07x02 - Varmints

Episode transcripts for the show, "Adventure Time". Aired: April 5, 2010 - September 3, 2018.*
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Twelve- year-old Finn battles evil in the Land of Ooo.
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07x02 - Varmints

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Adventure Time ♪

♪ Come on, grab your friends ♪

♪ We'll go to very distant lands ♪

♪ With Jake the dog and Finn the human ♪

♪ The fun will never end ♪

♪ It's Adventure Time ♪

Knock, knock.

Yo, Peebs, you want to make a
midnight squeez-e-mart run?

I'm gonna drink the red

from out the customers' bloodshot eyes.


I'll probably just get a slushie.




♪ Aaaaaaah ♪

Ugh! What are you doing here!?

Be not afraid, child.

It is I... The One True Princess of Ooo!

Where's Bubblegum?!

Whoa! Relax!

Bubblegum is fine... Just fine.

And deposed... And powerless!

So crushed by defeat was she

that the tyrant exiled
herself to a sad cabin

on the shores of Lake Butterscotch...

still Candy Kingdom territory.

But in my mercy,
I've allowed her to remain.

You're the princess?! Since when?

Well, by the reckoning of my
"New Torontian Calendar"...

Ooo's official calendar...

Uh, two glorious months.

Two months?

But... but, then, why didn't she t...


Tell Bubblegum I wear her nightgown!

Tell everyone!



Marceline. What up?

Ugh. Why didn't you tell
me you got throne-jacked?!

I gotta hear it from that wax fraud!

Be cool, Marceline.

Let's all be real cool.

Give us a minute, Peppermint Butler.


Hup, hup, hup, hup...


I didn't get jacked. I quit.

But yeah, all right, I should've told you.

I was just embarrassed.

And it all happened so fast.

I'm still trying to sort things out,

see things rationally.


Well, you could have talked to me about it.

Yeah, 'cause
you're so dang rational.

Ha ha.

I'm sorry. That's mean.

I'm trying to be less mean.

That's why I'm starting fresh

with a new kingdom out here...

Just me, Pep But,

some pretty stars.

Ugh. And, of course, some varmints.

- Varmints?
- Varmints!

Raiding my pumpkin patch every dang night!

After all my sweet bio-engineering?

The nerve of these varmints.

Not tonight!

So, how long you gonna sit out here for?

Long as it takes.

Uh, all right, yeah.

Let's get these varmints.

Um... yeah.

Pbbbb, pbht-pbht-pbht-pbht,

pbht, pbht, pbht, pbht-pbht-pbht.

These must be pretty good pumpkins, huh?

They're citizens of my garden kingdom...

100% loyal garden citizens.

That reminds me...

So I was in the Grocery
Kingdom last Sunday,

'cause free samples, you know.

They had these, like,
shrimp cocktail dealies.

So good!

I was sucking the sauce off them

and hucking the shrimp at the ceiling.

I kept going back for
more and more samples.

I could not stop myself.

I don't know, man.

The shrimp must have gone bad or something,

'cause all that red came right back up.

Still invisible and yakking red
all down the produce aisle.

It was awesome.

Hey, you remember that one time...



After them!

Varmint hole!

Aw, nuh-unh!

A ding dang varmint hole.

I can't believe my sweeps didn't find it.

Well, you found it now.

So, what next?

Next? We dig.


This looks like a delivery tunnel

from the old rock-candy mines.

Huh! We Haven't been down
here in hundreds of years.

Remember when I'd get you out

of those stinky cheese
kingdom trade meetings

and we'd sneak down here
and spray-paint the walls?

Um, I am pretty sure

it was me who found you
vandalizing my property.

Yeah, but I got you to
tag something, didn't I?

I bet I could find it.

Here. Come on.

We used to follow the mine car rails,

cracking jokes, telling stories.

Whoa! The broken bridge!

Remember? You jumped across this!

You were so scared.

Mm, I think I was just
trying to prove something.

Bonnibel Bubblegum... Always so prepared.

Yeah, I have to be "always so prepared."

We can't all just "wing it."

I didn't have to always worry

about so many things, you know?

The Candy Kingdom used to
be so small, so manageable.

But then it kept growing and growing,

and there was always some new disaster

to prepare against.

Is... that why you stopped talking to me?

No, I...

Bring it, ya dern pumpkin munchers!

It's a freakin' mother varmint!


Marcy, cover me!

No problem.







Marceline! Look out!

Huh? Unh!




She's going to bring the whole tunnel down!


My snap-back!

In there!

You got any more gadgets?


Some bandages, a pen, unpaid Internet bill,

and... a strawberry lip balm.


Maybe we can find something
useful around...


Your tag!

We actually found it.

Man, your handwriting
hasn't changed at all.

Still as prissy and prim as...


Hey, hey! Whoa. Wait.

I didn't mean...

I like your handwriting.

I think it's... Really pretty.

It's... it's not that.

I lost my hat.

We can... Get you another hat.

I lost my hat, lost my
home, lost my people.

I can't even keep dern varmints
out of my pumpkin patch!

Oh, Bonnie, you're...

I tried.

I really, really tried.

I just... I thought that
if I shut everything out

and just focused on work,
it would all be okay.

But look where that landed me.

All I managed to do was push everyone away.

I pushed you away.

I'm sorry, Marceline.

I've been a real dinger to you.

Come on.

What are you even apologizing for?

Unh! Oof!

Uh... how about we not get buried

under a metric ton of rock-candy rubble?

The field generator!

Aw, geez!

Okay, uh, maybe I can
rig up a graffiti b*mb

or a rudimentary rock-candy
cannon or... or...


This time, I'm prepared.

I've been watching these
dudes pretty close.

I think I can varmint-style
dig us through the wall.

It's just a shame about your tag.

I don't want to mess it up.

Naw. It's good, I think.

Mess it up.

Dig, dig, dig, dig!

Yo! Varmints! Ya hungry?!

I'll eat you! I'll eat your mom!

I'll eat your eggs! I'll...




I'm crazy-tired, Marceline.

I think I have been for a long time.

But those varmints are
still out there, waiting.

Eh, worry about it tomorrow.

I'll keep a lookout tonight.

I will watch the heck out
of this pumpkin patch.

Come on.

Well, okay.

Maybe for a bit.

Don't let me sleep too long.

Promise to wake me up in 15 minutes.

I promise.

Uh... can I come back now?
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