10x05 - On the Road

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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10x05 - On the Road

Post by bunniefuu »

[Kim] Previously on
Keeping Up with the Kardashians…

[Kim] What's going on with you and French?

-I kicked him out of the house.

French and I have decided to take a break.

-When was that?
-That was last night.

I really just wanna be responsible
for me and my life,

and, you know, I don't know
what tomorrow brings.

I'm on my way to the doctor
with your sister. It's an urgent matter.

Kanye and I have been trying
to have a baby now for almost a year,

and there's something wrong.

-[Khloé] She has to have surgery.

They won't know until they have
the surgery if she can have another baby.

Love you.

[machine beeping]

[serious music]

[nurse] You did beautifully, Kim.

I'm just gonna put a little
blood pressure clip on your arm.

[gentle music]

She feels warm enough.


You're gonna be okay.

[Huang] So…

When we go inside, we want to see
the opening on this side, that's here.

-[Kris] Okay. What was that?
-[Huang] I cleaned all that out.

That might be old placenta,

and then, at the end of it,
you have a nice, clear cavity, all right?

Oh, wow! With this clean, she should
be able to get pregnant on her own.

-I'm very optimistic. Yeah, exactly.
-[Kris] Great.

Actually, what I'm gonna do is I'm
gonna put her on some hormones.

-Can I have some? Oh, my goodness.
-[Huang] You're fine.

And then, that'll get us
to her next cycle.

Oh, good. Maybe she'll move out by then

so I don't have to go through
yet another menstrual cycle with her.

To hear that Kim's surgery
is a success is everything to me.

[Kris] The fact
that everything looks great,

and she's going to heal
is music to my ears.

-[Huang] Hello? Hey!

-Go home and get some rest, okay?
-Do you think that I will

have a hard time getting pregnant?

I hope not. I'm very pleased
with how you did.

-[Kim] Thank you.

[Kim] The fact that the doctor is saying
that this went well is amazing.

There's nothing more on this Earth than
I would want than to be pregnant again.

[Kris] Good night.

[electronic music]

[lively music]

Hey, Scott. What's going on?

-Is Kylie here yet? She's meeting us here.
-Hold on.

-Tomer, I'm gonna call you in a little.
-[Kris] Let me text Kylie.

-Kylie isn't coming.
-[Scott] Wait, isn't this Kylie's idea?

Why is Kylie not coming?

'Cause she said she's on a strike

because you and her got into a fight,
and she's not talking to you right now.

-Oh, please.
-Oh, my god! She probably felt cornered.

Every time she gets mad at somebody,
she just punishes them by not showing up.

I've been having such a tough time
connecting with Kylie,

and we seem to be butting heads
at every single turn.

[Kris] I try to spend time with each one
of my kids individually and my grandkids.

And lately, Kylie's been
making that really tough.

Okay, Scott, let's do this.

-[man] Welcome, guys.
-[Khloé] Hi!

[man] Green flag means, race is starting.
Checkered flag means race is finished.

Why can't we go faster?


[upbeat music]


Oh, my god!

That was fun. Thanks, guys.

-[Kris] This looks good.
-[Khloé] It is good.

I feel like Kylie would've
had so much fun.

I know. I don't know if it's, like,
her age, and she's just acting out or…

Everybody's had
this rough patch at 17, 18.

I had my rough patch at 30.


[somber music]

[Bruce] Okay. How you doing, bud?
I'm glad you came out.

[digital keypad clacking]

Is it hard to put that down?

Well, you don't have
much service here, so it's not that hard.

-Oh, thank God.

So what's going on? Talk to me.

Nothing major. I just wanted to hang out.

Oh, all right. Social life?

-It's all right, right now.
-And how is Kim doing?

-Kim's good.
-Mom, how's she doing?

[tense music]

-[Kylie] I don't know.
-[Bruce] Why not?

I haven't talked to her in two weeks.

I was supposed to go go-carting,
then I really wanted to hang out with you.

-I would've taken the go-carting.

[Bruce] Yeah.

I don't really care.
To be honest, I legit don't care.

Well, moms and daughters at this age
sometimes can be very difficult.

I mean, if you ever want
to talk about any of that stuff…

-Duh! Right here.
-I feel you.

If there's anything I can do
to cheer you up

or keep you on a positive note…

-All righty.
-[Bruce] Here I am.

[warm music]

-[birds chirping]
-[door closes]

[Malika] K.K.

-When I say dramatic…
-[Khloé] Oh, my god.

You know, I just didn't want to be
in the middle of this awkward situation,

so I literally kind of dropped the car off
and threw the keys and, like, left.

Oh, my god.

French and I have been broken up
for, I mean, a little bit now,

and I still have some of his belongings.

[Khloé] Honestly, I don't
wanna deal with it.

So I had Malika drop off all of his stuff.

[Malika] I'm, like, in the car
with Sydney, I'm like, "We need to go."

'Cause I could hear his voice.

She goes, "Is that French?"
And I go, "Yeah."

And do you know what kind of conversation
I'm gonna have to have with him?

It was just, I panicked,
but I was happy to get out of there.


Having to drop off
French's stuff at his house

was probably the most awkward thing
I have ever done.

[Malika] I do not wanna be in the middle
of someone else's relationship.

It just became a situation
that was uncomfortable for everybody.

I'm actually really happy it's done.

Well, I mean, well…
Do you feel a little relieved?

-Yeah, I'm fine.
-You're single again.

-I'm single.

-[Khloé] Yay.
-We can play together.

-That sounds weird.
-[Malika] With other people.

What do you wanna do?
We should do something fun.

-Are you up for it?
-Like what?

I would love to go on an adventure.

Like, as long as we just get out,
we've never done it, and we're together,

we'll… it'll be… we'll make our life fun.

Yeah, cool.

[merry music]


-[Kim] Hey.
-[Princess] Nori baby.

-[Kourtney] It's Nori's?

[Kim] Does anyone know
what that white cat is up there?

-[Khloé] She got that in Thailand.
-In Thailand.

Hi, kitty.

[Kim] I'm gonna show that to North.
She's obsessed with kitties.

I got to read you an email, how scary
this thing is that I'm speaking at.

[Kourtney] What is this?

There's a tech conference
called Code/Mobile.

Are you in the tech world?
Oh, I guess, you have a video game.

[Kim] "Is Kim Kardashian-West
a mobile genius?"

"Why would I want to interview her

when I have had people
like Apple's Steve Jobs onstage?""

-"Had I jumped the shark?"
-She mean the ship?

It says shark.

-Why would you even be on a shark?
-Maybe you were riding a shark.

[both chuckle]

Who's riding a shark?
You ride a wave, you ride a ship.

Who wants to even be on a shark?

What if they ask you questions that you
have no idea what the answers are?

I met with, like, their whole app team,

and I did a Q and A,
and it went pretty well.

The tech world is a new world for me
and is a new business venture,

something that I've just gotten into,
but I know what I'm talking about.

I think the tech world is a really
prestigious industry to be a part of,

and since I really don't come
from that world,

there are a lot of people
that are skeptical.

This is kind of setting me up,
I feel like, for failure.

-It's like one of those.
-Don't say that.

I'm sure people are expecting me
to come there

and have no clue what I'm talking about
and just want me to fail.

-I like to prove people wrong.
-Good for you.

Mom told me, "Back out.
They're trying to set you up."


-I don't back out.
-[Khloé] Get it, Kim.

[upbeat music]

[phone ringing]

[Kris] Hello?

-[Bruce] Hey, babe.
-Hey, what are you doing?

[Bruce] Well, I'm on the golf course

all by my little lonesome,
smacking balls away.

Oh, that's fun.

[Bruce] Well, I wanted to call you
because, the other day, I had Kylie out.

We were talking, you know,
about stuff and life,

but she also said that she was upset
with you and not talking to you.

Is that true?

Well, more or less.

[Kris] We're definitely going
through a rough patch.

[Bruce] What's wrong?

I just think she's going through
some teenage growing pains,

and I have rules, and she gets angry,
and so we go round and round.

Lately, with Kylie,
I feel completely disconnected,

and when I feel like that,
I'm not myself until I fix it.

[Bruce] What can I do to help?

I don't think there is anything
that you can do to help,

but I'm thinking about planning
a little trip somewhere,

like a mother-daughter thing
that she really can't say no to.

So I'm just trying
to figure out what that is.

[Bruce] I think that would be perfect.
Let's just keep in communication on this.

[Kris] All right, hold on one second.

Robert designed
some Valentine's Day socks.

[Bruce] Yeah?

Do you think it would be wrong
if I sent a pair of socks

that said "my boyfriend" to Keanu Reeves?


Never mind. You're probably
the wrong person to ask.

[Bruce] I wish you best of luck with that.

Thank you.

[upbeat music]

-Cheers to new beginnings.
-Cheers, cheers.

Longevity, life, and that we don't crash.


-[Malika] I would've left that part out.

I have an appearance in Vegas,

and I decided to make this
an all-girls trip.

I just wanna let my hair down
and have fun.

We are gonna live it up
and have the best 24 hours of our lives.

So we have dinner at 10:00
at a restaurant called STACK.

Oh, that's lovely.

Guess who booked a party
on the same night in the same city.

-I wonder who.
-[Jen] The French Manicure.

He called me today and he was like,

"What are you guys doing?
Come to the strip club."

-'Cause we're cool. Like, it's fine.

Listen, we're not gonna be turned away,
so if we feel like going, we could go.

I am beyond confused.

[Malika] I had no idea
that she was talking to him again.

But he won't stay away.

I have been hoping not to run into him,

because I don't like confrontation,
and it's a girls' trip.

I don't want it to be ruined
by Khloé's ex.

[lively music]

Vegas, here we come. Come on, Malika.

[lively music continues]


-[Malika] Thank you.

Come on, lady. Minibar is open, ladies!
What are we drinking?

No BS. When we were on the plane,
did you and Khloé not say

that you guys wanted to go
to the strip club?

Generally speaking, yes,
we would all have fun at a strip club.

Why would we even somewhat have
a plan to go to his party?

-I was just saying it would be fun.
-I don't care to be around him.

But are you gonna be, like,
in a bad mood because of that?

I'm not gonna be in a bad mood.
Am I gonna want to hang out with him?

No, and nobody's gonna ask you to do that.

You're not familiar.

When he comes around, he sticks around.

[Malika] That's how she
can't get rid of his ass now.

You know why? 'Cause he goes,
"Leek, let me talk to you.

Man, you supposed to be my sister, Leek.
You… What happ…"

I don't wanna do all that.
That puts me in a bad mood.

So I don't wanna sit
at Khloé's table with him,

and I definitely don't wanna go
to his party, either.

Oh, hey!

-[Khloé] What time is it?
-[Khadija] Eight o'clock.

-Are we going to the strip club?
-That's, like, after hours.

She asked me where we're going,
'cause we said it on the plane.

Yeah. If that's something you want to do.

If you guys wanna go, obviously,
I don't mind if you guys go.

-I just wouldn't go.
-French doesn't…

Like, if he shows up,
is it gonna put you in this horrible mood?

-Same thing I asked.
-It's not gonna put me in a bad mood.

I didn't fly here for French.
I came here for Khloé.

Whether he shows up or not,

I don't have intentions of letting him
ruin my night or anyone else's.

I really don't get why Malika
is so, like, bothered.

[Khloé] I'm the one
who broke up with French.

If I am not tripping out on French,

if I am okay with seeing him,
then you should be fine.

What are you so bothered for?

I just don't wanna be, like, stressed out,
like, "Oh, is this gonna ruin her mood?"

Like, you don't care, like, "I just
don't even care to talk about it."

It's like, if no one cares
to talk about it, just let the night go.

Like, he shouldn't control
how anybody feels in Vegas.

We're here to have fun.

[tense music]

-[Khloé] Is my vag*na gonna come out?
-[Malika] No, your vag*na's high.

[Khloé] I am wearing underwear,
but how am I gonna do this?

Oh, oh!

-Go, go.
-You guys are funny!

-I'm having, like, malfunctions here.
-[Khadijah] Suck in, don't breathe.

[lively music]

Oh, my god. French is here.

-You're joking, right?
-French is right there.

[Malika] Of course, he is.

[Khloé] Hi. How are you?


He doesn't feel, like, weird
to be sitting at a table next to yours?

Like, it's so random.

[Khloé] Oh, my God, he's here.

-[Khadijah] You're joking, right?
-French is right there.

Zach! Zachy! Hi, Zoey.

-[Khadijah] Hey, Zoey.
-How are you doing?

What's up?


Give me a [bleep] hug.

Malika doesn't want you to sit here.

-[French] Malika, um…
-[Malika] French.

-I don't understand what's happening.
-He wants to talk to Malika.

-You know that's my heart, right?

I don't know what I did to you.

It's like, if you giving her
that vibe like you mad at me,

then she start doing other things,
this and that, and making me feel like,

"Oh, Malika's making her do it."

See, that's the thing, like, it doesn't
have anything to do with me.

Exactly what I've been trying
to avoid is now happening.

[Malika] Whatever happens between y'all
is between y'all. It's been real.

I do not want to be in the middle.
I'm stepping out of this.

[Khloé] What happened?

He was just basically saying, like,

I'm the reason why you
and him are not together.

[Malika] When you break up with someone,
you do not hang out with them.

How Malika's acting right now, it's crazy.

It's ridiculous that she wants me

to just cut French
out of my life completely.

[Khloé] That's just not my style.

My entire life, I've never done
anything like that,

so why would I do it now just
to make Malika more comfortable?

But anyway, let's have fun.

-To Khloé!
-To Khloé.

[Khloé] Thank you, girls.

-[overlapping chatter]
-[camera shutters clicking]

[dance music]

[bell clanging]

[Kara] Our little podcaster,
Noah, is over here.

Can you give him a few minutes?

-If you can't, don't worry about it.
-Sure. Yeah.

I'm in San Francisco, backstage
at the tech conference

doing a pre-interview before I go onstage.

If you could give any bit of advice
to a young woman listening,

uh, what would be the first thing
that comes to mind?

Work hard 'cause nothing really
comes easy, even if it seems like it does,

and whatever you're doing,
just make sure that it's authentic.

It's both a techy audience,

and it's also one that, um,
it's really super interested in mobile.

So we'll talk a little bit about the game.

What are you doing differently,
and why are you successful?

I know that she's gonna ask me
the tough questions,

and I know that she
doesn't beat around the bush.

I'm a little nervous, but I'm prepared.

-Okay? Okay.
-I'll try.

-Best that I can.
-Best you can, good.

Then just have a lot of fun.

[upbeat music]

I have something to tell you
that's very important.

-[Khloé] Yes?
-[Kris] Do you have a panini maker?

-No, I don't, Mother.

[Kris] I make the best paninis,

and you need to know how to do this
for you and your family.

[Khloé] Party of one.
Aww, Normy-Norm and Kylie-Ky!

[Kris] Kylie.


-[Khloé] What's Norman's middle name?
-[Kylie] Wimpleton.

Norman Wimpleton?

It's been two weeks since Kylie and I
have had a real, true conversation,

and it's heartbreaking to me.

Kylie, I'm going down to MJ's
to spend one night,

and I think that you should come with me,

so that we can spend
a little bit of time together

and have a little bonding moment.

So, I wanna take her someplace close,
so we can have a little road trip,

because it eliminates all the distractions
so that we can get back to normal.

Mom, that two-hour drive
really doesn't get me excited.

Kylie, I need you to come and be with me.

-Is Norman going too?
-[Kylie] Norman can come.

And we can talk about all the things

that you never have time
to talk to me about, remember?

-[Khloé] Look at him!
-Well, I'll think about it.

I'm your mom, and I'm telling you now

that I want you to go with me to San Diego
and you don't have a choice.

So, pack your bags,
and we're gonna leave tomorrow.

[Kris] Be ready at 10:00.


[upbeat music]

[woman] We're about ready
for you to be backstage.

-[Kim] Okay. Okay.
-[woman] Just follow me.

When we announced that we
were gonna have Kim Kardashian,

we got a lot of interesting reaction
on Twitter.

As a businesswoman, it's really exciting
to kind of venture off

and do something different
from the world I come from.

[Kim] I have never been
to a tech conference like this.

I'm a little nervous,
but I'm also excited.


So, let's start by talking about why
do people not take you seriously?

-Perfect first question.

You know, I don't know.

I pride myself in my work ethic,
and I work really hard.

One of the things I think is interesting
with you is that you use social media.

[Kara] You seem to be bypassing media
to go right to your fans.

-Talk about that.
-Well, I love that connection.

I could be jet-lagged across the world
and write something on Twitter,

and feel like there were people
that I can communicate with.

And I would write back to so many people,
and that was fascinating to me

that you can just connect
with people across the world…

-Why did you like Twitter? What was the…
-It's an amazing focus group.

I would ask people, "What
color fragrance bottle should I use,

this shade of pink or this shade of pink?"

And I would twit-pic a photo,

and I would get a response back
and it was fascinating to me.

-And I would use that information… Yes.
-The game. What did you…

What did you do for them,
besides lend your name?

The com… Well, it wasn't just that.

I mean, I must've spent weeks
getting what I wanted

all of the clothing to look like
and the characters,

they took such amazing direction on that.

What do you imagine doing next to mobile?

Everything is moving into mobile,

whether it's, you know,
I have clothing stores…

Commerce. So you could
see yourself doing mobile commerce.

Absolutely. It's really fun and exciting

to see all of these things come to life
when you work really hard at it.


[upbeat music]

-Oh, high-five!
-[Kim] How was it?

[Ina] I think it went really well.

Someone Instagrammed a photo of me there

and said, "Kim is an eloquent,
thoughtful speaker

and a hell of a businesswoman,
inspiring talk from her at Code/Mobile."


I'm just really glad that it went well.
It was, like, a 50/50 shot.

I could've either gone out there,
bombed this interview,

or get people to respect a little bit more
of the business side that I love so much.

You can grow from an experience
of maybe not being so comfortable.

[Ina] Kara said, "It went great.
People here loved her."

"I think people were surprised
with the level of savvy."

[Kim] Oh, that's so good.

[merry music]

-This we can hang, put away in the thing.

I'm gonna bring these two.

[Khloé] Malika has been acting
incredibly distant towards me.

And that has never happened
in our friendship ever.

So I rented such a cute, fun,
pink Thunderbird.

This will be sick.

Because Vegas didn't go so well,

and I still really wanna make an effort
to go on this single girls road trip

and have fun and kind of brush everything
under the rug and let's move on!

Let's run like the wind.

♪ I can't take it ♪

[Khloé] Road trip!


Woo! We're cruising for a bruising!

I'm going over, buddy.
We're on the freeway…

[screams, laughs]

There's someone next to me!

Listen, people, the brakes
don't work on this car, okay?

Don't [bleep] with me!

I admire the fact that Khloé
is putting effort towards us

to getting back to a good place,

but I'm not used to being upset
with Khloé, and it hurts.

[Malika] But I'm gonna try
to put my best foot forward

and just see what she has planned for us.

[Khloé] I already have to pee.

[vigorous music]

[Kris] Isn't this pretty, Kylie?

When was the last time
you were in La Jolla?

[phone chimes]

Was I ever in La Jolla?

You used to come down here
all the time when you were a little girl.

-[phone chimes]
-Our meeting tomorrow is at 2:30.

She asked if you would do
Pretty Little Liars.

-[Kylie] Shut up.
-[Kris] I swear.

She was gonna send scripts over.
Everyone loves your style.

They're obsessed with you.

My thought is
you can use your social media

and do those little vignettes about style.

It's like I've been asking you
to do this for one year,

and you could've been well on your way.

My mom is always on my case
about this or that,

and if we're gonna take a trip together,

I just want to talk about other things
than work.

What am I gonna do in San Diego
by myself? I might as well take…

This is our girls trip!
We're having a slumber party.

We can turn on a movie.

And order some crazy sweets
from room service.

[phone chimes]

[uneasy music]

-This way.
-Welcome back.

-Hi. How are you?
-Doing good.

[Kris] Nice to see you.
Wait, look what we got.

We have a bed for Norman.

[Kris] And look at this view, Kyles.
What do you think?

Mom, I need my own room.

The whole point of the trip
was so that we can bond.

-No slumber party.
-Slumber party.

-We can wear onesies.

[Kylie] I can't do it.

The fact that she wants her own room
wouldn't seem like such a big deal,

but I was really looking forward
to lying in bed in our pajamas

and watching movies and hanging out
and just being together.

[Kris] Hi. Yes. This is Kris Jenner.

I was just wondering if you guys happen
to have one more room available.

But, as she has proven in the past,
if I push too hard, she will leave.


[bright music]

Kylie, wait for Mommy.

[Kylie] I don't like this.
Why are we walking? How far is it?

[Kris] It's a block that way.
You're gonna survive.

Except don't walk too fast
because my shoe will come off.

Well, you shouldn't have worn
heels if you can't handle it.

I can handle a block or two.

-[Kris] Hi, Mom.
-Grandma, this is Norman.

Well, hello, Norman.
You're like a stranger.

"The Official Princess Rulebook."
Oh, here, Kylie, this one's for you.

-[MJ] This is for you.
-[Kylie] I'm a queen, but thank you.

Well, you're a princess for now.
You can grow into a queen.

See those little blue check
Humpty Dumpty's?

Those were in Khloé's room
when she was a baby.

-[MJ] Yeah, and there's a picture of her.
-[Kris] I took that picture.

-Do you go see your sister very often?
-[Kylie] Which one?

-She's out of town a lot.

When she's there,
do you visit her new place?

-Yeah, we hang out. We get down.
-[MJ] I bet it's fun.

Are you gonna have
a new place pretty soon?

Yeah, I think I want to start
looking, like, this week.

[serious music]

[MJ] Oh, my goodness.

[Kylie] The second I turn 18,
on my 18th birthday,

I'll be all moved in
and ready to live in my house.


[Kris] Kylie is gonna be 18
before you know it.

I just didn't realize that she was
in this big of a hurry to move out.

I almost feel offended that she's
counting the days and the hours,

and she just wants to get away from me.

-Do you know when I had my own place?
-[Kylie] How old?

-[MJ] Guess.
-At 17.

-[MJ] 16. Mm-hmm.
-You had your own place?

-[Kris] When you were 16?
-[MJ] Mm-hmm.

My girlfriend and I talked my mother

into letting me move into an apartment
with her 'cause she was older.

[Kylie] Ah!

[upbeat music]

[Malika] We're literally, like,
in the countryside.

I like it. It's so cute.

We are in the cutest town called Solvang.
It's a Danish town.

These homes are like cottages.

It's so, so cute.

-[Khloé] Look at that windmill. How cute.
-[Malika] That is amazing.

[Khloé] Oh, my god! Look!

[Khloé squealing]

-Oh, my gosh.

We drive by a miniature pony farm.


[Khloé] I wanna go there!

One of the best parts about going on
a road trip is if you see something cool,

you pull over and you go and explore that.

How often do you drive
by an entire field of miniature ponies?

We are…
[squeals, laughs]

Look at the little ponies.

-Hi. Welcome.

-[Khloé] Is this your place?
-[Joleigh] This is my place.


-[Khloé] Oh, my god, look.
-[Joleigh] Come on.

[Khloé] They're like little puppies.
I thought I saw one with a saddle on it.

Oh, he probably had this one
hooked up with a harness.

-[Khloé] Oh, got it. That's what it was.
-Do you want a ride?

-All right, hop on in.

[Joleigh chuckles]

-Jose's a good driver, I promise.
-Hi, Jose.


-[Jose] You want to go fast?
-[Khloé] Sure. Oh, yeah!

Good girl.

Malika, look!

-Are you guiding her?
-He let me steer her.

[Malika] Ooh!

-Do you wanna do it? It's so cute.
-[Malika] No.

Thank you, little pony. You're over it?

[Malika] I mean, I felt like
you had a little bit of a plan.

I just think we should just, like, enjoy.

We're already here.
Let's, like, take our time.

Although Khloé and I
are best friends, I understand.

She deals with situations by kind
of sweeping things under the rug.

I'm not able to do that.
I wear my heart on my sleeve.

[Malika] I'm very emotional.

And at this moment,

I just want to address our situation
and let's just get through it.

[upbeat music]

-[Kylie] Are you sleeping?

Wake her up, Norm.

[Norman barks softly]

No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Mom, this is crazy. It's six o'clock.

-[Kylie] If we're not going to dinner,

I can't sit here from, like,
6:00 to 3:00 in the morning.

[Kris] MJ gave me a pill,
and it put me to sleep.

[Kylie] Oh, excuses.

Like I predicted, my mom
is practically passed out.

[Kylie] I knew this trip
was gonna end up like this.

I'm just gonna hang out by myself.

[Kris] What are you doing
with all the candy?

I'm taking what… what's mine.

What do you mean,
you're taking what's yours?

I'm going back in my room.

[Kris] Kylie, I went to a lot of trouble

to try to get some nice quality
bonding time in today,

but, sometimes, I feel like
nothing's ever good enough.

I don't know.

It breaks my heart
that she wants to leave,

and I feel like she doesn't wanna be
with me, and it's driving me crazy.

I'm gonna go to my room.

One day, you're gonna regret
not spending time

-to enjoy what's going on around you.
-Well, maybe I agree with you.

-But I just need to decide for myself.
-[Kris] And you're always on your phone.

-All right.

[upbeat music]

Hi! What a cute place.

Would you guys like to do a wine tasting?

We have GoGi label.
That's Kurt Russell's label.

I love Kurt Russell.

I hope you love Kurt Russell
'cause he's my brother.

-He is?
-[Jami] Yes.

Okay, the Goldie Chardonnay.
And what did you decide on?

-[Malika] I'm gonna have Angelbaby.
-[Jami] Ah!

Kurt does the blend himself on this.
He's very hands-on making this wine.

-[Khloé] You are so cute.
-Now you two must cheer one another.

-Yes, we must.
-[Malika] So…

[Khloé] What?

[Malika] Um…

[tongue clicks]
Even… I'll be honest with you.

Even being here was, like, tough for me

because I don't know how to be,
like, in an awkward phase with you.

I don't claim to know

the best relationship
that Khloé should be in,

but when it comes to men,

it's been very difficult for me to watch
her engage and break up in relationships.

So I've become very protective of her.

I mean the best, and it all comes
from a very loving place,

so this is hard for me.

I didn't wanna feel like someone
could come in between…

-But you let someone do that.
-Because you thought it was okay.

[tense music]

I didn't wanna feel like someone
could come in between…

-But you let someone do that.
-Because you thought it was okay.

You have a disingenuine person
in your life,

and you're making me
deal with that person.

That puts me in a very awkward,
like, weird-ass situation.

I don't wanna be
in that type of situation.

I shouldn't have to deal with that.

He's not someone
you should even be around.

Right, but that doesn't… that shouldn't…

There are so many people
I think you shouldn't be around.

It's none of my… Who cares?

I think Malika thinking she has
my best interests at heart is great,

and I respect that
and I love her for that,

but her, in a way,
trying to, like, discipline me

because I'm not doing it her way,
she has to get over that

'cause I'm gonna do things
my way and it's my life,

and I have to experience things
for myself.

[Khloé] And I don't believe
in cutting people out of my life.

I still like to keep relationships intact,
and she should respect that.

There's many people I've chosen
to not be around in your life,

but I don't make it your issue.

You have to experience
those things for your own.

I can't sit there and tell you,
I hate Caitlin, I hate…

You got to get rid of this Caitlin person,

And then just, and you're like, all right.

I understand everything you're saying,

but that's for me to decide,
and that's my journey to walk.

Honestly, I'm not trying
to make her decision for her,

but if that's how she feels,
I have to respect it.

[Malika] This is not the first breakup
that I've been around for with Khloé,

and I will be around for the rest of them,

and I'll support her
no matter what she does.

I did feel like you should
have dealt with him differently.

We don't deal with everything the same,
and it's fine, we can agree to disagree.

I'm not trying to choose for you.

I could not choose
the best suitor for you.

I never have, I never will,
but I can choose for myself,

and I no longer want to be affected
by this individual, in this way.

-But why are you… like, yes!
-[server] How is everything, guys?

-[Khloé] Good, thank you.
-Good. Are you guys all finished up here?


I got some fruit here
for dessert, for you guys.

Thank you.

[lively music]

-[Kris] Isn't this pretty?
-[MJ] Mm-hmm. Beautiful!

I wish you were facing the view.

What medication did you give me yesterday?

-You knocked me out.
-So you slept good.

-I did. I slept really good.
-[MJ] Really good.

I was so glad that you guys
came down, and I got to see Kylie.

[Kris] I'm just glad Kylie came at all,

because we hadn't been really speaking
for a couple of weeks.

She feels, I think, sometimes, like she
doesn't need her mommy, you know?

-Oh, like you did at 17. Remember?
-Yeah, yeah.

I think she has a lot of your moxie
and know-how, you know that I mean?


[Kris] Mary Jo has a pretty good point.

I remember when I was Kylie's age,
I was 17 years old,

and I actually met my first husband,
Robert Kardashian.

So that's crazy.

-Payback's a bitch.
-What goes around comes around.

[door opens, closes]

-[Kris] Oh, my god!
-[MJ] There you are!

-Hi, boo!
-Kiss, kiss.

-I know, I'm just full of surprises.
-Hi, baby!

I have a bagel for you over here.
Hey, Norman.

Kylie, I'm so glad you're spending
the weekend with your mom.

[MJ] She needs you, you know.

Mom's at that age, and you're at that age
where you have to stay together,

even though you're growing up.

And, you know, she knows
you're not still a little girl,

but she just wants to have
a little bonding time with you, you know?

-I agree.
-You agree?

I think MJ's right. I think I've been
a little tough on my mom.

I'm the youngest,
and I'm gonna leave the nest soon,

so I should take in
this quality time with my mom.

I actually want to take you
to an amusement park

-that I used to go to when I was young.

-[Kris] Want to go?
-[MJ] Sure she does.

-Yeah. Sounds fun.
-I think it'll be fun.

[upbeat music]

The wide-open road. Back at it.

[uneasy music]

I've heard about these
phenomenal natural hot springs,

right outside of Solvang,

and it's on our drive home,
and I feel like we could, maybe,

put all this nasty stuff behind us
and not fight anymore.


[Malika] "No camping. Mountain lions."

You sure do pick
the best locations to play.

[playful music]



[Khloé] Hurry up!

[Malika] I'm not hydrated enough for this.

Come on, you guys, like,
I didn't know this was happening.

No, Kourtney, you did know
this was happening. I'm pregnant.

I cannot be in mud.

-[Malika] What, Kourtney, you're pregnant?
-We're getting closer!

-[water burbles]
-[groaning in disgust]

Oh, no!

[ominous music]

-[insects buzzing]
-[Khloé coughing]

-This is… There's no way.
-What in the [bleep] is even in here?

[Khloé] Oh, I just got some water
in my mouth, oh, my god.


It smells like literal [bleep] and eggs
and mildew mixed together.

And that one's murky white, oh,
like, there's cream in that one!

And there's bacteria, white foam,
everywhere. It's so gross.

We cannot end this trip this way.

[suspenseful music]

[Khloé groans]

[Khloé] Oh, my god!

-[Khloé groans]
-This is where you wanted to come.

No, but I envisioned small,
different pools and waterfalls,

I am so upset that this
is why we walked up here!

Well, look, I'm gonna cop a squat,

and you're gonna do the same,
'cause this is your adventure.

-[Malika] Come, come.
-[insects buzzing]

[Khloé] But it smells! Like, horrible!

Well, let's look at the upside,
like, last night was a little intense.

-But I just wanted to make it all good.

Our relationship hit, like, a tense point,

and I think, as much as it's been,
like, uncomfortable…

-[water burbling]
-[insects buzzing]

…I feel like it was a really good thing,
like, for us to spend the time,

-hash it out.
-[Khloé] Yeah.

Obviously, Malika and I are never
gonna agree on everything,

but Malika and I are going to rise above,
and I just think we're bigger than that.

We've been through more
than this, and this is nothing.

We needed the alone time, and I'm sorry
for putting you in that position.

I still feel like, even though
this was supposed

to be, like, some cleansing experience,
we still had ours.

-[Khloé] Yeah! For sure.
-And that's really all that matters.

[Khloé] I literally am gonna pee.
Where do you pee?

I wish I had a [bleep] sometimes.

I do, it'd be so much easier.

And then, I could just go
and take [bleep] pics,

and I could just pee wherever I want.

The [bleep] that comes out of your mouth.

[Khloé] 'Cause I'm literally going
to pee on your face.

That's really sweet.

[upbeat music]

-[Kris] Look! Belmont Park.
-How cute!

Isn't it great? It's like
an old-fashioned wooden roller coaster.

-Are we wearing the same glasses?
-God, I hope so.

-[roller coaster whooshes]

Look, let's go over here. "Giant Dipper."

Do you know I used to ride this
when I was a little girl?

There's nothing in the world that matters
more to me than my children.

As a mom, to have that close bond
with them is everything.

It's what I live for.

Oh, no! Oh, no!

Oh, god, please.


No matter how old my kids get,

my wish is that I will always have
that connection and that bond with them.


And I just hope that they want
to have the same thing.

I am so glad I got to do this with my mom.

[exhales, whoops]

It's so much fun to come here
and do what she was doing at my age.

This is, like, the biggest cotton candy
I've ever seen.

I know.

So, Kylie, I know that you think
I'm really hard on you.

And you are the youngest,
so it's the hardest,

but I love you so much,

and I just want you to know
that I'm always gonna be here in your life

and help you through the ups
and the downs,

and hopefully be here
for all the wonderful times too.

And I think it's important for us
to do stuff together once in a while,

so that we can bond too,
and stay connected, right?

-I love you.
-[Kris] I love you too.

[both laughing]

You know what that means.

That means we're stuck together forever.

-I love you.
-Love you.

Oh, my baby.

-Ready, then?

[Kim] On the next
Keeping Up with the Kardashians…

[Brian] Oh, that's really pretty!

[Kourtney] The photo sh**t is amazing.
I really couldn't be happier.

-[Brian] Do a lot of women hate you?

[Kim] There's been a lot
of theft at the store,

so I have set up every security camera
you can imagine.

We're gonna watch them steal.

[Kim] I see him putting something
in his pocket.

-This is ridiculous.
-What the [bleep]?

It's time for you to start
hosting your own parties.

I can't believe that you're doing
a club appearance.

You booked me on this event,
and you've been MIA all day long.

-What the [bleep] are you doing?
-Are you okay?
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