10x02 - Somewhere Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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10x02 - Somewhere Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Post by bunniefuu »

[bright music]

-[Scott] Kylie?
-[Kylie] I'm gonna do my lipstick.

[Scott] Get it up there.

You should want your nose
to almost hit your lip, like…

-That's what I think.
-There you go! Plump her up!

You should go to the mall, go to Courrier,
and get one more bracelet.

My mother says to keep it uneven,
so I'm at seven now.

Your mother's going through a lot
of stuff. She's, like, newly single.

-We got to get her in the playing field.

I don't know what kind of man she expects
or is gonna want, at this point.

-Definitely African-American.
-I don't think African-American.

A hundred percent. Good-looking,
semi-funny, same age.

I think same age,
but I don't think she thinks same age.

-But she thinks "same age" is, like, 40.

-And she's not really 40.
-She's definitely a cougar.

She's definitely a "coug".

I don't want her to know
that I'm talking to you about it.

[Scott] It makes sense.
It is a bit weird for you.

I just feel like you're so grown up,
even though you're younger than you look.

-"Younger than I look"?
-How old are you? Seventeen.

-What do you look like? Twenty-five.
-Twenty-five, you think?

-Should I date your mom?

That seems like definitely
where this conversation is heading.

-I feel like that may make more sense.
-For sure. Younger…

-Boy toy.
-[Kylie] Yeah.

Who can we hook Kourtney up with?


[theme music]

[upbeat music]

[bell clanging]

-[Niccolo] It's been too long.

-Great to see you. Thank you for coming.
-How are you?

[Kim] I love that.
Did you put that up just for today?

Uh, no, believe it or not,
that's there all the time.

And then, we have
the whole board room set up

to talk through what we're gonna do
with the game in the next few months.

Oh, my god! Those are so cute!

I'm in San Francisco,
meeting with my whole Glu team

to talk about new updates for my app.

[Kim] It's called
Kim Kardashian Hollywood.

And it's this fun app where you kind
of want to make it in Hollywood.

And I just love being a part of it,

and coming up with really fun,
creative ideas.

So you remember a couple months ago,

we were talking
through Bono's AIDS charity.

And we had this brainstorm
with you over, you know,

could this game be part
of the next Red campaign?

We are giving away all of the proceeds
from certain Red items.

Your mom, I'm sure, is gonna
make it in for this update as well.

She looks amazing. I love her character.

Well, so, Kim, let's talk about

whether or not we can talk
your sisters into joining the party.

And I actually think that we'll expand
the fan base with that,

ensuring that we have
the biggest fan base,

the only game that does this,

and I really appreciate
you going to bat for us.

Khloé would love to.
Kourtney is just always difficult.

But I want her to be in it
'cause she's my sister.

[Niccolo] I think that's
a powerful picture.

[Kim] I do too. I love that.

I really want to add
my family members to the game

because the game is supposed
to mirror my real life,

so I think it's just a fun way
to add more characters,

and I'm always with them.

I think it could just be cute and fun.

Are any of the people
that work on my game here?

-[Niccolo] Absolutely. Absolutely.
-I'd like to meet them.

We'd love to do a champagne
and cupcake toast out there,

-if you don't mind.
-[Kim] I would love to. Yeah.

[applause, cheering]

Thank you. I just want to thank
everyone that works on the game

and for pushing yourselves
and being inspired

and I haven't seen a response
from my fan base on a game

that they've really
liked like this in a long time.

So, it's because of, really,
all of you guys, so thank you.

The feeling's mutual.


I'm gonna stay away from those cupcakes.

[all laughing]

[upbeat music]

-Hey, Kyles. The Puerto Rican mama.
-My old bed!

[Scott] Have you seen her do her lipstick?

-Oh, it's crazy.
-[Scott] It takes, like, 40 minutes,

and then, there's like, she like
pulls one lip, pushes one out.

Ugh, that's not cute!

Yeah, I don't understand why everybody
thinks it's cute to, like, duck it out…

-Ew! Kylie, please stop!
-Yeah, that's sick!

[Scott] I'm trying to fill
Kenny in on her mom.

-I think she's texting someone.
-A guy?

-[Kylie] A guy.

Oh, this freaks me out, though, you guys.
Thinking of her flirting with someone.

I just see my mom giggling and laughing
at her phone and I think…

-[Scott] She's sexting?
-I think we have to go steal her phone.

I'm gonna go grab it.

It must be very difficult to jump back
into the dating world 23 years later,

but if she's sexting with other guys,
it's very odd

because, 20 years ago, I don't think
you were getting laid over text messages.

-[Kris] Hey.

-Can I use your phone? My phone died.
-You want to use my phone?

But I want to text Kourt,
so I can't use the house line.

-Okay. All right.
-[Scott] Thank you.

-There you go.
-Thanks. I'll be right here in your room.

Oh, man! I scrolled for a second… Wait.

Look at this guy. "Hello back, Kris."

"Nice meeting you last…"

-Is this really real?
-This is… No, this is real.

I don't know if Kris googled "how to be
sexy over texts", but she's doing it.

He sends her, like, selfies on selfies.
Look at him.


And it's inappropriate,
and it's very uncomfortable.

-Kylie, stop! Please!
-Oh, no, no, no.

-[Kendall] You're freaking me out!
-Wait, oh, no.

-Did we just get proper [bleep]?
-What? What are you guys doing?

-Who's Corey?
-[Kris] What are you guys doing?


-What are you guys doing with my phone?
-What do you mean?

You were supposed to text Kourtney.

I did, and then I just fell into all these
conversations you were having

-with 20-year-old men and…

-Give me my phone!
-Mom, if I open it…

Give me… give me the phone!

-[Scott] Kris? Who's Corey?
-[Kendall] Oh, no.

My… Just stop!

Oh, I had no idea I was hitting a trigger.
I don't know who this is.

Stop! Why are you doing this to me?


[upbeat music]

[Lisa] These are the two prints
we're thinking about.

Either a larger scale one
or a small scale one.

[Kourtney] I think that sweatshirt
is more girly than that one.

-[Kim] Yeah.
-I like this, but maybe for a boy.

[Lisa] Okay, good,
so we'll start working on that.

Okay. These are cute.
Do you guys like this print?

It's a little more boyish to me.

-[Kourtney] Really?
-[Kim] Really?

That's why I don't really comment
for the kids' stuff,

-'cause you guys freak me out.

-We're done.
-Thank you.

[Bruno] Bye.

[Kim] I need to talk
to you girls for a sec.

My video game, I wanted to see
if you guys are gonna be in it.

We made the characters. It looks so cute.

Kendall and Kylie want to. Um, Mom…

Just don't make me
look like a beast, and I'm good.

[Kim] But it's not about the money.

It's just gonna be something
you're gonna do or not.

I just don't get why they use our name
and likeness and don't pay us.

[problematic music]

Kim's making it seem like she's doing us
a favor by having us in her video game.

All these other people are doing it.
I'm pregnant. I have a lot going on.

I don't need to put myself
into one more thing.

But, like, I have to literally get you
guys to sign for your name and likeness.

-Mm… Maybe.
-[Kim] I mean, why am I not shocked?

Kourtney always is difficult.

When we were first
starting out our careers,

I would do anything to help them out.

Kourtney doesn't have to lift a finger,
she doesn't have to do anything.

She should do this for me, like,
with no questions asked.

Does that mean I can't do
my own video game if I want to?

No, you should talk to these people.

We should do
a Kourtney and Khloé Take the World.

Let's see how many people
pay for that upgrade.

[upbeat music]

-[Kim] Oh, hey, guys.
-[Scott] Oh, this is ridiculous.

[Kim] Hey.

Did you just get back
from Paris Fashion Week?

[Khloé] People that wear coats
caped over their shoulders in the house…

Well, when else can I wear
a Chanel holey sweat suit?

[Kylie] Oh, I saw your chiropractor today.

-Did you like him?
-[Kylie] Yeah.

He's so nice.
Don't you wish he would date Mom?

Wait! We need to discuss that Kylie and I

just saw these text messages
with some guy named Corey.

[sneaky music]

-[Khloé] Wait a minute, what do you mean?
-Who is this guy?

-Does anyone know who Corey is?
-[Khloé] I don't.

-I do.
-You do?

I took her with me to Ibiza
for Ricardo's birthday party.

Justin was there.
Bieber, and he works with him.

-Doing what? Security?
-[Kim] A road manager.

-What is this guy Corey's last name?
-Corey… Gamble.

-[Scott] Here's a picture of him.
-Let me see.

[playful music]

-He's 33.

There's only a 26-year-old difference.

[Kim] He's younger than me.

My mom has been out
of the dating game for decades,

so I want her to have fun again
and to meet someone,

but I just hope that she really thinks
things through

and doesn't just rush into anything.

You know, I hope she's having fun
and I want that for her,

but it's just, obviously, it's weird
if she's dating someone new.

[lively music]

Your fire is not large at all.

[Kris] Yes, it is.

-[phone chimes]


-Who are you smirking at?

[Kris chuckles]

-[Khloé] Why are you smiling like that?
-Why? I don't know.

[phone chimes]

-[Kris] Sorry.
-Who are you talking to, Shady?


Just this guy I met in Spain.

He's the guy I met
at Riccardo Tisci's birthday party,

when I went with Kim and Kanye.

He texts me all the time.

-He's cute.
-Oh, he's cute?

-How old is he?
-Uh… I don't know how old he is.

Have you guys hung out yet?

Yeah, just, like, for a couple
of dinners and stuff like that.

Super cool, super chill, really nice.

So are you dating him?

[pensive music]

I don't know. Just hanging out right now.

Getting back out there in the dating world

is going to be very interesting
and, hopefully, a lot of fun.

I was married for 25 years, and that's
a long time to be kind of out of the loop.

But I think it's cute how much
you're, like, smirking and smiling.

Like, I get… I know
that look and that feeling.

But, like, that leads me to believe
that you might, like, be into him.

-[Kris] Are you the dating police?

[Kris] You're the one who's been saying,
"Mom, get out there, get out there."

Yeah. But it's definitely weird
when your mom is dating someone.

No matter who he is, it takes a minute.

-Gotta, like… ease into it.
-[Kris] To get used to it. I'm sorry.

It's ultimately gonna be the hardest thing
for me to date somebody

because we all have such crazy,
big lives, and I have a lot of kids.

And my kids are all
really protective, especially you.

All I said was, "Don't get married."

And you said, "Don't worry.
I'm not getting married."

I don't think I would ever
get married again.

You can [bleep] whoever you want,
just don't get married right now.

There's a whole plethora
of people out there in the world.

[Khloé] We should all just enjoy.

[Kris] We'll see.

I don't have a crystal ball.


[upbeat music]

-You sure you're going the right way?
-I really don't know.

-But let's hope.
-It's 1815.

Scott and I have an appearance
in Canada together for Halloween.

And I'm bringing my bestie, Malika,
and Scott is bringing Chris Reda.

So I don't even have a costume.

I also found out, in the final hour,

that Brody is the DJ at this party,
and Brody's a drinker.

[Khloé] So I just want to be there
for Scott, for a little extra support.

It's Halloween, we get to dress up,

and I'm really looking forward
to let loose,

have fun, and just enjoy the night.

[Khloé] I couldn't fit
into my sailor outfit.

It just didn't look as good
as when I wore it on RuPaul.

So I might just be a sexy kitty
in normal clothes and just wear a mask.

[upbeat music]

[Khloé] So sexy.

[Malika] We've taken Halloween
to a whole 'nother level.

[Malika laughing]

All this, to be a black p*ssy?

Can't really lift my glass 'cause my arms
are tight, so I have to go…

-[Malika] Oh, the Lord!


This is the greatest [bleep]
I've ever seen. Period.

[comical music]

[Khloé] Very chic.
How'd you come up with this?

Well, I've always wanted
to be a Saudi prince,

so when the lordship
doesn't take you far enough,

-you have to turn to the Saudi…
-Yeah, you have to advance.

[Khloé] Let's go, Mama Jo.


-[Khloé and Malika] Instagram!
-[shutter clicking]

[Scott laughs]

-What do I title ours?
-I just wrote, "Sheik p*ssy." Great.

[Scott] There's gonna be some
disturbing comments to that picture.

And I'm posting some pics.

"Appropriate and [bleep]."
"Wow, this is so [bleep] up!"

"Wow, that's offensive. Can't expect
anything less from Kardashians."

Wait, what's wrong with it?
I don't understand.

-"You really did it this time, damn it."

"What an ass [bleep] you are."
"Rude to the Arabs. How dare you?"

Nothing is nice, so far!
I'm like, what's happening?

Is this that bad?
"It's a culture, not a costume."

"So disgusting and disrespectful."

[Chris] What'd you say, though?
You said, "Sheik p*ssy."

Yeah, but now, Scott's gonna get it,
because Scott just posted this one.

[all laughing]

So they're gonna get off you right now.

These comments aren't that bad, Scott.

-Everybody dresses up as something funny.
-Why are Scott's comments not bad,

and I'm getting literal hate,
but without even posting hate?

"This is why he's our god."
"Let's be A-rabs."

[Malika] Clearly, they expect
more of you than they do of Scott.

-Right. That's true.
-I'm getting, like…

[Khloé] My intentions was not
to hurt anyone's feelings

or to go against someone's
religious beliefs,

but I don't understand how I posted
the exact same Instagram Scott did,

and I'm literally being brutalized,
while Scott is being praised,

and I feel like, "Why am I not
allowed to say the exact same thing?"

I'm not in any Muslim nothing.
I'm not even in a costume.

-I have a head thing on.
-[Malika] It's your comments.

"Have some respect, you ignorant [bleep]."

[Chris] "You're a funny, cool
mother [bleep], and the Lord be with you."

"Literally, my life goal is to be you."

"Long live Lord Disick."

[all cackling]

[Middle Eastern music]

-Come on, my girls. Shall we?
-[Chris laughs]

-[man] Hey.


Round of sh*ts. Round of sh*ts!

-[Brody] Are we getting drunk?
-That's what I was waiting on.

[upbeat music]

Mind if we order some drinks?
Could we get 1942 sh*ts, please?

Don Julio, one, two, uh, two…
Are you good?

[Khloé] I hope that by me
being here tonight,

Scott will choose the smarter decision
in not grabbing that shot.

Cheers! A lot to talk about.

-[Brody] To the Sheik. To the Lord.

-Okay, cheers.
-Thanks for coming, guys.

You know, it's Halloween,
everybody's getting crazy.

You know, it's never easy watching
other people having a huge party night.

[tense music]

[upbeat music]

[women screaming]

[man] So I have our meet
and greet people in the hallway.

[Khloé] Come and meet Scott Disick,
everyone! AKA "the Lord."

-Oh, yes.
-Hey, it's nice to meet you.

-Hey, you too!
-Thank you.

Oh, nice to meet you.

-For, like, real, I want your butt. Yeah.
-You do? You can have it.

-Hello, how you doing?
-I like your costume.

-[woman] Do you know who I am?

You are? Stop. Yay! Love Henry.

You okay? No?

You just, like, mean so much to me, and…

I don't know. You just, like,
I'm not comfortable about my weight,

but, like, watching you guys
just makes me feel, like, a lot better.

I think about mine all the time.
It goes up and down and it is what it is.

You joke about it.
It means a lot to me that you came here.

You can't worry about it.
It is what it is.

-Got to embrace it and love it.

No pouting, smile big.

-[dance music plays]

I love you!

[screaming continues]

[dance music continues playing]

Happy Halloween, Ottawa!

[dance music continues playing]

[screaming continues]

Khloé! Khloé!

[Khloé] Push it, Scotty. Push it, Scotty.

-I love you, Khloé.
-[Scott] That was crazy!

He… Yo, he tried to attack,
like, knock me down.

-Some guy tried to tackle me.
-I was scared for her.

The crowd is definitely getting
a little rowdy.

That was absurd.

-[Scott] I got that turban off.
-[Chris] Way better.

-I want tequila, you don't have tequila.
-You want Jagermeister too, though?

[Chris] Oh, no, what else do you have?

I got to say, for not drinking,
I'm having a pretty great time,

but it seems like everybody's drinking
more and having more fun and more fun.

I think it's time. Should we get going?

-Can we get going?

Honestly, I'd like to just call it a night
for the first time in my life,

and get to bed and get home.

[lively music]

[Kourtney] Hello.

-I'm happy.
-That's cute. That's cute.

Do I keep this little T-shirt
that says "Robert"?

-[Khloé] Are you naming your kid that?
-No, but it's cute.

-Maybe just for, like, chill clothes?
-[Khloé] Green pants?

If I ever wore green pants,
you would k*ll me.

[Kourtney] Yeah, but for a kid?

I don't know, do you dress kids
the same way you dress an adult?

No, I don't.

Did you get this email
from Kim's attorney to sign this contract?


-So did you read it?

-It's not just for the charity.
-[Khloé] Yeah, I know.

So it's giving your name and likeness
for basically, forever.

Kim sent over some
legal documents for us to sign,

so her video game can use
our image and likeness

and Kim's video game is a huge,
like, pop culture phenomenon,

and I feel like your sister's asking you
to do something, so do it.

Yeah, but it's a free video game.

-What do you mean?
-Like, she doesn't get paid.

-You don't think she makes money?
-[Khloé] No, she makes money.

It's not like you buy a Khloé person,
like, I'm just like a free add-on.

Yeah, but you're adding to the game.

[Kourtney] Are you gonna do it?

I mean, I am 'cause she just wants me to.

She just said, "So-and-so and so-and-so
is doing it, do you guys want to do it?"

Yeah, I…

And in the moment,
I said, "I'll think about it."

But then, I randomly got
this contract sent.

-I don't mind doing it.
-Do whatever you want, I don't care.

[Kourtney] I'm just telling you
I am not going to do it.

After my conversation with Kim,
I thought I made it really clear

that I wasn't sure if I want
to be a part of her video game,

so I'm just not sure why
I'm getting contracts from my attorney.

I just am really confused.

-You're ruthless.
-Oh, how cute are these?


[lively music]

[man 1] Khloé, over here.

-[woman] Hi.
-[man 2] Khloé, here, straight ahead.

-[man 3] Look up, Khloé.
-[man 4] Khloé!

-Well, you look beautiful.
-[Khloé] Thank you.

-I just said that and…
-[Khloé] Stared at my…

-Yeah, oops.
-[Khloé] It's okay.

They're a mouthful,
so that's all you need.

-Hello… Uh, God, it's early.
-Right? Good morning.

Um, what is this random Kim tweet saying
she loves you and French together?

She's cute, right? I mean,
we all miss French, we love French.

Yeah, but you're not dating.

I'm still friends with him.
I talk to him, like, every day,

talked to him before I came here,
but I'm not dating anybody.

Okay, I'm gonna break some news to you
that is actual dating news.

-Oh, tell me.
-I confirmed, actually,

as I was driving over here, I confirmed
that your mama is dating Corey.

-[shutters clicking]

[funky music]

How did you confirm?
'Cause I can't be tricked into this.

I have sources, I'm telling you that,
as a friend, I did confirm this.


I pretty much feel ambushed at this point
because my mom apparently gave quotes

about her relationship
with her new boyfriend,

and I don't know
how to answer this question.

-[Khloé] My mom is really happy.

So I like to see her
in such a positive, happy state.

-It's a good Kris Jenner.
-You're beautiful.

-Thank you.
-Love you.

Love you more. Thank you.

-[overlapping yells]
-[shutters clicking]

My mom-slash-manager is supposed
to be giving me the heads-up,

like, "Oh, by the way, you might
be asked a question or two,"

and she's pretty much denied

that she's dating Corey
every time I ask her.

[line ringing]

-[Kris] Good morning.

-[Kris] Yeah?

Did you feel like maybe warning me
that you were giving a confirmation

that you're dating someone would be good
before I did a press day?

[Kris] I did not confirm
I was dating anybody.

-[Kris] No, you… You say nothing.

Did you not talk to Ken Baker?

[tense music]

[Kris] No, I did not talk to Ken Baker.
I'm not confirming anything.

I don't know what's gonna happen.
I could be dating somebody else next week.

I'm getting him on the phone right now.

Okay. Well, you could
seriously take a [bleep] Xanax,

and don't [bleep] yell at me like that
because I don't deserve this [bleep].

-[Kris] Please don't be mad.
-I'm just saying, as a manager,

I would just like to know,
because I'm, like, ambushed.

[Kris] I'm so sorry,
and I never confirmed it.

It'll be yesterday's news in a week.

I mean, it's One Flew Over the [bleep]
Cuckoo's Nest with you, dude.

[tense music]

[upbeat music]

-[Scott] Hey, Puscani.
-[Khloé] Come here real quick.

We'll go out… Your dad'll
take you outside in a minute.

So Malika and I, like,
we're both obsessed with Tomer.

[Scott] He's the best.

And then Malika's like,
"If Tomer wasn't a redhead or a ginger,"

she's like, "I would,"
and I was like, "You would what?"

-Has Malika ever dated a white man?
-Nick Carter.

-[Scott] From the Backstreet Boys?

No, no!

[both cackling]

-So, how was Canada for you?
-[Scott] I had a good time.

I feel like everybody was pretty tame.
I mean, you guys were drinking a little.

I had, like a half a glass of wine
and that was about it and just relaxed.

But is it hard for you to be…

Like Brody was wild,

and all of his friends get really wild.
They're like, "Let's do a shot."

Like, I'm like, "How old are you,
and how long are you gonna do sh*ts?"

Yeah, I could probably
do them till I'm dead.

But, yeah, I mean, I just feel like I got
to pick my battles. You know what I mean?

I mean, listen, doing events
and parties is one of my jobs.

[Scott] So it's like,
I don't want to mess that up,

and I feel like I can't go to these things
and act like an animal.

I just don't want to not be able
to drink at all,

'cause, then, just all
I think about is drinking.

-[Mason babbles]

We'll see, I mean, I'm trying
to give this a whirl, just being calm,

but I don't drink at home
or anything like that.

I… Yeah, yeah.

Listen, these are sharp,

so when you hit your head against this,
it scares KoKo, okay?

-I scared you, Pusci?

I love this little girl.

[upbeat music]

-[overlapping chatter]
-[shutters clicking]

[Durrani] Hi.

-[Malika] Sorry, I'm losing my voice.
-Wow, I missed you so much.

-[Malika] I missed you too.
-[Khloé] How are you?

[Malika] We're having major problems
with ourselves today.

I'm going to a basketball game,
and I haven't been since Lamar,

and I'm, like, really scared to go.

No, you look so hot.

[Khloé] But I'm not really
into these shoes with this.

And my hair is tight.
So I don't want my hair tight.

[breathes deeply]

Just breathe.

See, Malika, I shouldn't go
to a basketball game with you.

[Malika] Okay.


Do one of you guys know
how to read Arabic?

-[Khloé] You do, right?

[Khloé] So, I posted
something on Instagram.

It was for Halloween. Scott was a sheik.

Oh, I remember. You were a kitty cat.

And I was a cat. Thank you.
I wrote "Sheik p*ssy."

-But is that offensive?
-To me, personally, no.

[Durrani] I don't think it's the caption.

-I think it's 'cause you were covered.
-Oh, so it wasn't what I said.

-It was how we looked.

[Malika] Wait, but I thought
they were mad at the caption.

-Well, that's what I'm assuming…
-I thought they were mad at everything.

I don't think that…
the whole cover thing was an issue.

[Nazy] I think just, like…

Do you think my…
Are you more offended by my words?

I think the more what's more, like,
upsetting is the fact that just the words.

-[Khloé] To put the words together.
-[Nazy] Yeah.

[Khloé] After talking
with Nazy and Durrani,

I'm really upset
that I've offended anybody.

I'm even more bothered
that a lot of the commenters

are thinking
that I'm poking fun of their culture.

I just didn't realize
how offensive it was.

I was, like I did not think
I did anything wrong.

[Malika] You know, honestly, if you
had known, you wouldn't have done it.

I really have to just be
more aware of what I write,

even if I think it's tongue-in-cheek,
and I have to be more sensitive to that.

I'm so sorry for anybody that I offended.

That was the last thing
I ever wanted to do.

-Hey, everyone, what's the vote-vote?
-First outfit.

[Khloé] Who wants the red jacket?

I think that both of 'em look good,
so whatever you're comfortable in.

I just feel like
I'm a little bright in red,

and I would rather
not show my butt, either.

Why? If I had your butt,
oh, my god, I'd paint it.

A little just large and in charge.


[upbeat music]

[Kourtney] Uh, Teflon?

[Khloé] Kourtney, I like Teflon.

-[Kourtney] Is that coming off?
-It's not coming off.

Yeah, it's really bad.

I forgot how much
I missed you coming over.

-[door closes]
-[heels clacking]

-[Kim] Kourt, are you serious?
-I don't wanna be in your video game.

[Kim] I got it. You're not gonna be in it.

It's ridiculous for you to just
not do that for me as a favor

'cause I've done so much for you.

And for Scott to call me and say,
"You should buy her a pair of shoes…"

I don't need a pair of shoes.
I can buy my own shoes.

And I'm like, "Buy her
a [bleep] pair of shoes?

All the [bleep] I've done for her?"

I said to Scott, "I'm not buying her
a [bleep] pair of shoes.

I bought her a [bleep] career."

[Kim] Kourtney should do this
for me as a favor,

but she's like, "I don't need
a video game character.

What will this do for me?"

Sometimes, it's not about
what it will do for you.

I mean, the game is supposed
to mirror my real life,

so I think it's fun to include
all my family in that.

I don't know why she's being so stubborn.

It's just lame to not do me a favor.

Like, I bend over backwards
and do business deals

for the benefit of you guys
when I've had my own deals.

And I'm not gonna be
bending over backwards

if I feel like people
aren't gonna do me favors.

You never asked as a favor. Never once.

So if you presented it
as a favor, and said,

"Do you want to do me a favor,
and will you guys please do this for me?"

-I have asked. I have asked.
-Did she ask like that?

You didn't. We were
in our Kardashian Kids meeting.

[tense music]

It's so lame that, like,
everyone else wants to be in it.

The only reason you didn't
is if I didn't pay you.

[Kourtney] I don't want the money.
I don't have to do anything.

But you're contradicting yourself,

because, before, you said
you just wanted to be paid.

I don't care to do random things.

You don't have to do one thing.

But I don't care to do
more than I'm doing.

Oh, you're too overexposed?

I don't want to be in it.

We all do each other family favors.

That's just what we do. That's who we are.

So I just think of your character,
it's pretty [bleep].

[tense music]

You're, like, such a joke.
People want different things in life.

[troubling music]

-[Scott] Where are you going?
-[Kim] Australia, Dubai, and India.

-You travel too much.
-[Khloé] We all do.

-Yeah, we all do.
-[Scott] I don't.

I try, but I usually am told I can't.

You're usually told you can't do anything.

Yeah. I was gonna go to Israel
to see the motherland.

-[Khloé] Are you trying to run away?
-No, I wasn't gonna go live in Israel.

Get back there, "My people, I've come!"

What if you got there,
and you fell in love?

I wouldn't come home.

Um, I just feel like I'm worried
about Mom a little bit

'cause I'll look online and there'll be,
like, all these pictures of her and Corey.

Just… she doesn't listen
to me when I'm like,

"You know,
you should really take it slow."

Didn't you get married
both times after a couple months?

There's something
a little awkward happening.

I heard he's ghost-riding
her whips around town.

-[Kim] The thought of it.
-[Scott] Oh, by the way.

Not only once in a night.
He goes for double-decker sometimes.

-He went in for seconds.
-First of all, it's disgusting.

-I don't need to hear the noises that…
-She lives underneath them!

And she tells me about
the squeaking and whatever.

-[Khloé] That's disgusting.
-And he comes back for seconds too.

Boom. And the bed, like,
bangs up against the wall.

And I, like, was literally
trying to pass out,

and I, like, woke up, and I swear
I thought I heard moaning,

and I'm like, "Please go to bed!"

-Like, I put the covers over my head.
-That's disgusting.

[Khloé] I have the worst visual.

[Kim] My mom has been out
of the dating game for decades,

so I want her to have fun again,
and to meet someone,

and I just hope that my mom
really thinks things through

because I just don't want her
to rush into anything.

Out of all the people
in the world, though,

how does your mom decide
to date a 32-year-old guy?

He's younger than Kim and Kourtney.

-He's my age, pretty much.
-It's creepy.

[serious music]

[Kim] Mom.

-[Kris] Hi, doll. Welcome to my studio.
-[Kim] What is this?

It's just Kylie's world,
and I'm living in it.

I asked her to set up her studio
for a YouTube channel.

[Kris] She took over my entire office,
so I'm slowly being--

I mean, this lighting is amazing,
though. I need this.

Can I read you a little letter
that I received via registered mail today?

-To you.
-To me?

"This is a cease and desist
for the Kim Kardashian West video game."


"This cease and desist order
is to inform you

that your persistent actions,

including but not limited to asking me
to sign over the rights

for you to use my likeness,
have become unbearable.

You are ordered to stop
such activities immediately,

as they are being done
in violation of the law."

-Who is that from?
-Kourtney Kardashian.

[Kris] "I have the right to remain free
from these activities…"

-Stop. Is this a joke?
-"…and I do not give you any rights.

I will pursue any legal
remedies available…"

-Your sister is serious.
-How do I work this thing?

-[phone beeps, ringing]
-[Kourtney] Hello.

Is this a joke that you're sending me
a cease-and-desist letter?

[Kourtney] I'm just protecting myself.

Now you know what it's like
to get some legal paperwork.

[Kim] Why are you being so difficult?

-[Kris] Kourtney--
-It's like, Obama has a character,

and Kourtney Kardashian
is being difficult?

Kourtney, maybe you can tell her
what would make you happy, honey.

[Kris] Looking at it from both sides,

I feel like you should definitely
offer her compensation

to be in your game
because she is a public--

-[Kourtney] That's not what it's about.
-Okay, tell us what it's about.

[Kourtney] You never asked
as a favor, never once.

So, I feel like what she's saying to you
is she doesn't like your approach.

[Kris] Why don't we do this?

Why don't you decide, Kourtney,
if you would agree to be in her game,

and how you would want
your character to be presented?

Give a little thought to that, quickly…

-I'm so over this.
-…so that we can make sure that you are…

[Kourtney] I'm trying to pick
a Jack Skellington cake, so I have to go.

-[phone clacks]

-No, we have to go.

She's trying to hang up on us? No.

[Kim] She sent the letter,
we hang up on her.

[Kris] I think you should have
a little chat with Kourtney,

because she is gonna have
a baby very soon,

and she's probably got raging hormones
and very emotional.

[Kris] You can talk to her
and be a little kinder,

more sensitive
to what she's going through,

and voilà, life is beautiful.

[tense music]

[lively music]


[door closes]

[Kim] Hello?


Ooh, what did she make? Sugar cookies?

-What are you doing here?
-[Kim] Hey.


-[Kim] Are you ignoring me?
-[Kourtney] No.

I came over to…

basically tell you that I spoke
to my video game people,

and we, you know, I have a fee for you,
and I know it's not about the fee.

I get what it's about. Like, I should
have, like, asked and not assumed.

[gentle music]

[Kim] My mom was right.

Maybe I didn't have
the best approach with Kourtney.

I mean, she's hormonal and all.

So, hopefully,
this approach will work better.

I would really like you to do it
for me, as a favor.


But I know you're not into being
in a video game, but I really…

Well, you did make my career.

Without everyone, we wouldn't be here.
That's why it works.

-[Kim] 'Cause we're all here together.

Of course, if you guys had a project

you were really passionate about
and excited about,

we would all, like, help.

Well, I appreciate the apology,
and I'm happy to do it.

Thank you.

-I'll get your check over ASAP.
-It's not about the check.

-It is, though.
-No, it's actually not.

-[Kim] Come on, it is.
-It's not.

[upbeat music]

-[Khloé] Well, well, well, you're…
-What are you wearing?

What are you [bleep] wearing,
first of all?

-All you do is wear whole clothes…
-Looks like a gown.

It's actually a robe, you dumb [bleep],
so get over yourself.

[Kim] You're so pleasant.
I'm so glad I came over.

[phone chimes]

[Kris] He wants me to help him
pick out a pair of shoes.

-The velvet.
-They're cute, right?

Corey wants you to pick out
a pair of shoes? Why?

Because we're going to a wedding.

-Who is?
-[Kim] Whose wedding?

Lance Bass.

-You're going to the wedding with Corey?

Doesn't that send mixed signals?
Someone you're not dating?

It's a date to a wedding.
I'm not getting married.

You don't bring someone to a wedding
if you're really not serious with them.

I think I know what I'm doing.

You just tell me it's not your boyfriend,
but you're with him all the time.

I don't care if it is.
Just take ownership.

I cannot do anything right.

[sucks teeth]
You got that hickey right, though.


-It's not a hickey.
-[Khloé] Apparently, it is.

I don't know the rules of dating.

Maybe somebody should fill me in

and tell me, like,
what you're supposed to do.

I haven't dated anybody in 25 years.

You said he's not your boyfriend, right?

I don't really care what anybody else
thinks anymore.

I just want to be happy and do my thing
and have people leave me alone.

-Do you, boo. Do you.

It's kinda hard to "do you"

when everyone's a critic
and telling me how to do me.

It's so annoying that my own family
is being so judgmental,

because all I really want to do
is live my life.

[sentimental music]

[Kris] I can't do anything
without getting criticized.

It's… it's uncomfortable.

It's like everybody wants answers,
everybody wants to know what the title is.

It's like you're a bunch of haters.

[serious music]

I feel really bad that my mom
feels unsupported by all of her kids.

[Khloé] I mean, the truth is, I think
we're all really protective of her.

I think, at the end of the day,
we all want her to be happy,

and if she is, then we're happy for her.

Mom, we're not hating on you.
We just want you to be happy and have fun.

-Well, how would you do you?
-[Kris] I don't know.

I'm just getting my sea legs.
I don't know how to do me.

I'm figuring it out one day at a time.

We just want you to be happy and have fun.

Life is about having fun.

[upbeat electronic music]


[Kris] We're in Vegas,
and I'm really excited.

Getting back out there in the dating world
is going to be very interesting,

and, hopefully, a lot of fun.

-[Khloé] Hi!
-[Kim] Hello!

-[Corey] How y'all doing?
-[Malika] Hi!

-Hi, baby. Mwah! How are you?
-[Kris] Wait. Khloé, pull that down.

-There's a lot of shadows going on there.
-"A lot of shadows"?

My [bleep] is coming out.
That's the shadow you see.


[Kris] You guys, who remembers
the night I was doing the keg upside down?

-Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
-Oh, yes!

[Kris] Yeah, and somebody
talked me into standing on my head,

and sucking down beers hard as I could.


The [bleep] you guys make me do.

You guys didn't know
I was so limber, did you?

My mom really does seem so happy,
and she's smiling from ear to ear.

-[camera shutter clicks]

She really can't worry about
what everybody has to say

'cause people are always
going to have an opinion.

And just like ass [bleep],
everybody has one.

-[shutters clicking]

[party music]

[crowd cheering]

[Kim] They're actually
kind of cute together.

[Corey] I'm a lucky mother [bleep].

Ultimately, I'm just happy
if my mom's happy,

and based off of tonight
and seeing how my mom is dancing,

and just, like, getting her groove on,
I am happy for her.

Tip your head over like… Are you watching?

[Kim] On the next Keeping Up
with the Kardashians…

-That's disgusting.
-[Kris] Good as new.

-Do you have a will or a trust?
-Actually, I just changed it.

[Kris] When Bruce and I got divorced,

I decided Kourtney was going to be
the executor of my will.

I'm the only one here. She's not here.

I don't think you should be the one

that would decide if something went wrong.

Scott is so shady.

[Khloé] You know, there's a big truck
out front unloading a car?

[Kourtney] A car? What is happening?

My mom and Khloé keep questioning me
about what you're doing.

Don't say [bleep] like that.
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