15x16 - Break Free

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians". Aired: October 14, 2007 - 2021.*
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Reality series of the Kardashian family featuring Kim, Kourtney, Khloe and the rest of the Kardashian/Jenner clan personal and professional lives.
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15x16 - Break Free

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

KOURTNEY: Do you want to just
take photos, or do we want to

work out?
LARSA: We're gonna box, then

we're gonna take good photos.
TRAINER: Okay, okay.

Minor injuries, you guys are

No bad knees, shoulders?
KOURTNEY: I have a bad

shoulder, a bad knee and a bad

KIM: I just have a bad attitude.

KOURTNEY: I swear.
LARSA: You're in the right

place. KOURTNEY: I had a crazy

workout on Saturday, and it...
TRAINER: Okay, so if there's

just certain things that you
can't do, feel free to just

switch off on your own, just try
not to hurt yourself.

KIM: Wait, Kylie should be here.

The Met is in one week, and she
hasn't worked out once.

KOURTNEY: She's years old.
KIM: Once a year, there's the.

Met Ball.
You know, it's a really big deal

to be invited, it's an honor.
And that's something that I

really look forward to

KOURTNEY: We are making it
known today that late s/ s

is the new / . ♪ ♪

KOURTNEY: I'm gonna decide
about the pool table stuff.

I just, honestly, don't use it.
KIM: You never use it.

KOURTNEY: But I, like, kind
of like having it.

Like, what else would I put
there, you know?

KIM: So, you know Alice
Johnson, the lady that I've been

trying to get out of jail?
KOURTNEY: Okay. I didn't know

her name.
KIM: It was her first time

offense that was non-violent,
and she got life in prison

without the possibility of
parole, which was really crazy.

KOURTNEY: How long has she
been there?

KIM: years.
Six months ago, I stumbled

across a story of Alice Marie

ALICE: My name is Alice
Marie Johnson.

I'm a -year-old mother,
grandmother and

In less than two weeks, this.

October , will mark my st
year of confinement in federal

KIM: I first started with

retweeting the story, and I just
kept on watching it over and

just feeling how unfair this is
and hoping that I could reach

out and make a difference.
You know, she's, like,

definitely served her time.
She didn't k*ll anyone.

This is, like, a non-violent
offense, your first time, and

you get life without the
possibility of parole?

Like, that's just not fair.
We all make mistakes.

We all (bleep) up.

KIM: And everyone else that
was actually dealing the dr*gs

pleaded guilty, went in jail for
a few years and got out.

So she pleaded not guilty and
got found guilty.

So everyone else is living their
life out of jail.

KOURTNEY: And you're trying
to get her out?

KIM: Yeah, but the only
person that can grant her

clemency, which means to, like,
forgive her punishment, you

know... ]] KOURTNEY: Mm-hmm.

KIM: And get her out of
prison would be the president.

KIM: My first phone call was

to Ivanka.
I just felt like as a woman, she

would really feel for this woman
the way that I connected with.

And she did, and she connected

me with her husband Jared.
So, I actually have a meeting

with the president of the United
States next week to discuss.

Alice Johnson.
It's just tricky because, like,

they've asked me to go and talk
to Trump about why Alice should

get out.
And I've been so straightforward

with Jared that, you know, I
have different views,

I was at Hillary fundraisers.
So, you know, this might not be,

like, a popular opinion, but
I'll talk to whoever I need to

talk to in order to get the job

KIM: But I'm excited to go to

the White House, I'm not gonna

I just want to go and see where
JFK and Jackie slept.

I just want to touch one thing
of Jackie's.

(chuckles) ♪ ♪

KHLOE: Oh, you're feeding the

TRISTAN: Look at-look at Mommy.

Look at Mommy.
KHLOE: "Hi, Mama."

How is she doing? TRISTAN: Good.

We just started. ]] KHLOE: Aw...

"Hi, Mama." I miss you.
TRISTAN: "I miss you, too,

KHLOE: What did you dress her

in? TRISTAN: She's got a little

morning gown on.
KHLOE (chuckles): Oh, wow.

This is my very first day back
at work, um, ever since being on

maternity leave.
Okay, well, thank you for being

such a good dad with her.
TRISTAN: All righty.

KHLOE: Okay, babe, I'll check
on you in a little bit.

TRISTAN: All right.
KHLOE: Okay, bye.

Good American is definitely one
of my other babies, but it's

crazy 'cause all I can do is
think about True and wanting to

be with her, and "what am I
missing?" and just everything.

I really hate that I'm not home.
You both are coming to the trip?

ANDREW: We're just going in,
flying in to New York and then

we're flying into Seattle?
KHLOE: I think so.

We are launching Good American
activewear in New York, in.

Seattle, but I have a ton of
anxiety thinking about spending

a night away from True.
I know she's gonna be at home

with her dad and in the best
place possible.

She's just not with me.
How cute is this?

It's how I monitor the baby.

I'm spying.
MODEL: That's dangerous.

I want that (bleep).
KHLOE: Yeah, but I feel bad.

WOMAN: Does he know you can

KHLOE: Mm...
MODEL: (laughs) That'll be a

"no" then?
HAIRSTYLIST: That'll be a

"no." ]] KHLOE: Well...

MODEL: Whoo!

♪ ♪

KIM: Kourt?
KOURTNEY: I'm in the closet.

KIM: Hi.
KOURTNEY: Wait, I thought you

were on a plane, 'cause I
thought you were going to meet...

Going to Washington, D.C.
KIM: I know, I was supposed

to, and then it got canceled.
KOURTNEY: What got canceled?

KIM: Last minute, my meeting
with Trump.

KOURTNEY: Oh. On their end?
KIM: Yeah.

KIM: So it's been, like, just

literally, I was, like, ready to
go, plane ready, attorneys

When I came on board trying to

help Alice grant clemency for
herself, she had a team of

attorneys that have been helping
her for, you know, a decade.

You know, the whole team really
worked hard on getting letters

from senators and politicians.
We got the help of the

prosecutor, and there was
misinformation in her file that

wasn't even true about her case,
and so we had to correct all of

So there was so many different

hurdles, and now the meeting
gets canceled because we need a

little bit more support.
SHAWN: Okay, so I had a

conference call this morning
with the team.

They are saying that they want a
thousand letters.

KIM: A thousand letters?
SHAWN: Yeah.

And we already submitted a bunch
of letters.

So I guess the question for
Jared is: How many letters do we

really need, and where would
these letters need to come from?

KIM: Okay. Got it.
Things keep moving and changing,

and it's all really frustrating.
But I definitely don't want to

let Alice down, so it just
pushes me even more to want to

fight for her.
All right, I'm gonna e-mail.

Jared now.
"Who... how many letters,

realistically, and who from?"
SHAWN: And don't forget to

remind him about all the letters
that we sent already.

KIM: Totally. Okay, bye.
SHAWN: Okay, bye.

KOURTNEY: Penelope was... has
a question.

KIM: Okay.
KOURTNEY: She wants to know

if she can go with you to pick
up North from school.

KIM: Yeah, but I don't have
another car seat.

Can they put one of her car
seats in my car?

KIM: Oh, perfect.

♪ ♪

(ringtone playing)
Hold on, sorry.

It's really important.
Hey, babe.

Just in the middle of

I didn't know you were going.

You told me you weren't going,
so you said it wasn't happening,

and then you called me and said,
"I'm here. Bye."

And I tried calling you, and you
didn't have your phone on.

You weren't answering, so...
Okay. Bye.

Right now.

KRIS: So, I'm going to do
today, and of

course something always happens.
So, Kim and Kanye called me.

COREY: Mm-hmm.
KRIS: And they said I just

can't be the person talking
about Kanye, so Kanye and Kim

called me and said, "Listen, you
got to cancel Ellen."

I said, "Well, I wouldn't do

I'm not gonna cancel Ellen."
And they said, "Well, you're

just not the person who's
qualified to talk about Kanye."

Like, "You'll just make it

I just want to make everything
better, you know me.

I want everybody to get along,
I want everybody to be happy.

I want everybody to understand
one another.

Even though Kanye went on TMZ

this morning and made some
controversial comments, you

know, my loyalty really lies
with Kanye.

COREY: Babe, I thought this
would help ease your tension a

little bit.
KRIS: Aw, thank you, babe.

I just can't control everybody.
COREY: Yeah.

KRIS: Thanks, babe.
COREY: I'll be right there

next to you, though.

You'll be all right.
KRIS: It's really my job to

be there to support Kanye and be
somebody that's in his life that

offers him love and support,
and not criticism.

ELLEN: We're gonna get this
out of the way, 'cause I think

people are-are tuning in, and
they are thinking you're gonna

just... that we're gonna talk
about Kanye the whole time, and

we're not.
KRIS: Kanye always does

things with really good

So I'm gonna let him explain

ELLEN: Okay.
KRIS: I just keep rolling on.

Trying to keep up.
ELLEN: Yeah, with the.

KRIS: With the Kardashians.

ELLEN: Yeah. (Cheers, applause)

KIM: I'm in New York for the
Met, and there's so much going

on with Alice's case and Kanye,
but I am so excited to be here.

JONATHAN: Um, how's Kanye doing?

KIM: When he gets ramped up,
he can't control what he says.

JONATHAN: He can't let it go.
KIM: He's like, "Yeah, I say"

crazy (bleep), but I've always
said crazy (bleep).

But that's why I'm Kanye."
JONATHAN: Kanye. Right.

♪ ♪

KHLOE: Hey, guys! (True fusses)

KRIS: Hi! Oh! Guess who I get?

Oh, little missy. KHLOE: Uh-oh.

KRIS: Hey, Mase.
Are you excited about the trip?

KHLOE: I am really... I have a
lot of, like, anxiety about

being away from her for this

KRIS: Yeah. (True cries)

KHLOE: Aw, she's tired.
I know, Mama. It's time.

KRIS: I feel bad that Khloe's
a little bit stressed out right

now; She's a new mom.
She's just figuring out

It's hard leaving your first

baby, so it's gonna take a
little bit of creativity to keep

her mind off of what she's left
behind at home and on her Good.

American launch.
KHLOE: I love you guys.

I'm gonna go put her down for a
nap and hang out with her.

KRIS: Somebody's getting tired.

COREY: Call if you need

KHLOE: Thank you.
Say, "Bye, Mama."

♪ ♪

KIM: Ooh, fancy.
JONATHAN: Did they send this?

KIM: Oh, my God!
Look at those pillows!

Oh, my God, I have to use this
on my bed for the trip.

JONATHAN: %. For the vibe.
KIM: I'm in New York for the.

Met, and, you know, there's so
much going on with Alice's case

and Kanye, but here is what I've
realized: I'm always gonna be

me, so I could be, you know,
getting ready for this big

fashion event, doing a new
sh**t, doing whatever I...

And still making calls to the
White House, like, that's just

me, it's who I am, and it is
what it is.

JONATHAN: I love it!
It looks so...

KIM: "I can't wait to see
you, Donatella."

JONATHAN: That's the note
we've been waiting for.

Um, how's Kanye doing?
KIM: He's doing good.

Everyone thinks he's, like,
having a breakdown or, like...

SIMON: Because of the TMZ thing?

KIM: And just because of his

JONATHAN: Well, TMZ was wild.
KIM: When I saw the clip, I

was like, okay, I rushed home.
I was hysterically crying.

So I go home...
he's totally fine.

The thing is, when he gets
ramped up...

JONATHAN: He has to do it.
KIM: He can't control what he

JONATHAN: He can't let it go.

He can't let it go.
KIM: But he loves being

ramped up.
He's like, "I feel powerful when"

I'm ramped up, like, I don't
want to be, like, so suppressed.

Like, yeah, I say crazy (bleep),
but I've always said crazy

But that's why I'm Kanye."

JONATHAN: Kanye. Right.
KIM: You know, I-I always

know what Kanye's intentions are
and what he's trying to say, but

I also know that they're gonna
write a headline, and people are

gonna assume that that's exactly
what you meant, you know.

But all the headlines just

PRODUCER: They take the sound
bite and do whatever.

KIM: Yeah, that, as a wife,
is really frustrating to see the

media take everything and run
with it.

JONATHAN: Should we pop the

Do you even drink champagne
anymore, ever?

Kim, did you ever drink

SIMON: Kim, are you a
champagne drinker?

KIM: I hate champagne.

People love it. ]] KIM: Hate it.

SIMON: Too much sugar.
I actually stopped drinking

everything for nine months.
JONATHAN: What do you mean by

SIMON: So no sugar, no pot,

no drinking.
KIM: So I'll just...

SIMON: Yeah, die. Yeah.
(Kim laughs)

♪ ♪

(crowd screaming)
KHLOE: My Good American

launch, we're starting in Times
Square of New York City, and I

took a red-eye, and I'm gonna be
here less than the amount of

time it took me to fly to New

EMMA: Good morning, my gorgeous!

How amazing did it look outside?
KHLOE: So (bleep) good.

EMMA: There's so many people
out there.

They were camping out from last
night... I'm dying.

KHLOE: I'm so excited.
It's lovely.

Hi, how are you?
WOMAN: Two amazing women,

cofounders of this beautiful
collection: Khloe Kardashian and.

Emma Grede. (Crowd cheering)

Good morning, New York City.

WOMAN: First of all, you guys
look amazing.

EMMA: Thank you.
KHLOE: Thank you.

WOMAN: Second of all, I have
a confession.

We're all actually here to talk
about baby True.

KHLOE: Yes. Yay! EMMA: Me, too.

KHLOE: I wish she was... I
wish you were surprising me with

her coming out, 'cause it was my
first time ever not sleeping,

like, with her last night.
WOMAN: Really? Oh!

That's so sweet. KHLOE: I know.

I know this Good American launch
is such a huge thing for my

company and for myself, and it's
a positive thing, but all I'm

thinking about is True.
Is she okay?

How did she sleep last night?
And so... I just feel very


(crowd clamoring)
KRIS: This is the fun part.

Ah! (Laughs)

KIM: Hi.
KYLIE: You look gorgeous.

KIM: Oh, thank you.
(crowd screaming)

(knock on door) ]] KHLOE: Oh.

Hello? Oh, my God!

KIM: I am so excited to be in
Wyoming for Kanye's listening

It was all such a last-minute

thing. ]] CHRIS ROCK: The world

premiere of the one and only
Kanye West.

(crowd cheering)

♪ ♪

KIM: Okay, one hour, guys.
(ringtone playing)

Oh, my God, Jared Kushner's
calling me.

Hello? Good, how are you?


(mouthing) Okay. Amazing.

So the White House has agreed
to set up a meeting, and that

makes me so happy because I just
know that explaining what Alice

has been through, I feel like,
how could you not feel for her

and see her, like, pure soul and
have sympathy for her?

All right, I'll talk to you

Thank you. All right, perfect.

Have a good night. Bye.
PRODUCER: This is so

exciting! ]] KIM: I know.

I don't want to get too excited.
PRODUCER: I know, I know.

KIM: But I feel like it's
gonna happen.

PRODUCER: Yeah, it sounded
very promising.

KIM: Ten minute warning.
PRODUCER: Guys, we really

have to be in the car; Should we
just finish the rest in the car?

STYLIST: Yeah, I'm done, I'm

PRODUCER: On the way there.
(ringtone playing)

KIM: Hello?
KYLIE: It's so crazy here,

actually, there's just a lot of
people outside.

(crowd cheering)

also, the one with the stone on
the leg?

Wow, the black is everything!
STYLIST: You want to see how

the other one looks as well?
KYLIE: We can do it.

STYLIST: Love it.

KYLIE: Also, my stomach is

like... so hungry. (Laughter)

(overlapping chatter) KYLIE: Oh.

That's pretty, too. So good.

This is my favorite look,
by the way.

(laughter) ♪ ♪

MAN: Beautiful.
KRIS: This is the fun part.

Ah! (Laughs)

It's when I can't talk anymore
for the rest of the night.

KENDALL: Oh, my God, my mom
is so cute.

She's so cute.

CREW: Should we call the

KIM: Yep. ]] CREW: You good?

KIM: Yep. Hi.

KYLIE: You look gorgeous.
KIM: Oh, thank you.

(crowd screaming)

My mom looks beautiful. Cutie.

Her hair looks good.
MAN: Can you stop slow?

KIM: We can open it.
MAN: Oh, there? Okay.

♪ ♪

KENDALL: You guys rock.
Thank you.

WOMAN: Go, girl. Have fun.
(crowd shouting)

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

KHLOE: Hi, how are you?
Khloe. Nice to see you.

MAN: Very nice to meet you.
Come on in. I'll walk you up.

KHLOE: Thank you.
I'm in Seattle for a Nordstrom's

appearance. (Line ringing)

Hi! Hi, girl.

You're so cute, Mama.
I miss you!

We're not gonna smile?
You just don't like to talk to

me on FaceTime?
Only Tristan she likes on.

Send me more pictures later, and

I hope you guys have a good

Bye! Bye, Mama. I love you.

(phone beeps) (knocking)

Oh. Hello? Oh, my God!

JAKE: Have you gotten any
advice about talking to Trump?

KIM: No.
I don't know if anyone can give

you advice. JAKE: (laughs) Yeah.

That's probably true.
KIM: We have one shot to

plead our case.
It's a really scary feeling.

SHAWN: If he does this,
that's major.

JAKE: It's major.

(knocking) ]] KHLOE: Hello?

Oh, my God!

Pierre? Oh, my God!

(laughing) Oh, my God.

I've missed you.
Pierre is the mime that I found

for my mom.
KRIS: No, no, that's not for

sale. Stop it.

I... No, no, no, no.
KHLOE: Oh, there's Kris.

KRIS: Pierre!
KHLOE: Mom, this was not...

KRIS: Thank you very much.
KHLOE: Really what we

expected. This is wild.

KRIS: I just wanted you to
have a laugh.

I know this is a-a really
stressful tour.

KHLOE: Well, when I saw
Pierre, I started jumping and

hugging him, so we're good.
KRIS: (laughs) I'm so happy.

That makes me happy that it made
you smile.

KHLOE: The fact that
instantly when I see Pierre I

have, like, this surge of
energy, I really, really love

this stupid mime.
Oh. No, Pierre.

Come on, guys.
We're going to have fun.

How is this happening?
(Andrew laughs)

ANDREW: We're going to the

pier. ALEXA/ANDREW: With Pierre.

KHLOE: Okrrr. (Camera clicks)

(laughs) No, no, no.

Just one. ]] ANDREW: Oh, my God.

(Khloe laughing)
ALEXA: Whoa, I'm getting

KHLOE: Hanging out with.

Pierre is honestly just
hysterical, and I can't stop

laughing and just having the
best time.

This is just the medicine I

No, no, no. I don't like the
Ferris wheel.

Come on. Pierre! Not today!

(Andrew and Alexa laugh) Pierre!

(laughs): Pierre. Pierre.

Hello! Hi! ♪ ♪

(indistinct chatter)
KIM: I am so excited to be in.

Wyoming for Kanye's listening

It was all such a last-minute

But I feel like, after TMZ,
Kanye's changed his whole album.

And I'm just excited so many
people came out to support.

Kanye is doing press while he's
here in Wyoming, so he's gonna

have a chance to talk to
Charlamagne and just express how

he feels.
So I'm glad that now we can just

have fun and just listen to the
music and have a good time.

CHARLAMAGNE: When people see
you running around in the-the.

Make America Great Again hat,
your bl... your blackness will be

KANYE: Yeah, see, that's...

CHARLAMAGNE: When you out
here saying you love Trump, your

blackness will be questioned.
Especially a guy that's directly

trying to oppress us, trying to
marginalize us.

KANYE: I'm not saying the

I'm talking about the fact that
this person was not supposed to

do that.
How many times do you hear

somebody say, "Everybody hates
Trump," right?

I got love.
I'm leading with love.

That's my main message that's
getting clouded.

It's like, nah, why don't we
step forward with love?

Why don't we see what we can do
with love?

'Cause it seem like we not
getting too much done with hate.

KIM: I obviously support him
and will always, but he likes to

speak for himself and I like to
speak for myself.

You know, as his wife, I just
have to express how I feel and

have those private conversations
with him and just help him

better communicate what he
really means to say.

CHRIS ROCK: All right, ladies
and gentlemen, welcome!

I hope everybody's appreciating
what's going on.

This-this is... this is not done
every day.

The world premiere of the latest
opus from the one and only Kanye.

Ye. (Crowd cheering)

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪
KIM: Today is the day we

present the case to the
president at the White House.

JAKE: You guys nervous?
KIM: I'm a little bit

nervous, but I feel like this
watch is Jackie O's that I got

on auction, so I feel very...
Got the Kennedy...

Hopefully, not the Kennedy

I've got the Kennedy strength...
with me.

SHAWN: Yeah.
JAKE: Have you gotten any

advice about talking to Trump?
KIM: No.

KIM: I don't know if anyone

can give you advice.
JAKE: (laughs) Yeah.

That's probably true.
KIM: My thing is, I might not

know a whole lot about the laws
and prison reform, but that's

why Shawn is here...
(Shawn laughs)

and, you know, to kind of
talk about just more of the

details of her case.
SHAWN: Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah, if he does this, that's

JAKE: It's major.

KIM: We're literally just
about to pull up.

I've never been to the White
House before.

I'm excited, I'm nervous.
I know we have one shot to plead

our case.
Knowing that someone's life is

in my hands... it's a really
scary feeling.

We have to just do justice by

Like Jared said, "I've seen it

"I can only give a %, and we're
as close as %" is what Jared

But he's like, "I can never give"

% because you never know what
he might do."

♪ ♪
(line ringing)

KIM: Hello?
Hey, I just walked out.

WOMAN: He was like...
SHAWN: Thank you.

KIM: Bye. Thank you so much.

It was good.
I mean, I think it's...

I mean, I think it's gonna

I don't know.
SHAWN: It does seem like it,

right? ]] KIM: But it's, like, a

process. Wait, wait. Wait, babe.

I have these people on the

I'll call you right back.

KIM: Hi. ]] BRITTANY: Hi. Hi.

KIM: Okay, so, we think it
went really, really well.

SHAWN: So, when we walked in,

he was finishing up a meeting
with Jeff Sessions, John.

Kelly... Who else was in there?

I mean, it was just all of those
men were in there.

All of those guys left, except
for John Kelly kind of hovered.

And it was a lot of
chitchatting, you know.

They talked a little bit about
The Celebrity

and things like that.

KIM: A lot of Kanye talk.
"I love Kanye, I love him."

Um, "He's so great."
I mean, just, like, overly...

KIM: You know, 'cause Kanye

has been positive about him.
Um, but I did want to keep this

very separate from Kanye,
because I think, you know, we

And he said the same thing...

That he wanted to keep this as a
completely separate

But Jared has said that, you

know, Kanye reaching out and
speaking out has been very

positive for this.
SHAWN: We talked about the

fact that her codefendants...
Most of them are out.

They didn't like...
You know, they didn't like the

fact that she was in, and they
were out.

KIM: So he did say this is
the right thing to do.

I mean, you know, years for
just dr*gs, like, he-he... he

said that.
I just... I just hope...

Like Jared said, "I've seen it

"I can only give a %, and we're
as close as %" is what Jared

But he's like, "I can never give"

% because you never know what
he might do."

♪ ♪

KHLOE: We are here at
Nordstrom Seattle, and we are so

excited. This is crazy.

EMMA: This is so nuts.
KHLOE: Oh, my God!

And look at the photos!
EMMA: So crazy!

KHLOE: Emma, they said you
could walk on it.

Look at these assholes,
sitting on my (bleep) face.

Okay, guys.
I know, it's your dream.

Good morning, everybody.
GUNNAR: Three, two, one.

jumping jacks. Let's go.

KHLOE: The rooftop event just
looks so powerful, and it makes

such a statement, and it's so,
so cool.

A very "pinch me" moment.
I will say I'm super thankful

for my mom and Pierre.
He kept me so distracted when I

was super anxious about leaving
True, and I just got to laugh

and have a really good time.
It's just been a really great

experience. Hi!

(crowd screaming, shouting)
Oh, my God, hi!

Oh, hi! That's so nice.

EMMA: Sorry, love.
Can I get through?

KHLOE: Oh, hi.
How... Are you driving?

Oh, my God!
I didn't know you were driving.

♪ ♪

FEMALE VOICE: Please announce

KIM: Hi. Hi, guys. It's Kim.

SHAWN: Kim! Hi, Kim!

Oh, my God, Kim!
KIM: This is so crazy.

SHAWN: You did it. Oh, my gosh.

Did it.
I'm at a sh**t, so I cannot cry,

but... SHAWN: (laughs) Oh, I'm

already doing it.
KIM: But this is so crazy.

SHAWN: You did it. Oh, my God!

KIM: I cannot believe we
pulled this off.

SHAWN: I can't believe it.
You made this happen.

There was no way this would have
happened without you.

BRITTANY: Hi. It's Brittany.

SHAWN: Hi, Brittany.
KIM: Hi, Brittany.

BRITTANY: Hi. Who's on?
KIM: It's Kim and Shawn.

SHAWN: Shawn and Kim and

JENNIFER: Hey. Hey, y'all.
Okay, one second.

I'm trying to take a deep breath
so I don't jack this all up.

Okay. I'm okay.

Okay. KIM: One of the attorneys.

All of her attorneys.
BRITTANY: Ms. Alice?

ALICE: Hello?
BRITTANY: Yeah, I'm here.

KIM: Ms. Alice? ALICE: Yes?

JENNIFER: That's Kim.
ALICE: This is Kim!

SHAWN: It's Kim. ALICE: Hi, Kim!

How you doing?
Angels, my w*r angels.

KIM: I cannot believe it.
We did it.

ALICE: Huh? KIM: We-we did it.

ALICE: What happened?
KIM: We did it.

You don't know?
SHAWN: No, she doesn't

You're telling her the news.

KIM: Oh, my gosh!
Alice, you're out.

ALICE: Yes? (Screams, laughs)

SHAWN: You're coming home!
ALICE: Oh, bless you.

(crying) ]] KIM: I can...

I-I'm sorry, I thought you knew.
Oh, my God, the news just broke.

The president just called me,
and he told me that, um... that

you are out.
He signed the papers, it's been

released to the press,

SHAWN: You're coming home.

KIM: So we did it.
(women laughing)

SHAWN: I wish we could all be
together and have a big hug.

KIM: I know.
SHAWN: I'm just crying in my

office. (Laughter)

Oh, my goodness.
Oh, we're all here, Alice.

ALICE: I am.
You did it, you did it, you did

it, Kim.
You didn't stop fighting.

You did it. KIM: Well, I am...

I'm, like, I can't cry.
I'm on set of a photo sh**t, and

I have all this makeup on, and
I'm like, "Don't cry, don't cry",

"don't cry." ]] ALICE: Don't cry.

Please don't mess your picture

KIM: But I will cry as soon
as I see you.

I will... I got... I have to
come out and meet you and see

you, and the president was so

He said, "You know, a lot of
people fought against this."

But he believed in you, and he
called everyone, and everyone

said you were just such an
amazing person, so he is so

happy to do it for you, and he,
uh... he was really, really

I am so grateful that we are

giving someone their life back
and giving them a second chance.

And I'm just so happy for Alice.
Alice, I will connect with you

in a little bit.
I'm gonna go back to my sh**t.

I will connect with you, um, you
know, after you settle in with

your family.
I'll give my cell phone number

to Shawn.
If you guys, you know, want to

call me later, I'll be

Um, and then, you know, we'll
plan the... I'll come down in a

few days just to give you a big

ALICE: Thank God you called me.

KIM: Okay. Okay.
Bye, everyone. Love you.


NEWS ANCHOR: Breaking news.
All right, we are coming to you

live where we are now seeing
Alice Johnson, uh, being

reunited with her friends and
family after being behind bars

for years. ♪ ♪

KIM: Girls, do you know why
we're going to Tennessee?

KIM: We are going to meet a

woman named Ms. Alice Johnson.
We have to go meet Ms. Alice

because Mommy and Shawn helped
her get out of jail.

She was in jail for , almost

So, Alice and I have been
discussing when we're gonna meet

Like, we have to meet, we have

to connect.
We have to just give each other

a big hug.
Just that video of seeing Alice

run out of prison and get to her
family and hug everyone was just

such a satisfying moment.
Just to know that she's been

behind bars for years, and
she's now home.

It's really amazing.
I think, honestly, for the first

one, it couldn't have gone

SHAWN: Yeah.
KIM: And that's what, like,

so many people don't get.
Like, this has nothing to do

with politics.
Like, (bleep) politics.

I don't really know anything.
This just has to do with, get in

front of the person that is the
only person in the world that

can make this decision...
SHAWN: Right. Right.

KIM: And try to change
their mind.

♪ ♪

Oh, look at everyone in the

This is exciting.
Shawn, do you want to come with


(Alice screams, laughs)

KIM: I'm so happy to meet you
and to hug you.

ALICE: Oh, my God.
KIM: I can't wait to meet

your family.
ALICE: Oh, my God, Kim.

You never gave up.
And you did it! You did it.

You did it! (Laughs)
KIM: This is Shawn.

You have to meet Shawn.
ALICE: Hi, Shawn.

KIM: She helped me with


(Alice crying)

We're so happy to be here.
I want to meet your whole

She just is the sweetest person,

and it's so great just to see
her back with her family.

Oh, my gosh. Nice to meet you.

WOMAN: Thank you so much, Kim.

ALICE: This is my sister Thelma.

KIM: How many sisters do you

(all laughing)
ALICE: His sister.

KIM: Hi.
ALICE: This is their mother,

Tammy, my niece. ]] KIM: Hi.

ALICE: My nephew, Randall.
KIM: Hi. How are you?

ALICE: My niece, Sherry.
These two are singers.

KIM: Hi. Oh, wow.
She has her life back.

She has a full second chance
and she's with her grandkids

and her kids and she's so

Hey, babe. Do you have a second?

Okay. Hold on.
I want you to talk to Alice.

She has to say one thing.
It's really cute. Hold on.

ALICE: Hi, Kanye.
Oh, I am wonderful.

I'm sitting here in front of
your beautiful wife.

I want you to know that the
people here in Memphis love you.

They love you here.
It's like, this is something

to give not only prisoners
hope, but America hope again,

so you played a big role in

Thank you. Thank you.
Here's your wife.

I love you, Kanye.
Here's your wife.

KIM: Hey, babe.
Okay, get back to your meeting.

Okay, bye.
ALICE: I'm telling you, this

is something that everywhere I
go... if you could only just walk

down the streets of Memphis... I
know you can't, but I do.

People recognize me now, and
they're in tears, hugging me and

telling me how happy they are
that I've come back home.

I don't know these people, but
they're so happy for me.

It's just love.
It's... I'm telling you, it's

like a lovefest, if you want to
call it that.

I've seen that word before, a
"lovefest," but this is what's

going on here.
KIM: On this journey of

getting Alice out, I have
learned so much about criminal

justice and really how messed up
our system is.

Jared was texting me and said,
"Honestly, we couldn't have"

picked a better person to open
up his heart, and for this to

"get started, because now he
doesn't want to stop."

So... That's all you.
That's all you, so thank you.

ALICE: Thank you.
KIM: There's so much that has

to be done, and I know Alice's
case is the one that spoke to

me, but now that that is, like,
in me, I can't stop at Alice.

Like, there has to be so much
more that I could do.

ALICE: This is only a small
portion of my tribe.

KIM: Well, you're very lucky

to have a big support system and

ALICE: Thank you.
WOMAN: Thank you, Kim!

(cheering, applause)
KIM: I mean, just seeing.

Alice with her huge family.
That's like me and my big

If I couldn't be with them for

two decades, that would break my

♪ ♪

SCOTT: Reign, come on.
KOURTNEY: Where are we

sitting? Sit next to Daddy.

KIM: Hi. ]] KRIS: Hey. Hi.

SCOTT: Reign, you say "hi"?

KOURTNEY: Make you a plate?
Do you want to sit right here

next to me?
MASON: Kanye, I like your new

song. ]] KANYE: Word?

KANYE: Thank you.

KOURTNEY: You're allowed to
listen to that?

MASON: Yeah.
KHLOE: Uh, he made me listen

the whole car ride home.
MASON: Yeah.

KANYE: For real?
SCOTT: What part do you like

the most?
KHLOE: Oh, you can't ask.

No, no. But, but he's good.
He won't say "ho" or... Sorry.

Whatever. Uh...
KANYE: What parts do you

MASON: I just like the whole

thing. ]] KIM: That is so funny.

Every time I think that I've
had a crazy year, I live the

next year, (laughs) and it's
even crazier.

KRIS: What did you put in
your dad's ear?

NORTH: A flower. ]] KRIS: Oh.

SCOTT: That's funny? ♪ ♪

KOURTNEY: I definitely think
the last year has been a big

growth period for me, in just
figuring out, like, what I want

in life and making it happen.
KRIS: Oh! Uh-oh!

♪ ♪

KENDALL: I think I'm always
learning about who I am, but I

think that this year I learned a

Slowly finding my place in this

world. ]] KYLIE: Tickle, tickle,

This last year has definitely

been very transformative, and I
feel like a new person.

It's definitely been
life-changing for me.

KOURTNEY: Hey. Hey. (Laughs) ♪ ♪

Open up.
SCOTT: It took a long time

for me to figure out what's

I think I'm closer now with all
the people that I love than I've

ever been.
I'm very happy with where I'm

at, and I just want to keep
building from here.

(Khloe laughs)
KRIS: We're all crazy.

(Khloe laughs)
KRIS: The most beautiful

thing that happened to us this
year was the birth of three new

grandkids. I feel blessed.

(Tristan smooching)
KHLOE: I have come to a place

in my life where I am super
comfortable, and I really make

a conscious effort to drown out
the white noise that really

doesn't matter.
As long as me and my immediate

family are happy, that's enough,
and that is what makes me happy.

♪ ♪
KIM: Saint, are you my

favorite boy in the entire

♪ ♪
I feel like I used to live my

life so much about just being
passionate about me.

Now my priorities have shifted,
so I'm really excited for this

year and what's to come, and the
more that I can do to help other

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