01x12 - It Came From the Depths

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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01x12 - It Came From the Depths

Post by bunniefuu »

[metal clanging]

[Kraang twittering]


[dramatic music]


[suspenseful music]





[Kraang twitters]



[eerie music]

[growls softly]

[hard rock music]

Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Here we go, it's the lean green ninja team on the scene, cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shell shock pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze made the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win and the bad guys lose.

Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind and you know just where to find him when it's party time.

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need to be one lean mean green incredible team! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Who wants to try my latest creation? We all love pizza.

We all love milkshakes.

So I combined them.

Okay, that could not be less appetizing.

I call it a P-shake.


I stand corrected.

You guys just have no sense of adventure.

Blech! - Ugh.

- Ugh.

Where did I go wrong? Ahh.


[TV clicks on]

In all my travels, I've never seen anything as cute as these trumpets.

[aliens honking]

But I'll be darned if they're not the most annoying species in the cosmos.

[loud honking]

Captain, we've got to find a humane way to get rid of them! If there's one thing I'm known for, it's my humanity.

Open the airlock.

[air whooshing]

You have to be the only person in the world who likes this show.

No way.

There are millions of spaceniks out there.

I'm Joan Grody, with a sewer shocker.

City workers att*cked by mutants? All: Huh? It was like part man, part reptile, and all monster! It came out of nowhere and att*cked me.

Wasn't me.

Take a look at this terrifying footage.

So some people think the sewers are dark and scary, but actually, it's a lot of [sniffs, roars]



Somebody help me! Are malicious mutants menacing Manhattan? Find out next on Grody [deep, distorted voice]

To the max.

I got a bad feeling about this.

The last thing we want is some mutant causing trouble in the sewers.

Or some news crew down here looking for him.

We've got to track this guy down and stop him ourselves.

Wait, let's rewind this.

Think I saw a tunnel number.

- There, tunnel 281.

- Let's go.

Whoa, check this out.

What the heck made these footprints? [ominous music]

[distant roar, lasers zapping]

[roaring continues]

- Wha? - Whoa.

[grunting and growling]

[metal clanking]

- Oh! - Oh, whoa! I never thought I'd feel sorry for the Kraang.


[electricity crackles]




Tell Kraang in what place can be found the power cell that Kraang wishes to find the place of.


Never! [electricity crackles]


- Come on, we gotta help him.

- I think "gotta" is a strong word.

Mikey, we don't know anything about that guy.

He could be way more dangerous than the Kraang.

That gator dude needs our help.

I can't wait around for you cowards.

Do you know what you're getting into? Booyakashaaa! [powering down]

[metal clanks]

Well, I guess that settles it.

Let's go whack some pinatas.




Waaah! [powering down]

Hyah! [Kraang twittering]


Huh? Hyah! Whoa! [footsteps patter away]

So what do we do now? We get out of here before more Kraangdroids show up.

We can't just leave him here.

What if the Kraang find him? Well, what do you want to do? Take him back to the lair? [whimpering]

Oh, no.

Oh, no.

Did did you see what he did to those Kraangdroids? We are not bringing that monster home with us.

He's not a monster! He's a giant, Kraang-crushing mutant alligator monster.

I said monster, didn't I? - Yep.

- Sure did.

- Well, you know what I meant.

- I thought you meant monster.

- Me too.

- Yep.


I'll bring him back myself.

[grunting and groaning]

Um, Donnie, you don't happen to have a forklift, do you? No? Okay.

[grunting and groaning]


All: [grunting and groaning]

I can't believe we let him talk us into this.

Aww, look at him.

He's so peaceful.

[teddy bear squeaks]

That's because he's out cold.

[chains rattling]

Whoa, what are those for? We can't keep him here unless he's chained to something really big.

That is so wrong.

He's not going to hurt us.

We're the ones who saved him.

See? He's perfectly calm.

I bet the first thing he's gonna do is thank [roars]


[teddy bear squeaks]

Or maybe the second thing.


Wa-hoo! Get him off me! Get him off me! I'll help you, Donnie! Not like that! Not like that! All: [scream]

Ugh! [roars]

Whoa! Ugh.

Help me! [grunting]

Yah! [grunts]

What is all this commotion? Sensei, Mikey made us bring a mutant back to the lair, and it att*cked us.

- It needs our help.

- It's a dangerous monster.


There is no monster more dangerous than a lack of compassion.


My mistake.

We're doing to him what everyone else does to us judging him by his looks.

And the fact that he had me [screaming]

by the face, Mikey! But he was fighting the Kraang, master Splinter.

It's like you always say: The enemy of my enemy is my bro.

That is not exactly what I said.

But what's this about the Kraang? They were trying to force him to tell them where they could find some power cell.

- And he refused to tell? - Yeah.

They were all like, "zap, zap, zap," and he was all like, "rawr, never!" Hmm.

I see.

You made a wise decision, Michelangelo.

Others: Huh? Yes, I never thought I'd hear myself say that either.


His scars run deep, but they protect a genuine heart.

When he awakens, Michelangelo, you must find a way to befriend him.

No problemo.

We need to learn what he knows about the Kraang.

In the meantime, you three try to find this power cell before the Kraang can.

But we're still chaining him up, right? Of course.

I am compassionate, not insane.

[metal clattering]

I don't suppose this is a power cell.

Huh? [gasps]


- Quit goofing around, Raph.

- Hold on a second.

[water bubbling and sloshing]

If an alligator wanted to hide something, where would he put it? I'm thinking underwater.

Alligators love to drag their prey to the bottom of swam Agh! - Thanks.

- Don't mention it.

Hey, this pool is deeper than it looks.

It keeps going.

Well, sounds like we should Agh! Way ahead of you.

Where am I? [growls]

[chains clang]


Well, look who's awake.

You! Set me free! [roars]

Oh, yeah, sorry about the chains.

The guys said I had to keep you locked up or you might attack me.

Who are you? What am I doing here? I'm Michelangelo.

My brothers and I saved you from the Kraang.

[growls softly]


Kraang! Whoa, whoa! [panting]

It's okay.

You're safe.

We brought you here so you could get better.

And nothing will heal you faster than my world famous pizza noodle soup.

[sniffs, grunts]



This is the best thing I have ever tasted.

Really? All right! Somebody finally likes my cooking! [ominous music]

- Oh! - Gah! Sometimes it's good to be a turtle.

[metallic whoosh]


Both: [scream]

And sometimes it's good to be a short turtle.

[metal screeches and clangs]

The place is booby-trapped! Run! All: [screaming and yelling]

So, what's your name, anyway? - I do not have one.

- You don't have a name? Ha! Well, today's your lucky day, 'cause I'm a genius at naming stuff.

Let's see.


Mm mm? Mm-mm.

Mm Your head is kind of leathery.

How about Headleather? Heather? No, wait! Leatherhead! Even better! Leatherhead.

Leatherhead it is.

Thank you.

No problemo.

It's what I do.

So I've been wanting to ask you, why did you go all crazy-eyes on my brother Donnie? Your brother? Yeah.

Instead of shaking his hand, you shook his face and most of his body.

[dramatic drum beats]

[teddy bear squeaks]

There are times when I lose control.

When I awaken, I am horrified by what I have done.

A monster like me deserves to be chained.

Or maybe you just think you're a monster because everyone treats you that way.


You are wise beyond your years.

Yeah, I get that a lot.

All: [screaming and whooping]

[eerie music]

This thing's putting out some power.

Whoa! [clatter]

Why am I the one that always has to touch the weird Kraang stuff? Any idea what they would use it for? With the right components, it could power almost anything Flashlight, blaster cannon, city on the moon.

Why would the gator even want this thing? Let's bring it back home and ask him.

Great, but who's gonna carry it through the water? Aw, man.

I'm sure it'll be fine.

But you go first, okay? [water sloshes]


Zzzt! Oh! [chuckles]

Not funny! Whoa! Hey, guys.

Leatherhead is totally off the chain.

You mean you set him free? What? No.

"Off the chain" means he's cool.

[all sigh]

And that's why I set him free.



[ominous chord]

You let that maniac loose? Maybe you forgot that he grabbed me by the face.

So I'll remind you.

He grabbed me by the face! Relax.

You've been hurt worse since.

Mikey, you shouldn't have unchained him.

What if he goes berserk? He's not going to go berserk.

He's totally mellow.


So, Leatherhead [chuckles]

about the Kraang.

[metal clangs]


Kraang! [roaring and snarling]

Dude, chill! Chill! [sighs]

- What were you thinking? - You said he was mellow! I didn't know you were going to ask him about the you-know-who.

Okay, what should I do? I don't know, maybe start with an icebreaker, like, "how was your day?" Fine.


Um Leatherhead.

How was your day? It started out awful.

Yeah, you were att*cked by the Kraang.


Kraang! My bad.

Yahh! Whoa, buddy! Cleansing breaths! Cleansing breaths.

Cleansing breaths.

You know you're in a safe place now, right? [growls softly]


My brothers just want to ask you a few questions.

Do you think you can handle that? [inhales deeply]



Now, what is it that you guys wanted to ask? Okay.

W-w-we just want to know what this is.


- Thief! - Oh, come on! [roars]

This is not my day! All: [grunting and shouting]

[growls softly]



[screams and grunts]


Whoa, whoa! Aah! [grunting]

Leatherhead, relax! It's okay! [roars]

No! Put that down! [roars]

Whoa! Whoa! [roars]

Stop! Get away from my sons.


[roaring and grunting]

Leave this place.

Out! [growls softly]


Boys, are you all right? Yeah.

Yeah, we're okay.

Where is Michelangelo? You don't think he went after Leatherhead, do you? [chuckles]


Only an idiot would Oh, boy.

Leatherhead! Leatherhead! [soft rustling]

Huh? [ominous chord]

[growling softly]

[relaxing big band music playing]

[clattering and clanging]

Dude! Leatherhead, what's the big idea, man? - You should not be here.

- I trusted you.

Then you freak out and attack my entire family.

I thought we were friends.

I warned you that there is a dangerous force inside me that I cannot control.

And that is why I must be alone.

Leatherhead get away from Mikey, or we'll turn you into the world's ugliest suitcase.

Please! I mean him no harm.

It was the Kraang that made me this way.

I was raised by a kind human boy, until his parents discovered me and dumped me in the sewer.

The Kraang found me and took me to their dimension.

They mutated me and subjected me to horrible experiments.

But they could not break my spirit.



Six months ago, I escaped through the portal that they used to travel to Earth, and I stole this.

What did they use it for? It powers the portal.

Without it, no Kraang can enter [metallic footsteps approach]

or leave this dimension.

I swore to keep it from them and spare this world from their evil, even at the cost of my own life.

[metal clangs]

[metallic whoosh, expl*si*n]


Give to Kraang the power cell that Kraang has come to demand that you give to Kraang.

- It's the Kraang! - Quick, barricade the doors! All: [grunting and groaning]

[banging on door]



Both: [scream]

[chainsaw buzzes]

[tapping and beeping]

Oh, n-no, no! Ow! [screams]


- Ugh! - Kraang! Aah! Ugh! [groans]

[grunting and groaning]

- We're surrounded.

- We'll never hold them off.

We gotta get out of here.

Donnie, can you get this subway car running? This track is dead.

There's no electricity.

What about the power cell? Can you use that? I might be able to hook it up to the motor, but I'll need time.

I will buy you time.

My friend, you have trusted me.

Now I am trusting you.

I will deal with the Kraang.

[growling softly]


[exciting music]

- Donnie, we're running out of time.

- I'm working as fast as I can! [grunting and roaring]

Donnie will you hurry up? I got it! [thrumming]

All: [screaming]

[metal screeching and clanging]

[bell dings]

Where the heck are we? [dogs barking in distance]

According to my calculations [sniffs]

- sewage plant? - Wow.

It's as beautiful as they say.

[metallic footsteps]

[Kraang twittering]

We must notify Kraang, that the ones called the turtles have taken Kraang's power cell from Kraang.

[glass shatters]


You won't be telling anyone anything.

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