01x09 - The Gauntlet

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles". Aired: September 28, 2012 - November 12, 2017.*
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Computer-animated television series based on characters from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comic books by Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird.
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01x09 - The Gauntlet

Post by bunniefuu »

Hmm? My life has gotten really weird.

Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Here we go, it's the lean green ninja team on the scene, cool teens doing ninja things so extreme, out the sewer like laser beams get rocked with the shell shock pizza kings can't stop these radical dudes the secret of the ooze made the chosen few emerge from the shadows to make their move the good guys win and the bad guys lose.

Leonardo's the leader in blue does anything it takes to get his ninjas through Donatello is the fellow has a way with machines Raphael's got the most attitude on the team Michelangelo, he's one of a kind and you know just where to find him when it's party time.

Master Splinter taught them every single skill they need to be one lean mean green incredible team! Teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles teenage mutant ninja turtles heroes in a half shell, turtle power! Check it out, guys.

We are about to take our ninjutsu to a whole new level.


Last night, I figured out how to make ninja smoke bombs! - Whoa.

- Whoa.

Now, to make 'em, I carefully drill two holes in an eggshell without cracking it, slowly blow out the contents, wait for the inside to dry, then pour in flash powder and seal both holes with wax.

Blah, blah, science, blah.

Do it again! What I'm trying to tell you guys is, they take a long time to make, so use them sparingly.

I'm making breakfast! - Who wants omelets? - Omelets? Mikey, don't! Uh, I think that was a rotten egg.

Those aren't eggs, Mikey.

They're ninja smoke bombs.

Shut up.

This is the best day of my life! Mikey, stop! - I love you, man.


- Guys! Guys, you'll never believe what happened to me.

All right, April, calm down.

- Are you okay? - I am being hunted by a giant pigeon! I can't be the only one who finds that funny.

It's not funny, Raph.

There's a creature out there trying to hurt my April.

- Our April April.

- This is serious.

- I'd better get Splinter.

- We don't really need Michelangelo said you wanted to see me? His talons were razor sharp.

He would have torn me to pieces if he hadn't slammed into the glass.

Really? Just me? Raphael! Clearly April is upset.

Yeah, dude, that's so insensitive.

- Do you need a tissue? - I think I'm okay.

- I'll get you a tissue.

- Huh? We don't have any tissues.

- Can I make you some soup? - Stop it! Don't worry, April, we won't let anything happen to you.

Donny's right.

We're gonna set a trap for this pigeon-man and make sure he never bothers you again.

Well, I know what we can use as bait.

Bread crumbs! Pigeons eat bread crumbs.

I meant April.

You're gonna let him eat April? - I thought you liked her! - Yeah! Don't sweat it.

We've got your back.

All right, mighty mutants, let's do this.

"Mighty mutants"? What, "dancing dorks" was already taken? Wait! We do not yet know what you are facing.

Perhaps you should study your enemy before confronting him.

With all due respect, sensei, it's a pigeon.

What you know is dangerous to your enemy.

What you think you know is dangerous to you.

I fear you are all becoming overconfident.

Sensei, in the past few months, we've taken down giant spiders, plant creatures, alien robots, and an army of ninjas.

- Yeah, boy.

- Maybe we're not overconfident.

Maybe we're just that good.

It's okay, Hachiko, I'm not gonna hurt you.

- Ow! - He is not pleased with you.

Nor am I.

I entrusted you both with the task of destroying Splinter and his loathsome turtles.

I spent years molding you in my image, teaching you my darkest secrets, and you shame me with your incompetence.

You! I should have left you to rot in that prison where I found you.

The turtles have been lucky so far, but it won't last forever.

The next time we meet, I promise you Enough! I am weary of your excuses.

I will now destroy the turtles myself.

Here I am, walking around in the big city.

All alone! Oh, I sure hope no crazy pigeon-man sneaks up on me.

That would be the last thing I'd want.

- What are you doing? - You wanted me to be bait.

I'm bait.

- That's not how bait talks.

- How do you know how bait talks? I know bait doesn't talk back.

Oh, no, you didn't.

Just act natural.

Here I am, actin' natural, just totally defenseless against any, I don't know, hideous mutant pigeon-guy who might happen upon me.

Now! Okay, okay, uncle! Jeez Louise.

And you said I wasn't good bait.

Okay, start talking, pigeon-man.

- I have a name.

- Yeah, we just don't care what it is.

It's Pete.

Why were you trying to hurt April, Pete? I didn't wanna hurt her.

I was just bringing her a message.

From her father.

Let him up.

We were both guests of the Kraang.

They poured some ooze on me and turned me into this.

Oh, that must have been horrible.

Being turned into a pigeon.

Actually, I started out as a pigeon.

Told you the bread crumbs would have worked.

You've got bread crumbs? Um, my father? - Oh, right.

- Ow! Something terrible is about to happen.

And I don't know what, but it's extremely important that you get out of this city as soon as you can.

Save yourself.

Remember, I love you.

I love you too, Daddy.

Do you have any idea what he's talking about? I'm just the messenger.

We have got to get you out of the city.

I'm not going anywhere without my Dad.

But you heard him, something terrible is gonna happen.

Then we'd better hurry.

Can you tell us where the Kraang are holding him? I can, but it's gonna cost you a lot of bread.

We're talking about actual bread, right? Yeah.


- Done.

- Let's roll! That's the ugliest thing I've ever seen.

Present company excluded.

- So, we have a problem.

- No, you have a problem.

We've both failed master Shredder.

- Can you live with that shame? - If I had the opportunity, I would crush those turtles like bugs.

- What is that? - Opportunity.

- Piece of cake.

- Let's do this.

We need you to wait here, April.

Are you crazy? My Dad's in there.

Along with who knows how many Kraang.

This requires stealth and mobility.

Leave it to the pros.

- I can't just do nothing.

- You won't be doing nothing.

We need you to lower this rope when we give you the signal.

Donnie, hack into the system and see if you can find out about the Kraangs' plot.

Raph, you're with me.

Mikey, stay with Donnie.

Why do I always get stuck with Mikey? - Hey.

- I don't want him.

- And I'm in charge.

- Hey! Well, then make Raph take Mikey.

- Over my dead body.

- You know, I'm starting to think nobody wants to be with me.

Fine, I'll just go off on my own.

That's a closet.

Have fun, you two.


Um, huh.

- What's that button - Don't.




O'Neil? Are you in here? You're one of the turtles who rescued my daughter.

Is she okay? She's fine.

She's right outside.

You mean she's still in the city? That girl is stubborn.

Yeah, we've noticed.

- What's that one do? I don't know.

- What's that one do? - I don't know.

- What's that one do? - I don't know! Whoa - Ooh, that one's pretty! - Just stop it! - Haha, I'm in! - You're welcome oof! Uh-oh.

Since it's taking Leo forever to pick that lock - I'm working on it! - Maybe you can tell us what the heck's the deal with the Kraang.

They're aliens from another dimension.

When they came here they brought the mutagen with them.

Why? What's the point of turning people into monsters? The mutagen doesn't work the way they thought it would.

Apparently the physical laws of their universe are different from ours.

So they're grabbing scientists to help them modify the ooze.

Wow, you figured it out! - How's that lock coming? - So what do they want the ooze to do? I wish I knew.

Leo, Raph, they've planted a mutagen b*mb downtown.

They're gonna use it to disperse ooze over half the city! Oh, hi, Mr.


Your daughter's really nice.

Okay, we have to disarm that b*mb.

If I could just get this stupid door open.

Have you tried this? - No! - No! And that's why no one wants to be with you! Got it.

Let's move.

What are you doing? April, throw the rope! - Dad! - April! Mr.

O'Neil, what are you doing? Save my daughter.

Save the city.

Daddy, no! Go, go! - We can't leave him here.

- We don't have a choice.

No! We'll get him back, April.

- I promise.

- We gotta go.

Kraang, in how many time units known as minutes will the device containing the mutagen that will be spread over the place know as New York, be detonated? Five.

Okay, Donnie, it's up to you.

- Uh-oh.

- "Uh-oh"? Donnie, you said you knew how to do this.

I didn't count on a design this complex, Leo.

They're aliens from another dimension.

What did you expect? A big round ball with a lit fuse that said b*mb? No, but this Boy, I sure hope this argument goes on for another 4 minutes and 15 seconds.


- Watch out for those wires.

- You guys are not helping.

What if we just push this button? Don't you thing you've pushed enough buttons tonight? Donnie, you're gonna have to speed this up.

I cannot work with all this pressure! Um, that might be a problem.

You guys picked a really bad time for this.

Oh, sorry for the inconvenience.

When would you prefer to breathe your last breath? If that thing goes off, it'll wipe us all out.

I'd rather perish with honor than live in shame.

Will you hurry up and defuse the b*mb? We're dealing with a couple of nutjobs here.

Be quiet! Down to two wires.

Which do I cut? - Black or green? - Go for the green ugh! Eh, why not.

Guy, guys, Mikey was right about something! You are worthy adversaries, but the fight is ours.

- Lay down your weapons.

- Never! You don't have a choice.

You've lost.

If I'm going down I'm taking you with me.

No! So to sum up, we kicked the butts of the Kraang and Shredder's top henchmen while defusing a b*mb and saving the city.

- Yeah, we're not overconfident.

- We're just that good.

Your skills are impressive.

But they will not save you.

Oh, man.

Do you think that's the Shredder? Well, it's definitely a Shredder.

There is undoubtedly a fascinating story in how my old nemesis came to teach ninjutsu to four mutant turtles.

Perhaps I will let one of you live long enough to tell it.

You're gonna have to catch us first.


So long, suckah! Oops.

All right, that one's on me.

Raph! Leo! Tell me where Splinter is and I promise your demise will be swift.

- Help me.

- What is this? Xever? Bradford? Huh? No! You were all very lucky.

Well, I think we define that word differently, sensei.

Few have ever faced the Shredder and survived.

He was just so fast.

It was like he was everywhere at once.

You were right about us being overconfident, sensei.

There are some things we're just not ready for.


But that no longer matters.

It is clear now that the Shredder is a problem that will not go away.

So prepare yourselves, my sons.

Because as of this moment we are at w*r.
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