01x23 - Parasitica

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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01x23 - Parasitica

Post by bunniefuu »

Another day, another Kraang hunt.

Hey, Raph! Fire the weapons! - I don't think so.

- See, that's your problem.

If I was in charge of weapons, I'd be firing at things all the time.

That mailbox, blam.

That newsstand, boom.

That port-a-potty, splat.

And that's why you're not in charge of the weapons.

Now get back to your station and tell me which way to go.



Uh, you should turn right three blocks ago.

- This must be the hidden Kraang lab.

- Let's trash the place! Hold on, Raph.

This is a recon mission.

We go in there, find out what the Kraang are up to, and then trash the place.


Wake me when we get to the trashing part.

Oh, man.

Someone beat us to it.

It looks like one of their mutagen experiments got away from them.

Seems they were doing experiments on arthropods.


Yoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-ha! Hey, this equipment's still good.


Nice centrifuge.

If I ever get that excited about a centrifuge, just put me out of my misery.

Hmm? Hey, Donnie, how big do you think one of those arthropods might be? Well, a bee is about 4 millimeters, and a wasp would be 6.

Then what the heck is that? Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Here we go, it's the lean green ninja team on the scene, cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shell shock pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze made the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win and the bad guys lose.

Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind and you know just where to find him when it's party time.

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need to be one lean mean green incredible team! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! - Wha - Ah! Get it off! Get it off! Get it off! Whoo-ah! We need a plan, and fast.

I know.

I'll catch him with my kusarigama chain.

That wasp is too strong.

How about this? Mikey, you get it to chase you and we'll ambush it.

Why don't we ever do my plans? Because they're your plans.

Now go! Hey, wasp! Come and get it! Whoa! He's really turned running away screaming into an art form.

Well, at least he's good at something, right? Good-ish.

On my mark.

Now! Ha.

How you like me now? A lot less than I did a few seconds ago.

Ow! See? My plan worked.

I tired it out.

You didn't tire it out.

The wasp died because it lost its stinger.

Yeah, in me.

- Thanks a lot, Mikey.

- Heh, sorry, dude.

Let me see that.

Ow! - Are you okay? - Pretty sore, but I think I'll be fine.

Mutations are generally anthropomorphic.

I've never seen mutagen create giants like this before.

Yeah, real fascinating, Donnie.



- It's some kind of egg.

- Stand back.

I'll handle this.

- I'm betting on the egg.

- Wait! We're not hurting it.

We came here to find out what the Kraang are up to, and this egg is our only clue.

We should take it back to the lab and let Donnie analyze it.

Great idea.

Let's take the mutant wasp egg into our home where we live.

What's the worst that could happen? It's not safe leaving this around.

It'll be fine, I'll just keep an eye on it.

I'll get it.

Hands off! Dude, are you all right? 'Cause unmotivated bursts of anger are kind of my thing.

It's just that the egg could be fragile.

Michelangelo cannot be trusted with it.

I'll carry it myself.

I'm beginning to think he likes that egg more than me.

Well, the egg talks less than you, so there's that.

I got a really bad feeling about keeping that thing in the lair.

Raphael, think of all we could learn from it.

You know what's inside wasp eggs, right? Here's a hint: Wasps! That's not a hint, dude.

You gave it away.


- Stop! What are you doing? - Dissecting it.

Absolutely not! This is the only egg we have.

We need to learn how it develops.

Well, then I guess I'll just keep staring at it.

Good idea.

From over there.

Well, I think I will do something in the other room.

Raph, Mikey, care to join me? - Not unless you get more specific.

- Come on! Okay, Leo's acting totally weird, right? Yeah.

It's like he's obsessed with that egg.

- Let's ask Splinter what to do.

- No dice, guys.

Looks like he took April out for a training exercise.

Okay, look, we gotta destroy that egg before it hatches.

Agreed, but he won't let us get anywhere near it.

Well, maybe we make him come to us.

Who wants pizza? Leo's favorite! Jellybean, anchovy, and jalapeno! - Isn't that your favorite? - Just go with it.


Oh, boy.

That not-at-all-stupid Space Heroes show is on! Gentlemen, I've finally found the woman I am going to marry.

Say hello to the future Mrs.

Captain Ryan.


Mindstrong, Captain Ryan has fallen under the control of a deadly hypnoticon! How about some sugar, baby? Oh, you're missing a great one, Leo.

Hey, Mikey, where you going with Leo's signed Space Heroes issue one that he keeps wrapped in plastic? Well, we're out of toilet paper, and I thought the pages from this rare and valuable comic book would do the job nicely.

Oh, yeah, that feels great.

Hope Leo doesn't see me.

Wow, he's farther gone than I thought.

All right, that tears it.

I'm destroying the egg tonight.

Myself! Leo, what are you doing? If that thing hatches, it might try to eat us.

All right, this freak show ends now.

Come on, bro.

Snap out of it! You're not yourself, Leo.

Let me help you.

Did you bite me? You bit me! Um, where's Raph? He said he was going for the egg last night.

Oh, boy.

Uh, Raph? Heh, uh, what you up to there, bro? Something's definitely wrong.

He's gone all Leo-who's-not-Leo on us.

Look at his arm.

He got bit.

Leo must've bit him.

Bros, snap out of it, dudes.

Get the doors, get the doors! Whew.

That ought to hold 'em.

- Mikey, the garage door! - On it! Oh, no! Not now! Come on! Here it is.

The parasitic wasp infects animals with a virus that brainwashes them into protecting its eggs.

You think that's the kind of wasp that stung Leo? A mutant version.

Then Leo bit Raph and passed the virus to him.

So once the egg hatches, will the guys go back to normal? Not quite.

Look what happens to the caterpillar guarding the egg.

It's eating him! It's eating him! What are we gonna do? Well, I might be able to create some kind of antibody, but first I need a sample of the virus from the egg.

Oh, no! No, no! Stay away! Stay away! Run away! We have to get to the egg.

It could be the only cure! Huh? Raph? Where'd he go? Holy mackerel! He took the egg.

He's out there somewhere, waiting.

You mean he could be there? Or there? Or there? Or even Ow.

Calm down, man.

We'll barricade ourselves in my lab.

So what about Leo? He's a lot heavier than he looks.

Donatello? Michelangelo.

- What happened? - Leo.

You went crazy, dude.

So did Raph.

He ran off with the egg.


Don't worry.

I'm better now.

You can untie me, Mikey.

Untie me so we can go find Raph together.

No! Don't do it, Mikey.

Look at his eyes.

It is useless to resist.

It is only a matter of time before the egg bursts and the hatchling will feed on us all! Sorry to burst your possessed bubble, Leo.

We may not have the egg, but a sample of your blood should help me create a cure.

Bite! You've been bitten! You've been bitten! Huh? I must've been bitten during the fight.

Now I'm infected too.

I'm not gonna make it.

I'm not gonna make it! Don't stress, dude, you're almost done.

Mikey, you gotta help me.

If I turn, you're gonna have to knock me out so you can finish the antibody yourself.

- But, Donnie - Just promise me! It's up to you.

Okay, okay, so what do I do? I'm not exactly the most science-y type of guy, in case you didn't know.

First, the hybridoma culture has to incubate for ten minutes.

And then it has to spin in the centrifuge for another five.

Ah! There's not enough time.

I'm not I'm not feeling so well.

Oh, no! Ah! I'm doomed! How am I gonna do this? Gotta remember what Donnie said.

Gotta remember.

Uh Feel kinda - What about Michelangelo? - He is no longer a threat to the egg.

Michelangelo, you have come to join us.

Yes, I finally understand what is so awesome about this egg.

Here it comes.

It is glorious.

What have you done? Pulled your bacon out the fryin' pan, bro! Donatello, you said Michelangelo was safe.

- You said you turned him.

- I did.

Did you, Donnie? Did you really? You did, but after you bit me, I was totally wiggin'.

I almost passed out, like, 19 times, bro.

But I stayed with it long enough, hurtin' my brain to remember everything you said.

Hot, hot, hot! You finished the antibody yourself? And you were just pretending to be one of us? - Yup.

- But that's smart.

Yeah, it is.

Just call me "Dr.


" Oh, I forgot to mention it may cause drowsiness.

What? Three wasps? Guys! Get up! Get up! Get up! Get up! No! Bad wasps! Get away from them! Come on, seriously? - Hey, wasps! - Come and get it! Whoa! Looks like we're gonna be wasp food after all.

Saved your lives again, dudes.

I am on a roll today.

I can't believe Mikey actually came through.

I can't believe he fired the Shellraiser cannon inside the lair.

I told you you should let me sh**t it more often.

Pizza me.

- No, I'm not gonna "pizza you.

" - I guess you're right.

It's not like I did something incredibly brave - and saved your life.

- You did save our lives.

But you also used my favorite comic book as toilet paper.

Yeah, but I only did it so you'd chase me.

Well, it worked! - Wait, stop! - Mikey! I'm a hero!
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