01x22 - The Pulverizer Returns!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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01x22 - The Pulverizer Returns!

Post by bunniefuu »



I could do this all night.



- Aw, man.

- Raph, if you keep breaking your toys, we're not gonna buy you new ones.

Dude, it's like we just cleared a video game on "easy.

" Mikey, if Master Splinter has taught us anything, it's that real combat is not like a video game.

Hey, coins! [video game beeping]

The Foot soldiers haven't been much of a challenge lately.

- Wonder why.

- Well, maybe we're just that awesome.

- That sounds right.

- You know who I'd hate to be? The guy who has to tell Shredder about this.





You promised me an army of the best, most lethal ninjas in the world.

But the turtles have decimated them.

The ones left are hardly worthy of wearing the emblem of the Foot.

I can find more soldiers.

Just give me time.

No more time.

I need more soldiers, I need better soldiers, and I need them now.

But that's impossible.

[sighs nervously]


Perhaps not.

Perhaps there is a method for building an army of Foot soldiers powerful enough to destroy those turtles once and for all, a method we shall steal from the Kraang.

[chirps, snarls]

Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Here we go, it's the lean green ninja team on the scene, cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shell shock pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze made the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win and the bad guys lose.

Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind and you know just where to find him when it's party time.

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need to be one lean mean green incredible team! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! [sighs]


All right, guys.

Let's pack it in.

Nothing's happening.

I was afraid this day would come.

We've run out of butts to kick.

- Hey! - Wait.

Maybe not.

- Foot clan.

- I don't get it.

Just one guy? Maybe they only need one guy.

Maybe this guy is the meanest, baddest, most deadly ninja we've ever seen.


Ooh! Oh.

Or not.

Anybody else find this dude kind of adorable? Well, he's not much, but he's all we've got.

Let's go.

- Ambush! - All right! [groaning]

Everything okay? I heard Whoa! - Wait, Donnie, it's me! - What? The Pulverizer? Hey, guys.

How awesome is this? Bet you guys were wondering when you'd see me again.

- No.


- Raphael, still the jokester, I see.


Good one.

[knuckles cracking]

Ow! Hey, what do you guys think of my new threads? I'm a ninja now.

How in what are you doing with the Foot? Well, last time, you told me I needed to practice.

So I joined a Bradford dojo to hone my craft.

I wowed 'em with my smooth moves.

And boom! They liked me so much, they asked me if I wanted to join the Foot clan.

Wow, they must really be hurting for dudes.

I've only been with 'em a few days, and I've already made the rank of ashigaru-sha.


Do you know what "ashigaru-sha" means? - No.

- It means "cannon fodder.

" - Oh, ho, ho.


- Do you know what that means? - No.

- In traditional japanese warfare, the ashigaru-sha were the expendable soldiers who were sent in first to waste the enemy's amm*nit*on and set off traps before the real soldiers arrived.


Nah, the Foot wouldn't do that.

- We're the good guys.

- Why would you think that? We're out there fighting the Kraang just like you.

I-I mean, I-I do check for traps, and I-I do get shot at a lot.

And and now that you mention it, they they do keep calling me expendable.

Why are the Foot fighting the Kraang? I can totally find that out for you.

I could be a spy! Pulverizer, do yourself a favor and quit the Foot.




Oh, sure.

"I'll quit the Foot.

" - No, I'm serious.

- Of course you're "serious.

" - I am.

Stop winking! - Right.

I'll recon intel and, uh, send you a text.

I'm in ninja stealth mode.

[horn honks]

[tires screech]

[metal crashing]




You four have defeated much of the Foot clan with ease.

Why does he make that sound like a bad thing? Because you have grown complacent! Each of you has become dependent on your own w*apon.

But there are times when you may not be able to fight with what you know.

And when that happens, you must adapt to your environment.

Oh, yeah? What if there's only, say, a comic book? [groans]

Anything can be a w*apon.

Sensei, you can't seriously send us out there armed with nothing but a comic book.

For a ninja, anything can be a w*apon.

So what do you want us to do? I want you to embrace the unfamiliar.

Switch weapons.

Look! I'm Leo.

[speaks like Leonardo]

Guys, shh.

We have to be quiet.

Ninjas are quiet.

Quiet down.

[both chuckle]

- I sound nothing like that.

- Yes, that's why we're laughing, because you sound nothing like that.

Face each other.

Hajime! Gah! - Ow.

- Oh.

Uh? Oh! Ah! Hm? Mm.




Ow! Ya me! - That was messed up.

- You will continue to fight this way.

It will teach you resourcefulness and versatility.

- Not so easy, is it? - Hey, I'm getting the hang of it Ow.






[T-com rings]


Text message from you-know-who.

Uh [groans]

Text message from everybody-but-Mikey-knows-who.


The Pulverizer is telling us where the Foot are gonna strike next.

What do you know? He's actually useful.

Yeah, but he can't stay in the Foot.

They'll toast him.

Inside information, Donnie? It's worth the risk.

But we're not the ones taking the risk.

The Pulverizer is.

I know.

It's the perfect plan.


All right.

We'll follow up on his lead and then bust the poor guy out of the Foot.

Excuse me? I'm the sword guy.

I make the decisions here.

Uh, what Leo said.


All right, I'm lookin' for traps, lookin' for traps.

Whoa! Oh, hey, great.

You got my message.


I have some information for you.

Great, great, but we're getting you out of here first.



[all snarl]

As soon as we get ourselves outta here.

- Just stay behind us and - Help! It's the turtles! They've got me! - What? - Help! [whispering]

Sorry, guys.

Can't blow my cover.

Not cool, bro.


Spread out.

As the one with the swords, I say retreat! Having the swords doesn't make you leader.


Oh! Oh.

Not that it's a bad idea.

Retreat! [groans]


Whoa! Watch where you swing that thing.

- You should talk.

- Sorry.

My bad.

Oh, this won't work.





Switch weapons! [groaning]

- This is more like it! - Oh, yeah.

There's something really satisfying about not losing.


Ooh, wah! Hiyah! [groaning]

[car engine starts]

Guys, mutagen! The Foot are stealing mutagen.

Shredder with mutagen? Well, that can't be good.


Over here! You don't have to hide, Pulverizer.

The Foot are gone.

[clears throat]

[in deeper voice]

You shouldn't use my real name.

- Your real name is "Pulverizer?" - No.

It's Timothy.


Stop talking like that, Tim.

Guys, you'll never guess what Shredder's gonna do with the mutagen.

He's gonna create a mutant army to destroy us? Yeah, but there's there's a lot more to it than that.

- Really? - No.


You guessed.

Pulverizer, you're in over your head.

Go home.


Not until he finds out more about Shredder's mutation plan.


Yeah, baby.

The Pulverizer stays in the game.

Up high.

Okay then.

I'm off! I'm practically invisible.

[horn honks]

[metal crashing]

Oh, ow! Oh, I'm okay.



I'm gonna go spy now! So what if Shredder's building an army of mutants? They're still no match for my sais.

- High three! - Both: Yeah! All: Whoo-hoo! [chuckles]

[laughter and shouting]

And I was, like, makin' the bucks with my old nunchucks.

I was dropping the Foot like flies with my sais.

- Yeah, Raph! Leo? - I had my kursawa swingin' and singin'.


Both: Yeah.

Guys, maybe it's not such a great idea - sending the Pulverizer into harm's way.

- You worry too much, Donnie.

- So you decided not to follow my lesson.

- Sensei, we don't get it.

How does switching weapons help us in a fight? We were doing fine on our own.

Then you still do not understand the point of the lesson.

So you will learn how to adapt by having no weapons.

- All: Huh? What? - Hand over your weapons! Now! Lead a convoy of the Foot to the warehouse.

Bring the fool known as "Pulverizer.

" We will begin our mutation experiment with him.

Kraang is giving that which is known as a warning: The mutagen is unstable in this dimension.

The results desired may not be the results that result from the actions taken by the one known as "Shredder.

" I believe this fool is saying the mutagen is dangerously unpredictable.

See to it that fail-safe measures are put in place.

[T-com rings]


It's our spy.

This is special agent delta-niner calling from behind enemy lines.

- Spit it out, Timothy.

- Okay.

The mutation experiment is going down on Broom street in the Bowery.

They're on their way there now.

And that's not all.

You ready for this? Are you ready? All: Yes.

Shredder's gonna mutate just one Foot soldier first as a test.

- And guess what? I volunteered.

- What? I know! Isn't that cool? No! Why would you think that's cool? This is my chance to be like you guys.

Throw some mutagen on me, and boom! I'm a superhero.

I'm taking Shredder down.

The mutagen is dangerous.

You have no idea what that stuff could do to you.

Once I mutate, I'll unleash my mighty mutant powers on Shredder.

I'll be all [mimics karate yells]

"Yeah, take that, pointy man.

" Ooh, gotta go.

Signing off.

[cell phone beeps]

I knew we should've gotten that guy out when we had the chance.

Well, we're gonna get him out now.

Let's go.

[engine starts]


The Foot! [tires screech]

Keep driving.

I'll take care of this.

[tires screech]

Eat hot trash, fish boy! [cannonfire]

[tires screech]


Ahh! [groans]



- He's on the roof! - I got this.



Ah! [screams]

Oh! [groans]

All right.

Plan "B.

" [groans]

Whatcha gonna do now? [tires screech]

Why do I ask these questions? Why? [all scream]

[all scream]

I'll deal with you soon enough, freaks.

Splinter once told me the Pulverizer is my responsibility.

I gotta stop him.

[tires screech]


Come on.

We'll go on Foot.

Get the volunteer directly under the mutagen.

Ooh, ho, ho, ho.

Yeah, let's get this show on the road.

Ooh, those legs are cool, man.

Is that part of the mutation, or is it, like [snarls]



I can't wait to be mutanted.



In a world where evil runs rampant, one man had the courage to sacrifice his humanity.

- Move! - Ooh.


[vehicle approaching]

Oh! [groans]

- Get them.

- Huh? Aw, sewer apples.


Now's my chance! [groans]



Timothy, no! What are you doing? I'm gonna be a mutant like you.

Um, doing the mutation thing is notoriously unpredictable and really stupid! Ee-yow! [growls]

- I'll save you, Donatello! - Wait! Didn't you hear what I No! [groans]

- Ooh.

- I'm saving you! Whoo-hoo-hoo! [groaning]


Now, we're getting outta here.


[glass shatters]



- Huh? - Oh, yeah, no weapons.


Spread out, guys.

Remember, anything can be a w*apon.

Ooh-yah! [groaning]

Wah-yah! [groans]


Okay, big-dog-man-thing.

You asked for it.


My mutation! Oh, this is gonna be [screams]


Oh! It burns! I didn't think it would burn so bad.

Ah! Oh! Oh, man, it really burns.

[groans and screams]

- What happened? - Pulverizer got his wish.

- And we got a problem.

- That dude's straight nasty.


Holy mackerel.


Timothy is jacked up.

[distorted groans]


Make sure those fools don't escape.

I'm gonna blow this place sky high.

[device beeps]


The entire warehouse is rigged with plastic expl*sives! [gasps]


Let's go.

Lock 'em in.


[all scream]


We're trapped.

We need to get out now! But what about him? [growls]


[all grunting]


- He just ate our weapons! - And it looks like we're next.

Pulverizer, it's us! The turtles! [overlapping shouting]

Timothy! Timothy! Hmm.


That's right, Timothy.

It's us The turtles.




We still gotta get outta here.

- Let's go! - Not without Timothy.

And how do you suppose we get that blob outta here? [snarls]

I got an idea.

Raph, get the stealth cycle.

Mikey, get Timothy's attention.

- It better take less than ten seconds.

- Timothy! Hey, Timothy! [whistles]




[tires screech]

Mikey! Lead him over here.

Leo, get ready to jump.

Ahh! - Gah! - Now! [groans]

Raph! [tires screech]

[device beeps]

[all scream]

[all groan]

Do you think Timothy is happy with his new state of being? Seems that way.

He wanted to be a mutant, and he got his wish.

Donnie, we're letting you keep him, but you gotta stash him in your lab so I don't have to look at him.

I promise, Timothy One day, I'll turn you back.

Our mutagen supply was lost in the expl*si*n.

They have dismantled my army and thwarted my plans.

Kraang is in what is known as agreement.

The ones known as the turtles must become known as the turtles who are destroyed.

It seems we have a common enemy.
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