe it'll rub off?

-Kylie, I need a… I need help.
-You probably took this in your sleep.

No. Kylie, my pill for the day is gone,
and I don't know what to do.

-Have you had sex today?
-[Khloé] Mom, shut up.

Are you telling me that if you don't
have sex, you can still get pregnant?

[Kylie] Yes because sperm lives
inside the vag*na for three days.

[Kris] Who taught you this [bleep]?

[Khloé] Uh, she went to school,

and you should be happy
your daughter has an education.

Especially sex ed. You obviously didn't.

That's why you have multiple baby daddies
and thousands of children.

-[Kris] Oh, hey.
-[Kim] Oh, hey.

Someone stole one
of my birth control pills.

-[Kim] Stop.
-[Kris] For real, and it wasn't me.

-[Kim] You're fine.
-[Khloé] Really?

[Kim] You're not sleeping with anyone.
You can miss a day.

Guys… [bleep].

I have some real drama.

But it's sister drama,
so I don't know if I can…

-Oh, my god. What, Kendall?
-Oh, it's about Kendall?

I feel like we just need to do
Operation Find Kendall a Boyfriend.

-[Kim] Totally.
-And, like, teach her how to do it.

I told her, I go, "I think you're gonna
have a boyfriend soon, and you're…"

-[Kylie] She needs to know how to do…
-[Kris] Khloé?

-Why is my name always being yelled?
-[Kris] Kim?

-[Kris] Did you guys order pizza?

-[Khloé] No.
-[Kim] No.

-What is that?
-What are you doing?

-[Khloé] Yeah, right. Shut up.
-Ordered maybe 20 pizzas?

[Kris] But the [bleep]?

-What is it?
-[Kris] This isn't funny.

No, this is [bleep] nuts.

[Kim] What is that?

[Kris] This is [bleep] nuts.

-[Khloé] What is it?
-Khloé, this isn't funny. Is this a joke?

[Kim] What does it say? "Kylie, marry me?"

-[Kylie] What?
-[Kris] I don't think we should touch it.

-This is really weird.
-[Kris] "Will you marry me?"

She's 17. This is creepy.
I'm calling the gate.

[line ringing]

[Kris] Yeah, it's Kris Jenner.

Somebody just delivered pizzas here.
Who let this pizza company in the…

Don't eat the pizza. Do not eat one piece
of that pizza. It could be poison.

Thanks. Bye.

[phone clacks]

-They said they didn't let anybody in.
-Call the pizza place, and…

[Kris] It's time to call
more than the pizza place.

It's time to call the authorities
or somebody.

All these pizzas arrive.
There's a marriage proposal to Kylie?

This is my personal space. It's so creepy.

[line ringing]

-[Kat] Hi, Kris.
-[Kris sighs]

We just got pizza delivery,
and this one has a note.

-[Kat] Uh-huh.
-It says, "Kylie, will you marry me?"

And some other pictures attached to it.

I'm gonna photograph this.

I think you need to check it out
in the morning.

-I'm not gonna touch it anymore.
-[Kat] Okay.

[Kris] But I think
you have to call security back.

-[Kat] Absolutely. I completely agree.
-Okay, thanks, Kat. I appreciate it.

[uneasy music]

-[Kris] Did that jacket get ruined?
-[Kim] A little bit.

Still looks fine.
It's just, like, really, really rough.

-Hey, you guys.
-[Kris] The new and distressed Balmain.

-So, Kim, you know the Hairfinity people?
-[Kim] Yeah.

You and Khloé
have Instagrammed for them before.

And so they called and said
they were really interested

in having you guys do a repost.

-[Kris] And, so, they talked about that.

And they're opening a store
with their products in London.

And I said, "Why don't you have the girls
do a personal appearance for you guys,

because the girls have
a real following in the UK."

You know, you can help
with the store opening,

-or just an announcement that it's coming.
-[horse clopping on audio]

-[Kim] Got to be a kid's toy.
-Nor's horse.

[Kris] Okay, we're good.

So, um, what I suggested was,
I really wanna do this sooner than later.

-[Kim] Wait. What are the dates?
-[Kris] It's travelling on the 8th.

The event will be on the 10th, and then,
you can get a flight right back to LA.

And I'll be back the 11th? I just need
to know, so I could book my other stuff.

This month is turning
into a crazy, hectic month.

[Khloé] Besides this trip,

I'm also supposed to go to Istanbul
for a few days for an appearance.

I know Kourt is due any minute,

but she doesn't care
to have anybody in the delivery room,

so I really don't find a need
to plan around her delivery date.

All right, so, you guys are in
before I go any further?

-I'm in!
-Yeah. A quick trip to London town.

All right, well, I'm going
to contract on this,

-so you guys better be sure, ladies.
-[Khloé] Didn't he used to do that?

He used to make us do that.

-It's hard to do it.
-It's so weird, the things

you remember as a kid.

And you have to talk.

[vigorous music]

[Kourtney] Did you find me a car yet?

No. No one cares about you.
You're a window shopper.

Mason's pretty pumped,
though, about getting a bigger car.

-You're getting a new Escalade, Mase?
-[Mason] No, I'm not.

[Kourtney] I can't have a minivan, so…

[Scott] Oh, my gosh. Why don't you get
a tour bus with all these kids?

[Princess] Mom!

[Scott] Is P gonna come to the hospital
when you have this other kid?

-Will she come like Mason did?
-[Kourtney] She'll come after, yeah.

Who do you really want
in the delivery room?

No one's even asked like,
"Do you have any names?"

No one's even tried to throw me a shower.

This is the third time around.
Every time it gets less and less.


[Scott] The fourth, people don't
even, like, see the kid.

I bet half the people aren't even in town.

I bet half the people don't care.

So, maybe we just literally
don't have anyone.

I just don't know,
can I rely on you to be there?

It's always a possibility,
messing with a person like me.

[Kourtney] It is.

[Kourtney] Scott tends
to joke around a lot,

and he just acts like it's impossible
that I would go into labor early.

And it's really hurtful,
because I wanna be able to depend on him,

and that he's gonna be home
and excited to be there.

You know, every night, when I wake up,
I'm like, "If this is it and I'm in labor,

I am so tired that I couldn't even go
to the hospital. I just can't deal."

-Like, half the nights when I wake up…
-Yeah, that's how I feel.

[Scott] I'll probably be there, 50-50.

I can't take those chances.

[sharp exhale]

[gloomy music]

[Kylie crunching]

[Kris] Hey, guys.

Ooh, somebody's eating…
a little crazy. Where's this from?

Nobody's gonna talk to me?

[Kris] Somebody's eating…

Nobody's gonna talk to me?
Somebody's eating…

Where is that from, you guys?

I want to get a Vine going. Start a Vine.

[Kris] Is there somebody in the backyard?


[Kris] Look, look, look!

You guys don't see somebody
in the backyard?

-[Kendall] You're paranoid!
-[Kris] Over by the flamingos.

We live in a gated community.
We're completely safe.

And we have a stalker,
and you guys don't take this seriously.

I know that my kids think
I'm overreacting.

But ever since the pizza incident,
I've been really jumpy and on edge.

I think that you have got
something going on in your head.

[Kris] I do not have anything
going on in my head right now.

-They could get to my kids.
-[Kendall] Is it part of the menopause?

Is that something
I should look forward to?

No, I don't think this has anything
to do with menopause.

But I'm actually curious now.
Are you in menopause?

-I don't even know anymore.
-[Kendall] She's definitely past it.

Have you been in her bathroom
and seen, like, period stains anywhere?

-In the past couple years?

"Period stains"?
I didn't have period stains when I was 17.

Sure, you didn't have your period
when you were 17?

-Yeah, what?
-No, I'm a very clean girl.

You were a late bloomer?
Is that what you're saying?

Did you have a little chuckle?

One day, when I'm not here
because the boogie man got me,

you're gonna wish you had paid attention.

Oh, the boogie man!

[Kendall] Oh, the boogie man!

[upbeat music]

[Scott] Was this two rooms?

-This closet is so ridiculous.
-It's huge.

Doesn't this look like Vegas? This looks
like a Las Vegas suite. Like at the Wynn.

-Hi. What?
-Nothing. You look so cute.

She always looks cute.
What is all this [bleep] that I keep?

I love getting rid of [bleep].
It's literally my dream.

-[Khloé] This was Dad's…
-[Kourtney] Bolo tie. You gotta keep that.

-Oh, I see something that's got to go.
-I haven't gone through it all.

[Kourtney] I know, I just…
I see some things. This.

-People actually liked it.
-[Kourtney] Via Sophia. What?

-[Khloé] Are you joking?
-I kind of like it.

I have to go to Hidden Hills
this week, I think Friday.

Kris wants me to run over there
for 30 minutes

and look at the lights at this one house.

[Scott] I'm leaving Friday.
Enjoy yourself.

-Where are you going?

[Khloé] Uh-oh.

I am hosting a Lord-themed party.

Last night, Scott mentioned
that he booked another Vegas appearance

which is the last thing
he should be doing,

and it's really frustrating,
because I was hoping

that, you know, he would step up
and really be here for me.

-What is it for?
-I'm being the Lord.

I don't know. I'm royalty.

It just doesn't seem
like that's happening right now.

[bright music]

[Kourtney] I'm so tired.
My back is aching.

You should stop
by the chiropractor's office,

and he'll just, like give you a massage.

You can't do that pregnant.
What if that puts her into labor?

It's just on your feet
that puts you into labor.

[Kourtney] I don't… Did you see that?

-[Kim] Yeah, Khlo… Stop.
-[Khloé] Oh, my god!

[Kourtney] That was because
you just did that, though.

[Khloé] That's a joke.
Are you doing that on purpose?

-[Kourtney] How could I do that?
-[Khloé] I don't know.

[Kim] It's like a legit alien.

Are you breathing
or is it moving like that?

It's moving.

-But I am breathing too, luckily.

[Khloé] Well, thank God you're doing both.

-So, when are you going to Istanbul?
-Um, the weekend of the 14th.

I was gonna say, do you
wanna come to Turkey with me,

so we can go to Armenia?

Yeah, I'm dying to go to Armenia.

Well, it's two hours away,
so why don't you just come with me?

Oh, that's nice. So, now,
you wanna take Kim with you,

so now, none of you guys can be here?

[Kourtney] What if I go into labor early?
I need some support.

[Khloé] All right, but you,
like, just said to us

that you don't want anybody
in your delivery room.

It's just the point
that you don't care to be here.

I do care to be here.
I want to be in your delivery room.

You literally said, "I don't want anybody
in my delivery room."

So what do you want me to do?
Like, stop everything?

-Like, no trains, planes, automobile?
-Stop everything

to welcome your new family member?

-You don't want me in there!
-So you're not gonna be there

even like right after?

I mean, you could be there during.

Do you not watch movies where people
are sitting in the waiting room, waiting?

-[Kourtney] That's what it's for.

What if Scott happens to not be around?

-Why would Scott not be around?
-[Kim] Yeah.

-He's the baby daddy.
-You never know.

He's going to Vegas, like, next weekend.

I'm just saying, it'd be nice to have

-people around and in town.
-You just mean on standby?

So if you could not go to Turkey,

or wherever you're talking about
at the same time, that would be great.

When Scott was being supportive,

I wasn't concerned
about my sisters traveling.

[Kourtney] But now, I just feel like

I have nobody here
to support me, except for my mom.

You guys are giving me anxiety.

Can you just go, so I can relax
and be alone for a minute?

It seems like nobody even cares.

[Kourtney] What if my mom can't be there?

Am I gonna end up
in the delivery room alone?

[Khloé sighs]
She's so dramatic today.

[door closes]

[emotional music]


Kim, why is the guy out there?
He has, like, a p*stol on his hip.

[Kim] I have no idea what's going on.

-[Khloé] Mom?
-[Kris] Yeah.

-Why are there, um…
-[Kris] I'm trying to copy you.

…people that are strapped here?

Why is there a security guard
right outside this door?

But why do they have g*ns on them?

-Like, what's happening?
-Have you been paying attention?

To what's been going on here for, like,

-the longest time?
-I mean, seriously,

-you got to take a chill.
-I can't take a chill.

I'm actually on edge at all times,

and I, like, have anxiety att*cks
all day long.

So everybody that works
here now has a g*n.

[Kris] And they're armed
and they're ready for anything.

I mean, you're a little extreme,
though, right?

Like, to have two,
one in the back, one in the front?

I needed protection.

This is so typical of my mom,
just to, like…

Someone sent a box of hair,

and they were nice enough
to send it with 40 pizzas, okay?

So, just take the gift, and say,
"Thank you," and send back the hair.

You don't need
to get two armed security men

strolling the perimeter
of your whole property.

They got me some new b*ll*ts for my g*n.

-[Khloé] Wait. What?
-I have a g*n.

-Since when have you had a g*n?
-I'll have you know.

The one Bruce bought me.

I don't think you would know
what to do with a g*n.

Do you even know how to load b*ll*ts?

I have a g*n license.

That doesn't mean
you know what you're doing.

No, you're not having a g*n,
so you could accidentally sh**t somebody.

You're so dramatic.
I promise you, you're just paranoid.

I need to take care
of myself, so I feel safe,

and once I feel comfortable again,
maybe I'll make some more adjustments,

but for right now,
this is the only way I can sleep.

[pensive music]

[upbeat music]

[Crane] Are you getting anxious
to have this baby?

[Kourtney] I'm, like, ready
and not ready at the same time.

-But I guess that's how it goes.
-[Crane] Pretty soon.

[water running]

I am at the doctor's
to check on how the baby's doing

and to see
when the doctor thinks he's coming.

Since nobody was around to come with me,
I'm bringing my friend, Nicole.

He is non-stop, like, moving around.

[Crane] Yeah, I think this
is a pretty good-size baby.

-[Crane] All right, let's have a look.

So, the head… head's down.

Facing the right direction, I'd say.

Oh, that's so cool.

[Crane] The baby's kicking around
like crazy.

-[Nicole] Oh, my gosh.
-[Crane] Amazing, huh?

[Kourtney] He, like, doesn't stop moving.

-[Crane] Here's the heart.
-[Nicole] Wow.

-Are you going out of town anywhere?
-[Crane] No, I'll be here now.

Thank God.

I'll let you get dressed,

I'll meet you in my office,
and we'll get you out of here.

Thank you very much.

[light music]

[Crane] So, you're not dilated,
but the head is really low.

-It's down on the cervix really tight.
-[Kourtney] Okay.

So, I'm gonna predict
that you're gonna have the baby about…

ten days to two weeks early.
That's just my basic prediction.

[conflicted music]

The baby is going to be coming early,
which I am excited for,

but now, it seems like exactly

what I thought would happen
is going to happen.

Nobody may be in town
when it's time for the baby to come.

[energetic music]

So, at Costco, I need to get…

the toothbrushes…

And the, um…

chocolate-covered raisins.

-[Kat] Yeah.
-That we got… We, um, always buy

-for the container on the bar.
-[Kat] Mm-hmm.

I feel like we're being followed.

This guy's acting super strange.

-You mean in the SUV?
-Yeah, that SUV.

And I can't tell who's inside the car.

-Like, is it a girl or a guy?
-I can't see that far.

I usually have really good intuition,

and I know that whoever's
following me, it's not paparazzi.

Paparazzi doesn't hide. It's so creepy.

I really don't know what's going on,
but it's freaking me out.

That guy got off on our same exit.


[Kris] I don't even know what to do.

I feel like I cannot get out
of the car, for sure.

What if I just park right in front
of the store, so it's public.

And you run in
and just get our stuff really fast?

[Kat] Okay.

[Kris] Wait. Is that them?


[Kris] Let's get the hell out of here.

There was a guy over there
taking pictures.

He was popping up
from that bush over there.

-[Kris] Yeah.

[heavy sigh]

All of these unnerving situations
have been piling on,

and I feel just ready to explode.

You should have someone
with you when you go out.

Yeah, more security. I don't know
how much more security I can get.

[upbeat music]

-[Scott] What are you doing in here?
-[Kourtney] Just trying to organize.

Everything is such a mess.
I can barely even bend over.

Yeah, I don't why you're even trying to.

Well, I mean, who else is gonna do it?

[Kourtney] Certainly not you.

Oh, the doctor said
the baby's coming early.

[Scott] All right.

But everyone has plans, so I'll
just be in the delivery room alone.

-You know, that does happen.
-[Kourtney] I don't think so.

[droid speaking]

Bet R2-D2 would be there for you.
Maybe he'll be in the delivery room.

[Kourtney] He would be there for me.
It's the only person.

Don't know if I could even rely
on you to be there.

Yeah because I wasn't there
the first two times.

Well, you're going out of town.
You have Vegas planned.

-This week.
-And who knows what's next week.

Me going to Vegas for a night,
I don't know how that affects you.

First of all, I'm 40 minutes away
with a plane on standby,

that I can get on at any time.

That's perfect.

[tense music]

Why don't you go for a while, and then,
just make sure someone's here on standby?

So you say things like that,
that don't make any sense,

and you wonder why nobody wants
to be in the delivery room with you.

[Kourtney] If you're coming from Vegas,
I don't want you there.

If I did go into labor
while Scott is in Las Vegas,

there's not even a one percent chance
that I would tell him,

because I don't want him drunk
in the delivery room.

So I just need to wrap my head
around the idea

that I might be doing it without him.

I'll just figure it out.
I can't deal with the stress.

[conflicted music]

[upbeat music]

[high-pitched ringing]

[Scott] Tonight, I'm set to do
an appearance in Vegas.

And Kourtney's a little upset,
but I also have to make money.

She needs to leave it alone.

[upbeat music]

-Hey, man. Oh, thanks, man.
-Good to have you back.

-Hey, my pastor.

-Dude, hi. Love you, man.
-[Scoot] Hey, buddy.

[Rich] Are you ready
for this, like, kid and stuff?

[Scott] No, I never am.

Are you feeling more stressed
than this summer, or you feel better?

[Scott] Yeah, you know, lately,
she's been really, like,

"You're not excited for the new baby,

and you're not excited for the new outfit
that I found for the baby."

And I'm, like, "Listen, honey,
it's the third time around.

How many [bleep] toddler outfits
can I look at?" It's ridiculous!

-Yeah. Tell me about it. I hear you.
-Leave me alone!

Are you gonna go hard tonight,
or no? Don't do it.

-Hey, don't go hard, man.
-[Scott] Yeah.

Dude, you don't want anything
to do with me tonight.

-Can we get a water for my pastor?

-Waters all around.
-Water for pastor

I'll take a vodka and Red Bull.

-Vodka and a Red Bull?
-I'm no [bleep] pastor.

[uneasy music]

[woman] Scott!

[Scott] What's up?

Must be your home away from home.
I feel like you're here all the time now.

-[Scott] Me too. Never.
-Not a bad place to be, though.

♪ All I really need is a little bit ♪

♪ A little bit, a little bit ♪

♪ A little bit of cash ♪

♪ Maybe just give me a little bit ♪

-[DJ] It's Friday night. Make some noise!

You ready to party?

[women screaming]

[upbeat music]

You guys, Scott is on the loose,
and he's texting me now.

"What the [bleep] is Rob's number?

I just called his old number,
and it was really weird.

Just got [bleep] up, thinking
I haven't hugged him in a long time."

-[Khloé] What?
-[Kim] What? Who said that?

-Rob or Scott?
-Scott. I'm calling him.

Like, you can't come
to my house at 6:00 a.m.

So, Scott, apparently, flew home
from Vegas on a private plane, drunk,

texting me the most insane texts

that he needs to go
to my house to give Rob a hug.

I don't know what's going on,
but I do know that he is out of his mind.

[line ringing]

-[Scott] Yeah?
-No, you got to go to sleep.

You're not going to my house at this hour.

[Scott] I felt like I wanted
to go hug my brother.

I'm sure he's asleep. Why don't you wait
till tomorrow, and hug him in the daytime?

[Scott] Yeah, but if he's still up too,
like, I want to give him a hug.

[Khloé] No, you got to go to bed.
Kourtney's gonna k*ll me and you.

[Scott] Can I go over there?

Scott is just…

I know this way too well.

I've been down this road
hundreds of times.

Okay, well, you try
to get some rest, Lord.

[Khloé] I don't know why he's being
so selfish right now.

Kourt's gonna be pissed, and the fact
that she's so far along and pregnant,

it's just not okay to do to someone.

[exciting music]

-[paparazzi] Kim! Khloé!
-[camera shutters clicking]

[overlapping chatter]

-Hi, lovely to meet you both.
-[Kim] Hi.

Um, if you were to swap hairstyles
with any of the other Kardashian members,

who would it be and why?

I would say Kylie

-'cause she's really fun…
-Ah, you took my answer!

Like, I'm obsessed with my sister's hair.

I love that she's so funky
and mixes it up.

Well, then, wait. I'll switch
my answer if you want Kylie.

-Khloé really has the best hair.
-[Khloé] Okay, I want Kylie.

-Oh, thank you! Stop.
-Khloé's hair is insane.

I absolutely love being in London
with all of these amazing people.

[Khloé] Right now, though,
I'm thinking about Kourtney,

thinking about how out of it Scott was.

Should I be telling Kourtney
that Scott was drunk?

But at the moment,
I got to get it together,

and put a smile on my face
and enjoy this event.

What up, London?

[crowd whooping]

We just wanna say thank you
to Brock Beauty and to Hairfinity. Yeah!

Thank you, guys, so much for coming out.

[upbeat music]

-[woman] Good night.
-[Kim] Good night. Thank you.

-[overlapping chatter]
-[camera shutters clicking]

"Hair on point,
makeup flawless, outfit on fleek."

-[Khloé] Fleek!

[Kim] Can anyone explain to me
what "on fleek" really means?

"Fleek" means "on point," basically.

-[man] Is it a real word?
-"Outfit on fleek."

It was a YouTube video,

and the girl was, like, "Eyebrows on…"
[tongue clicking]

"Fleek!" Like, crazy.

-Is this a new thing, or just started?
-[Khloé] And it got everywhere.

-[woman] Is fleek the new keeps?

[upbeat music]

Eyebrows on fleek.

Love you, guys.

[Khloé] I would love to eat something.

[paparazzis yelling]

-[Kim and Khloé] Thank you.
-[server] You're welcome.

-Should we sit side by side?
-[Khloé] Yeah.

-Should I call Kourtney?

[line ringing]

-[Kourtney] Hi.
-[Khloé] Hi.

So, Scott, he was very wild last night.

-[Kourtney] Yeah.
-He called me at, like, 5:30.

He kept begging, "I wanna give Rob a hug,
I miss him, I feel like I don't see him."

I said, "Wait till tomorrow and see him
in the daytime, like a normal person."

[Khloé] I told him, no, Rob was sleeping.

Rob locked the whole house.
He was banging on the doors.

Robert called me.
He was like, "He sounds crazy,

I don't wanna let him in."
I said, "Okay, that's your choice.

You're allowed to do that."

-Somehow, he got in.
-[Kourtney] It's ridiculous.

This is what happened last time.
I mean, I'm fine.

I just don't know what to do
in the future, to, like…

It's like I stuck this boundary,
and he just can't come here in this state.

Um, all right, I'm gonna go get ready.

-[Khloé] Okay, love you.
-[Kourtney] All right, love you.

[Kim] I think she
just doesn't know what to do.

What would you do,
if you were, like, had three kids

-with someone that was an alcoholic?
-[Khloé] No idea.

I'm usually, like, team Scott
and I'm like, "Oh, she's so hard on him."

And now, I'm just like,
"Ugh, I'm so over it, Scott."

But I truly feel bad for her.

I think Khloé and I realize that we need
to put the rest of our trip on hold.

[Kim] We need to be there for Kourtney,
and just help out in any way that we can,

'cause who knows if Scott will be there?

He needs to, like, get his life together.

It's, like, not cute anymore.

[lively music]

[phone ringing]

[Kris] Hello?

-[Kat] Kris?

-[Kat] Hi, it's Kat.
-Hey, Kat, what's going on?

[Kat] So I just got word from our PI,

and I don't want you to freak out,
but whoever it is

might have gotten a video of you
from your closet camera.

-They said you were naked.


[Kat] When they hacked your iCloud,

I think they were still able to access
that camera that's in your closet.

Did they say what was on the tape?

[Kat] Just you changing in your closet.

Oh, my god.

[Kat] They told us
that they're asking for money

in return for the video that they have.

And they're gonna release this footage?
Can they do…

[Kris] Like… That's extortion.

I can't believe that there are people
that would do something like this.

I just wanna cry right now.

It's so sick and twisted
and I feel so violated.

So they're gonna blackmail me.

[Kat] Unless we figure out
how to stop them, yeah.

What the [bleep]?


[tires skidding]

[serious music]

-[Khloé] Over there. Look.
-[Kris] Wait!

[Khloé] Every day, they need
to come out here.

Look how fat she's getting
'cause no one plays with her.

[Kris] She gets tons of exercise.

[Khloé] How did Mom end up
with the dog, I don't know.

So we have an emergency situation
that I wanted to talk to you guys about.

[Kourtney] What?

[Kris] Kat called and said that we have
legitimate photos being leaked

and threats of footage
that was taken off of the cloud

of me naked, in my closet,
changing my clothes.

[Kris] And they're telling me
that they're going to expose me

and put it on the internet
unless I give them money.

[Kourtney] Why would that be
on the cloud, the camera system?

-Is that typical?
-Because it's how I check it

from my device.

[Kris] So I just want you to make sure
everything that you have is shut down.

This is a good lesson for all of us,
at my naked expense.

I do feel bad.

My mom had such high fears
that people are watching her,

and now her biggest fears are coming true.

It's pretty [bleep] up, and this
is a huge issue that we have to fix.

[Khloé] No, I am sorry for not taking you
so seriously, I feel like… I mean…

I do think, sometimes, you could
get a little extreme,

but I understand, like, how scary that is.

Am I dramatic? Sure.

But when things are serious,

that's when I try to give you guys
a real heads-up.

And that's why I want you
to come over here,

so we can talk in person
and figure it out.

I think my kids are starting to appreciate
how serious this situation is now,

and we all need
to take our level of security

and everything else around us
to a whole new level.

-So that's the plan.

Who was that?

I think it's the neighbor kids over there.

They have kids swimming there
all summer long.

-[water splashes]
-[Kris laughs]

-I don't think that little dog can swim.
-[sucks teeth, claps]

Come here, come here. Come here.

If you could just grab him,
that would be nice too, Mom.

[Khloé] Hey.


Just come here. Little [bleep] stain.

[Kris laughs]

[Kris] It's like a race dog.

[upbeat music]

[birds chirping]

With everything that's going on,
Kim and I decided to clear our schedules,

cancel some other work trips that we had,
and throw Kourtney an awesome baby shower.



Oh, so cute.

[phone ringing]

[Khloé] Hey. You're not on lockdown.
You don't have to stay at the house.

What do you feel bad about?

Why don't you take a nap?
'Cause you slept for 30 minutes.

And then, we will talk about it,
but I'm on my cellphone.

So Scott just, like, fell off the wagon
and has also been really depressed.

And when Scott is like this,
he's not allowed at his house.

[Khloé] So he is at my house.

I know how to deal with Scott really well,

so I don't mind talking to him
and just kind of, I guess, babying him.

Okay, go to sleep. Bye.

But I feel horrible for Kourtney.

We wanna be by her side, and at least
we're there to support her in any way.

Khloé and I just wanna welcome
you guys all to Kourtney's baby shower.

I really wanted
to have breakfast at Tiffany's.

Well, we really wanted to,
but you could say you… It's okay.

And, um, it's Kourt's favorite movie,
and we thought it was perfect,

so we kind of made our own Tiffany's.

But, um, we're so excited
to meet your new little baby.

-[Kourtney] Thank you.
-And that's it. Welcome, everyone.



This is so amazing. Thank you.

-You're welcome.
-[Kourtney] You pulled it off.

I am excited that my sisters
are throwing me this baby shower,

and I'm happy that I have
all these amazing friends in my life.

-Nicole is gonna come with me to Malibu.

So we'll just go from here.

But, at this point, I feel like
all I can do is rely on myself.

I'm saying how Scott went
to your house in the middle of the night.

Rob was like, "Someone's in the house,
banging on the door."

[Khloé] He was being a [bleep].

I don't know what Scott's doing,

and I really cannot
depend on him right now.

[dramatic music]

[Scott] Let's do it!

[Kim] On the next
Keeping Up with the Kardashians…

How's life as a five-person household?

Kourtney gave birth to Baby Reign.

-No difference.

-[Malika] No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
-[Khloé] Scott, no, no.

Yeah, I'm gonna go home.

-No, you're not.

-I'm going home.
-She doesn't want you to come home.

-She doesn't want me to come home?
-[Khloé] Scott, wait, wait.

He's gone again.

Kourt, like, kicked him
out of the house or what?

Scott is MIA. No one knows where he is.

Kourtney never knew he left.
He left without telling her.
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