01x20 - Enemy of My Enemy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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01x20 - Enemy of My Enemy

Post by bunniefuu »

Nothing happening at TCRI Yet.

This game is awesome.

The combat is so realistic.

- You want me to make it more realistic? - Guys, stop messing around.

According to the Kraang storage device that I decrypted, some kind of scouting ship is coming through the Kraang portal tonight.

So we all have to stay alert.

Yeah, you never know what could sneak up on you.

Cute, Karai.

But I'm not in the mood.

We don't have time for this.

Guys! Booyakasha! "Booyakasha"? What does that even mean? I don't know.

But it's fun to yell.

Woah! Hoo! You really know how to make a girl feel welcome.

I heard the scrawny one mention the Kraang.

What's going on? - None of your business.

- And I'm not scrawny.

I'm svelte.

Oh, come on.

Let me in on the fun.

Look, we're a little busy trying to stop the beginning of an alien invasion here, so do us a favor and get lost! An alien invasion? Are you serious? This can't be good Uhm, guys I think i need to change my shell.

teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power here we go it's a lean, green, ninja team on the scene cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shell-shocked pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze, they're the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win, and the bad guys lose Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through donatello is the fellow who has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team michelangelo, he's one of a kind, and you know just where to find him when it's party time master Splinter taught 'em every single skill they need to be one lean, mean, green, incredible team teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power Corrections and synch by gi0v3 ::Italian And English Subs Addicted:: The ones who are called turtles have been detected by the scanner which scans for turtles.

They are knowing too much of Kraang's plan.


I hope you have a plan for fighting that thing.

Of course I do.

Step one Run! What the heck was that? I don't know, but off the top of my head, I'd say they use it for flying and sh**ting at things.

Like at our shells! You think it knows where we are? Yeah, maybe.

Man, we gotta get underground.

I'll draw their fire.

Over here, cyclops! Leo, come on! Gosh darn aliens.

Every time.

Oh, great.

'Cause it wasn't scary enough when we could see it.

It's true.

The Kraang are plotting an invasion.

I saw the ship myself.

They've got some serious hardware.

We've gotta do something before it's too late.

- Father? - We shall proceed as planned.

- But - Tomorrow night, we will receive a shipment of new weapons.

These shall help us put an end to the turtles and Splinter.

We can deal with that later.

Didn't you listen to a thing i Karai! You have said your piece.

Now you will do as I say.

Yes, father.

That Kraang ship is incredibly dangerous.

We've gotta figure out what it's doing here.

Or we could just skip to the part where we destroy it.

You're pretty tough when they can't hit you back.

So what are we waiting for? Let's load up the Shellraiser and challenge that thing to a rematch.

First we need a way to find a ship that's invisible.

I know, how about we sh**t into the air until we hit it? That doesn't sound too smart.

Yeah, Raph.

Not too smart, buddy.

- Aah! - Actually, Raph's got something there.

Yeah, Leo, Raph's got something there.

But instead of sh**ting objects, we'll sh**t waves of electromagnetic radiation.

In other words, radar.

I've built some radar beacons we can set up around town.

If the ship gets near us, I'll get an alarm on my T-phone.

Good work, Donnie.

Come on, guys.

Let's split up and place those beacons.

You'll get him next time, buddy.

Mikey! Loosen your kneepads, Leo! Tribeca beacon installed.

That's the last of them.

Raph and Mikey are finished too.

See you back at the lair.

This is getting old, Karai.

- I want to help you fight the Kraang.

- Really? No, of course not.

We're enemies.

You want to destroy us.

You're loyal to Shredder Should I keep going? Look, if the Kraang win, we don't have a planet anymore.

That makes our little fight seem pretty pointless, doesn't it? I doubt Shredder would agree.

Shredder is stubborn and short-sighted.

He drives me crazy.

His stupid vendetta is gonna take us all down.

He may not be able to see that, but I know you do.

What do you say? Work together for now? Sorry, sister.

I know we shouldn't trust Karai.

But still, I got the sense she really is fed up with Shredder.

That's probably just what she wants you to think.

I know, but Sensei, is there any chance she's for real? It is possible.

Loyalties have been known to shift.

But the kunoichi is trained to use deception to her advantage.

So she either will or won't betray us? Correct.

You must trust your instincts.

but beware the trap of believing something to be true simply because you wish it to be so.

So I should trust my instincts, unless my instincts are wrong? Correct.

Uh Thanks, sensei.


You know it's good advice when you're still confused afterwards.

Guys, seriously.

An alliance with Karai? No way.

- Why are we even talking about this? - It's too bad we can't trust her.

It would be nice to have a kunoichi on our side.

Uhm, hello? What about me? No, I mean a real kunoichi.

I mean, not that you're not a real one, Just that Karai is better.

I mean, not--not better, just More experienced.

Is it is it hot in here? It's ok.

I get it.

She's your mortal enemy, but ehi, she's "purty.

" No, she's not.

You're way prettier.

Not that I think you're pretty.

I mean, you're not ugly.

It's just that I Don't fight it.

You'll thank me later.

Guys, I think I've got something.

Doesn't match any authorized flight patterns.

- It's gotta be the Kraang ship.

- Or santa! Nope, it's the Kraang ship Ugh, that's a bummer.

Move it, Leo! Hang on to your shells! I think I've figured out its mission.

Us! Mikey, we need an escape route! Take the alley on the right! It's a dead end.

Don't take the alley on the right! Any ideas, guys? Just one.

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! That which is known as not good.

That was Karai! We've gotta go back and help her.

She can take care of herself.

Let's put some distance - between that thing and us.

- No.

But the Shellraiser can't take another onslaught right now.

Then I'll do it myself.

Drive! I'll meet you back underground.

Ehi, the stealth bike's my thing.

Now your thing is sucking it up.

Hey, that's my thing! This is so not fun! - You ok? - Yeah.

- Are you? - Fine.

I'm not really good about saying thank you.

And? That was it.

Kraang will find them in a time which is a time that is sooner than a time that is later at that time that is later.

We're back.

You brought her inside? Dude, she'll see all our gear! Yeah, 'cause if Shredder finds out you have an ice cream lamp, it is over.

Karai just risked her life to save us.

She's earned a little trust.

Let's hear her out.

You're the boss You guys need my help.

You really think you can sh**t down an alien warship with garbage? - Compressed garbage.

- And manhole covers.

My point is, to take out a ship like that, you need a real w*apon.

Oh, yeah? Like what? What if I got you a shoulder-fired m*ssile launcher? I'm starting to like her.

Where are you gonna get a shoulder-fired m*ssile launcher? Shredder, of course.

Uh, we're talking about the same Shredder, right? Big dude, lots of blades? Really hates us? Yeah, something tells me he's not gonna want to share his toys with us.

He won't know about it.

He's buying a big shipment of weapons down at the docks tomorrow night.

All we need to do is sneak in and help ourselves.

Anyone else smell a trap? Sorry, that was me.

Why would I trap you? You're the only ones who know what the Kraang are up to.

True, but you don't really have the best track record.

Fine, I'll get you the m*ssile launcher myself.

You're really willing to steal from Shredder? Look, these things have to be stopped.

If Shredder's not gonna do anything about it, then I will, with your help or without it.

All right, here's the deal.

You get us the m*ssile launcher, and we'll team up.

Stoked! I can't believe we're getting a m*ssile launcher.

What should we blow up first? Uh, the Kraang ship? Oh, right.

What should we blow up second? If Karai can pull it off.

Are you worried about your girlfriend? I see why you guys do that now.

It's kind of fun.

It isn't gonna be easy.

Shredder's gonna be there too.

Ehi, you're right! For once, we know where Shredder's gonna be ahead of time, which means we could set a trap for him.

What? Look, we made a deal with Karai.

We can't just go behind her back.

This is about that Kraang ship.

They want to take us out.

So does Shredder.

This may be our only chance to take him by surprise.

Are we really gonna pass that up? All right, guys, let's take down the Shredder.

Where is the shipment? You brought what I requested? I'll inspect the merchandise.

Don't you trust me? We're old friends.

Then you won't mind keeping me company while she checks.

Aim for his armor.

The electro-grenade will use the metal as a conductor to amplify the shock.

How much of that did i need to understand? Aim for his armor.

Got it.

You sure we should trust Mikey with this? When it comes to water balloon launchers, he's the best in the business.

Booyakasha, ShredHead.

Look out! Are you kidding me? I do not understand that woman.

Incoming! Well, this can't get much worse.

The radar! The Kraang ship is nearby! Kraang's speculation of finding the turtles sooner rather than later has proven to be correct.

Kraang rules.

- Fall back, guys! - No argument here! Whoa! Tell me where Splinter is, and I'll let you live long enough to watch him perish.

That thing again? Great timing.

Honto ni wa? Come on! whoa! We'll catch up to you later! I thought you were better than this.

I thought you were my friend.

How could you betray me? You're just as short-sighted and obsessed as Shredder.

You said yourself how bad Shredder is.

Why are you protecting him? You said he's driving you crazy.

He drives me crazy because he's my father! Y-your father? Shredder is your father? You're Shredder's daughter? We've gotta stop that thing! Our deal's off.

You want a feud? You've got one.

Prepare to know why they call me the Shredder.

This is definitely known as not good.

- Whoa.

- Heads up, guys.

Father! Leo, it's not that bad.


You blew up the Kraang ship.

But I also blew our chance to get Karai on our side.

Look, she's Shredder's daughter, his blood.

She was never gonna be on our side.

Yeah, maybe you're right.

Maybe I was just believing what I wanted to.

Ah, I've been there, dude.

For me, it was leprechauns.

Are you seriously comparing what I am going through to the time you found out leprechauns aren't real? Leprechauns aren't real? Well done, Karai.

I found something for you.

You always wanted a pet
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