01x24 - Operation: Break Out

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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01x24 - Operation: Break Out

Post by bunniefuu »

[Suspenseful music]

Don't worry, Donnie.

I'm in a good mood today.

- I'll go easy on you.

- Don't do me any favors, Raph.

Um, in fact, maybe you'll be the one who gets gone easy on by me.

So yeah.

Worst smack talk ever.

Hajime! [Grunting]

Ahh! [Both grunting]

- Wahh! - Ah, ooh! Hey! I got him! April, did you see? Ow! Say hi to Mikey.

- [High-Pitched]

Hi, Mikey! - Donnie, ha ha! Amazing! I didn't even see his lips move.

He's like a puppet who can throw his voice to himself.


Ya mae! Raphael, that is enough.

[Donatello wincing]


Thanks for going easy on me.


Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Here we go, it's the lean green ninja team on the scene, cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shell shock pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze made the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win and the bad guys lose.

Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind and you know just where to find him when it's party time.

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need to be one lean mean green incredible team! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! - What the heck was that? - What? Just having fun.

You know how much Mikey loves the Donnie puppet.

Dude! April was watching.

Pretty sure she liked it too.

Wait, you still think you have a shot with her? - Well I mean, I - Wow! That is so adorable! And sad.

It's "sadorable.

" If you want to impress April, better leave me out of it.

[Scrambled electronic sounds]

Not bad! Needs more drums! - What was that? - I don't know.

Some random e-mail I got.

It just started playing by itself.

Sounds like some sort of telemetric sine wave sub carrier.

Uh, dumb that down a notch? It's an interference modulation used to encrypt covert transmi - Not enough notches.

- A secret message! Who would be sending me a secret message? [Snoring]

[Broadcast tone on TV]

[Electronic distortion]

[Scrambled speech]

April, it's dad.



O'Neil! I pray you get this message.

I've been moved to a secret Kraang facility.

Send help, April.

If you can, send help.

Oh, man.

Guys? Listen to Raphael's voice: If you wanna impress April, better leave me out of it.

[Tracker beeping]

We'll see who's "sadorable.

" [Music]





Hmm? [Snoring]

Anyone seen Donnie? Not since yesterday.

Wait! Do dreams count? 'Cause last night, I dreamt Donnie and me were rodeo detectives, - and there w - Can it, Mikey.

- I'm serious.

- Okay.

But you'll never find out who stole the buckaroo diamond! - You through? - Yeah.

It was the clown! [Horn honking]

Donnie?! Guys, I think I know where Donnie went.

Where? [Scrambled audio]

- Oh, there.

- That's the secret message.

- Obviously, he followed it.

- After he figured out what it was.

What would Donnie do? What would Donnie do? Gimme that thing! [Grunts]

Or what would Donnie do if he was doing an impression of Raph? Kirby's voice: April, it's dad.

I pray you get this message.

I've been moved to a secret Kraang facility.

April: Dad? [Beeping]


Doesn't seem very Kraangy.

[Lock opens]

[Metal rattles]

It is one of the ones called the turtles.

Looks like you could use a tune-up, huh? Yeah.

Right? Am I right? Who's the hero now? Ho-ly cow! [High-Pitched]

No response necessary.


Why would Donnie try to rescue April's dad by himself? Uh, maybe because I told him he has no shot with April? What! Why would you say that? Because he has no shot with April.

Well, yeah but you don't tell him that.

The heart's a soft muscle, man.

A soft muscle.



Ooh! Wah! [Grunts]

Whoa, whoa! [Device blares]

Noooo! April, today, I will train your mind.

Close your eyes.

Listen to the silence.


I know what you are thinking, April, but it is best for you to remain here.

Sensei, that message was from my father.

I should be up there! The best way to be reunited with your father is to wait here.

Now, again, close your eyes and listen for my movement.

Listen for the silence.


How can I listen for the silence? You weren't listening.

Listen deeply.




Listen deeply.

[Distorted sounds]

Well, I heard you that time.

Heard what? I did not move.

Then what's that sound? You hear that, right? It it's coming from It's coming from down there! [Sighs]

Let's follow it! - I hear nothing.

- Really? Hmm.


Most curious, April, that you are hearing something I cannot.

Well done.

April? April! [Chittering]

[Distorted sounds]


[Turtle comm playing theme song]


It's for me.


Yah! And that's for you.


O'Neil! [Beeps]

[Ominous music]


[Bulbs breaking]

That which is the criminal has escaped! He wishes to retrieve the weapons which are of his.



[Hip-Hop music]

Are you sure this is the right place? Either Donnie's here, Or the garage mechanic stole his lock pick.

So the mechanic could break into his own place? Come on, Leo, think this stuff through, dude! Let's move! [Nervous laughing]

Uh, you knew that.

Hmm! - All right.

You say it.

- Let's move.

Yeah! Unh! Punk.


Hello? Mr.

O'Neil? It's me.

Donatello? The turtle which is the one who has gained entry has found the c*ptive.

Exactly as Kraang had planned the plan.

Yes, the plan is going according to plan.

Thank goodness you've come! - Right.

Um shall we go? - Immediately.

I thought that you might be able to decipher my message.

Well, it wasn't so bad.

You used a basic DVB scramble algorithm, so I just Both: Flopped the ECM datastream.

Donatello why are all the other cells open? I must have opened them when I let you out but they were all empty.


I'm not so sure about that.

Okay, don't worry.

Whatever this is, I'm sure I can handle [Both scream]


On second thought, sir, you might want to worry just a little.

[g*n powering up]

- What is that thing! - You must've accidentally released one of the Kraang's alien experiments.

It looks like some family of salamandridae, - if I'm not mistaken.

- With that proboscis? It's clearly a pleurodelinae a newt.

[Both scream]

"Newtralizer" is more like it.

By the way, prefer if you don't tell Mikey I named something without him.

He's kind of protective about that.

Pretty sure Donnie took this guy out.

- How can you tell? - He looks bored to death.

[Car starting]

Hey, guys.

Check out my ride.

Whoo! Wah! [Horn stuck]

[Horn stops]

- Nice, Mikey! - Oh, yeah.


Do not say "I meant to do that.

" Let's move.

[Michelangelo grunting]

Huh? [Laughing]

He must've gone through this door.



Again, what would Donnie have done? Hmm.

Oh! I got it! [All grunting]

[Alarm blaring]

Boy, Donnie's idea was terrible! Why is that which is called alarm sounding that which is called the alarm? Something which is not the plan is occurring.

We got company! [All yelling]

[Both panting]


[Droids blipping]

Other way! Ahh! [Trilling]


Maybe the solo mission wasn't such a good idea.

[Weapons powering up]

- Come on! - Ahh.

Phew! You are aware this is a detention facility.

- Huh? - You just locked us in a cell.

A affirmative.

Um I think I can get us out.

Aaahhhh! Eventually! Unh.


Listen to the silence.

Listen deeply.

[Distorted voice in distance]

That way! [Distorted voice]

The Kraang communication device Kraang searches for is activated in this vicinity.

Kraang is that which they call idiotic.



[Eerie whirring]

I don't like the sound of that.

Maybe if we ignore it it'll go away.

Someone's not ignoring it.


Move! Okay, if I jump the resistors [Boom]

[All grunting]

the door should open.

- Donnie! - Mr.


Big, beady-eyed, lizardy thing with weapons! [Growling]

- Donatello calls it the Neutralizer.

- You named something without me? - Ahh! Look out! - Whoa! [All screaming]

You named something without me? [Banging]

We gotta get out of this prison.

Technically, this is a detention center.

- The difference being that - Not now, Donnie.

Oh sorry, Mr.



Now there's two of them.

[Both gasp]

Little help! How about some big help? Not really the time to check your e-mail.

I'm guessing if they had the Newtralizer locked up, it wasn't because he was their friend.


- Apparently, he likes trashing Kraang.

- Who doesn't? [All screaming]

All: Yeah! All: No! [All screaming]

We've gotta access the control panel.

- Got it! - Raph - I got it.

- Oh, really? Really.

[Device beeps]

[All screaming]

- Ow! - Ah! Close one, huh? [Growling]

Let's split up.

Donnie, you get Mr.

O'Neil out of here.


No! [Growling]

Huh! Wah! Phbbt! [Roars]

Hyah! [Powering up]

[Car engine revving]

Booyakasha! Both: Mikey! Don't worry.

I wore my seatbelt.


Come on.




But I'm curious how you hear the sound but I do not.

Maybe it's why the Kraang are after me.

April? Dad? Dad! Oh, dad, I can't believe it! You guys saved my dad! Thank you so much.

The guy you really should be thanking is Donnie.

- Well, I - Seriously! You should've seen him.

He was [Grunting]

[Making fight sounds]

Raph, I think that's a little We kept saying, "careful, Donnie, it's too dangerous.

" And Donnie was like, "danger? Ha! - Nothing'll stop me.

" - Thank you! Thank you, Raphael.


Those weren't my exact words, but Ah, thank you, Donnie.

[Giggling goofily]


- Well, I tried.

- Dude, I'd say you succeeded.

[Giggling goofily]

The plan which has been set into motion has taken the motion in which the plan has been set.

That alien creature of yours nearly thwarted our objective.

Kraang did not expect the turtle known as Donatello to release him.

Fortunately for Kraang, this error did not prevent the planned escape of the human who is called Kirby O'Neil.

The turtles have undoubtedly brought O'Neil back to their lair.

Soon, vengeance will be ours.


It's good to have you back.

It's good to be back.
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